
42 Topics Found

I am (suposed!) to be on 300mg xl Welbutrin- No web page so far could identify this pill - its suposed to be Welbutrin300mg xl - but the inscription on it in black reads GS & under it 5YZ - can anyone please help identify it? Thanks ## I can't find a listing for this. Are you in the U.S.? It could be a very new tablet on the market. Did you contact your pharmacy to double check? ## Hi - Thank you for trying to look it up for me. I am from South Africa. I didn't want to phone my pharmacist, because she is actually a very good friend of mine for year's, I was afraid to offend her, so I phoned Glaxo Smith Kline's head office in Johannesburg (South Africa) today, and the lady there described the pill to me as creme coloured, round& with the letters like I said in my ...

15 REPLIES Filed under Wellbutrin XL

Is anyone having trouble with the new generic for Wellbutrin? It doesn't seem to be working as well. I hesitate to go back to the original Rx since it is so expensive. HELP. ## i just took generic and don't know it that's the reason I have been feeling more energy and some wakefullness at night. ## There are many people who have been having a problem with it, though the FDA says the differences are insignificant. In reality, generic medications DO NOT have to be exactly like their name brand counterparts. They are allowed to differ in the ACTIVE ingredient by plus or minus 20%. In addition, the ingredient used DOES NOT have to be the same, they only have to prove that it is 'biologically equivelent' and works in the body in the same manner as the name brand did. The ...

13 REPLIES Filed under Wellbutrin XL

I have been taking lexamil 20mg and welbutrin 300mg together for the past month and am experiencing extreme headaches ## Have you contacted your doctor? There is a possibility that either one of these could cause headaches as a side effect and taking both may just be too much for you.


I am also on generic welbutrin. at first I noted it gave me a lot of energy but it also was affecting my anxiety. so I upped my Xanax to handle the extra anxiety and that seemed to work. I also think It was giving me restless leg syndrome. so , I started taking one third the pill one time per day. after awhile my body got used to it and now im up to two full pills per day. they are also supposed to help you stop smoking but I think im smoking more. as far as sleeping at night, I make a point to never to take one after 2pm. that way it wont effect my sleeping. but it does give you energy make you a bit hyper and can cause anxiety although I told my doctor this she treated me like I was being silly because its for anxiety and depression., I don't think it has done anything for my depr...

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

Pamela makes me so drowsy in morning can I take welbutrin xl in morning to get energy ## The FDA warns that taking these medications together can increase your risk of experiencing seizures. You may also experience other side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, and irritability. Have they both been prescribed for you? Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Filed under Pamelor

I am finding that food is pretty disgusting but I can still eat, I just really don't want to... I started taking welbutrin 10 days ago and ever since then I haven't been able to eat. I didn't take it today to see what would happen and I'm still not hungry. I'm underweight as it is and REALLY scared. ## once again, i've been on Wellbutrin for about 2 years and yes, there are days when i just don't feel like eating. For me this is good as i have had problems in my teens with bulimia. i still try to eat three to five small meals a day because i know i need the nutrition. but i am not tempted to binge and purge because i rarely over eat. maybe you should consult with your doctor to find another medication that will work better for you. be sure to let him know all...

9 REPLIES Filed under Wellbutrin XL

What appetite suppresant is safe to use with Cymgen, Welbutrin, Topamax and Epilum? I have Bipolar Disorder. My weight gain is really a problem. ## Have you consulted your doctor? With your medical history and the medications that you're on, it would be remiss of anyone not familiar with your medical file to try and suggest any medication for you to use, as it could be very dangerous. However, your doctor should be able to help you discover what are the best and safest weight loss solutions for you.

1 REPLY Filed under Topamax

welbutrin xl ## Wellbutrin XL contains a time release formulation of Bupropion, an antidepressant that is also used to aid in smoking cessation. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and headache. You can read more here: Do you have any questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Wellbutrin

I have been on Welbutrin 150mg for a few years and may need to add another antidepressant now. 300 mg is too much for me and doesn't work. I was given Lexepro 10mg but do not want to continue with this drug. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I could take that wouldn't have the horrific side and withdrawal effects of Lexepro? My issue is depression. Appreciate any feedback. ## Hello, Cassie! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. What type of doctor are you consulting? I think a specialist would be best, because many of the other antidepressant react badly with the Wellbutrin, they tend to increase its toxicity, which could be dangerous. You might be able to aid a low dose of a medication like Abilify, which is approved to augment that act...

2 REPLIES Filed under Wellbutrin

I am on welbutrinXL, Lorazapam and an otc for acid reflux.....I have depression and anxiety and somebody told me that some precriptions dont mix with Grapefruit which I have recently started to eat because I am on a diet...Thank you, Brenda ## I have BP. Does grapefruit and lisinopril (used as medicine for BP) don't mix? ## i am 80,have bp 140/95 + type II diabetic mor+eve losarton 5mg. 1 tab like to know effect of grape fruit

2 REPLIES Filed under Lisinopril

I'm 28 and was taken off welbutrin and buspirone and put on viibryd 40mg I was not dosed up BC I was already on the others. I have hard horrible headaches, more anxiety, muscle pain, sleeplessness, more frequent bowel movements (which I am greatful for), cravings for sweets and have gained 5lbs over the past two weeks :( I don't know what else to do the old meds only helped me concentrate. But did little to nothing for my anxiety and depression. ## Hi, Ashely! Sorry about the problems you're having. Side effects such as this may be experienced any time you start a new medication, or increase the dosage of an existing one. They can last for about 4 to 6 weeks, then they will usually start to taper off as your body has a chance to adjust. However, if the headaches are that sev...

