Withdrawal From Vyvanse (Page 16)


My son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal?

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Why are you asking people you don't know?...Why not ask the Doctor who prescribed it? If you don't trust that person, see another Doctor

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Well, this is the 1st time in about the year I've been taking this stuff that I've gone a SECOND day (lol)
without it! Very few off days. The past 3 months I've been a complete machine, restoring a 1920's storefront back to beautiful original vintage which is about to become my business. I really don't know if I could have done this without Vyvanse. I'm 40, so I guess you could say I have a pretty clear direction of knowing what I'm doing, I suppose without this stuff I could've finished the resto in maybe 1.5 months instead, but no way it would've looked so insanely detailed and perfect! I even did the hardwood floors by myself and learned everything else through YT etc.

That said, I agree and understand all of the things mentioned here, the clumsiness, panics, etc etc.
But one thing that really stands out reading everybody's experiences here is this: WAY HIGH MEGA DOSAGE!!
I'm seeing this 2x a day stuff, 70 a day, 40 2x a day Jeezuz!!! The reason I got the 70's was because it was the most economical way to do it. I opened the capsule, chopped it up with a blade on a plate, and portioned it out for the day depending on my activity level. Usually in 4th's, so maybe 18mg a day? Sometimes in 3rd's. I found the 1/3 of a 70 was just a tad bit too much, and I'd either crash hard or it changed my personality a bit and never quite felt comfortable. 1/4 of a 70 seems to be right on the money. For all those experiencing all these nasty side effects, and say it's not working, then take MORE on top of it to abate those effects and 'normallize' again, man I can't see functioning at all on it with that much! I'd for certain be a train wreck. Less really is more with this stuff, and when I did 1/3, or sometimes more when experimenting, I found myself crashing hard later in the day. No wonder you need to take a second dose in the midday.
In my brief but intense dip into the blow days about 10 years ago, what a wretched feeling to have gone so high, only to crash so low to feel the need to get back up again. NOT fun! I remember being reminded of those awful feelings when going over 1/3.

When I'm on less, I actually find myself hitting my hard stride later in the day, and I have all the energy to continue productivity until I decide to crash, which is never a problem. I can even take cat naps during the day and spring back to life.

So anyone nixes this as the devil's tool, (and I'm not an advocate for a jacked up America) try the lower dosage, save some money and headache and find the right dose. I've never felt the need to 'increase' because it wasn't working.

As for withdrawals, YEAH this sucks haha... I'm not suicidal, depressed or violent.
But I am incredibly irritable, fatigued and I could only describe this as like the Flu. Pretty bad body aches, muscle tightness, sore all over.
Maybe I'm just in shock from all the insane work I've done to get this opening ready, maybe I really do have the Flu! LOL

I think it's helped me to develop a new lifestyle and discipline and I think even if I went off it entirely, I would still thrive from the new work ethic I've discovered within me, I hope! I just want to stop and smell the roses again....

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that's why you should probably have a little personal responsibility and actually research what drug you are putting into your body everyday

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I highly reccomend getting him of meds over time his body will not be able to function with out them , " hints the word, customer for life"... I am now 23 yrs old and was put on every adhd/ add drug out there since i was 8 yrs old please spread the word because even though i am off of it as of 4 weeks, deppression and lack of energy comes along with trying to get off of these and i mostly always resort to just getting perscribed again so that i can acomplish life... If i would have gotten off of these meds from the start i woudnt have all these negative sideeffects ( it also creates you to make compulsive decicions later down the road especially in highschool) please just approach his differences in a dif way hes going to need more one on one attention and visual fun learning techniques, but i promise you wont regret it! - Natalie

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I was on adderall for 6 yrs then Vyvanse for the last 3+ yrs, I stopped taking my Vyvanse 2 months ago and while i've slowly gotten better i still feel lazy and unmotivated; when will this feeling go away?

