How Many Pills Do I Take

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i am 190 pounds how many 10mg atarax pills do i take? ## Hi Jewelz, May I ask for what reason you might be taking this drug? Since this drug seems to have a number of different uses, the dosing instructions are also dependent upon the condition more so than weight. Example: "The usual pediatric dose for anxiety is 50 to 100 mg orally per day in divided doses The alternative dosing regime that is listed for anxiety is 2 mg/kg/day divided every 6 to 8 hours The usual pediatric dose for sedation is 0.6 mg/kg/dose" If you could please post back with the condition you're taking it for, I can better determine what is considered to be a typical dose for someone in that weight range. I hope this helps! ## Hi Jewelz, The dosing information for Atarax varies depending on the condition...

2 REPLIES Filed under Atarax

Need to know how many I csn take I'm 275 pounds ## Hello, April! How are you? The tablet with the IP 53 marking contains 20mgs of Citalopram, which is an SSRI antidepressant and normally, it's prescribe as one tablet daily to treat depression and/or anxiety. Learn more Citalopram details here. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight gain. How much has your doctor prescribed for you to take in a day?

1 REPLY Filed under Citalopram

My daughter has prescription Penicillin 500mg for every 6 hours after wisdom teeth removal. How many times/day does she to take? Are the intervals for awake times only or for 24 hrs? ## Hi Cindy! If your daughter is prescribed to take every 6 hours, she needs to take 4 pills a day. Sometimes, you need to wake up during the night to take them. Or, maybe try 6:00am, 12:00 noon, 6:00pm and midnight. That might work. ## Thank you Cats68 for your reply.

2 REPLIES Filed under Penicillin

take one tablet by mouth once a day with morning meal for seven days then twice a day with meals. is that breakfast and dinner or two with breakfast,. perhaps every twelve hours? ## Hello, Michael! How are you? What medication has been prescribed? This information would enable me to be more precise. Can you please post back and clarify? Going by what you've listed from the instructions, though, according to the FDA, that would be taking one tablet, twice a day, usually with breakfast and dinner.


I was prescribed 30 percocet and was told to take 1 tablet every 4-6 hours as many days is that suppose to last if i am taking them every 5 hours for pain? ## Hello, Jona! How are you? How many days supply does your pharmacy list it as being? The issue here is that it's an 'as needed' prescription and not a strict dosing schedule, so apparently your doctor thinks you'll only need to take one occasionally, so they may expect it to last a few weeks, or as long as a month. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. When is your next appointment?

1 REPLY Filed under Percocet

It says take 2 pills every 4 hours and I have 80 pills how many days is that? ## 2 pills every 4 hours and 80 pills how many dsys ## Approximately 7 days supply, to be more precise, it would come out to be 6.6 days. Unless the instructions say it's to be taken on an as needed basis, if that is the case, then your doctor may think they should last longer. The FDA defines PRN in a very similar manner. What medication is it? Maybe I can provide more precise information if you can post back with the name of it. ## My prescripción saya take 2 tramadol every 4to 6 hous for pain as needed for coronación pain. How long does 75 pilla last

3 REPLIES Filed under Tramadol

prescribed 500 amoxicillin for strep throat have 30 pills do you take 3 in 24 hour period or 2 pills a day 8 hours apart it sounds like too much antiboitic ## Hello, Crystal! How are you? That would be 3 pills a day, with approximately 8 hours in between each pill. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have a 20 pills.. i will take 1 tablet every8hours what time should i take a pills.. and how many pills i will take every 24 hours??

2 REPLIES Filed under Amoxicillin

I take 1 Percocet every 6 hours for pain and I have 60 tablets how long should they last? ## Hello, Penny! How are you? If you take them every 6 hours, then 60 tablets would last 15 days. However, if the prescribing instructions from your doctor say to take as needed, then your doctor may expect them to last longer. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## If the doctor prescribes every 4 hours that 6 pills a day six times 10 is 60....Meaning 10 days 60 pills where the hell did you get 15 ## I received 120 pills on January 9 and I take them every 6 hours today is January 30 bow many pills ...

6 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

I have RSD in both legs due to several back surgeries. I was diagnosed in 1993 and have lived in pain for many years. My question is, I was doing pretty good with hydrocodone, Tylenol (7.5/3.25) ev 4 hrs. Even missing a dose every now and then, my RSD was mostly under control. I was changed to pill form (10/3.25) ev 6 hrs and ever since then (3 days ago), I have been in severe pain, in my legs and now under my feet. What made the difference? My pharmacist will not get the liquid form for me due to the cost to them. I may have to go out of town to get it. We live in a small town. ## Your pain might be do to the change in dosage timing, since you went from 4 hours to 6 hours, but it is hard to say. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, c...

1 REPLY Filed under Hydrocodone

Hi I have severe back pain and Dr. Suggested for nervijen p capsule 1 tablet per day at night after food can I take 2 pills as pain is severe in a day ## Hello, Raj! How are you? This is not pain medication, this is just a nutritional supplement that contains some vitamin that can help with nerve pain, however, it's not going to work like an analgesic. And no, doubling up isn't a good idea, because taking too much of some of the nutrients it contains could be dangerous. If you need something for pain, you'll need to return to your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

I have a urinary tract infection but don't have medical insurance therefore can't afford to go to the doctor. My mom purchased acido nalidixico fendazopiridina for me in Mexico. I just don't know how many to take a day? ## Hello, Cindy! How are you? What is the dosage? I'm sorry, but I can't answer your question, without this additional information. Can you please post back and clarify? Thanks! ## does acido nalidixico fenazopiridina have an American name?? or is this chemical only in mexico?

