Withdrawal From Vyvanse (Page 15)


My son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal?

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There is a lot of garbage comments here, mostly anti vyvanse. That's fine, except that many of you are also admitting to taking your entire script within two weeks.

Vyvanse, if used wisely, is great for hyperfocus/motivation. If you overdo it, that's on you.

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hey cool chick i feel the same way but i been off of the same drug for about 22 or 23 days and i starting to slowly get my energy back but i do still feel tired and my aunt even said that i was acting like i was having withdrawls from the sme medcine that u were on but its seems like now the tiredness has gone away but i am more hungrey

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i know how he feels cause i was on a differnt hyper mecdince since i was five or younger but then i changed to this medcation vyvanse and then my health insurence went out so now my parents cant afford it and i had to quit cold turkey and i been 23 days without it and it was so tirrible i was always so tirred and hungrey but now i am just a little tirrried and not focusing really that muchand i am hungrey like crazy

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Hey Denise,
It actually seems to be a part of the vyvanse/stimulant profile to be able to cause "organic psychosis" a couple people have mentioned this to me. I started taking it again the past two days because I am still trying to be able to function without it. Today I am so groggy after not taking it I feel like my head is full of cotton candy. the withdrawal is bad probably not as bad as adderall, but be careful and make sure he drinks plenty of water. I have bipolar and it makes me more prone to psychosis it seems, not extremely so strattera was worse at a higher dose on me. But vyvanse actually makes me feel like I'm hearing things, though not extremely so and I'm on the lowest dose. It also gave me paranoia at thirty mgs.

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am i at risk of some bad health issues

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I think if you take it at a low dose and at the regular set time such as morning, it shouldn't be a very big risk. I've decided to keep taking mine because I really can't focus for long periods of time without that helpful boost. I have Adhd, so it helps a lot with those things. But if it's not helping you at all, maybe try something else?

The risks come from over-dosing and pre-existing conditions such as heart-problems.


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I have OCD(a form of Asbergers) ADD, and depression. Its a combination for disaster and i was taking multiple medications that at the time were the only thngs that seemed to work. However, every few months i would have these tantrums, i would sometimes get violent as well but the meds were the closest thing i could get to normal.

I started taking Vyvanse when I was 16 and was starting highschool. My doc started me with 50mg. After a month she had upped the dosage to 70 since there was somewhat of an improvement but I was still having tantrums. Finally when I went into to doctor, I told her that ibwanted to get off my other meds and try it out. She gradually lowered my other meds dosages to where I could just stop taking them.

Finally there was a HUGE improvement in mood and the vyvanse did what the other meds should have done. I have always been into art but when my vyvanse actually started doing what it needed, my artistic skills severely improved. So much so that the last two years of highschool I kinda became palls with a certain teacher that I looked up to as a mentor and I had never been able to look up to someone like this before.

I was so into artwork and felt I needed to show my appreciation for what my teacher did for me, which was save my life, in a literal sense but I won't get into that. I would go In on the weekends and help her with her morning elementry art lesson planning. I would unload and load the kiln.

I eventually became her service learning student for half the school day and the art room was my study hall seeing that my IEP alowed it and she helped me with my online studies as well. It was quite amusing when some of the other students started asking if I was a student teacher or if me and my teacher were related.

Im 19 now and Vyvanse improved my life substantually, and this summer I did the stupidest thing and decided to get off of it for the sole reason that my mom started taking the meds and it was making her apparently skinny and unhealthy and crazy, because for people who don't have ADD or ADHD it will react the wrong way concidering its meant for the sole pu rpose to be help those with mental disorders. My mother does not have any mental disorder...well I guess now she does because she is taking it. She uses it like a performance enhancement.

That aside, I wanted to prove to her that its possible to function without it. I quit cold turkey. It was not hard at all. I had intense constipation for a week, scatterbrained for maybe three to four weeks, but I finally felt normal and normal as in not on any drugs. I wasn't crazy, however my depression was so incredibly bad that I ended up losing my friends and my boyfriend.

I was going to start taking my meds again but my doctor quit, and finally two weeks ago I made an appointment for a new doc whom prescribed me vyvanse again for 50mg. I have been taking it for three days now and besides the messed up sleep schedule, being hungry but only able to eat like a bird, and readjusting to the medication again, I finally feel myself again and am leaving the house, reconnecting with friends all in three days I have done so much.

In conclusion, vyvanse is a necessary medication for those who need it, and is easy to get off of if your not on the mind set that you need it. Mostly the dependancy with this drug is in your head and this comes from experience. However ot can cause extreme paranoia and delusions for those who can't handle it or don't perticularily need it.

