Oxymorphone Related To Oxycodone? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I need to know if oxycodone is in any way related to oxymorphone. Does oxycodone break down in the system and then throw out oxymorphone chemicals like my doctor told me or is my urine test flawed like I believe it to be. There is no way I could have either one of these in my system yet my doctor (who really does not want to treat pain by medication only due to lack of payment by insurance company) tells me that the oxymorphone in my system is actually a chemical breakdown from the oxycodone. Comments or actual accurate knowledge anyone?

73 Replies (4 Pages)

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Which medication works better for you if you have severe cronic Opana or Oxycodone?

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I'm going to give my 3 cents worth. So now it's of much value. I may be of some assistance. One person asking of help for court on the metabolites. Off the top of my head is the PDR as one of many. The discussions on Vicoden, Norco Lortab Lorcet and on and on is (hydrocodone with (APAP aka acetaminophen aka Tylenol or asprin) are always included to keep them a Schedule III. Hydrocodone by itself is a Schedule II drug and so they don't market it in that form. We won't go into the cough syrups. Percocet, Percodan, Oxycotin,ect ect ect are oxycodone with or without APAP or asprin (with or without time release, with many different doses. One of many metabolites of oxycodone is oxymorphone (Opana). Oxycodone does break down to oxymorphone and oxymorphone does later metabolite into morphine, but not the reverse. It is not the only metabolites and depends on how much it's broken down in your body before you pee it out (will assume for this urine testing) Just as codeine metabolites to 10% morphine and will show up as morphine and not codeine in a drug test. Testing will show up different opiate metabolites at different stages of metabolism. Is someone copy and pasting, I'd swear I've read that word for word in a manual. It's OK, get the word out, but should mention the source. So be it, then my source is years of studying books and manuals on medications, mostly psychotropic ones aka knowledge. Also, drug tests, unfortunately since their results can cause great harm to the participant from loss of job, to loss of freedom, are more and more becoming filled with errors, possibly from there predominant use (making for getting the results faster and faster) as to their very limited use years ago. I don't believe it is at an acceptable rate. Zero tolerance for error is the only acceptable rate, sense we can retest the specimen, or do a hair test, the cost going to the one in error, as a back up. Sorry about the soap box, I'll put it away for now.

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Gee...ya know what would be really great?...If these so-called physicians, "pain management" and otherwise titled medical personnel were actually mandated to be qualified to interpret the lab results that they routinely perform. My God! The loss of livelihoods that these doctors compromise for so many people is an absolute outrage and the 'government(s)' should mandate that these nimrods have the proper education. How utterly ridiculous that a physician who 'specializes' in this BS pain management doesn't apparently have the intelligence to refer to basic information to accurately determine lab results that they themselves require of their patients. I am appalled they are allowed to practice at all!--Maybe more lawsuits, hitting these bozo's where it hurts (wallets and losing their MD licenses) is the only way innocent patients who take their legitimate, prescribed medications can be saved from this 'malpractice.' Wow! Forget "intelligence," this is effing COMMON SENSE! Where did these dumb-a**** graduate from? Something is horribly wrong with the 'system' when so-called doctors apparently wouldn't get out of nursing school, let alone medical school..Standards seem to be very low. Talk about 'pill mills!'....how about 'pain management' (training?)mills. Sorry for 'rambling' and I'll 'shut up' soon, but this really angers me. And, nothing will change anywhere if there is no accountability...and there will never be accountability if there are no consequences. And, also, it's a pretty sad state of affairs when a patient has to tell a doctor how to properly read lab test results...ya think!!!!!!!

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Ive had many doctors assume Im a drug seeker cause I have a tattoo on my finger! Everyone has tattoos these days, its like jewelry. I started bringing my husband in with mr to Dr. visits & funny, the attitude stopped. But dont let me go to appt alone or attitude comes back. I have severe arthritis &degenerative disc disease in spine with 3 discs already gone. Pain meds are a necessity, not a fun thing.

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Oxymorphone is a minor metabolite of Oxycodone.

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Oxymorphone is an active metabolite of oxycodone. It is sold as pain relieving Class II opiate called Opana.
Oxymorphone is a minor metabolite of oxycodone. Chronic pain patients treated with sustained- and/or immediate-release oxycodone tested for both oxycodone and oxymorphone by urine drug testing. Hope that make things clear for you.

