Subutex Dr In Johnson City Or Kingsport Tn (Top voted first)


Hey, I am looking for a doctor that will prescribe me subutex in Tennessee - johnson city or kingsport. I was going out of town to even have my doctor and they have me prescribed to 32 mg a day. Well they would not let me reschedule my appointment and now told me I need a new doctor. This is devastating to me because I have been doing so good. If anyone can help me please let me know.

272 Replies (14 Pages)

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I'd like to find someone in Johnson city too but no one will tell u a name of one. They are stingy people and don't want nobody else to get them. So I will tell you a name of a clinic in Johnson City, Tennessee. Just reply to my message and I will tell you the name. They give subutex. I can't go there no more because I got kicked out because of a drug panel. If somebody could reply with another doctor in Johnson City that writes subutex I'd really appreciate it and I'll return the favor of giving you a name of one; and there's like 10 doctors in there that will give u subutex. Thanks, bossy

Was this helpful? 26

You have lost your mind. I read posts every day on here, from people begging for Subutex. They state that they lost heir doc., or moved. Yet, they want help, names, doctors, places where they can get a prescription for this rare and amazing medicine. Here's the problem: you never seem to want to let anyone else know the doctor or the treatment center that you used to get an rx for Subutex. Life would be perfect if you always got the information you wanted - but who cares about the next man. I will not provide another name or reference for any Subutex provider - until I see some of you greedy and inconsiderate clowns share some wealth. Still, I could care less. I get my 90 54/411 a month (Roxanne - Generic Buprenorphine w/o Naloxone)

But i've compiled a very, very accurate and resourceful list of providers/clinics/psychiatrists/treatment centers/family physicians and others who WILL prescribe/write/give/dose patients with Subutex......with usually the only condition being that they be able to demonstrate financial hardship. I am done giving names to people who could care less about the next man. So, just to give notice, share your knowledge, give a name or two up your own self. Failure to do so may prove the same as cutting off your own monthly comfort zone. Oh, for the record - I am aware of 4 providers in Central and Western Tennessee as well as 3 in the Northern part of Indiana who will gladly write Subutex; no questions asked. I may have been inclined to give their info. except i'm tired of reading "gimme, gimme, gimme" requests - without indicating a desire to help others. Today is just not your day....specially' when I have the game changer(s). Gonna go take my Subutex now!!!!

Was this helpful? 33

dude you can tell your desperate.... what does that person have to do with you begging for every doctor's name that writes subs in the area....i mean you think its a freaking secret. if your too dumb too find a subutex doc then you either arent sick enough or you have no common sense and is probably why your on here trying to manipulate people into giving you do you think they found there doc ????? million dollar question for you i guess and if you dont no i am not going to enlighten you. i mean seriously i will give you a hint, it wasnt by sitting on this forum hoping some i**** is going to get on here and spew out the name of his doctor for someone like you to give a bad name or burn it up with you and all your buddys who have probably never been addicted to anything but a swanky ass its peole like you and the other that gives true drug addicts a bad name lol and i am going to invite you to my doctor, fat chance super man....

Was this helpful? 16

Where were you going to? I might know a doctor in johnson city that prescribes subutex.

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Doctor reeves in johnson city. Now can you give me one?

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I have been going to a behavioral health place and receiving subutex for a little over a year and they have dropped me majorly & they have told me to find a new doctor. I have never failed a drug panel while being on the medicine and haven't relapsed at all! I wanna keep up the good work because I have recently enrolled in college and have 3 small children all under the age of 4. So I wanna be the best I can be and eventually when im more comfortable with the idea of weaning myself off for good! Any opinions on a subutex doctor?

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Wow he prolly lost his job, not being mean but they have limited the drs down to 2 to 2&1/2 is the most u will get in tenn or N.C. i didnt say that to affend u.. Sorry. If u will look up the suboxone directory.. It will show u dr.s names close.. But its hard to geget subutex.. Places ive went u have to b pregnant or have Hep.C, sum will.. I wudwud try to get in first, then mention stex.. If u took 32mg u wont care bout a headache huh.. Lol ive took both and honestly stex give me headache where suboxone dont.. Eat b4 u take it always.. They have subzolve too..

Was this helpful? 6

can anyone please tell me a place where they willl fill subutex at ive called over 50 places and all of them either say they r not taking any new patients or they dont fill them so please if u know a place they not expensive or the small ones it would really help a lot

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Dr.Reeves in johnson city writes 90 tec n 60 kln 2mg

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Try Dr Tino in Johnson City on sussannah street off of Princeton road he gave tec to me!