1 REPLY Filed under Viibryd

Anyone taking Pamelor and welbutrin together ## Yes I am taking Pamelor 50mg with Wellbutrin 150mg, it seems to work but i still have my ups and downs. Dr going to check on me to see if she needs to up the dosage. Everyone says that it's a bad combo, I do not believe that or else my dr wouldn't have prescribed it to me. ## The NIH does warn that there is a risk of seizures, when you combine Amitriptyline, and Wellbutrin, since both can lower your seizure threshold, so they should only be taken together, with a doctor's approval, and regular monitoring. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, and mood changes. If you have a history of experiencing seizures, you should consult your doctor about trying other options. Are there any other questions?

2 REPLIES Filed under Pamelor

Teva brand Welbutrin 100 mg SR has worked like magic for 4 years (no more depression!!) but they just stopped making it. Does anyone have experience switching to another gneneric? What do you recommend instead of Teva 100 mg SR? Thanks! ## Hello, Roseyposey! How are you? There's really no way to say, much of it depends on the person. The best thing you can is try one and find out. Which does your pharmacy carry, now?

1 REPLY Filed under Wellbutrin

What are the affects of combining Welbutrin xl 300 and Deplin 15? I've been on Welbutrin for more than 10 years. Recently went to the doctor complaining of lack of focus, concentration and memory loss. She prescribed the Deplin to take with the Welbutrin. After one dose I feel agitated and irritable. I couldn't find anywhere when I researched that Deplin helps with concentration and focus. Everything I read says it helps depression by boosting the antidepressant you're on. Funny thing, my Welbutrin side effects say it can cause lack of concentration. ? Wondering if anyone has any insight. ## Yes, those symptoms can be normal side effects of Wellbutrin, as reported by the FDA, and taking the Deplin would only augment them and make them worse, just like it helps augment the ac...

1 REPLY Filed under Wellbutrin

Is 60mg of cymbalta the same as 150 mg of Welbutrin ## Hello, Dee! How are you? These two aren't in the same class of medications, so they really wouldn't be considered the same, at all. They can't be used interchangeably. You can learn more specific Wellbutrin details here. It's an atypical antidepressant that's also used to aid in smoking cessation. And at this link you can learn more Cymbalta details and see that it's an SNRI antidepressant. Has your doctor switched you from one to the other?

1 REPLY Filed under Cymbalta

I was taking bupropion MPI 3332, round white tablet(Generic Welbutrin 30xl), I changed pharmacies and recieved this white oblong caplet with M B9 printed on one side. I felt alot of anxity start to build over the next few days and the one cigarette I had finally worked down to(ultra light 72 [the teeny shot ones]), was now back up to half pack or more and full on regular light 100's! I thought nothing of it other than a breif passing moment while in the pharmacy and that was that. Well now hindsight 20/20 I think these are crap and switch backed to my old pharmacy and doing much better. ## Hi T Beau, Sorry to hear about your experience with that other generic you switched over to. From what I understand, there could've been a lot less of the actual active ingredients in that par...

1 REPLY Filed under Bupropion

Which drugs will really help? I have been using Cymbalta 60mg and Welbutrin 300mg for about 7 yrs and have hit a low and have had 100mg Serez added? Will it help if Wellbutrin gets removed and replaced with 200mg Serez? ## I wish I could help answer your question, but unfortunately there's really no honest way of knowing ahead of time how any medication will end up effecting you without any prior knowledge of your medical history, and other individual factors that help determine which medication is more likely to work. However, judging from the reviews on this site, "generic" Wellbutrin (Bupropion) seems to be a popular choice for many patients. Maybe just switching to another brand of it may be helpful? I'm reading a lot about how different versions of the same medicati...

1 REPLY Filed under Cymbalta

My doctor has me on Lyrica(300mg), Cymbolta (twice a day) and welbutrin(twice a day. I have gained 20 pounds in 4 months. I had to go to a nuerologist for nerve pain in my arm after a fall. He immediately wanted to take me off of the lyrica. He said the mixture of medication is not good and is what is causing me to gain weight. Please help me I thought the lyrica was working great...

Filed under Lyrica

Hello all, I was diagnosed with add back in 2005. My doctor at the time gave me a prescription for welbutrin(spellings probably wrong), which I don't recall it working. I never got it refilled and never went back to get something different. I started a new job last August and kept making mistakes left and right, so I went back to the doctor, a different one, to get something different. Well she put me back on the welbutrin for a month with no results. Today I went to the follow up appointment and told her I didn't feel much different, and it gave me some uncomfortable stomach pains, which sucked...she gave me a prescription for generic Adderall, 20mg once daily. I took it and felt great! But within the first 2 hours I was having moments of ups and downs and started crashing at a...

1 REPLY Filed under Adderall

I was not told the reason I went freaking bald was these pills. My daughter and I are both balding. hell,no I am 4 days off seroquel, welbutrin xl, and buspar, all of which cause hair loss. the doctor took me off 250 seroquel and told me that I would only gain weight on the higher amount. put me on 100 and I gained 20 pounds. mind you I had gastric bypass and eat basically grapes and dang apples. I am itching like crazy and digging like I have something. I know now I should not have stoppe cold turkey,but,lord knows I want my hair back and now. please help me to get over this withdrawl because,it's driving me batty. thanks ## Hello, Shady! How are you? Alopecia can occur as a result of many medications and if you were taking several, it's really a guessing game to try to figure ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Seroquel

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