Is Baclofen The Same Thing As A Soma (Page 2) (Top voted first)


my mom has been taking somas and her doctor changed her meds and she is skeptical of new medicene.

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Anyone who's had a problem with addiction would never say the degrading negative things you just said to someone you don't even know, you would help them and offer guidance.

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Hi. If you're on gabapentin / neurontin as well for the nerve pain, maybe check to see if that's causing your memory loss. It's a very awful side effect of it but if you slowly titrate into a dose that works, starting with the 100mg 3 x a day and moving up to the 300mg, the severe memory loss doesn't happen so harshly.
I have fm, s curve scoliosis with torque still turning, herniated discs L3 through 5. spondylosis, stenosis, degenerative disc and hip disease. Severe burning in my legs every night. Been fighting the system just trying to get surgery instead of all these pills I'm on.

Switched from soma to baclofen. Vicodin to Norco. neurontin and cymbalta added. Prednisone and morphine during bad flare ups.

Soma was the only relaxer that didn't knock me out. So I was hesitant to switch. But I am so glad I did!

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Don't know if you'll ever see this, but since falling down an entire flight of stairs and breaking my tailbone 16 years ago, I've tried a number of pain and muscle relaxer meds. Mainly because, oh yeah, the doc who saw me after my fall just manually pushed my tailbone back into place, never giving me an X-ray. I was still in incredible pain after a year, and finally went in for a disectomy, after having MRI s and seeing a few docs. I was on lortab, neurontin and soma then. Turns out once the doc opened me up, I actually had a ruptured L5S1 disc and was walking around bone on bone for that year. Needlesstosay, I had to have a fusion after that operation (doc wasn't prepared for that at the time, of course,) and there was, so far permanent nerve damage. Oh, and because that doc I felt read my MRI wrong, I went to a different, better one for my fusion. Anyhow, you know the reflex test docs give your foot with the little hammer? On my right foot- nada. I limp slightly, though have developed a walk where it's not as obvious. I still have my leg go out on me, but still too proud to use a cane, stupid, I know, but I'm only 55 now.

Anyhow, over the years, my L4 has become herniated more, though I've staved off another fusion by having a couple more disectomies to clear out scar tissue, etc. I've discovered neurontin gave me amnesia after awhile, so I'd advise people to be careful of that one. I tried fentanyl patches, but developed a bad rash after about 6 months from the adhesive. I just was sick of taking pills which is why my doc recommended it. Recently, my doc was out of town and I developed a bad neck spasm. I take 3 norco now and 3 soma a day and was advised to just up the dose to combat the neck spasm. I take maxalt for migraines, though have had to go to the ER on occasion for IV diauladid and toradol when the maxalt doesn't work. So, I understand bad pain. Well, with the spasm, I hadn't had that much pain since when my back was first injured. (Though still in constant pain, I've been able to cut down the dose of the lortab/norco, etc. to what it is now.) I had previously tried tramadol (huge non migraine headache from it), flexeril and skelaxin- might as well give me an MnM, and of course Percocet which worked but I was not ever able to get used to the sedative effect in order to function like I have on soma and norco. To continue, because my doc was out of town and totally U reachable according to her office- and even tho her substitute doc advised me to up my dose to treat this spasm, she was reluctant to prescribe the soma at a future date, even though, I was sure to run short doing this before my own doc returned. Figure that one out!

