Propoxyphen Apap 100 650 Mgtev (Page 2) (Top voted first)


white oblong pill with 93-490 on it. was supposed to be a sub for darvocet n 100.....made my wife throw up all day and night taking for a broken ankle

43 Replies (3 Pages)

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Great stuff... got high on this Propoxyphen a pot high.. need more..whew!!!!!....

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For Pain from Herniated disk, you could still have weakness or pain from a pinched nerve. A big help would be to get Gabapentin... It's made specifically for nerve pain. It's not a narcotic, just a Anti-Inflammatory to reduce the size of the nerves... Very effective for me... Once you get the nerve pain/weakness solved, you seem to notice the actual pain from your back itself is helped from the Propoxyphen-APAP.. Even if it does make you sick and constipated haha.

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I was in a car accident Febuary 10th,2010, I have constant back pain,Bulging/Herniated Disc in L/4-L/5,Degenerative Disc Disease,Sciatica,Spinal Stenosis,Neck and Shoulder pain and I have numbness and tingling in my Left arm and then entire right side of my body.... I have been on Vicodin for 2 1/2 months(Which never helped the pain),After being on the Vicodin so long and taking 1000 Mg every 4 hours I was getting so sick and throwing up on the Vicodin...I have now been prescribed Darvocet,I have been on it the last week and I am able to take 1-2 tablets every 4 hours,It dosent take all the pain away but it does take the edge off,I havent gotten sick with this pill yet but I am sure that after awhile being on it it may affect me like the Vicodin,So I will be off to trying something else....

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I have read alot of these posts,Here are the side affects and precautions for using this medication:Nausea, vomiting, constipation, lightheadedness, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, or vision changes may occurIf you do not have liver problems, the adult maximum dose of acetaminophen is 4 grams per day (4000 milligrams). If you take more than the maximum daily amount, it may cause serious (possibly fatal) liver disease. Propoxyphene may also rarely cause liver disease. Seek immediate medical attention if you have any of the following symptoms of liver damage: severe nausea/vomiting, stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing eyes or skin, dark urine, extreme fatigue.Before using this medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: abdominal/stomach problems (e.g., severe diarrhea), alcohol use, breathing or lung disease (e.g., asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), difficulty urinating (e.g., enlarged prostate, urethral stricture), drug dependency, kidney disease, liver disease, mental/mood problems (e.g., depression, suicidal tendency, toxic psychosis), seizure disorders, serious head injury or brain disease.

This drug may make you dizzy or drowsy. Do not drive, use machinery, or do any activity that requires alertness until you are sure you can perform such activities safely. Avoid alcoholic beverages.

This product contains acetaminophen which may cause liver damage. Daily use of alcohol, especially when combined with acetaminophen, may increase your risk for liver damage. Avoid alcohol. Check with your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

To minimize dizziness and lightheadedness, get up slowly when rising from a seated or lying position.

Caution is advised when using this drug in the elderly because they may be more sensitive its side effects, especially drowsiness.

This medication should be used only when clearly needed during pregnancy. It is not recommended for use for long periods or in high doses near the expected delivery date because of the potential for harm to an unborn baby. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

Propoxyphene with acetaminophen passes into breast milk. While there have been no reports of harm to nursing infants, consult your doctor before breast-feeding.

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Was given this to take after laproscopic surgery...Did not like the feeling I had...I had trouble focusing, felt very light headed...I am a recovering alcoholic and it scare the hell out of me.....I got just as much relief from over the counter tylenol.....

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moderate rectus femoris tear vicodin does little propoxephene helps a little bit what the frick is a moderate tear a tear is a tear and it hurts

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I have 3 herniated discs in my neck and am in severe pain. I am in the middle of a regime of epidural injections to reduce the inflamation of the discs. My Dr, had me on percaset for 3 weeks. They worked greatr for the pain but was afraid of the narcotic horror stories that everyone I know was sharing with me. I asked the Dr. for something that was not a narcotic that would still kill the pain. He gave me propoxyphen or Darvaset?. They are working for the pain and I am having none of the side effects that I have read about on this site. I am happy but one of the posting say that these too are narcotic. Are they?

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I was in a automobile accident where I was rear ended. I suffer from upper and lower back pain as well as an injured wrist and shoulder. I am taking Propoxphen-apap and it is helping with my pain with no side affects.

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I am taking for frozen shoulder; no apparent nausea, just takes 30 min to work, and I take it as needed. Once I did take 2 pills to try and get rid of a migraine with it, that made me nauseous
And felt loopy... Won't repeat that.

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I am happy but one of the posting say that these too are narcotic. Are they?

Yes they are. And I myself suffer from migraines that last for longer than 4 days, but since they're caused from a hormonal imbalance, there isn't much the docs can do except prescribe me painkillers. Vicodin makes me sick, especially when migraines are coupled with nausea... But the Darvocet has worked wonders, on my migraines, backaches, and cramps. I gladly trade all the pain for some loopiness.

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Have been taking now for 2 years for fibromyalgia pain. Has never caused me any problems. Minor success at pain resolution with no side effects for me.

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These pills have been pulled by FDA as of yesterday, causes heart problems.

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I was given this for a bone spur on my heel. It didn't have any effect on my pain. I called an RN friend
Asked her. She said it didn't take her pain away when she used it but she was so stoned on it she didn't care! That fits my experience. I went back to the Dr and told him I have kids I need to function. He said well then take Tylenol.

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This pill is either a Propacet made by Teva Pharmaceuticals and contains Propoxyphene Napsylate 100 mg and Acetaminophen 650 mg.
The nausea could be due to the napsylate form. There is another generic in capsule form which contains Propoxyphene Hydrochloride 65 mg and Acetaminophen 325mg which might be better tolerated.

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Yes, these are a narcotic and are used for mild to moderate pain. They have recently been removed from distribution in this country for Heart disease problems and have been removed in other countries because of their use in "suicide cocktails". But you seem like a reasonable fellow and probably will not have any problems in the short term.

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Yes, they have been pulled by the FDA; have you noticed all the dead bodies piling up in the streets. And, it took them 57 years to figure out that Propoxyphene caused heart problems; what an astute bunch of bureaucrats!
I had a friend who took Tagamet (Cimetidine) for stomach propblems and developed a rapid heart beat; her doctor stopped the medication, and this wasn't supposed to be a side effect of that pill. But a warning was issued later. Tell me why we never heard anything previously about these side effects. Are the doctors as dumb as the bureaucrats??

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Who gave you this for a sore throat? I have never heard of anyone prescribing this for a sore throat. I would fire my caregiver if he did that to me. A more suitable remedy would have been Xylocaine Viscous.

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They are a narcotic for relief of mild to moderate pain. People take them because they don't feel drugged like the stronger narcotics. If you have more than mild to moderate pain they probably won't work.

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I have terrible pain on my knee, they gave me a steroid shot and i'm still hurting real bad. What can i take or put on to relieve the pain.helpppp!

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No, and it would not help, as you have/had NERVE pain. I had a severely herniated disc, basically damaging my Sciatic nerve, 10mg's of Hydrocodone was as if I took nothing. Dr. then prescribed Oxycontin, WORST night of my life (except for the 24/7/365 pain of the damaged nerve! Did not help pain period, but made me feel like I was not in my body (right mind). I took ONE, and after the effects wore off I destroyed the entire script. A Living hell.

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