Withdrawal From Klonopin 1mg Daily (Page 2)
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I have been on kolonopin 1 mg daily for 14 months now I am depressed and very anxious most of the time I want to get off this drug but from what i have read It should be cut down slowly and over a long peroid of time. has anyone gone through a simlar situation that may have some advise

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Klonopin is generally used for anxiety. I understand that your taking Seroquel. Seroquel causes extreme anxiety in some people. That may be the reason you need Klonopin. Klonopin relieves the panic and anxiety that Seroquel causes. It's a dangerous cocktail. You should sit down with a friend or a Doctor and understand what is causing your nervousness. This can help quite a bit.If you can stop what is making you nervous you can eliminate alot of medication. When you eliminate the stressor a switch goes on and the body calms down. You'll find that you don't need as much medication. Most of the time it takes two people to see the stressor.

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Tapering from Klonopin is essential. Any practitioner who forces you off cold turkey is taking big risks with your health. Malpractice, even. I have faced off with sudden withdrawal from other meds, but Klonopin was by far the worst. Migraine so strong it felt as though my head was being torn off, vomiting even when there was nothing left to vomit, pouring sweat but felt bitterly cold, inability to think or make decisions, crying....all this because of a paperwork screwup at the practitioner's office. I learned quickly to always stay one step ahead of this prescription. To a cynical reader, this may well sound like the laments of an addict. This is where the term "functional dependence" enters. When a patient withhigh BP is forced to go without his meds and suffers debilitating side effects, is he "addicted" to Clonodine? Do we treat him as a leper? Of course not. Please think carefully - there is a lot of grey in what seems a black and white issue.

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I was taking klonopin 0.5mg for about a year. Slowly weaned off to 0.25 for two weeks, then 0.125 another two weeks then stopped. No withdrawal symptoms.

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I'm completely off clonepam and it's been hell. 3 weeks tomorrow, I did a taper from .5 mg to 1/4 to nothing and after this time, my brain and body, are begging to return to it. I refuse, but I'm scared as hell not knowing how long it will take to get this crap out of my brain. Today I drove for 50 mins and never got to my destination. I am single and my relative says "now you know it should be out of your system in two weeks". thanks for the support. Dr gave me lunesta 3 mg to sleep, it doesn't work but worse is the feeling of helplessness and the dizziness, the memory issues, the mis steps I make because of withdrawl, afraid to drive, fear of permanent health issues, just genuinely freeked out, How much longer am I going to be unable to work full time?

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This post is a answer to a comment on page 4..... The name is "BeenThere Done That"...I don't want anyone getting the idea it's toward them....this person accused everyone on this site of being at fault for getting additicted to a RX that a Dr. prescribed..... God Bless everyone and Good luck at tapering off Benzo's

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I ask my Dr. about the info I read on the RX and he told me that the dose I was taking was not enough to be additive so don't worry about it!! So let's get one thing straight..... I DID READ THE DAMN INFORMATION and brought it up to MY DR...he LIED TO MY FACE !!!!! So you need to come off your jackass and get real.... I bet you're stung out on this poison and putting this BS out makes you feel better.... I don't believe one word you said about working in the medical field.... If you did you would know it's over prescribe and addicting...stop lying. My stepdaughter is a RN and she said Dr's know its bad news, and still keep people on it!! Listen everyone, the Dr's have let most people down and this person is only trying to convince themselves why they need to stay on drugs!! Don't believe a word!!

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If I do not take it; my legs will kick in bed, DO NOT take it and Tylenol arthitis or Alka Seltzer Nite Time. Dr. did not say at 1st there would be withdrawal. Now he says there will.
I am in the process of moving and the weather is awful. That does not help. I need a clear mind when making decisions. I pray more for wisdom with this. Pray and be still. Read the info sheet that comes with klonopin. Its for anxiety too. Like the song says, "Aint no pill gonna cure my ills!"

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I have taken 1mg nightly for years. I need to stay on it for now. This cold snowy weather does not help.

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I was emailed and asked to share more details to help others. I was put on Xanax XR .5mg, after a hurricane and panic attacks it was raised to Xanax XR2mg twice a day. It was not covered by medicare d then and I found myself unable to pay for it, it was about $180/mo. So, when I ran out, I just couldn't get it. My mom had been helping me pay, but she died. Well, after some days, not too many, I started not being able to swallow, just could not get anything down. Then, I started hallucinating. I could not see anything for what it really was. My husband kept asking me if I wanted to go to the hospital and I said no. Finally, I told him yes. I had a little training on psych meds in nursing school, but never worked in that field. When I got to the hospital the hallucinations were so bad I was watching the nurses jump on a trampoline outside my door. Of course that was not happening. The doctor came in and as best I could I explained what had happened, I also told him if a med could do this to me, I did not want to be on it. He was very concerned and told me that med could not just be stopped! Doctors don't seem to get it when a person tells them they cannot afford to buy a med. He ordered me 1mg, per my request for a lower dose for about 10 days and told me to see my doctor ASAP. She wanted to wean me off over a years time, decreasing the dose by 1/2 every 4 mo. I decreased it every 2 mo by 1/2, with her help, and her order to call her if I had any problems. I was able to successfully wean off in 6 mo with no problems. A few years later, I started having panic attacks again. Really bad ones, the ER told me a man came in 3 days in a row with my symptoms, the 4th day he came in with a heart attack. That is when I called my doctor and got back on a lower dose of antianxiety. I would say if you need the antianxiety med, take it! I refused when first started because sometimes it would just knock me out. Second, really discuss the dose, side effects, what the med is supposed to do for you, and when to call the doctor for problems with your doctor. Be informed, and ask/report anything that concerns you. Most of us are not trained in meds, doctors and pharmacists are, and of course nurses. So ask if you have a question, and don't just stop taking a med, you may be sorry.