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Let me take that one step further. If you take Oxycodone you will have oxycodone and oxymorphone in your system. If you take Oxymorphone, you will not also have oxycodone in your system. And for the one for help and asking if the hydocodone will be of help in his situation. Answer ...NO. But, a lot of places only test for the group, rather than the actual medication, do to costs. As I was tested several things showed up. All cool, ones was opiates....as you would be cool there, another was Methamphetamine or amphetamine like substances. Ah the amphetamine like substances, they guested at the meth, but I was and still taking Dextro Amphetamine (Dexedrine) again I'm cool, even if I was taking Benzedrine an amphetamine, I would be cool, because my Dexedrine would cover amphetamine like substances. As I said mine only comes back as opiates....not the kind. Good Luck.

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hydrocodone in 27 is suppose to be hydromorpone..sorry.

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If you are taking40mg Micardis HCT, and then take a urein test to see if you have been taken your 20 mg oxcodone, can you test negative for not taking oxcodone? Or could come up low in your system?

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Oxycodone has the active metabolite of oxymorphone, but not visa versa, as Oxymorphone does not have an active metabolite of Oxycodone.

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@Deb #29 I can not at all see why Telmisartan and HTCZ would effect oxycodone in anyway, a Blood Pressure medicine with a diuretic.It is an angiotensin receptor blocker with a water diuretic. I have no idea where you would come up with that, unless you are really reaching??

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I had a son in law that was seeing by a pain mgmt specialist and he was on according to the autopsy he was taking BUPROPIN METABOLITES AND CAFFEINE. Additionally,detected in the urine are the following: NICOTINE,EPHEDRINE/PSEUDOEPHEDRINE,GABAPENTIN,PESMETHYLSERTTRALINE,DESMETHYLSERTRALINE,ALPRAZOLAM,ALPHAHYDROXYALPRAZOLAM, NOROXCODONE. On top of all this the DR prescribed for the first time 30mg of morphine. His blood contained 2.7 mg/L .The first time he took the Morphine he passed away in his sleep.

The official cause of death was Toxic/Lethal level of free morphine (2.7 mg/L)

Severe acute lobar pneumonia likely secondary to aspiration, heavy lungs.

To mee this seems like a lot of morphine to give a patient for the first time and I would like to know your opinion to this along with all the other drugs prescribed,

Thank you for any infrmation you can provide.

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Carl, ironically my pharmacists name, I'm lookin for an answer that I can't seem to find. You did a good job explaining all of that. A lit of people are quite uninformed. I knew all that you said except for the Opana, I know they are in the diladid fam called hydromorphine. question. Us coming... If one was to take oxymorphone, before a U/A, when they are prescribed oxycodone & MS Contin, & the p.m. is very used to seeing all if these on their patients &U/A's, plus the test is like 100 panel(well a lot). Is hydromorphone going to have its own box for them to check off or will it land under the oxycodone section? The tests are very thorough. I believe by what I have read that It's an iffy situation, if the liver truely turns our oxymorphone. I thought oxymorphone wad a natural pain killer our body releases when needed but I don't believe everything I read, however I do take it into consideration. :). I know that I'm replying to a very old discussion but I'm just hoping for your or anyone else's insight preferably before next Friday. Thanks

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Does percocet break down as oxymorphone when tested...i took what i thought was a tylenol but was a percocet (my exwife mixed pill bottles) and i failed a drug test with oxymorphone??? Can someone help me?

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Oxymorphone metabolite is active metabolite, 6-OH-oxymorphone in plasma.
Oxycodone is actually a prodrug. The active metabolite, oxymorphone, is produced in the liver by the enzymatic activity of cytochrome P450 2D6.
Patients who are being prescribed oxycodone can be expected to have oxymorphone in the urine. As this study shows, the amount of oxymorphone in the urine is highly variable. Even when the ratio was very high, the author had no reason to suspect that any of the patients were surreptitiously using oxymorphone addition to their oxycodone. So you can take oxycodone and it will show the metabolite of oxymorphone, and oxymorphone will show the metabolite of it's parent drug Oxymorphone. BUT you can't be prescibed Oxymorphone and take Oxycodone on the side.

