Methadone Maintainance & Weight Gain!!! Help!!! (Page 3) (Top voted first)



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I stated before that once I tapered down from 150mgs to 40mgs my weight gain of 80lbs just started dropping off as fast as it came on. That was back in 2010. I'm once again back in treatment and this time instead of shooting straight up to a high dose I've kept it low, between 50 and 60. I found that it's enough to keep my cravings at bay, to keep me from withdrawals, and to keep me from needing those sugar fixes which was what really caused my weight gain before.

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You absolutely will not lose any weight no matter how much you workout or eat clean until you're down to 30 mls or lower of methadone. I'm speaking from experience. I'm genetically tiny and after being 100-110 my entire life, I too shot up to 200 lbs! Which made me decide to taper off after 3 and a half years. I'm now on 50 from 120. So far I'm ok, just usual panic disorder and depression...which sucks. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. Good luck girl!

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What about sweat ? I have never been one to sweat and it has only got worse. I have been on methadone for 3 years. I just started taking vitadone three days ago , was wondering if anyone knows if this will help me. I have a lot more energy and I'm sleeping better my only complaint is I feel like crap the next morning..

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Methadone is very different for differnt poeple but to say it doesn't cause weight gain is a stretch, yes it makes you lazy in the sens that for me and anyone i know on it just sucks the life out of you, making getting moviated one of the hardest parts and if you get motivated withdrawls are great at "sapping" that motivation right away. WHEN YUOR ON METHADONE YOU HAVE TO BE STRONG MENTALLY AND FORCE YOURSELF INTO ROUTINE OR IT WILL GET THE BETTER OF YOU ONLY COMPOUNDING THE SIDE EFFECTS!!! Every person here i just as valid as the next but on the flip side it is easy to blame methadone. Bottom line is if you want to beat it you will and that starts with a responsible Dr. that will compromise between what you want and what the Dr. knows is best! I am still on it and have seen multiple Dr. to try and get on a SOBOXINE regiment to hopefully bet off for good but this is much easier said than done. I feel for all of you, i really do. For me though i do the best when my routine is consistant and diet is responsible. Methadone is very very strong nut we are stronger! Remember that the next time you want to take an extra dose or raise your dosages!

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Methadone can cause weight gain, you have extreme sugar cravings and feel tired always. Your ambition and energy is literally sucked out of you. I have been on it for over 4 years now, my max dose was 180. I managed to drop to 140 by Dec. of 2011 and I finally decided I am sick of this controlling my life. In March of 2012, I had enough and decided to detox, I have gone down 5 or 10 mgs every week since then. I have not taken any in 2 days now, and I feel okay. I think it may be a mind over matter thing with me, though. I do not on any way recommend this, as this is my personal experience. I hope that I am done with it for good. I started MMT after having a 10 year long oxy addiction and it did help me beat it. There is a vitamin specially formulated for methadone users called vitadone, it helps with the sugar cravings, sweating and constipation, among other things. Anyway, I hope this helps and good luck.

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Hi I've been on methadone for chronic pain for 3 years I was previously on OxyContin all is well now I prefer methadone for the pain as I don't have withdrawals anymore and can live life more but the problem is I have put of a lot of weight with methadone I was 50 kilos all my life but since being on methadone my weight has jumped to 64 kilos that is a lot for me I feel so uncomfortable swollen and fat I'm not a tall person I've tried diets nothing helps not to mention constipation is a nightmare please help any suggestions thanks

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I gained over 70lbs and I've only been on the plan for 8 months.... Your not the only one. It sucks I went from being cute to a cute fatty - ie it's easier to hide wieght gain for guys

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Yes Opiates of any kind will cause you to lose weight because it slows down your digestion...Prunes work OK and Magnesium.If you want to do opiates then you will have to take something for constipation or risk gaining weight.
Its a sad but true fact...

