Tramadol - Unable To Acheive Orgasm (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Anyone else experiencing this side effect? Not a normal topic of discussion for me with anyone but my doctor. I found this drug to be very helpful with easing pain, no sedating effect, BUT after taking this medication discovered I was unable to acheive orgasm. It took me a while to figure out it was the Tramadol causing the problem.

237 Replies (12 Pages)

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Ive been on Tramadol for almost 20 yrs due to back and damaged nerves. I did have a very high libido, now it is non existent . Limp all the time and never reach orgasm. On TRT at the moment as the Tramadol has almost destroyed it all. Having a lot of problems. DON'T stay on them to long.

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I take tramadol occasioanally for severe athritic pain, and it works marginally for that but better than nothing. However noticed that as a pleasant surprise that it decreases my Libido markedly. Being a male with a strong libido, and married to a wife struggling with Menopause, it has been almost a godsend. On the rare occasion when we do have sex (actually masturbation only, as I have HIV), the only drawback is that I can make her l orgasm with a minute or two, however she cannot make me orgasm at all. I can usually do it within 10 minutes or so, however it never used to take that long and she kind of feels left out. However, at least I don't have to be a constant bother any more, which is nice. And, I don't have to masturbate that often, which is good,

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Okay so anyone that says tramadol is an opiate or a narcotic is just plain wrong... I have been on it for almost 8 years because I didn't want to be on morphine any longer... I am a 46 year old male and like others I experience delayed ejaculation can be up to 3 hours, very frustrating... After talking with my doc about it for the first time today, not sure why I didn't ask why earlier, he perscibed Buspirone HCL 10mg that he says will counteract the tramecet in my tramadol that is causing the problem... Will have to write again to say if it worked or not... He says to take it 3-4 hours before sex and it should help... Hope so my wife and I have a lot of catching up to do lol...

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I have the complete opposite, takes me longer to pee than to climax. Im on 200srl twice daily duragisc 50 patches and diazepam. Had a great sex life before and would last for ages . Now 2 minutes and im done, lost sex drive too. Any ideas to help.

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Yes, cannot orgasm when on tramadol either. Both myself (female) and when my partner ( male) was on it after surgery.

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yes I just recently figured out it was the tramadol. Not sure what to do about it b/c I don't want to give up the medication b/c it really helps with my back pain without the worries of a narcotic in my system...any ideas?

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Just started this med about 10 days ago and it seems to have the same effect.

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I find I get extremely aroused when taking tramadol but experience my genitals shrinking to a tiny size and am unable to get erect or climax.

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I am new to tramadol and the first time I took it I started feeling dizzy so I stopped using it immediately, but now i wanna go back. The only reason I wanna take it is for sexual stamina so I think I should try it. Please respond if you have any advice. Naturally I can have sex for 7 hours straight using no drugs. I got natural strength but just want that late erection. So I am gonna watch out for any side effects.

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Trammadol increases my overall mood, increase energy and decreases pain. It does affect erections as to firmness and prolongs the time to ejeactulation. I feel ther is a serotonin effect most doctors are unaware of.

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Your issue could be that you're trying to reach organsm and not orgasm.

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hello all ive been on tramadol for about 2 months now at first it didnt bother me when having sex but now i dont even stay hard ive tryed alot of pain meds and they all seem to be the same i can get hard but during sex just goes limp when i was smoking weed never bothered me so i thnk im going back to the weed good luck all

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OMG!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one!!! I cannot acheive orgasm unless I'm doing the work and with a very very hi vibe! This part sucks!!!