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If you are going through the withdrawls take at least 1000mgs of L-tyrosine. This will help you so much, I was in withdrawl after discontinuing this med and adderall and felt like someone opened the gates of hell and threw me in. My skin was crawling, my body ached, crushing fatigue where just trying to breathe is exhausting. Then I realized this stuff depletes your dopamine stores and when you go off of it, your brain is not making enough L-dopa because of the drugs so you either have to wait a few months for your brain to adjust again or if you need to function and work, go to college, etc. take the supplement and feel better. No one should have to suffer.

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I was interested in the negative effects of vyvance, so I searched up this thread, and I was taken aback by everyone's negative experiences. Not that I was completely surprised, I assume any heavy drug would have many different effects. My experience over the last 4 months has been mostly positive. I think the key with this drug is to find the exact dosage that works for you - beyond the mg dosage, I've found it to be perfect if I mix the 70mg pill into water every morning. For me, taking about 50% at 8-9 am is good, and then I will drink about 30% at 11-12, and finish the last 20% before 2pm. That tends to keep me focused and clear until I go to bed around 11-12pm. I started at 50mg and I would have a slow clarifying surge of energy after I took it, then it would drop off about 6 hours later, and I would feel tired and unmotivated. Now that I carefully mete out the amount that I need through the day, it is much more helpful. I've taken days off, but I have yet to experience withdrawal from the drug. I don't doubt that I will have to face that at some point. Drugs are a powerful force that you have to use your discretion with - it's never going to be a true cure for psychological problems, but simply a powerful bandaid.

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Even years later, boy do I feel for you! I can't even comprehend how you were able to cope. Hope all is well now!

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2 months ago I thought I would ever be able to get off caffeine and 70mg of vyvanse. Today I am clean and don't feel too bad. Just wanted to give people some perspective as to how long it takes to feel better and how I did it. First some background, I was taking 500-700mg of caffeine and 70mg of vyvanse every single day for a year. I felt like a complete zombie and my hands would shake. For a month and I half I weaning myself off vyvanse. During the work week I would keep my dosage constant and every weekend I would drop the mg by around 10mg. So the first weekend I dropped down to 60mg and maintained that 60mg throughout the first full work week. Then the second weekend I dropped down to 50mg. 3rd weekend I dropped down to 40mg and so on. Getting off 500+ mg of caffeine during the same time sucked really bad. So I first got off caffeine before I started weaning off vyvanse. It took me 4 weeks to wean off the caffeine and then 5 weeks to taper off vyvanse. It definitely wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I survived my long hours at work and the key to success for me was weaning myself off. I tried cold turkey 6 months and lasted 6 days and then relapsed on both drugs. Screw cold turkey, stick with weaning off. The key for me was listening to motivational speakers on my iphone and forcing myself to stay motivated. I'm taking the time to recap the last two months because I feel like i owe it to the vyvanse community considering this same forum helped me get through the roughest of times. Im not completely out of the woods yet but I think its safe to say I made it. If there is ONE thing I took away form my experience with this drug its that IT SLOWING TURNED ME INTO SOMEONE THAT IM ASHAMED TO BE. It made me anxious all the time, completely anti-social, never wanted to go out with friends. TAKE AWAY POINT; WEAN YOURSELF OFF THIS CRAP AND YOU'LL BE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF IN 2 MONTHS TIME MY FRIENDS!

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Praise God! So happy to hear about your success story bro! Stay strong and stay away from that crap! I've been off for a few years now and things are great! You made the right choice by leaving vyvanse behind you!

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I too was prescribed Vyvanse just recently after having been on and off of Adderall XR for 5 years. The only reason my doctor switched me is because I told him my regular dose of 20mg wasn't seeming to help as much so, instead of sticking with the drug that has been proven to work with little side effects, he switches me to 50mg Vyvanse. Horrible, horrible side effects for me!!! I was originally prescribed Adderall to help me wake up in the mornings because that was something I have always struggled with. On Vyvanse, I am so extremely groggy in the mornings and cannot wake up. I have always been a very talkative person and Adderall never changed that for me, but oh boy now on Vyvanse I just want to be left alone and my anxiety is 10x worse. I have always bit my cuticles when I get anxious, but on Vyvanse I'm making almost every one of my fingers bleed I'm biting them so much, and I don't even realize it until afterward. Also, when Vyvanse is starting to wear off, I get really mean and angry toward my kids and husband. Needless to say if my dr doesn't switch me back I'm going to someone who will listen to me instead of telling me what will and won't work when I know myself better than him!!!

