Just Want To Take Suboxone For A Few Days To Detox From Heroin Will It Work (Page 10) (Top voted first)


hey guys, i have been taking dilaudid for about 5 months 4,8mg a day then switched to heroin for 1 month 2 bags a day,now my friend gave me 4,8mg suboxones and told me it would help me get off h for good, i waited 24 hours took half a subox and i must say it works for wd's but when i run out witch i estimate will be in 2,3 days will i just suffer again;like where i left off or will the h be out of my system and the wd's light enough to withstand, please help, im not a newbee to drug abuse had bad h habits in the past and know the nature of the beast, just want this stuff out of my life so i can go back to work and live again, i need the truth or as close as i can get, can i beat it like this or am i wasting my time,maybe i can get one or two more subs from my freind

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Last heroin use last friday, took one sub strip in pieces. On day 6 with a tiny tiny piece left, should I be ok?

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I have been using hydrocodone 10mgs, 30 a day and I must say I'm at the end of the line, I'm on suboxone now ,I feel ok, still feel chills and sweats, but it's manageable. I just want to be free again

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Hey there,

Mostly it depends on your will power. I had a 5 - 10 bag a day habit for over 2 years and I was able to get off with 2 subs tapering. I started with 4 mg then took 2 the next 3 days. After that I went down to 1 mg. I waited each time until I couldn't take it anymore or needed to sleep. Sure as hell beats trying to quit cold turkey, which I did once, but you will still be uncomfortable. Looking back (it's been 2 years) the sickness was no worse than a mild flu. Your mind makes it worse because you know all your troubles can be ended with just a little bag. But don't give in! Time heals all wounds, find a passion to replace your drug and live your life. It was the hardest thing I've ever done but I am a better person for it!

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Just to echo what others have said. Youre not clean if you're using methadone. It's one of the most powerful opiates so it's pretty much like saying I'm clean from vicodin by using heroin. Not saying there's anything wrong worth long term maintenance but you're in denial if you think you're clean. Not clean and not sober.

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I posted saying you're not clean if on methadone and I stand by that. However I'm fully it you in your comment about na. Na is dangerous and as I said if maintenance is what is needed then thats fine but I stand by what I said that you're not clean if on methadone. Abstinence isn't the only way and more pOwer to you if methadone keeps you away from the drudgery of chasing a high. Clean means just that... free of narcotics.

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I agree about na and AA. They are very dangerous. Telling people that you are powerless and that meds shouldn't be used. As Pat described that can be fatal for some addicts. I went to a 12 step rehab and was told I was one of those who are unable to be completely honest and will die a junky. Thats just such a great thing to tell someone who is suffering from low self esteem. I literally left the rehab and relapsed because of it. Terrible. Everyone considering na or AA should Google the orange papers which is an expose of na and AA. Rational Recovery is a very good tool. Love and luck to everyone suffering from this affliction.

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There is nothing in NA or AA literature that tells you how to stop using. All it does is tell you what a terrible person you are that you're powerless and that God is the only thing that will stop you using. There are tons of less dangerous and more helpful recovery programs such as rational recovery. Anyone considering na or AA Google the orange papers. It's a website that exposes AA for what it rrally is... a cult religion that actually has a higher death rate and a lower success rate than if the person sought no help whatsoever. From experience na and AA are bad news for most addicts. Telling people they're a loser if they take any meds whatsoever. A girl in my rehab wouldn't use her asthma inhaler because it contains alcohol because of the bs propaganda that na spits out. It's their way or no way. They tell people who don't agree that they'll die and that they're categorically incapable of being honest. Like all cults they use guilt and pwipes already low self esteem to recruit them. As I said read the orange papers.

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Yes most certainly you will suffer from withdrawals. Also very severe ones since its H vs other opiates or benzos so yeah way worse withdrawals then from pills. But it's possible and you can do it.. What Suboxone will do for you is only reduce your cravings for sure and delay withdrawal that's all.

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I was detoxed off of heroin using subutex for four days in an inpatient facility. Just felt sluggish and worn out for a week or so but started to come around afterwards. So short term sub detox does work.