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My experience is a bad one. I have been on Tramadol for over 2 years. I have gradually gone off sex more and more as time goes on. I still wake up hard n all that but i just don't have the urge and it seems the more i don't do it, the worse it's getting. I know it's really frustrating for my girlfriend and she has been understanding but she is starting to snap at me sometimes because of it and that only makes me feel worse and makes me want it even less. It's becoming a vicious circle. Some guys have said it means they can last longer when taking tramadol, i experienced that a little to begin with but i also felt the sensation was dulled and i really wasn't enjoying it. So much so that a couple of times i lost my erection. Perhaps that made things worse again. I need the Tramadol because of my pain and the withdrawls are terrible, i tried. But i'm worried that my girlfriend might get sick of me and leave one day. She is only 21 and i am in my later 20's. She will be thinking this is never going to get better. I don't know what to do. I couldn't blame her for leaving. We are only having sex about once a week at most right now, sometimes less. That isn't healthy and i can't expect her to accept that but i feel as if i can't win. I wish my doctor had never prescribed it. Before i started them, i never ever EVER had problems with libido. I had a healthy young mans sex drive and had very regular sex. I feel like an old man sometimes.

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thank you all so much. my husband had a very high sex drive, but i never have, but when he had to start taking tramadol due to a disc problem and the pain was so severe he had to take it, but his sex drive just disappeared and i feel so very insecure, although i know that it is the medication and so does he, it does not help. i find myself sitting alone each night, due to the fact that tramadol makes him also sleep much more. it does not help me feeling lonely and sad.

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I'm glad this is a student - should learn the facts instead of giving bad advice. Tramadol absolutely decreases sex drive and causes erectile dysfunction and/or difficulty or inability achieving orgasm. Tramadol both increases serotonin levels and inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine. Both of these decrease sexual drive and/or function. In fact, tramadol does more to cause sexual dysfunction than much stronger narcotic drugs such as hydrocodone and oxycodone.

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I have been taking tramadol for about 9 months due to car accident injury. I am now trying to discontinue use & it has been a very tough time. I think maybe I should have tried to d/c it first before the hydrocodone meds!
I have not had the anorgasmia you describe with tramadol, but I will say this- I read the info on here about the mechanism of action of tramadol, and it works kind of like opiates & it also works like certain antidepressants, as it works with the brain's neurotransmitters norepinephrine & serotonin.
I have taken Lexapro 10 mg about three years ago for anxiety when I started nursing school. In the initial month for the antidepressant to begin working, I did experience anorgasmia (inability to achieve orgasm). I can only put my educated assumption on the table as an offering of a possible reason that it is messing around with those NTs, serotonin & norepinephrine, and that is the trouble.
I hope this helps you to understand the why & how. As for the solution, I don't know anything other than the slow weaning off or perhaps a lower dosage. I was taking twelve 50 mg tablets a day (2 every 4 hours) at first in June 2011. Now I am down to one when I wake up & one at bedtime. I'm working on none at anytime!
God bless you & be with you!

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Yes definitely effects libido, specifically inability to orgasm - noticed for the first time in my life. I only took one 50mg tab on three successive nights - subsequent to a painful shoulder op. Like E Tramadol releases serototin & I assume it is this that is having the inhibiting effect on ejaculation. I think I should have been warned about this side-effect & in fact I am amazed that I wasn't. Other posters experience is reassuring

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I thought I was the only female with this problem. I went from years of vicodin, then norco, when my pain management dr wanted to put me on something less he said! Good god, tramadol is the worst ever and very tough to get off of. After a year and only 3-5 50mg a day, I have never had an orgasm unless I have a vib. I also had this problem with the other painkillers but not as bad. Tramadol also gave me headaches so bad that I thought I was having a seizure. As I write, I havent taken any Tram for 6 days, I slowly cut back for a couple of weeks prior lastly taking 1/8 at night to get a couple of hours sleep. I still do not have a sex drive and am struggling to sleep at night for more than 2 hrs at a time, also restless legs.....but I am mentally more clear than ever and have no more cravings. I pray for all of you on this horrible drug that drs either misunderstand or are getting a kick back for prescribing. I am out of the worst of it and taking it one day at a time. I am not that strong of a person and if I can do it and live with some pain you guys can beat it too, if you want. If this helps even one person, it will make my day!

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I, myself have been taking tramadol and it has caused me to not achieve a orgasm. I tried to explain to my wife but... I'm being looked at, as if I'm up to no good. I'm so happy to know I'm not alone in this matter.

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