I think I am lucky in a way to have been on this medication for so long that my regular doc has survived the scare with me being on it. And BTW, I don't doubt the stats that some do overdose, but gosh, you could do that on cough medicine! Also, over the years I've had some months during the summer when the arthritis in my back is better where I realized I'd forgotten to take my meds so, just stopped to see how I would do.(This was before the new herniation got bad.) Honestly, there is no withdrawal, for me, from soma. I guess I don't understand the bad addiction this drug is supposed to have. As far as the lortab/norco (I take norco now only because of the Tylenol ingredient is less and it's due to some law in the state I reside) you feel just a little down and maybe have a slight stuffy nose for about 4-5 days but that's as bad as the withdrawal gets from that. I guess what I am saying is, I think these drugs get a bad rap only because there are some out there who do abuse them and die. But, if used correctly, they can be life savers. Ok, getting back to the neck spasm and the situation, this different doc tried me on Valium and baclofen when I balked about upping my soma and norco dose. It's funny how we can have different reactions to chemicals. The Valium did nothing except after about 4 hours still in pain, I'd sleep for 30 minutes, and wake, still having the spasm. The baclofen I took at night because it did help me sleep longer, but the spasm was still there. Due to a good doc at the ER he inj. a block into my neck and that made the pain manageable during the day. But before that, the sub doc, after me seeing her and calling twice about the meds not working, had her nurse tell me there was nothing more she could do. Lovely. Didn't even try to get me into a physiatrist, or a neck doc quick- nothing. (I called on my own, literally, a dozen docs to get an appt. No one could get me in for a month. My own doc would be back before then.)

So, that's why I ended up at the ER. Anyhow, long story longer, my own doc got back just when I ran out of my soma and norco 4 days early- yes I did up the dose but I knew I could see her by the time I ran out and took the meds sparingly, just to get by, but, man, it was a difficult time. The spasms lasted about 2 weeks. So, to summarize- watch that neurontin. Soma is best, at least for me, for muscle spasms and I personally don't think its the demon drug it's been made out to be. Baclofen- not impressed, nor with flexeril or skelaxin. But, unfortunately, a lot of docs are leery of soma and that's unfortunate for those that it works for most effectively. Anyhow, sorry I jumped around a bit, but hope the info helps or at least reassures someone.

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Amen. What a Beautiful Post. I have been dealing with Chronic Pain for 5 years now.. Pain Management Dr. Dropped me due to inability to get insurance... I was thrown into the "Socialized Medicine", arena.. I had already stopped one med that most people take for life, I was viewed as a drug seeker because Of the medications I had been taking.. Very very long story, but The new Dr. Put me on 4 meds, I was so ill and BPhad skyrocketed due to meds and Pain, I went in and asked if someone could possibly take my BP just to document it.. I was put into a room for a "Nurses appt. she denied to take my BP 3 times... I was so confused, upset, and in pain that I began to cry... She came back into the room with 2 appointments for a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist (again, as they had done 2 months prior, of which the conclusion was a little anxiety and a little depression but understandable due to pain), I suffered with high BP for 11 days, could barely sleep. Finally upon Seeing my Dr.. She wanted to give me 2 more meds?? That would take it from 2 before I went there to 6 prescriptions.. I don't want to take pills anymore.. It is prison. Well to the point,, the meds Prescribed were harming me and the side effects are WORSE than the meds I was taking and all of them.... You must wean yourself off of. Government needs to stay the Hell out of The Medical Field.. But they are bought off by the Pharmaceutical Companies.. Something has got to give. )sorry I needed to Vent. God Bless.

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Are you serious. You're really going to bash a stranger on their "desperately and poorly worded post" and then urge them to construct a "more intelligent" one when you yourself misspelled multiple words and included several disjointed phrases?

And then to pass judgement on what you identify as addict like behavior when you say you've "been there"... That is simply childish and ignorant. How about trying to show some compassion and support? That might actually help and comfort those people in similar situations who are just reading to help find strength to overcome their own battles.

And while we're talking about "neon signs" for pill seeking behavior, might want to consider leaving out your "medical history" at the bottom of your posts. If anything, THAT smacks of desperation. A) no one is going to care about your situation if you don't care about the situation of others. And B) it seems like all those who are addicts put these long trumped up medical histories in their posts more for themselves. You're giving yourself reasons to take the meds that you do.

Don't be so quick to pass judgement

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Thank you! I am handicapped & am not a pill popper as they say. I have suffered for so long and am now 54 & in order to use my spine at all I HAVE to take meds. Ppl are hurting & the ppl who are haters or abuse drugs make it hard on folks who really need help.