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Re: Jamie (# 173) Expand Referenced Message

If you are looking for a great suboxone doctor in johnson city, tennessee there is a doctor whose name is dr. Mettetal and the name of the clinic is called addiction medicine. He is a really good doctor. He has never lowered me unless I've asked him to. He kind of lets you do it on your own terms. He will not and I mean will not whatsoever write subutex. He will tell you to go somewhere else. Your first visit is $75. That is because you have to go in and fill out an application and pay $25 up front and they will give you your appointment day which could be that week or even maybe that day. They keep that $25 because in case you don't turn up they are starting to get more crowded so it takes away from the money that they could be making pretty much is what I think, but as long as you turn up for your first visit all you have to bring is your $75 because you already paid $25 so really your first visit is $100, that's all. It's a hundred a week. $175 every two weeks and $300 a month. He will start you out probably at 18, it just depends, but no lower than 18 I would think. He does also help with things like insomnia, back pain, anxiety, just to say it this way he's got me on nine different prescriptions and I only take 4.

He's also help me with my adhd and I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to take adderall with suboxone but he writes it for me. He's a regular neurologist and he also went to school for addiction medicine. He is an older man in his early sixties and he is the only doctor at that site. They do give you drug panels every single week and as long as you don't have anything in your system other than your medicine you will be fine. He's not really against marijuana so I'm not sure if you smoke but just letting you know. They take your blood pressure, they weigh you and check your temperature as well. It doesn't take them long for them to do that type of thing but it is at every week or every time you go process. You have to go for 4 weeks before you can go for a full month because he kind of wants to get your full evaluation, but if you live in virginia he will let you go immediately per month just because of the drive and I'm sure since you're from kentucky he will do that for you as well. The receptionist can be very blunt sometimes but she is a nice woman. She is old as well and they have one nurse in the lab area. It's not really ever crowded. The most people that's in there at a time in the waiting room is usually three but the waiting time is what really really sucks. I have waited an hour and a half one time but they try to get you back there as soon as possible. The doctor sometimes talks on the phone and that's what also holds it up but like I said he is a good doctor. If you want a great suboxone doctor that's who I would solely recommend. Since you said you had chronic back pain he does prescribe neurontin as well. If you have anxiety he does prescribe klonopin. If you have sleep insomnia he will prescribe you seroquel probably and either way he will more than likely write you a prescription for gerd and he tells you the correct way to take your suboxone because so many people don't know the actual correct way and you will get the full amount you're supposed to.

Like I said his name is dr ray w mettetal and the clinic is called addiction medicine in johnson city tennessee. You will have to look up the number online because I don't have it on me but she will tell you when to come in and fill out paperwork and when you go in take $25 with you. He does not prescribe the strips unless that's what you want. He prescribes the tablets. So whichever your first visit will be probably an hour and a half long. I was talking to him for an hour. 45 minutes to an hour is more likely now than it used to be when he first was getting started because they have a lot more people now, but he just wants to know about your addiction pretty much, about your life, you know what you've been through and that kind of thing. Whatever he asks you if you don't feel comfortable saying it be honest and tell him because that's what I do. Watch what you say because I have heard him repeat and also the receptionist which is the manager repeat other people's business. So don't say anything you don't want anyone else to know. He takes notes every time you're there. He checks your suboxone level almost every week or when you get sent out to the lab -which the lab is there, they just send your paperwork out and they get it by time you come back the next time. He will write you what you need. The first time it's not just a consultation, he will write you right then and just be honest with him. Like I said he can read people pretty well so I really wouldn't get on anybody's bad side down there. If you fail 3 drug panels you will be kicked out. If you disrespect the coworkers there you will be kicked out. You will sign a paper about them having a pill count and all that but they don't do that. You just have to sign it anyway. So I hope this helps. It's a very good suboxone doctor. I'm not going to lie it's worth the money and it's cheap and you have someone to talk to. A doctor that actually listens to what you want to talk about or need to.

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i used to go to dr crutchfield in johnson city but he only prescribes the suboxone strips. I saw a dr years ago in kingsport who prescribed subutex to everyone but havent they changed TN law to prevent that and only for pregnant women and people with proven allergy to naloxone? Im trying to find a dr who writes tex for normal people but everyone has changed up

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Bull s***... I'll call just about everyone on their bull s***, the only reason you all want Subutex and not Suboxone is because of Black market cost.

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Re: Bsetballjunkie01870 (# 176) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you so much!! I appreciate that you took the time to be so detailed. You rock!

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Love it! Lol

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Try ft Tino or Catylyst health. They both write Tec. Please let me know the name of the Dr that u know. My email is {edited for privacy}. Best of luck to u. I used to go to these two clinics and got dismissed from both and am looking for other options.

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I also get 90 a month but won't post the name in case you are not the only person who can see my reply. My husband however can't get into my clinic do I'm going to put him into a different one. Just wanted to let you know that I understand your reply. They mentioned getting 32 mg but refuse to say where but want everyone else's info. Wow!!! go!! Good luck with your recovery and keep doing you!!

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Whitney where were you going to the doctor I don't care to travel if you give me the name of the place you used to go and the number. I will tell u the name of a place in jonhson city tn that will write you subutex.

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There is a doctor Osbourne and Dr Tino and Dr Reeves call them I'm sure of it!!!!!!

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Dr tino or Dr Reeves are the oe I know of check them out they are in Jc,TN

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