2 REPLIES Filed under Urinary System

how many percocet in a day is a lot and im gaining wieght from them im doing about ten 10mg a day is that alot please response ## actualy they are an apitate supesant so you should not fell like eating ## Percocet is a powerful narcotic pain reliever, not an appetite suppresant. How much were you prescribed to take each day? Also, what is the condition being treated? Those factors will help determine the correct doses for you... ## well do you have a lot of pain i do and i could use some my self lol well i would say 10 is a lot but i don't know what kind of pani you got man ## yea it is a pain pill but look under the side effects on of them is loss of apetite so did not mean its use was for the supresion of eating but i have lost almost 100 lbs in the past year while on them ## Narc...

9 REPLIES Filed under OxyContin

How many pills per day of rumoquin can be taken per day for pain? ## How many pills of rumoquin can I take a day ..I have lower back and left hip pain..I have this med..just want to make sure I am using it correctly ## Hello, I did some research on this drug and found that it is manufactured by Marcel in Mexico. This drug is not FDA approved and is not being distributed in the united states. From what I could gather, Rumoquin contains Methocarbamol (a msucle relaxant), Dexamethasone (a corticosteroid) and Diclofenac (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) but it does not exactly say how much of each one is within the pill. Other than that there really isn't very much pertinent info on the drug other than the fact that it's designed to relieve pain. Since there is so little informatio...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methocarbamol

Hy i have been pregnant in 2015 and i had a miscarriage. Ever since dat time i developed a viginal discharge. This year it got worse and was very was smelly, like something was dead inside me. On tuesday i went to the clinic and they gave me doxytet,flagyl and a shot i didnt get its name. Ive taken the medication but now my problem is that i cant stop goin to piss.. i tend to wanting to urinate every now and then even smaller drops... secondly the smell is a little better now but the dizcharge is still very much and iget very itchy inside and outside like i could scratch my inner and outer vigina and the dicharge smell like eggs which is better than what i smelled like before ... is the medication working or am i worried over nothing.. please help

Filed under Flagyl

I have been taking 300mg trazodone at night for the past 8 years. Is this too long? Can I go on indefinitely taking it? I am frightened of rocking the boat by stopping it. I would consult my doctor and taper off gradually. ## I have also been taking Trazodone for several years. My doctor informs me that it is not habit forming. A search of the internet maybe full of different opinions. I often refer to webmd. First though I would consult your doctor if in doubt. Stopping the medication should be gradual under your doctors care, not on your own. As for rocking the boat I'm wondering if you are on other medications as I am. I am on a antipsychotic and 2 anti-depressent and Trazodone to sleep drugs. There have been med changes through out my life. I know through experience to never tak...

2 REPLIES Filed under Trazodone

I have been on oxycodone 30 mg 4 times a day for years and it seems not to be working as well. Should it be ok to ask my Dr to up my amount taken daily? ## There are higher doses that your doctor can prescribe, though they likely won't direct you to take it more frequently throughout the day. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. There is also a time released formulation that you can try, if your doctor approves, it is available under the name brand Oxycontin. Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

blue round S193 ## How many o The 3mg pills is safe to take withim a two hour ## And this is going to be another of verwon's PSA posts….. Regardless of what medication it is, please do not try to adjust the dosage yourself. You should only take the recommended amount, if it's an over the counter medication, or whatever amount your doctor has specified for a prescription medication. Doing otherwise puts you in danger of overdose, which may include organ damage, organ failure or death. You can learn more Lunesta details here. This class of medications is especially dangerous, since they cause depression of the central nervous system. Thus, doubling up on the dosage could cause severely lowered heart rate, dangerous lowered blood pressure and shallow breathing. At...

3 REPLIES Filed under Lunesta

I'm just use to taking my medicine in pill form, and I'm having a hate time understanding the liquid dosage? I hope that makes sense to you because the pharmacies I've called confused me even more than I already am. ## In order for anyone to help you, you need to provide more specific details on the liquid dosage. What you've posted, 120ml is just a liquid measurement, it doesn't say how much of the active ingredients are in it. Usually, you'd see something on the label like 5/325 per 5ml or other, depending on the format the pharmacy uses and the relevant dosage. Learn more Lortab details here. If you post back with more specifics from the label, someone will gladly help you. Can you list the precise dosage details from the label? Thank you! However, you should ...

1 REPLY Filed under Lortab

I'm going through it, 29yrs old. Tried it one time since 2011. I'm tired and want to do it. Thanks ## It depends how much Suboxone you've been taking each day and how long you've been taking it. Can you please post back with more details? Has your doctor given you a tapering schedule? The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addition, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## I just wanted to take a moment to say. I've been reading all this string of info and I keep going back to the same thought. I was prescribed Hydrocodone for Severe TMJ & TMD etc. In other words my jaw is really messed up. I won't bore you wit...

3 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

how many doxycycline do i take a day for tooth aches abbsecess swelling dont have my bottle ## Hello, Prissy! How are you? Usually, it's taken twice a day for the duration of the treatment period, but your pharmacy will have it on file and can tell you what directions your doctor provided. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hw should I take Vega 100mg is .it with water.t thanks

2 REPLIES Filed under Doxycycline

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