Although oxymorphone is considered a minor metabolite of oxycodone, it may be found in the urine of patients prescribed only oxycodone in relatively large amounts compared with oxycodone. On the other hand, patients who are prescribed oxymorphone but not oxycodone would not be expected to have any oxycodone in their urine. Knowledge of these facts will enable oxycodone and oxymorphone prescribers to interpret more correctly the results of urine drug screens. So you see you can take secretly take oxymorphone, when precribed oxycodone, BUT not prescribed oxymorphone and take oxycodone on the side, as it will show oxycodone also and oxymophone won't. I hope you can understand this.

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Ive read all the posts and they have great information, but I have one question. I recently tested positive for oxymorphone, but I was on percocet at the time. I was told by my physician that it was Vicodin that gave me a positive test for oxymorphone. I've never taken Vicodin before and I thought that it was hydrocodone. So my questions is how can Vicodin (hydrocodone) give me a positive test for oxymorphone?

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Neither drug will show any metabolites of the other. Oxycodone will show opiate oxymorphone as a metabolite. Hydrocodone will show hydrocodone and possibly hydromorphone depending on time and testing. Codeine will show up as morphine as it is a 10% metabolite. Oxymorphone will only show Oxymorphone, as it does not metabolites to any active drug. It is a prodrug, meaning the active drug is not a metabolite, but the drug itself.

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IN RESPONSE TO THE LADY TREATED BADLY BY DR & BETTER WHEN BROUGHT HUSBAND IN OFFICE WITH HER...this happens to me ALL the time if I go to the emergency room. I'm in pain management & very occasionally I get very such, vomiting & such & end up in a detox position & become very dehydrated ect. my pain dr always send me to emergency room cause I need fluids, pain meds & nausea meds thru iv to stop it. Thus happens about every other month maybe every 3rd so of course a pattern has evolved plus before I got on disability & had no income to see dr or pay for meds I would end up in er a good bit so it made me look like a drug seeker/addict ect. Now my pain dr treats me & I don't have need for hosp unless that vomiting thing starts &I end up detoxing from inability to keep anything down to keep it from getting me sicker. anyway my point to answering...I'm in my lower 30s &I get profiled more often than not. If my husband takes me they treat me like a drug addict big time..refuse to treat me..give me Tylenol knowing I'm on high doses of opiates...even try to give me pill forms which I vomit back up bring that's reason I'm there. If he takes me its awful &I end up in extreme pain attacks which course makes pain worse, crying ect...now if my mom takes me...I'm treated like a very important patient & will ringtones give me 3 or 4 doses of pain meds before I even leave & make sure I'm perfect before discharge...I've only been treated badly once or twice with her but it changed quickly when she talked to the charge nurse. Even if my hubby brings me & they start the profiling drug seeker treatment & then mom shows up the treatment us a complete 180. Some drs worry to much when it comes to pain meds esp with all the new laws but to be treated like I get when the er dr verifies the types & high doses of pain meds I'm on when my hubby or friend takes me its unbelievable! Like Tylenol will treat pain that daily high opiates are reg meds for me then treatment get worse when I try to explain & they specifically tell me they are not going to give me narcotics...I show them my pill bottles with the meds in them & they won't allow me to try to take them while there but expect me to try to take
Tylenol which like says throw back up. Drs profile u for anything from tattoos, to how u look, weight, clothing..one even says if u look bad they won't treat u so I actually experimented that one came in with nice clothes in & makeup & they treated me like a businesswomen but yet when I come in with swears & no makeup they treat me like a druggie. Its all bout the dr, how they were raised, schooling ect..but no one souls be judged for anything no matter what the case..hell I could go in with a gun shot & they'd prob try to year me with Tylenol...labor day I broke up a fight when my dog was attacked by a wolf & had half my chin ripped off & they gave me Tylenol & once again wouldn't skew me to take my own meds...actually took the bottles from me til I left & refused to give me anything else for pain even after seeing the dudes of what I'm on...pissed them off tho cause when the discharged me & gave me nacho my meds I enjoyed like 3 of each out and swallowed them right there in front of all the dr & nurses at the nurses startin...they threatened to call the police &I said go for or but they couldn't do anything cause I war taking my own medication lol thanks for listening to my rambling my point was that I know exactly what u go thru

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Hello my name is Christa and my daughter has Charcot Marie Disorder so I know what your husband is going through.But i was researching some info that the disorder could be linked to Phenergan and I looking closely into it because my daughter has been on Phenergen most of her life except this year.I hope this information can help you in any way.

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Yes you do have a case, oxcodone meabolizes to oxymorphone there they did not have to kick you out.

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