Tramadol By Amneal Vs Mylan (Page 3) (Top voted first)


All our pharmacies here have switched to amneal, which doesn't do a thing except give a headache. The brand does make a difference. The mylan works great.

109 Replies (6 Pages)

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it is same here in the uk,because of government cuts,the nhs is in a bad way,and are giving out what i call,dirty drugs[generic].they are horrible in the extreme.i was on zydol and was put on a generic,it made me violently ill,the pharmacy tried to fob me off,saying its exactly the same.i rang my doctor,and he immedietly put me back on zydol,he knew what the tory government are doing is wrong. they only care about the money,stuff the people who are ill.over 10,000 disabled people have died because of tory policy in three years. generics is a massive problem here.

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Same here. Every different generic has a different effect/problems. One gives me a headache, another will cause extreme nausea, sometimes sudden projectile vomiting after "exactly" 1 hour. Messes up your sleep, etc. Last time filling it I inquired how much for the real tramadol, saying ill just pay for it, and they quoted me nearly $500.?? Holy bejeezes you gotta be joking.

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If you are having side effects with any medication be sure to check what fillers are added them. I took tramadol & discovered lactose is one of the fillers. Since I'm lactose intolerant, this explained my nausea, stomach upset & diarrhea.

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If this is OK, or if I am repeating myself, please excuse me. My dentist told me 20 years ago brand name Percodan worked better than generics. Then the brand name became unavailable. He was correct, I found as generic Percodan took longer to work, and did not seem to reach a peak pain relief level.
I never have had brand name Ultram. I was told that is not available either.

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I have news for you. I have the McNeal-Janssen. Original manuf. I paid $350.00 for 3 mos. 270 tabs and. THEY DON'T WORK. They changed the formula. That's why NONE of them work. I tecently tried Nucynta and that doesn't work. Move on. I'm sorry we are all suffering because someone at the top decided to CHANGE the formula. End of STORY. Happy hesling to all

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I have problems with the AMNEAL formula too. I have severe spinal stenosis, and osteoarthritis, and Mortens neuroma on both feet (which cause great pain & burning after walking a little while), I also have distorted vision which unbalances me. When I was first diagnosed with stenosis I was prescribed hydrocodone, but it caused loopiness so I asked for them to change it to Ultracet which I had taken about 4 years earlier for a broken foot metatarsal. I asked for it because it did not cause that loopy "high" that codones cause. I was eventually switched to Tramadol because insurance didn't pay for name brand, at this time Amneal was the Tramadol brand. At first it was ok, but after a while something started drastically changing in the formula and every prescription started causing horrible symptoms. One month it would cause weird mood changes from depression to anxiety, or no feelings to feelings of anger and animosity, another month it caused heart palpitations, and weird headaches. These things still happen but when I asked the pharmacist he brushed it off, and when I asked for a different pain med we tried a few that were useless, and another few that were codones which just caused a different kind of after affect symptoms. I have been hearing people complain about generic drugs failing to give the relief that they were prescribed for an I'm wondering if the FDA is doing any investigation into the formula changes that generic manufacturers are making in the drugs they are selling to America's patients. For people like us with chronic pain we need our medication to work, without further incapacitating us with depression, anxiety, heart palpitations, etc. Clonidine is another generic that has changed enough to interfere with normal activity because whenever I take the new generic brand (as needed only) it causes severe drowsiness. If I take it at night it takes half of the following day to shake it off, and this is at the lowest dose. But Amneal has probably become one of the worse brands for Tramadol. If I knew of a better brand I would try to find it. Has anyone written to the FDA or Amneal about this? I would join up if a few of us get together to write to them, or the FDA. I'll probably call them anyway.

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I have been taking Tramadol for years and haven't had any adverse side effects until I picked up my latest Rx from Rite Aid. I was given the Amneal brand generic Tramadol which gives me nausea and a terrible spaced out feeling. I was taking the Teva brand before with no side effects. Now I'm stuck with this Amneal Rx. I'm not going back to Rite Aid. They never tell me when they have switched generic brands. It's a shame that all generic brands are different. I don't think the FDA cares one bit!

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I got the Mylan tramadol and pain relief is so much better. I also don't have the headache I get with Amneal.

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Sonia thank you. I tried Mylan once a few years ago, i'll try it again. I don't have my lists with me, but Amneal & Zydus script that they claim is tramadol is NOT tramadol. I am very angry that our FDA doesn't seem to care that these pharmaceutical companies are selling defective medications. For me it, has caused great emotional swings a few times so tormenting that I didn't know what to do except take a tranquilizer. Even after switching to several different pharmacies. Not as dangerous as it is for others whose prescriptions must be accurate as a matter of life and death. I just found an address for Amneal, but I'm going to try to find some kind of legal advocate to check this out. I know there are people who have suffered because of the neglect and/or dishonesty of these pharmas.

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I find the oppsosite to be for me. Walmarts Mylan was worthless and I switched to Walgreens and its 100 mg ER and was taking 2 50s from Walmart ant it was like no relief but I'm getting much more relief from the Walgreen's version.