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Myself has been on vyvanse for almost 5 years. I'm convinced i need to seek my doctor for further evaluation to help wing myself off this drug. i have the same withdrawal symptoms as yourself. It takes all i have to crawl out of bed. i don't understand, i was diagnosed with adhd but after trying to stop my medication i am lifeless. i hope vyvanse has not impact my personality permanently. everyone says they love the old blake. to those with small children please take my advice as bad as your child my be not paying attention or being a chatty kathy i recommend letting kids be kids it will take extra one on one parenting but my whole life i had to work extra hard in school but i am very gifted with a wonderful personality and. vyvanse alters your brain which doesn't allow you to be yourself.. its almost like your brain doesn't allow you to think "outside the box". vyvance is extremely dependent! it does help you to stay focused but the cons out weigh the pros!

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Blake, you are going to be ok buddy! You have not permanently damaged yourself and healing is on the way! It has been somewhere around 2 years since I was on vyvanse and because of Jesus and his great power I have been completely healed of all negative effects from vyvanse. The main thing is that you will be too if you will turn to him. Please read back a few pages to read my older posts to see how bad it got for me, and now it just gets better every day. Jesus is the only way to get true healing and peace back into your life. For many vyvanse is the enemy. Jesus tells us the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy, and that is exactly what vyvanse will do. Thanks to Jesus we can turn to him in our times of trouble and brokenness and he will fix us right up. This is no joke my friend. I have witnessed many people completely broken and hopeless due to medications and drugs and Jesus has healed them all. He wants you to turn to him during this situation and put your faith in him, he will do the rest. I urge you to read some scripture and pray to him. Tell him exactly what you are going through. He already knows Blake, he is just waiting for you to turn to him! Not only will he bless you with the strength to get up and face each day, he will renew your mind and that is where the real battle is. It is already won because of what Jesus did on the cross. You will not only be back to your old self my friend, you will be even better! Do not give up or give back in to this medication. Start living your life through him and receive life more abundantly than you have ever experienced. No medication can do for you what Jesus can brother, that is all there is too that. If you need my help message back on here and I will reply! You are in my prayers!
Romans 12:2
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

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I am very tempted to give an in depth story but i will deny that urge and try to keep this brief. I have experienced most of these symptoms or at least felt my potential to have them while taking vyvanse (irritation, anger, fatigue, shortness of breath, etc.). Whats important is you have to eat...no questions no arguments. Along with that you must hydrate your body. Vyvanse eliminated my hunger and i didnt even think about food. Ill put it like this vyvanse gives the body extreme amounts of energy and focus which believe it or not takes a toll on the body. Your burning all kinds of resources your body has stored up. That level of energy and focus doesnt come without cost. Food and water are a requirement for this type of med and dont forget to sleep. Basically pill or no pill if your body doesnt have the fuel its not gonna operate right and if u force it you will soon realize how much of a mistake it is to do so. Doing this eliminates my bad symptoms. But the higher the dosage=more focus=requires more food and water & foods high in protein are best. I find it best to eat small things about every 2 hours. Hope this helps someone.

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My son just turned 6 and was on Vyvance for 2 months now, it worked wonders however he started picking at his nails and his skin terribly. His doctor has now stopped his med.s until we see her Monday, watch closely for this side effect, he will pick until he bleeds :(

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I have to say, I feel the same exact way about Vyvanse! I started on 20 mg of Adderrall and switched to Vyvanse, first 50 mg. Now I'm on 60 mg. I started getting anxiety (which I have never had before), and my personality seems to be changing...I'm not fun anymore, I'm getting depressed, and I am getting heart palpitations when I eat! I want to get iff it ASAP but I don't want the withdrawal symptoms, and the funny part is, my psychiatrist said I should stop taking Vyvanse tomorrow and Sunday to "see if it's actually the Vyvnase that's causing my anxiety" are you serious? Of course it is!! I hate it and I can't wait to be off this drug. It just sucks that I can't taper off gradually because I can't see the doctor until Monday :(

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Everything will be fine buddy! You can get through the withdrawls! You will get back to your old self as soon as you stop! Remember to give thanks to Jesus for healing you!

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I just have to post, because since I started and stopped taking vyvanse, my life has completely changed. I am a 23 year old female who has always been ADD - just so forgetful, scatterbrained, and a PROcrastinator. The pressures and challenges of college brought a new level to my already anxious-ridden and insecure nature. I compensated with bulimia.

I have since learned, among a myriad of other things, that it is not uncommon for adolescent/young adult females who suffer from ADD to use such extreme self-medicating behavior as a control mechanism. Luckily I survived college - when this reached its worst I was almost out - but I knew I had to put an end to the bulimia. It was difficult, and I began seeing a therapist who, upon hearing my history of challenges, diagnosed ADD. I was prescribed 50mgs Vyvanse. And I wasn't stupid, I knew about the weight loss side effects. Quite an attraction and security blanket for me at the time. With a new job starting, it seemed like exactly what I needed in order to focus and succeed worry-free. How wrong I was.