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I never gave vyvanse much thought I took it everyday for the first year or so and it really helped but even then I had major problems with this medication. I can take 30mg and be almost normal but 40-50mg and beyond has caused extreme effects to me I've done meth over a dozen times molly oxy benzos and I've not done these drugs in years but they never affected me like vyvanse the only thing that ever did was super high doses of benzos, it was the opposite effect of vyvanse almost mirrored integrated into every aspect. I've been on vyvanse for about 3 years started at 30mg then backed down to 20mg now I'm at 40mg and please listen to me about this medication I have studied extensively drugs and drug interactions(synergisms) in college and I can say with certainty that this company shire I think it was is not being honest about this medications side effects they are extreme. I've spent the last 4 hours reading posts from people on this drug my last dose of it was Saturday which was my first dose of it in weeks and I can still feel the anxiety and social withdraw and it's Tuesday morning look this drug is dangerous it lasts about 12 hours on a single dose now that's efficient for a drug such as oxycodone or an anxiety med and almost every type of medication this is a good thing but not for a dex-amp this particular chemical structure is too efficient for human consumption I feel the exact same way about methamphetamine look if I was doing meth I'd rather have 40mg of vyvanse than 10.00 worth of crystal meth and I don't even like meth but it's that potent the reason for the extreme side effects of meth and vyvanse is the longevity of the duration of a single dose these drugs are not safe over a period of a couple hours take adderall and dose a couple times a day or whatever just stay away from this drug.

I sit in my bedroom now when given a choice to either interact with people or be alone. I haven't not felt depressed in a year or two. If I'm on this stuff for even a week it takes me another week just to feel like getting out of bed. I'm 6'1" I started vyvanse at 155lb when I hit 136lb I stopped I'm now back to 160lb after months off of it except for every once in a while. I can't get erections on the stuff really not without dads Viagra and I'm 24 with a lot of testosterone. I turned on my entire family in July when I was 136lbs and quit taking it, I thought they all hated me so I just quit talking to them. I've lost two relationships over vyvanse every time I took it an was around my girlfriend later that night I thought she was cheating on me and accused her of it often. I would sub-consciously look for someone trying to hurt my feelings and given the nature of the looker being the finder it seems I found a reason for my feelings to be hurt by someone daily. This stuff is great for energy and focus and so is methamphetamine, if you ever want to see just how alike they are have someone you hate try it and ask em about it I'm still getting over it.

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I am convinced after being on Vyvanse that it messes with your Histamine levels. If your husband is bi-polar I would strongly encourage you to look up information on Pyroluria or Histadelia. DMAE has been a great alternative. Look for articles by Dr. Wison, Walsh or Pfieffer. You may have a new hubby at the end. Vyvanse is known to cause Schizophrenia long term and I'm convinced that it messes with Zinc levels as well.

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Your story is very inspiring. I have been on various doses of vyvanse for 5 years (60mg-20mg), and all I want is to be off of it. I have come down to the losest amount-20 mg a day. I have spoke to various pharmacists, whom have nothing to gain by their proffessional advise. Every one has told me to slowly ween myself off to reduce the side effects. I went from 60mg to 40 mg to now 20 mg. The transition is easier than cold turkey. But now that I am on the 20 mg, I am having a hard time stopping. I have been given the advice to take it every other day. This helps your brain get used to displacing the chemicals vyvanse produces. I just started, and the every other day I'm off it I cannot do anything. So I can only imagine how you are feeling at 3 days without. My suggesstion is to reduce the amount to the lowest dose (20 mg) and then every other day as I am. If you keep up cold turkey, I would love to hear back on how your feeling. I am anxious to know how long I will start to feel better if I went the same route. I hate this drug, and I wish I never would have started it.