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Hey there. I hope you are well into a successful recovery at this point. I am in the middle of a sub taper myself, and I just want to share my story here. Starting in 2009 or so, i started taking pills after my wife and i moved to Florida for a job. Being Florida, obviously they were really easy to get, and also really cheap. It continued when we moved back to Ma., albeit at a much more expensive price tag by then. I had a decent sized oxy/fent habit (2 or 3 80 OP's and a half .75 patch/day) for a few years, and finally decided that enough was enough. It probably was, no it definitely was the darkest time of my life. I didn't know what was ahead of me when i decided to quit. After a couple failed attempts, i finally quit cold turkey. I struggled through the first 7 days (4 being the worst), and the next 7 i was an emotional wreck. After the 2 week mark life was almost back to normal, aside from some slight PAWS symptoms. I had finally kicked for good, and the feeling was like no other in the World! I was freed from that leash, and could enjoy life again without worrying about getting something before i could make any plans. Those were some literal demons that i fought back tooth and nail to keep clean. The darkest depths of the 7th level of Hell, to be precise. I went 6 months clean from that, and thought that i could just have a couple since i had been from it away from it for so long. Of course i confided in myself that i could have a little fun for one night...ok, 2 nights....well, maybe just 3 nights and be able to walk away. So, here i am, 7 months later, and back to square 1. I am kicking myself in the ass. This time around a buddy gave me 4 Suboxone 8Mg/2Mg pills to help me through the physical WD stage. In looking through these threads, i found this one, among others, regarding a fast sub taper, and decided that's what im going to do. Currently, i am on day 3 of nothing at all, and only using a couple subs for 4 days before that (7 days total without oxy/fent). I went a full 24 hours before i took a 2 mg. piece, i could definitely feel the wd's kicking in. I still felt like crap after an hour, so i took another 2 mg. (4 mg. total). I felt great. Next day, another 4 mg., and again felt normal aside from a couple cold/hot flashes that came and went pretty quickly. The 3rd day, i took another 4 mg., and again felt great aside from flashes. Day 4, i took only 2 Mg., and felt fine, with no need to take more. Throughout these Sub days, i didnt have the anxiety, sweats, RLS, or sluggishness that i had during my cold turkey quit. The only downside was that i could only sleep maybe 4 or 5 hours a night (although i was tired and comfortable), and those hot/cold flashes (4 or 5 times daily) were a nuisance, but passed quickly, and they were tolerable. After that last 2 mg piece, i decided not to take any more the next day because i felt fine. Then, to my surprise, the day after that i felt fine too. Weird. Am i getting out of this relatively easy this time? My wife and i are going on vacation to a resort in Belize next week, and i want to be good enough by then to enjoy that without the anxiety. Being the Winter here in New England, i cant go out and enjoy the weather, which helped tremendously last time i did this, so im hoping the sunshine will help improve my spirits and ill come back a new person! Anyway, im on day 3 now without anything, and still feeling good, aside from the a slight night sweat last night, and a couple passing hot flashes. I am DONE with opiates. I said this last time, but thought i could handle just one, which was a lie. The truth is i need to stay away completely by losing my "bad" friends, and keeping my mind occupied with ice hockey, school (graduating from college this May), hiking with the dogs, etc. Being day 3, and because of the longer half life of Subs, i'm hoping that i wont feel bad tomorrow, as i know they stay in your system for 3+ days. Regardless, i feel good right now, and i cant imagine it will get much worse, if any at this point. If it does, im sure it is something that will be tolerable. (total of 1 and 3/4 subs) Anyone have any thoughts on this? Is it because it was only 7 months this time around? Are these Subs really this amazing? Am i out of the woods? I sure hope so. So far, i have to say that i like this short taper sub method tremendously. It has given me hope that i can finally get through this in one piece! Those dark days started to re-appear, and i knew it was time to nip it in the bud before it got too out of hand. The memory of wd's last time scared me into doing this now before it keeps compounding. I am so thankful for all of your discussions here, as they have helped me over the past few days. Just knowing that someone else is going through it with me is a big help. To anyone out there thinking its hopeless, please know, there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. Fight the demon, and even if you get no sleep and are restlessly pacing the house looking for some relief, it will get better!!! Keep a positive mind!! For me, this time around its been positivity, Subs, and forcing myself to exercise that has worked. Along with vitamins, Imodium, and plenty of fluids. It's time to get back to my normal, happy life!