As many have written, the tolerance increased quite quickly. Work was fun and... Addictive. To the point where I felt immensely and unnaturally angsty when I had to leave for the day, normally after I'd already obsessively worked much longer than necessary. My personality was no longer simply a playful mix of passionate and lighthearted. It was explosive. Fits of crying and late nights contemplating all the failures of my life were typical. During these common late night episodes I endured panic attacks after convincing myself I was developing various types of cancer.
I was a psychotic mess, and I should not have subjected myself to this drug for so long. I tried to be "good" with each new prescription. I would only take one a day. Then it would be one and a half, then two... Then three over the course of a day. And then, several times, it became four. This is the first I've talked about this, by the way. It ashames me to think I would do this to my body and mind, but that's how powerfully I enjoyed the fleeting positive effects. However, it all ended on my most recent birthday. It was four in the morning and my heart was pounding way too hard and I couldn't stop envisioning hurting myself before dying from a heart attack. Though I had just gotten the prescription the week before and after taking a break for a couple weeks, the only thing I could do to make myself feel in the least way hopeful was open each remaining capsule to dump the contents into my wet sink. Through tears I did this pill by pill. After 7 months, I finally succumbed to the reality that wanting to be overly efficient, productive, and organized was not what was going to make me live happily, let alone live, period. The human brain is not supposed to concentrate for the frequency and duration that mine did on vyvanse, and I was determined to let it free to be itself.

After a month of nothing, My doctor prescribed strattera. This is a non-amphetamine with zero addictive potential, and was in fact originally marketed as an anti-depressant with anti-anxiety benefits. Though obviously marketed for ADD now, it certainly exhibits its formerly-advertised qualities. I've been taking this medicine for about two months now, and I am a completely new person. Most importantly, I am me, but enhanced. That is, I am finally realizing, what these sort of medications are supposed to do - they are intended to improve our lives by fully opening the doors in our minds. For me, vyvanse could not do this because the anxious and compulsive wiring of my brain proved combustible with the amphetamine. However, I can say that while on vyvanse, I learned to eat correctly again and was not afraid to do so. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Since stopping the vyvanse, this has not changed. I eat: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I eat proper portions and drink much more water than I used to. I have gained ten pounds and am happy to report it. I finally feel full and ALIVE! I am focused at work but work 8 hours and can say goodnight when it's time. I can stay on task but do not have any issues having lighthearted conversations and leaving activities be for awhile. I sleep regularly, even after a stressful or emotional day. This is the kind of lifestyle I know as normal, and it took a long journey to be so damn appreciative of what is basic.

I strongly urge anyone who is struggling with the side effects of these medications to read these forums and understand that something CAN be done and SHOULD be changed. If you must take more than is prescribed, then more than that, something is amiss and something more fitting for you exists. Remember, you should strive to keep the positive aspects of your life ALONGSIDE enhancing the ones that are bringing you down. Much love and peace to you in your journies!

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Sounds just like what my sons doctor said....Such a shame and YES sadly it does effect your mood my 6 year old acted as if he was in a depression mode! We brought cake and ice cream to his school to sing Happy Birthday and he didn't even smile, which is nowhere like him! Thanking God he is no longer on this medicine and that I didn't give up the fight! He has now been prescribed a anti-stimulant fighting the insurance now because of course they don't want to pay it!

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You don't need this junk period. My partner has a 12 year old who is already an addict and it's sad. You shouldn't compromise your overall well-being like this because someone says you aren't "normal". All the pharmaceutical companies are doing is making money off you and your doctor gets perks for helping them. Also, if you are a college student they provide services to students with specials needs such as note takers and extra testing time in a quiet room. I have ADD too, but I'm not falling for this stuff. What I learned is that I needed self-discipline to take control of my life, not a drug to control me.

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Vyvanese is a horrible drug- the dr I was seeing put me on 170 mlgs a day- I finally figured out this drug was the reason I was agitated, depressed, angry etc ( once the affects wore off) - he never told me it was a stimulant- trust r gut- dr's are not GODS!

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I am 37 years old and just stopped taking 20mg Vyvanse after taking it for approx 21 days.. For the past 2 days I have experienced Chills, Nausea, back and body aches, irritability, tremors, and insomnia. The Vyvanse worked great sometimes, but other times not well at all. After the insomnia catches up to you, nothing can make you focused. i just became dependant on taking that pill to function. at times life was euphoric, but most times, thungs were speedy and foggy. I am not cut out to be on meds. I am going to just accept myself as ADD and do the best I can. Meditation, diet, yoga and other forms of exercise are the true ways to helping with not only ADD, but all types of ailments.

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Kristen- what withdrawal effects did u experience when going off vyvanese? so happy to hear u found the perfect medication for u and u are much healthier!

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Yes withdrawal is normal. I have been taking different medications for adhd and add since 6 years old. I take 70 mg of vyvanse a day. After two days off the medication is usually when withdrawal starts. Some things that I have found that help combat this is hydrating, food , and sleep. However withdrawal can vary drug to drug. I hope this helps.

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