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Accept Jesus as Savior. Read Bible. Pray daily. Take as low of a dose as possible. Our only hope.

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Wow,3 or 4 weeks, that's super. Would you mind telling me how? Psychiatrist retired and I can find no professional to give me a plan to taper off 1mg 3times a day. I would be forever grateful. Thank you.

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I am taking 1mg 3 times a day. Would you please tell me how to taper off using your method except I am taking twice as much as you did? Thank you. Pat

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I am on 1mg klonopin, line & 833 on 1 side. TEVA on the other. It is made in Israel.
I would like to try something else. See the dr. next week or next yr. What should I do?

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I was on xanax xr 2mg bid for about 7 years. My mom who I was caring for at the time paid for it for me. Insurance then did not cover it, and it was too expensive for me. When my mother died, I did not have money to pay for it, so when I ran out, that was it. OMG if at all possible do not go off this cold turkey. You must be weaned off benzodiazepines. Jeeze, I could not swallow, then I started hallucinating. Everything I looked at, everything had kryptic writing all over it. Could not even see my husband's face! He finally convinced me to go to ER. I told the doctor there everything and why. He told me that these drugs cannot just be stopped. I told him that if it has this much control over me, I want off it. He ordered about 20 xanax xr and told me to get to my dr as soon as I could. She wanted to take a year to ween me off!! I did it in six months with her help. Then a few years later, panic attacks set in worse than ever, so I am back on a lower dose of klonopin. In the ER, I was actually watching nurses in the hall jumping on a trampoline, that's how bad it was. Don't do it. You can go into seizures, they may not stop, you can die.

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Linda ...Im so sorry you could not reach a doctor... IN the MEANTIME... this helped me in times of need:
I went to a HEALTHFOOD store or the like and Bought Passionflower, chamomile, Chamomile, Red clover and dried lemon balm for TEAs..(1 teaspoon each dried herbs into boiling hot water ) I bought Devils claw, Capsaicin and licorice root for pain...I bought Feverfew for headaches /migraines I Made A STRONG TEA mixed with honey... and drank it every two-three hours...
**note if Passionflower liquid extract, then 45 drops or 90mgs daily, works during the day with less sedative effects
*LAVENDER oil 80mg daily...is effective against anti anxiety with no sedative effects so good for during the day...
Valerian Root, for nighttime along with 50 mgs benadryl and 10 mgs melatonin...that helped me sleep and eased some of the aches...
HOt n\baths and low lights in the evening with calm you too
I only had to do this once, years ago during a lapse with my doctor... I am not a doctor Linda. I can only share what worked for me...
I am finally free of this Nasty drug. I wish you freedom soon too
My best to you be safe and stay off your broom this halloween...
Blessings Debra

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Last night was the 2nd night w/o clonazepam (cold turkey, because I lost the rest of my script) & I have to say that it was not as bad as the 1st night. However, it was not a "walk in the park." I slept more, but still had numerous "wake-ups." Today, my heart is racing, I am about to jump out of my skin, muscles are jumping as they did last night, & generally feel like a complete "crazy." Today, being a Friday and Halloween, I could not find a doctor. I live by myself, have had fibro, major depression, chronic fatigue for 30 yrs. I think I'll get on my broom tonight & really be lose it!!

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Linda your doctor will have backup doctor for his patients CALL and Explain. They CAN CALL YOUR DOCTOR. Be careful

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Oh Nooo you can not do that... call the office there must be a backup doctor...

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I have been taking clonazepam 2mg/dy for 5 yrs and decided to go down to 1 mg. per day. However, I am not sure how, but I took the 1st 30 days & lost the the last 60 dys. so I am going off of it cold turkey. My psyhchiatrist is on vacation for 2 wks., and the way the laws are now I doubt that she would give me a script for 60 dys. Last night was horrifying. I slept in naps of 30 to 45 min. and was miserable. I don't know how I will be able to do this for the next 60 days. I have had fibromyalgia for 30 yrs, and I also have major depression. This is not the way I planned my retirement!

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By the time I was completely free LAST YEAR 2013 It had been a year+, this is a serious drug...not to be taken or weaned off lightly... I trusted a doctor's recommendation and it cost me my health and quality of life...
But you can be free of it if you Go SLowly and don't stop til you are drug free...
I used melatonin and benadryl to sleep~ that was the worst part...
A GOOD SIGNAL YOU ARE WEANING TOO FAST IS> IF your muscles are screaming nonstop and/or a mass migraine that won't let up then SLOW down your weaning reduction amounts and spread out the Holding period between each reduction...
Every body is different, Listen to yours. XOXO I did it...You Can Too

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