Will Soma Show Up Basically The Same As Oxycodone In A Urine Test? (Page 4)
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Will Soma show up basically the same as Oxycodone in a urine test? If not how long does it take to get the soma out of your system? I had neck fusion in 2003. Have been taking Soma since then and my Dr. changed it to Valium. I have had to take my Soma. Have a urine drug test in a few days. Will the Soma show up? PLEASE HELP.

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no soma is not a controlled substance it will not show up

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It stays in ur system for about 4 days hun, but from my experience it us possible for 1 bag to be gone my morning.... Good luck hun!!!

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Oh my god.....you all are ridiculous. Now i am sorry about your pain from terminal cancer but the truth is you are a drug addict too. People dont ruin anything for anyone who goes to a doctor and is in a legitimate pain mgmt clinic....like a methadone clinic. Thats like saying someone who used to do heroin but has been clean from heroin by admitting themselves into a methadone or suboxone clinic still isnt clean and they are still "junkies" because they are on a prescribed medication. Those that actually go through the process of finding a dr and establishing a treatment plan shouldnt have to worry if someone is selling their prescriptions because they are only hurting themselves.....and in terms of the somas....they do not show up on a drug test unless specifically asked to be tested for and that costs a lot of money. However the possible combination of soma and benadryl may cause a false positive for benzos or opiates....but they have 12 panels drug tests to test for different opiates like heroin, methadone, vicodin, oxycontin, oxycodone, and bupenorpherine.

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Actually, benzos are considered a narcotic. There are different benzos....valium is more used in pain management because it comes from valerian root and is diazepam.....not BENZOdiazepam. Benzodiazepines are xanax, ativan, and clonopins and they are used MORE for anxiety....not pain management. Im not saying that some dr's dont perscribe benzos for pain management but it is a narcotic drug and one of the most addictive narcotic drugs with very serious withdrawals which often include seizures

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NO WAY!!! don't worry about Dona 350 or soma 250...... It's not a opiate...

Someone mentioned OxyContin & oxycodone ...... They both are TWO different drugs & all people who give out these U/A tests know the difference.... One is a Percocet ( oxycodone) & well you know what the OxyContin's are.

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Heroin stays in your urine for 3 days. I used to take it daily and when I started taking suboxone they tested me everyday. On the 4th day I was clean from the heroin.

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U just screwed yourself cause yes heroin is,an opiate! UR a heroin user u should know that it takes 72 hrs to leave UR system. My sister does this illegal drug she knows to stop three days before taking a probation drugtest.

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Soma is a barbiturate!!! It shows up as a barbiturate a muscle relaxer...ur right!! It is a nasty drug and is highly abused!! Its sad cuz the drug using junkys ruin it for people who need it!! On the other had 80% of junkys were made by drs who write scripts like this!! I know frm personal experience!! I struggled for a long time with drug addiction cuz I broke my sternum in a car accident and this Dr wrote me scripts for all this garbage that he said I needed!! I trusted him with my life!! Before I knew it...my body needed them!! I am now 7 years clean...but, not everyone just wakes up one day n says "OK, today I'm gonna start taking drugs" I truly feel for both sides...the people who need the meds n can't get them cuz of addicts....and the people r hooked cuz drs don't think its a big deal!!!

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This is totally and completely false. I have been in a methadone clinic and have never had a dirty drop because i follow the program. Inly methadone shows up as methafone plys the metabolites to make sure it is passed through the liver so the "junkies" people refer to cant jyst put methadone in their pee.....and for those people who say junkies ruin it for the people that are in real pain, the truth of the matter is nobody can ruin anything that has todo with YOUR PAIN Mgmt. Ive found that people who are in "real pain" are jyst using that as an excuse to get every kind of pain pill they can. If you are in that much pain, get a medical marijuana card and stop throwing stones when one lives in a glass house.

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Benzo's are used in pain management as muscle relaxants. People aren't as stupid as you might think. Valium is supposed to be the most effective muscle relaxer and it is a benzodiazapine. Neither muscle relaxers or benzo's (also used for anxiety) are not narcotic pain medication but they are used for pain management.

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I am a legitimate patient and my neurologist prescribes me somas 350mg 4 x a day. Going to suboxone clinic Monday and taking a cup urine screen. My sister is a junkie, and said I'm going to be booted from subs clinic. Pharmacist said ok. I am prescribed klonopin 1mg 4xaday by suboxone clinic. If and when should I stop somas? Please help.

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Hey Pilldoc the realist. I'm a legitimate patient. My neurologist prescribes me somas 350mg 4 x a day. Going Monday to suboxone clinic cup urine screen. My sister is a junkie,and said I'm going to be booted from subs clinic. Pharmacist said ok. Help?

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You have no idea what your talking about. yes Soma is a muscle relaxer but it also has a light Benzo in it. I take urine tests every month and i had a doctors assistant read my past months urine test and she said my soma wasnt showing up but a benzo was. I forget the name of it but it was something like Metro-something. I said i have no idea what that was and i took nothing else but what i was perscribed. I seen my regular doctor the next month and brought it to her attention about what the other doc had said. She said that the other doc didnt know that the soma also has a very light benzo in it and i was fine. So yes Soma is a muscle relaxer but has that very small amount of benzo in it too. So there ya go Mr. know it all

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You will show hot for opiates. That's why methadone clinics use it for heroin addiction because it shows up as only methadone that's how they catch u cheating.

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Just wanted to say that my Doctor had me on valium & xanax because the valium is used also for muscle spasms so they are not just used for anxiety & that came straight out of my Docs mouth

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Glad someone else has said what I have. All these freakin junkies ruin it for those of us that REALLY need them. Like myself I'm in screaming pain daily due to stage 4 terminal cancer, but pain management keeps trying to cut me down because some son of a b**** got busted for abusing or selling their meds. Makes me sick not to mention pisses me off, I feel if your that big of a junkie hit the street and stop wasting the doctors time and making it virtually impossible for the REAL patients!

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You are all ignorant drug addicts that keep real pain patients from obtaining what they need to get thru their daily lives. Soma is a muscle relaxer dumb ass not a pain medication and had nothing todo with benzo because those are for aanxiety. Get a freaking medical book.

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Soma is one of the most abused medicines in America. It will show up on tests that look for Soma

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Soma (carisoprodol) will NOT show up on any standard drug test for employment, probation/parole, etc. It would have to be specifically tested for which is rare and expensive.

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