Dangers Of Mirtazapine (Page 22) (Top voted first)


It seems to me that Mirtazapine is a potentially dangerous drug with little information known about it. My veterinarian prescribed this drug in small quantities for my cat as an appetite stimulant, so I began reading articles on the drug and its effects. Although it is supposed to be used as an antidepressant for humans, it has a wide reputation for causing suicidal tendencies in children and young adults. It causes weight gain (the side effect my vet was looking for in my cat's case). It also can cause feelings of depression, and wooziness. I spoke with a nurse who took it and she said the effects of sluggishness and dizziness lasted 2 to 3 days. It can also cause nausea and headaches. It seems to me that these side effects are anything but what a person who is already depressed should be feeling. (suicidal tendencies that they didn't originally have, feeling tired and unwell physically, and weight gain that could cause feelings of insecurity or increased depression) Giving this drug to my cat was the worst thing I ever did. About an hour after administering it to her, she began crying, looking confused, and she could not walk straight. We figured the effects would wear off, but they seemed to worsen. The next day she was holding her head down, walking in circles (trying to walk straight) and she could not focus her eyes. We brought her to the emergency animal hospital, and they called a poison center. Even the poison center had so little information on this drug (especially being prescribed to cats) that they did not know how to counteract the effects. We believe that the drug actually caused a mild stroke in our cat, and the vet said this looked like it might be the case. On top of that, it has a 72 hour half life, so we just had to wait the drug out for her to even feel better. If this drug could cause a mild stroke in my cat, I could only imagine what it could also do to a human. With so little knowledge of the effects, and such long-lasting effects, it seems to me that it is a dangerous and harmful drug for doctors to be prescribing. A few years from now, when it actually is studied more, I bet that it will be taken off the market as another one of those trial drugs that did not work out. Until then, how many people (and animals) will it harm?

433 Replies (22 Pages)

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my cat didn't get jaundiced. she went from 8-9 pounds to 6 pounds over 8 months. losing most in the last month. i should've noticed earlier. once they start looking skinney to you it's time to spend more time.

i looked for hepatic lipidosis, she never got it even after barely eating anything for a weak.

look, obviously mirtazapine is useful. you have to give it in small dosages. you have to make sure she gets stuff like amlodipine and plavix if there's heart problems first, before you give it. start with a dose of .5mg over for a few weeks. it's always best to introduce drug slowly. and don't ever go over 1mg, especially on an older cat with cardio problems.

and again, a feeding tube is better. this drug is not useful when there are other more effective alternatives.

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We'll, then, all of my vets have been wrong all these years. Travesty.

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I have to remind everyone who keeps posting about how great mirtazapine worked for their pet that this thread is entitled "THE DANGERS OF MIRTAZAPINE." Anyone with half a brain knows that there are side effects to drugs. This forum is clearly intended to let people know about POTENTIAL bad experiences that may occur upon administration of this drug witnessed by ACTUAL experiences our pets have been through. Then people can decide for themselves whether or not to give the drug to their pet. If anyone wants to tout the wonders of this drug, start a new thread called "The BENEFITS of mirtazapine."

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*Becky T.. Regarding Mirtazapine... What a fanciful story let alone a load of bollocks! I have been taking Mirtazapine for 3 years now & the ONLY side effect that is a bit bothersome is a dry mouth.. Otherwise, it does its job in treating my depression & anxiety quite adequately! It most definitely DID NOT KILL YOUR CAT... It's meant for humans anyway NOT cats!.. Get a new vet & stop exaggerating!!

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My alcoholic husband has been prescribed mirtazapine. He is now taking it and drinking. Anyone ever deal with this? I thought my husband was taking illegal drug because one minute he was fine and 10 minute later he was wasted. He has convinced his doctors to prescribe this for insomnia. Alcohol causes insomnia. He is passed out the majority of the time.

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cant believe you all give your pets such a thing. imagine the mental distortions your pets are experiencing. horrible people you should not be allowed to own any pets. animals dont get eating disorders FACT. at least seek out herbal remedies that won't rot your pets brain. I've seen this drug turn people into incoherent docile souls who lose themselves completely so what this would do to a pet is beyond me folks

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No kidding. This drug is also used therapeutically in horses. Please don't post about your bad one time experience on your cat especially after your failed due diligence as a pet owner. This drug has been on the market for over three decades in several countries and there is A VAST AMOUNT of clinical literature available to anyone with internet access and remedial reading skills. Check your facts before posting ignorant claims of imminent danger. Your cat was on it's way out; and that's why it's still commonly used in feline and equine medicine. Nice epic fail though trying to discredit the Vet.

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Wrong again. I'm 135 lbs and take 45 mg every day. Please stop posting alternative facts

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I have to say that it sickens me to death how people murder their pets and package it as a compassionate act. There is no excuse for what you did. Would you have done the same for your children or would have wanted someone doing this to you? These animals have a life that is precious to them. Who are you to decide to take it away from them so easily as if they are disposable? People like this should not be allowed to have pets in my view.

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Your cat had brain cancer don't blame it on a drug.

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You let a disease fester in your cat before it finally died. The vet grabbed mirtazapine as a last resort to save it from your piss poor animal care techniques. The pill didnt kill your cat. Your neglect did!

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Please read the book Diary of a Legal Drug Dealer. I think it will shine some light on why yer cats doctor would do such a thing. Basically they dont really know what long term effects medications have but big pharma pushes the meds and gives out manufactured stats to sell drugs..Please read the book! It made me rethink how my medical treatment will be in the future.

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I Have Been Taking Mirtazapine For Approximately 4 Yrs.Since Then I Have Gained 25 Pounds,Extremely Dry Mouth,Cataracts Started 3 Years Ago,I am now 51I am A Diabetic & My Sugar Levels Have Gone From a Steady 6.4 To 7.6.I Take Lipitor For Cholesterol,Where Mirtazapine has Boosted An Increase Of 11- 19% In My Levels Of High Cholesterol.Headaches I Rarely Used To Get Them. I TalkedTo My Shrink & Told er I Want Off Mirtazapine.I Used To Take 60 Mgs.Bt I Started Taking Myself Off Of Mirtazapine,Before she Even Knew,We Have To Wean Myself Off 15 Mgs.Every 3 Weeks. This Drug Is Very Dangerous & As Far As I'm Concerned,This Drug Should Be Pulled Off The Market.I Wish You Luck On Your Poor Kitty,I Lost My Best Freind In The World,My Snoopers,He Passed In April,12 Years Old,I Could Not Control My Emotions In Check For Quite Some Time.I Know Have A 10 Mnth Old & Every Thing Is Starting To Finally Falling In Place.I Would Never Give Any Meds From A Vet Or Any one Else For That Matter That Are Prescibed To A Human,I Am Living Proof To That!!!

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