Xtampza Er Users Effectiveness (Page 9) (Top voted first)


I need ppl who have tried the new Xtampza er med to tell me if it works the same as oxycontin? I need to switch so I wanted to know the strength of the new med in comparison.

184 Replies (10 Pages)

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Re: Kaila (# 137) Expand Referenced Message

Because people abuse stuff and ruin it for those of you who need it. They oxy extended release formula got changed so when people tried to break it, it turns to gel but people got around that. So, unfortunately, the bad eggs are ruining it for everyone else. They will find ways around this. But it's not the insurance companies fault. It's the people that are junkies.

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Re: MR RYAN (# 131) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I hope you are doing well. I am no longer taking Xtampza and am doing pretty well with Exalgo, unfortunately it affects my asthma more than anything I have ever taken for pain but it is controlling my pain adequately. . My side effects from Xtampza had just subsided when we tried the new medication, I only take it once a day, without food so that's a double bounus. Definitely looking into medical marijuana in hopes to lessen or possibly eliminate opioids. Thank you so much for your advice, I would have never made it through those 3 months without you!

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Re: Marv (# 162) Expand Referenced Message

it does give you an upset stomach if you do not eat a High Carb High Fat meal with it. If you chew it or take to many, it will make you sick... it has a deterrent in it. Better then nothing! I hated it when they switched.. i love it now

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I'm mike and I've been on an 18 mg er for 3 months. I was hoping it worked, but im not sold on it. I get a 15 mg oxycodone, 3 a day and I stay in pain. I have neck pain, osteoarthritis, shoulder pain and now my right knee is getting bad. They wanted to start shots but insurance turned them down and the pain doctor is not seeing me yet because of that. Hurting.

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Re: Mikey (# 166) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to hear this Mike! You could always ask them to bump you to the next dose of Xtampza. I personally need to 38mg dose (highest) for it to be helpful. I still hurt as pain meds don't really kill pain. They just make it so your body can deal. Although some days i feel excellent and don't hurt, other days when it's humid or i did too much the day before, I ache like the dickens!

But, ask your Doctor or Pain Doctor (Pain Docs have better chances of getting your dose correct) if they will up your Xtamzpa to the next dose.

They are trying really hard not to up doses any longer with the laws now. But it's worth a shot.

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Re: ThatGuy (# 164) Expand Referenced Message

I was taking correct dose, not chewing, its still crap, YMMV

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Re: Marv (# 168) Expand Referenced Message

This pain med is complete garbage! U can take with or without food and still no different, no pain relief whatsoever, 100% garbage! I'm to have back surgery in two weeks and this is what they want everyone to start taking, total bulls***. You're better off taking Advil!

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Re: Mike (# 169) Expand Referenced Message

Yah i take the same. I take it with food. I also take 2 baclofen, 2 gabapentin, 1 10mg perc and the xtampza in the morning. I take the second Xtampza with lunch and another round of everything. And then i take another 2, 10mg percocet in the late afternoon. It's not gold like OxyContin. But it's better then nothing... I wish all the people who were abusing it and selling it and stuff would stop so people with serious chronic pain would have relief. But it gets better.

As your tolerance drops (it took me a month to drop from the Morphine i was on) your brain heals and the meds start to work better and better.

Life's a Roller Coaster mostly... gotta roll with the punches sometimes. But it gets better.

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Because of the middleman of Obama care, I have another doc (legalized drug dealer), where I have to grease the palm of another middle man, who I have to go through, who doesn't give a rodent's rectum about withdrawals or how one feels taking new drugs at the whim of their so-called educated guess of what your past history has been, in the pain levels that you had suffered through for years, and decades. But now because of the changes and Healthcare laws and the fear of losing there licenses, they've reduced the amount of medicines that they have been given in the past, but now have to reduce it, or prescribed new drugs, that are more costly and less effective.

It doesn't have any common sense whatsoever - they treat you like a cow and heard you in like a number and you get to spend a whole 12 minutes with a doctor who's trying to get your whole life history of pain and understand it all in 12 minutes or less extremely frustrating I wish there was a class action lawsuit where you could sue the government to get back to where doctors can be Dr.

Xtampza does work but it is less effective then other medications. I have been on it less than 2 weeks and I've gone from I totally numb spine and hips and legs to slowly regaining and relearning how to walk and now I can honestly say that are some relief from The Chronic pain that I've been suffering for years and I can think a little more clearly than I have in the past with other medications. So for me, this does work but not as good as I would like it too.

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I hated it, forced upon me and wiped out my coverage in two months yet costing me $880. As a co- pay. He put me back on 40 ER oxys but they don’t seem to be doing a thing either. Careful of pricing!