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I have been in pain for years and for a long time I was dependent on pain pills. Just because you have a "real injury" so you claim doesnt give you any right to degrade someone else because the wording of there post wasnt up to your standards. You should do some research. I know many young people "ravers" I guess your referring to them as. And yes they use Soma. Especially Soma, vicodin, and xanax all together. Anything that's an opioid works. Your not addicted to vicodin or soma, your body is addicted to the opioid or the synthetic opioid in the pill. And yes more young people die from overdose 17-24 age group by far. Middle age women who have legal prescriptions are in fact a very small percent ...So dont act like your a know it all. As far as jumping all over someone because you didnt like the wording of a post?? Really you need to find a hobby!

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You are so right on your entire post. My mother is on pain medicine and soma for over 10 years and I thank god she has a Dr that doesn't want her to suffer. Why spend the life you have left in constant pain when you don't have to.

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You need to climb down from that mountain that you have put your self on mam, stop your judging on people that just ask a question, you don't have the rite to be little her for not knowing the correct name of a medication, using the letter s and she knew the miligram, you judging her , You must be a cruel hearted person to be so mean !
Who does that??? She has the rite to her opinion, I feel very sorry for you : (

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Thank you for your post notruthere I loved your reply to sk8tr. I had a failed back surgery 6 years and 3 months ago...I'm WAY worse off now. Because of my constant pain I have tried and failed many many different combinations of medications for pain, muscle relaxers, sleep, constipation..etc..etc. Its a constant battle to get help so I can live my life like a normal human being yet be as pain free as possible. It sounds like you know what I'm going through and I'm SO sorry for your suffering but I have to admit its nice knowing I'm not alone and that I'm jot the only one trying to find the right balance. I'll take any advise you may have and will gladly share with you things I have tried that works to hopefully help you out too my friend. My doctor just started me on tramadol 3 weeks ago and so far so good it really does seem to help me and thankfully I have minimal side effects...crossing my fingers. Also my Dr just switched me from soma to baclofen I just started the baclofen today so crossibg my fingers it works I hardly get any sleep at night.. :( I don't blame you for not wanting to take the baclofen, tizanadine, and tramadol that does seem like quite a lot. I am SO thankful for the tramadol though this week marked the first time in 3 years I was able to walk a whole mile...1 whole mile straight and I owe it to tramadol. I have been getting out of bed this week ibstead of being cibstantly bedridden and so depressed. This is my first time taking it I don't like taking anything that makes me feel all drugged up...know what I mean. A lot of people...who don't need these medications like we that drugged up crap . I just want to have a normal life. Now the only problem I have is affording it. My ins wont pay for it and I'm out of work on disability. So I finally found the right medication to give me my life back...its a miracle I thought would never happen but I can't afford about making me cry in desperation. :(( anyways I would love to keep in touch with you for advise or help or just to have someone who knows what im going through. .I hope that's OK. : . Kari

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Sk8tr, The guy was just asking a question because he sounds a little challenged on the mg's and the effectiveness of a pill. An addict is always an addict so where do you get off ripping on him?? As for your knowledge and attitude in your post you must be a cocky punk skater resting on his laurels. I know you posted this a while ago and I hope you get to read this sometime. I hadn't read such a conceded, judgmental and ignorant post like this ever....what a d***. What a waste of time writing this to you. You need to be smacked down off your high horse with a big ass bat named "RESPECT"!!

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It's actually disgusting when people whom have been addicted to drugs and become clean turn around and for one think you are now better then "an addict" and talk the way you did to the person who was talking about the milligrams of the medication. I'm sure you spoke the same way when you were an addict but for you to come into this conversation to be a total a$$hole talking how he/she must be an addict is just horrible. Shame on you and you need to pay better attention in your na meetings...Learn how to treat people!!!

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Why is it you feel backlofen is stronger?
You r so wrong, get your facts straight.