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I TOTALLY agree with ALL negative comments posted concerning the AMNEAL Brand of generic Ultram and their oxycodone tablets. I have NEVER had ANY other brand as ineffective as this brand. It's as if there is no pain relief, but medication to initiate awful headaches. I think the CEO and their cronies are withholding the active ingredient for themselves. OR, the government is playing with all of our well being and lending a Blind Eye to ALL drug makers. The REAL war on drugs is patients that need the correct medication can't get it, while the dealers and smugglers are getting what the patients need to get along. AND, the government knows it!!! This war on drugs, is a losing battle. I requested my Dr.write my prescription for name brand Percocet so that I would know what I was getting month to month. He did, but found out my out-of-pocket would be 987.00. Amneal brand for my month supply was 8.00. Now, tell me we aren't being lied to. AMNEAL needs to be banned. Fake medication!!!

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Methadone is the last drug you should consider, It's super addiction on steroids. See if you can get branded ultram Good Luck

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I've been getting the Tramadol brand Mylan from Walmart. I've just switched to City Market where it was filled under the brand Amneal today. I'm hoping it works ok.. I wasn't thrilled with the Mylan so wasn't worried about a different brand. The problem now is that City Market charged me $8.20 whereas it was 65 cents at Walmart. Good luck to me to get that straightened out. Why did I switch? City Market has a drive through.. lol, albeit a very expensive one apparently.

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Update...I haven't tried again, to compare brands. So if anyone is having better results from a different brand than Amneal, and the one Target carries, please post. Thank you. I'm still taking tramadol by "Amneal" and dreading each new prescription because I never know what new negative side effects it will cause. I can't just stop taking it because my heart and blood pressure go ballistic, and I haven't switched to another prescription pain med because I don't want to take any of the codones or morphine. It would be great if the pharmaceutical mfrs. who produce generics would return tramadol to the original formulation, or at least back to pre 2009 change, when it actually helped the pain without causing so many negative side effects..

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Abigale...The brand of Tramadol I take is TEVA USA. I get mine from a Rite Aid Pharmacy. That's the only place I can find it...actually that's where I first got it. If I were you I'd call a rite aid if you have one near you or call all the pharms near you to find out what their brand is. Hopefully they won't change their brand. I take mine every 6 hrs and during the spring and summer I usually end up getting a shot at the hospital if I need one. My problem is osto and every other kind of arthritis in my right hip and back. Don't know what I'd do without the tramadol! Good luck!

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You are so right. I checked my ibuprofen and it was made in India. How do you get name brand pain meds ?? I got my last tramadol at the hospital, it was Northstar pharamcies, and it was horrible, gave it back to my Doc.

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Amneal brand of tramadol is awful. With Mylan, I have to take two in the morning and if I take any tramadol in the afternoon, it messes with my sleep so at least half the day, I'm pain-free. I take two 5mg valium at night to sleep but since tramadol changed classifications, my sleep has been so odd. I go sometimes only five or six hours and need to sleep again and sleep for four hours.. rinse and repeat. I don't know if it has to do with the tramadol or if it's a new fibro related thing. I recall Tevo being great but I haven't found it where I live.

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Different generics of tramadol are way different. i have tried many and only the mylan works for me. i think the next best is teva. Amneal , zydus , caraco do nothing but give me a headache. The only thing about the mylan is it gives me a stomach ache if i dont eat. I take 100 mg 3x a day. I get mylan at warlmart and pay $20 for 180 pills which is not bad without any insurance. The first time i tried tramadol it was stamped pliva 616 and i remember it being way stronger. I agree the formula changed. I understand tolerance and thats not it. Also this drug does not work for everyone, but it works for me.

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I'm having a miserable time since I started taking Tramadol Mylan 50mg once a day Over the last few days. My bottle says up to 4 times a day but, between the heartburn which I never get and my skin's been feeling on fire. It feels like I've missed a dose of some medication and I've been crying or agitated. Sleepings impaired to but, I've taken this once before for dental pain alas I recently cleared most of my empty old prescription bottles out . Not that I had many other than the two medications I get regularly which are alaprazolam (Actavis)?? .5mg at bedtime and my (Teva) 20mg Adderall once a day. Usually I avoid any Actavis generics because, they're nasty but, I didn't realize that's what brand they were which could explain why I don't use them every night. But, something's off and I'm just getting over a mild Diverticulitis attack so the antibiotics are almost out of my system. I saw that the FDA is not taking complaints seriously still in spite of their rhetoric about testing quality of generics. They also have recalls of alaprazolam.025 and various other medications I've seen people complaining about as well as the same brands we've all reported before. Somehow though it's never the brand,script and dose that was complained about or it's for packaging, etc!? ?? Which is strange and contradicts the testing page. Something's very fishy there and I think it's going to take a class action lawsuit against the brand and the FDA's complicity in keeping them safe from reprisals. Actavis brand's been responsible for multiple Deaths before in 2009! And just a year or so ago one of those brands were responsible for deaths related to Cortisone injections (tainted) I believe. Smoke and mirrors!

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I am very sensitive to casein, and luckily no symptoms of that lurking in the tramadol generics I have had. I am sensitive to lactose, but luckily symptoms less severe than yours. I wish they would leave the lactose ingredients out, even if the pills were grainy, or slimy, or crumbly, whatever reason they use lactose for.

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