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Reduce vyvanse. I am 27 and have been on vyavase for 5 years, and at one point I was taking 30mg 2x a day. I felt the exact same way. It gets you awake and alert originally, but then drains you leaving you exhausted and depressed by the end of the day. If you continue on the drug, your dependence will grow, and the falls will be that much worse. I decreased my vyvanse down to 20 mg once/day and I am trying to get completely off. I still feel that depressed fall in the afternoons, but I try to suplement activities, coffee, exercise for that second dose I once took. I do not think there is anything wrong with being on Vyvanse, but I've heard from numerous professionals that I should have never been taking it more than once a day. (Just a caution). I wanted to reach out to you because I wish I would have had someone tell me the horrible lows that come with this drug, and how 5 years later I would be fighting with myself to try to get off. My suggestion is to first only take it once a day, and then try to get to a lower dose that will give you the benefits, without such a bad crash.

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I took Aderol from about third grade through 7th and i've been on Vyvanse from then until now (12th grade). I've taken 50mg for a few years now and about 2 weeks ago, I started spilling (about 10 mg out) because I felt shaky when the meds peaked and have been getting migraines more frequently. For the first week of spilling I felt amazing- my friends joked that I acted like I was high. My productivity didn't go down a ton, but it wasn't the same. For the past few days though, I have been fidgety. Right now I'm a little dizzy. I have definitely been more emotional. I'm more attracted to girls and I feel like I just have more testosterone. I remember when I used to forget my meds when I was doing 50 mg, and Id feel way out of it. I'd usually get (sorry for the bluntness) several hour-long erections. It's definitely a big shift in mood and way of thinking with and without the meds.

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I would like to know if anyone else on vyvance has there feeling and emotions stripped away? I am on 50 mg and have been for over a yr, I'm 43 yrs young and I have no emotions or feelings and was juSt wondering if any one else experiences this. Thank you for your replys

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Hey bid! Yes it's that way for a lot of people. Vyvanse will slowly but surely take everything from you if your not careful. It can be very hard to see all the bad it's doing to you also, so please be carefull. I would suggest getting off of it as soon as possible before it takes more of your life away. Turn to Jesus and he will heal you and give you your happiness back. This vyvanse is from the devil and I urge anyone who can to quit while they are still ahead! God is the answer to get your life back scott, vyvanse will only take more of it away.

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Yes I struggled with the same thing. Even intimately I couldn't really feel anything. After doing a lot of orthomolecular research I've found that different histamine types, hi, low or bipolar or schizophrenic all respond differently. It seems to distort in all the metabolism of histamine. look up histapenia and histadelia and see if any of those symptoms apply. That will help you with a course of action. Tyrosine helps alot of people 1000mg typically, with withdrawl symptoms. I run histapenic so that doesn't work for me. Both types tend to do well on DMAE. If you get that loving feeling at the onset of your dose, Beta-Alanine may be a good option. Also read up on Adrenal Fatigue. If you are heavier and run histapenic, do a niacin test. This will help re reraise your histamine levels naturally. You will not want to do this if you are tall, thin and histadelic. Hope that gets you started. Blessings.

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My 16 year old son was on Vyvanse (50 mg) during the spring semester of 2013. His grades improved significantly, he was more focused and we were all happy ... until he started to go to bed very late and keep us all up. His blood pressure increased but we couldn't get him off of Vyvanse for fear of withdrawal symptoms. He needed to finish the school year first. After the initial withdrawal symptoms subsided (sleepiness, irritability), we noticed that his inability to go to sleep remained. It is very difficult for him to go to sleep when he's supposed and difficult for him yo wake up. He is now severely anxious, irritated, angry and sometimes belligerent. He used to be a loving, caring, happy go lucky kind of guy. He has changed since he started taking Vyvanse. Most of the published research on Vyvanse cite short-term withdrawal symptoms. I wish there was long term research on Vyvanse. We will then know the real story. Anybody had similar experiences?

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