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I'am highly suggesting that you do not go on to suboxone i was a heroin addict for almost 10 years on methadone for a few and xanax by far xanax is the worst detox because you can have seizures and if you have had an aneurysm you can die I know about his cause of my father but back to the suboxone they make you feel horrible while you are on them your always tired irritable depressed and getting off them is worse because the PAWS take so long to go away I detoxed heroin cold turkey and it took only 10-12 days while the PAWS are much more intense then the ones of suboxone when its over it is over I took suboxone for about 2 yrs and now I am almost 4 weeks off them and still experiencing PAWS Iam tired all the time restless depressed angry and I'am on anti depressants not working be careful with suboxone it is far worse in my experience an the PAWS cans last a couple of months

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Even if you taper down with suboxone you will still withdrawl up to 5 months there are money hungry doctors out there who have NOT studied on opiate recovery it only s hould be used for short term detox and your still not feeling the good and bad its still blocking your natural state that you should be in... what happened to the recovery option to not be on any opiates???? is that not an option anymore

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im doing H, about 4 bags of really good a day. ive been trying suboxone and it's not relieving the cravings. it helps about 50% with the WD's, but the dr says i should be feeling great. but im still sweating and so slugggish. i took 3 8mg subs today and still sick. im considering just tapering with dilaudid i have from a script. any advice on that? ive never taken dilaudid but if i can take one in morning and one in evening so i can still work, taper to half that, then get 3 days where can take off work, do you think that's enough time to be ok to go back to work? also, maybe just give the subs more time and use them for 3 days when i can take 3 days off. i can take off for 3 days in 2 weeks, that's really all the time i have. is that enough time ya think?

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hey SISSY/??? the trick is take oxycodone for your last high and not H.... when the oxy wears off then start the suboxone for some reason it will work a lot better!!

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Ok you said you started w/ a half, take a half for the 1st 4 days then 1/4 for next 2-3 days. in this will mos. def. work bro. the point is, is you don't need soboxone forever the reality is you can kick opiates w/ 4-5 8mg tabs. I've used heroin for 10yrs.+ & i can still kick on 4 8mg tabs. Start big & ween down when using your subs.

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Methadone saves lives

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Hey I'm in Center City Philly, you said you were in south jersey, I started the "program" almost two weeks ago, it's going very well for me, it's reassuring that there are other people that are close that I can relate to on this issue as I have kept my problems primarily to myself, it'd be nice to hear from you. -Jake

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I would like to share my story and hopefully get some feedback. I am a 32 yr old mother of 3 AMAZING sons. I was in a very serious car accident in June of 2011. The accident wasn't my fault but I was seriously injured. I had 6 broken ribs and my knee cap was shattered. My orthopedic dr tried to piece my knee back together and hold it together with pins and wire. I was still having swelling and pain afterwards so I had another surgery in March of 2012 to take the metal out and replace my knee cap. After each surgery my dr had given me perc 7.5mg to be taken every 4hrs around the clock. I wore a brace to keep my knee from bending for 4 months and within that time my dr had prescribed 120 perc 7.5mgs every month. (That's 580 pills in a 4month period) I also went through extensive physcial therapy during that time. When I went back for my last follow up appt my dr said he couldn't give me any more pain meds.. I would need to get them from my primary care dr. (Which I didn't have). Its been almost 2yrs and I still have severe pain in my knee and my lower back. I found a primary dr and he told me he doesn't prescribe narcotics.. because a lot of people are dr shopping so it ruins it for the ones that really need it. He referred my to a pain management dr who would only prescribe me muscles relaxers (which knock me out so I can't take them). During this long process of trying to get pain management the legit way.. I of course couldn't take the pain so I turned to the streets. Now I don't know about other places but its very hard to find anything less then a perc 30 in columbus ohio. Needless to say they are very expensive.. $30 a pill. So I have been buying 1 a day for the past yr and a half. I would take a half in the morning and a half a night. I didn't think I would withdrawl because I wasn't abusing them. I was taking them for legit pain and making sure I wasn't over doing it. Well I was wrong. I didn't withdrawl as bad as I thought (or as I've seen others) but bad enough. I had a horriable headache.. and the worst hot/cold flashes ever.. and my calves ached a little bit.. but not to bad. I took my last half of pill yesterday morning around 10am. About 530 lastnight I started to feel bad.. so I turned to the streets again.. but this time I bought suboxone.. much cheaper and I feel AMAZING. I'm not withdrawling at all. I took 1 strip lastnight and then a half when I woke up today about 8am.. its now 7hrs later and I'm starting to feel bad again. So my question is how should I take the subs and for how long to get through the w/d's.. but not get addicted and w/d from subs. I don't feel like I'm an addict.. but I do feel dependent. I wasn't taking the pills to get high.. but to control the pain (which by the way the subs are helping with the pain also). I'm hoping once I get all this crap out of my system and my body isn't used to having it everyday that I can just take tylenol for the pain.. and hoping it will help. What do you guys think? What's the best way to get off of opaties but still be able to control legit pain? Any thoughts/advice would be helpful and very appreciated. Thanks in advance:-)

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Take one every 24 hrs

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