Tramadol - Unable To Acheive Orgasm (Page 12) (Top voted first)


Anyone else experiencing this side effect? Not a normal topic of discussion for me with anyone but my doctor. I found this drug to be very helpful with easing pain, no sedating effect, BUT after taking this medication discovered I was unable to acheive orgasm. It took me a while to figure out it was the Tramadol causing the problem.

237 Replies (12 Pages)

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I have had the same problem taking tramadol (8x50mg tablets per day).
I have quite a high sex drive, but my partner is pregnant, needless to say very tired most of the time, and i'm forced to masturbate quite frequently. This wakes her up and i can get a serious ear bashing at times.
Tramadol is great for relieving pain but can cause metaphorical headaches!!!!

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It's not the tramadol. It maybe a side effect of tapering down for the useage

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You should know then that any narcotics or opiates can cause complications with ejaculating PERIOD DUHHHH!!!

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Just an update:

Went to the doc as of late out stopped taking tramadol and went through massive withdrawal. I've never experienced anything like it. Nightmares, shivers, fever, bad thoughts, couldn't sit still., totally mental.

Doc advised weening off which I did and I'm now off it and have been for a week. I only took the drug for approx 5 weeks.

I'm pleased to say, a week later, I'm back to normal. I feel normal and my sex drive is back to its usual self. I'm so glad. Orgasms back to there normal self too woo hoo.

Me personally? I'm never taking tramadol, ever EVER AGAIN!!

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Yes I have the same problem I can go forever while on tramadol and never cum!

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Tramadol is the culprit. It causes ED. I stopped after taking it for two days and looking up the effects such as withdrawal etc. It is still in my system after being off of it for two days. I decided to deal with the pain instead. It is not alone. Other drugs such as naproxen and cyclobenzaprine have the same effect. They are the three given to me by the docs. I'll deal with the pain instead.

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tramadol is also used for premature ejaculation

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I have only been taking tramodol for 9 days for dental pain and already have noticed a problem with reaching climax during sex! It's impossible! I have however noticed an increase in sex drive, maybe since i cant orgasm it makes me want it more? I told my dr. This and quit taking it immediatly, im using ibuprofen 800mg to manage pain now, not nearly as effective but hopefully worth it? Have only been off tramodol for 2 days & still no happy ending:( I'll let u know when I'm back on track!

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I have been experiencing the same side effect also from the use of trramadol... Im taking 2 pills (150mgs) 3 times a day. I have now ceased use and reached orgasm after 2 days of using it. Happy days!

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I get bigger hard on's with tramadol, it takes longer to cum but when I do, I explode, more sperm. I wish my wife swallowed, she lets it drool out. Any ideas on how i can make her swallow?

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Hi, i am a med student and hopefully can share some insight with you. Traumadol, since it is an opiate/narcotic only effects the CNS. It relieves pain, yes, but should not have any effect on achieving orgasm unless you are constantly on the drug and also trying to have coitus. The reason being is that when you are on this drug, it supressed the CNS reception which might block out the other stimulations as well. Try coitus once you have given the drug a break and allowed your body to recooperate. Taking the substance for years i would imagine is not a good idea, esp for you liver. It can lead to liver cirrhosis and compromise. As for other drugs that can block pain but also enhance other effects of the sense of touch would be that of the THC, and methamphetamines. If i had a personal opinion, marijuana would have a better potency for normal persons to inhibit pain but allow other cognitive functions to go on. Its a shame that the US had this item listed and is not as liberal as the Netherlands.

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Tramadol is a horrible drug, it nearly drove me crazy. I had terrible side effects, electric shock type of pains in my muscles,twitchiness, anxiety,horny as hell and not being able to have an orgasm. They didn't ease the pain they'd been prescibed for they just made me stoned and anxious. The withdrawal took 7 -10 days, the first 4 were horrific, no sleep, no appetite, sweating so much my sheets were soaked, twitching pains in my muscles and every inch of my skin was madly sensitive. The drugs don't work!

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The rates of addiction with Tramadol are rediculously low - they aren't even worth discussing - it isnt even a scheduled drug - abusers take somewhere in the order of 10 or 20 tablets to garner the opiate effect (this is obviouosly potentially unsafe use - any use over the directions on the prescription is potentially unsafe). It is a very very MILD pain killer - much weaker than the old Darvocette. The seratonergic properties and minimal - you would have to be really really sensitive to the difference it creates for it to cause any type of seratonin related problems.

Also, SSRI's are NOT ADDICTIVE - addiction is different that physical dependence - those terms are not interchangable.

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Yup I'm trying to get pregnant and it's taking HOURS and he still can't climax. Have been trying for days. And I'm getting pissed as I only ovulate for two days. I'm getting ready to flush the s*** and he can suffer in pain if I don't get his sperm NOW.

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i took about 14 tramadol in one mouth full and it fully destroyed me ,but i took 3 last night as i heard you cant cum on them ,so i tryed it and hey presto i didn't cum ,so now im only using them for the miss's to please her :) i dont get any side effects from them as i drink with them and take way over the sensible dosage

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I also wanted to add that this type of thing is usually just a temporary side effect that will wear off as your body gets used to the medication.

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same here buds, i just take tramadol for over a week now and i barely have erection and libido as well. how long will this last? If i stop taking tramadol will this feeling come back to normal?

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