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Re: evilmommy (# 177) Expand Referenced Message

Call your state med board. Threaten with ADA lawsuit. Cpp need meds. Simple #patientsNOTaddicts

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Re: ThatGuy (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

I don't know what the LAWS are?? Basically the CDC have put out guidelines for Docs rxing Shed 2 meds along with their opinion on prescribing combo Benzos and Soma even standard fioricet now with Opiod pain meds. In Oregon its the primary care docs that prescribe. they send u to an appt with a pain specialist who give a yea or ne on your med combo and dose per day 120 mg. MED a day for Sched 2 and its hard to find a doc that will combine benzo let alone soma I lucked out with LQTS making me ineligible for the typical subs for the sched 4 meds that actually work...but I could drop dead anyday or night because of my heart prob????? They scare Doctors into believing they will be investigated by the medical board if they dont follow these GUIDELINES. Oregon is pretty cleaned up of docs over-prescribing and perhaps selling scripts. I lost two good docs: one for not keeping good enough records, the other just didn't show up for his patient appts a LOT of the time. Total disaster the shoving ppl into these pain clinics for two decades...

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Re: Db (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I heard about that drug and I have an issue right now! My original doctor for the last 6 years who I absolutely loved because he was good and cared. I trusted him for all my health conditions! Because he was a great doctor and was outspoken ( which is why he's gone) they set him up!!
Now the doctor who is taking over for him, I never knew there was 2 different clinics on different sides of the state and this new doctor is running both now. Thing is he's changing everybody's medicines.

I have been on 100 mcg Fentenal patches every 72 hours and 4/ 10 mg percocet each day for breakthrough pain. And it works most of the time, at times the pain is still bad but mostly I have got my life back, until now!

He just changed me and his excuse was way back when I 1st started seeing the other good doctor he did a genetic swab test and it said Fentenal and percocet were not the right medication for me and switched me to Opana ER 10mg twice a day with 2 mg diluad 4 times a day. It didn't work and I was in so much pain and sick to.

So went back on my regular medication. Now this new doctor just did it again. Plus my insurance would not authorize it and it took me almost a week to get it. Plus cost me $70 copay instead of $2. I'm afraid if I complain to him he will switch me to that xtampza ER. Which will be worse. I don't know what to do.

Plus I was in the hospital for 7 weeks with a duodenum ulcer that accessed and perforated my stomach lining and I had to have full on abdominal surgery. So with the scar tissue and just abdominal issues anyway this new medication is supposed to cause stomach problems and constipation ( which I have to be extremely careful about) This doctor won't listen to me. Need some advice from anyone please

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Re: Lynx (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

My pain doc was able to get my medicare to pay for xtampza, it is a horrible med, if oxycontin is still available, get that , I hate this new med.

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Re: Db (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Xtampza is what my doc changed me to, I was on oxycodone 7 times a day with no problem, My doc recommended a test for a morphine pain pump, which gave panic attacks , I was given 4 morphine shots in the discs where my scoliosis is, why 4? He missed the first the first 3, It made me very sick, Next he decided to give me xtampza, he said it was the only time release oxycodone available; wish Oxycontin was still on market. Best in suffering friends.

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Re: CiaoBella (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I have not been on oxycontin for ten years; I forget what it was like; I have been on generic oxycodone for a long time; the government cut my dose in half this year; one of my docs got me oked to take xtampza 36 mg plus 15 mg of oxycodone 6 times a day, I felt it worked much better than generic; but it put me in donut hole in about 4 months; so now I am in pain again/

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I've been taking oxycodone for years, can I take 18 mgs of xtampza q12h h

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Hello, Lynx! How are you?

It contains Oxycodone as its active ingredient, just like Oxycontin, it is a little stronger, so the comparable dose is usually a few milligrams lower than Oxycontin.

The FDA warns that it still carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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These changes are forced by the CDC and federal guidelines. The insurance companies have jumped on the bandwagon as per the "opioid epidemic" it's absurd. If you need to get back on your oxycontin, then you'd have to jump through several hoops as per your insurance company in order for them to do a prior authorization and an appeal process; mind you, this process could take weeks to months.

To be fair, most of my patients with the switch have noted better efficacy than using oxycodone or oxycontin of comparable dose. The only kicker is, you have to take it with food.

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Taking two pills at a time would be doubling your dose for twelve hours. If the dose you have been prescribed is not working, you should talk to your doctor about a possible increase. Xtampza er does not have Tylenol in it. I just recently started taking Xtampza er and take Tylenol every 4 hours. I think it's working but only time will tell.

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