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No offense- but just because you felt as though his/her wording made him/her sound like a drug seeking addict, maybe that sheds more light on your own past problems. To me it sounded like the average folks asking questions that doesn't know the difference- just someone which knowledge. When I was prescribed bacolfen I didn't know much about it. I didn't know any generic names, or if baclofen was the generic. If I had been on what I thought was the same medicine prior and at 800mg then the pharmacy gave me 10mg of what was supposed to be the same meds, I would also question it. Sure lack of information on our parts will garner these results- but that is in no way a reason to charge someone so conclusively with being a drug seeking addict. You tell him/her to be more intelligent- I ask you to be more intelligent and don't place your past indescritions on other people. Your judgement without knowing that person is totally unfair and unfounded. Thank you.

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People don't understand that quality of life is very important. If you can't enjoy life why live. So,what if your addicted if the option is that the pain is so severe that you don't want to live or enjoy anything. The word addiction is so loaded with different meanings.that people cant see through it to make any valid or informed, realistic, and above all compassionate understanding decisions. PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP AND LOOK AT REALITY

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Sk8r00 neurontin works great! I have horrible nerve pain in my feet and hands. It's nit 100% but it help. a lot. I also have a compound cream that I use when I get flare ups. Pain is mostly gone in 5-10 mins! Really! It's got ketamine and lidocaine in it. If your doc won't prescribe it, you can get a tube like aspercream that has lidocaine in it OTC. Try that! Good luck, man. Hope this helps!

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U need to quit downing people. Your a former drug user your self stop judging people.even if they are it's none of your bends. Who are you to tell anyone how to be. A former drug addict should t talk bad about other. Drug users cuz you have been their you have known that demon. You judge too much. You will always be a recovered drug addict no one will look at you the sane ever again just like all other drug users. Just cuz it was easy for you to get off so you say and I seriously doubt that it nay be harder for them. Every person who uses drugs are different. I jut cannot believe how rude and meAn you were to that person u commented on. God doesn't like ugly.

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I am in the same boat as the rest of you. I will just keep it short and say, that I have Lupus, Fibromyalgia, M.S. Cervical stenosis, severe Osteo arthritis, Migraines, and a small cancerous brain tumor. I need narcotic pain relievers to cope with my pain, as well as a skeletal muscle relaxer. My pain specialist switched me from Flexeril, which did nothing at all to help my spasms and pain, to Baclafen 10 mgs. It helps me so much. He also raised my Cymbalta from 90 mgs. to 120 mgs a day. It is for both depression and nerve pain. I can't tell yet if it is helping me. Haven't been on it long enough yet. My pain specialist prescribed 30 mgs slow release oxy for my migraines and remaining pain issues. I have been fighting over a month with my federal insurance for the narcotic pain med. They have rejected the medication request over and over. Today, my husband got involved. Both my husband and my dr. called the insurance and argued for me to receive the med. The insurance gave my dr, the third decide if I needed the med. Because of Obamacare, our medical decisions will no longer be the prescribing drs, decision. Our insurance will be deciding if we need a particular med/surgery. Obamacare is about saving the govt. money any way possible. Since our insurance will be deciding if we need a med, they will always want the dr. to give us the cheapest med possible. It doesn't matter to the govt. what works best for you. The govt. is not compassionate like your dr. The govt. doesn't care about you, as a person. It only cares about the bottom line, which is saving money. I am sorry to say people, this will only get worse as time goes on. This is socialized medical care. America only has so much money. We can't take care of the whole world without cutting costs. This is the way our govt. decided to cut them. This applies in so many more ways that medications and surgeries. It will cost many of us our lives. A lot of us in pain will put an end to our suffering, because we will be told NO a lot in the future. Guess what? Yes, the govt, will be glad. It hasn't a heart, to feel compassion. The date is March 11th, 2016.

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Wow! Sounds like you're trying to help a suffering addict, clearly you aren't in a 12 step program or you'd be trying to help someone you clearly once were. Hope you aren't a drug and alcohol counselor.

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Right on I agree with every word you wrote...Thank you for posting...

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