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I weighted 125 the day I entered treatment. I have never weighed more than 143(excluding pregnancy). The first year I gained 79lbs. I had severe fluid retention. I have nerve damage in my feet from the above. I NEVER THOUGHT IT WAS THE METHADONE. Ive seen a number of physicians. 3 years have gone by and i weigh 250 lbs. no answer. God bless over weight people. The doctor at the methadone clinic told me that I was fat and all I do is eat. Im not going to lie about anything. I have not changed my eating habits. Im trying to keep this simple because ive told this story so many times. Being overweight is a disability to me. I was a functioning addict so now people are like whats wrong or what happened to you.Im going to 30 mg thats what I got my first day and I pray my health gets better. Oh yeah the constipation is no joke. I have an umbilical hernia. The doc confirmed that my intestines are in bad shape and you can see the knots on my belly. Good luck to everyone

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I've been on methadone twice now. The first time I gained 40 pounds. Noticed I was eating horribly. So I stopped eating bad and started working our. P90x. For 3 months n didn't lose a pound. I was so discouraged and depressed I got off n went back to suboxone and lost all 40 pounds In less than 2 months. Now here I am again , and this time around I didn't eat bad. I ate healthy. And exercised. And still put on 40 pounds. Yes. It is the methadone. My whole life I've been able to eat whenever n whatever n not gain weight. I'm 5'6 AND ALWAYS weighed 125 TO 130. Now I'm 168,and super depressed cuz of it. I know it's the methadone. It slows down ur metabolism to nothing I know ppl that took speed n prescribed diet pills and lost the weight. !!! Why ? Because the pills boosted their metabolism back to what it was. I run every day. Amd eat healthy. No pop or junk or fast food. Still didn't lose any weight. I'm gonna see a doctor for diet pills cuz I can't take it and I'm not ready to get off methadone. It's saved my life and have been clean for over a year. So. It's well worth it

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Vitadone or Nutradone I have been taking it for about 8 months and it helps with the side effects but not the weight gain

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Coffee enema daily is the BEST thing I've found for all of the tummy issues. Seriously works great and makes me feel more toxins!!

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Vitadone is vitamin for the side effects if methadone, but not a prescription medicine. I saw an ad for it in my clinic.

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I agree with you that Carl, Methadone does slow down your metabolism although every one is different and for MANY MANY people, Methadone does make you crave sweets. And for many people as well, any opiate makes them crave sugar/sweets.

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I thank you so much for this! I too have gained while taking methadone however i believe i gained because i speed dating healthy. The way i always did because u just stayed eating says all the time because i did crave them to an extent but recently I've speed reading this way and am returning to my old ways is eating. I also believe the methadone makes us tired which can cause us to become very inactive which plays a role in weight gain! I do believe it's all in what and how much we eat!

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Hi Lesha, I am right there with you! When reading your post, I felt like I wrote it. Anyway, i have only been on Methadone for 1 year and have gained 25 pounds. I am miserable. All I do is crave sweets...I compare it to when I was using and would obsess over the drug!! Everyday I wake up and tell myself that I am going to eat healthy, then I can't take it anymore and binge on junk...then I feel depressed and fat...blah blah blah. It's a vicious cycle. I joined a gym but feel extremely unmotivated to even get there. I have been lowering the Methadone and hope to be off soon...I can't take constipation, weight gain, etc. Plus I feel ready to stop it. I have to take 4 extra strength xlax once every few days or I would NEVER go to the bathroom. I suggest seeing a doctor...Again, I am almost off the Methadone or I would see one myself. It's a tough situation because you say you are afraid to start using again, so getting off the Methadone for you does not sound doable right now. Perhaps try the prescription Miralax that someone here suggested and drink plenty of water. I wish I had answers for you. But you are not alone on this one, I am in the same boat and many others are as well. It seems to be worse for females (weight gain, constipation) then males. I am on these threads often so if you want to vent, I am here for ya!!

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Well, I truly believe it is the methadone 100 percent. I been on it for a year I have gained around 60 pounds I feel super fat, ugly, depressed and sometimes I feel like using so I can be skinny again yeah how selfish and stupid that sounds but yeah I more heavy now than when I was pregnant I feel so nasty! And all I have read here is gotten me so confused I just think I need to get off the methadone once and for all!!

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I feel the exact same way you do Mia! I hate looking in the mirror...none of my clothes fit...I weigh more than I was when I was pregnant too. May 31 2015 (end of the month) makes 1 year since I have been on methadone. My highest amount was 90mg and I am now at 5 mg and working on getting off it in the next couple weeks here. I feel like I am ready and am extremely focused on not ever using again. It has actually been very very easy. I was so nervous because I had heard these horror stories about how miserable it was to get off it. It was a breeze for me but I did it slowly and the right way, lowering from 5 mg each week and once I hit 20 I went down even slower to 3 or 2 mg per week depending on how I felt. You gotta be ready for the right reasons but if I can do it...ANYONE can. If you need help or support, I would be glad to help!!

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What did the doc give you after he found thyroid problem?

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