Medicaid Louisiana Doctors That Are Suboxone Licensed (Page 12) (Top voted first)


I had been on Suboxone for almost 8 years. In my opinion it is a wonder drug compared to all the opiates that the pain clinics are all too willing to prescribe .I have been out of my Suboxone for a week & a half. I feel like I am dying. I can not sleep. I have a 5 month old new baby boy. I can hardly pick him up due to the pain that I am in. I hurt all over. i have been so nauseated. My doctor who 's visits were cash bases only, however medicaid would take care of the actual prescription of 60, 8 mg. At one time I WAS PRESCRIBED 4, 8 MG SUBS A DAY. i WOULD KILL JUST TO HAVE A QUARTER RIGHT NOW TO FEEL LIKE NORMAL AGAIN. My doctor decided that he no longer wants to deal with any one with medicaid due to the fact that his office does not "LIKE TO HANDLE PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS " REALLY ......SO I am guessing that he really never gave a s*** about his patients at all because this is a horrible feeling. I would never wish this feeling on anyone. I really need to find a doctor in LOUISIANA south, that will prescribe this medication. Can you please help me?

235 Replies (12 Pages)

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Re: Kaypen (# 223) Expand Referenced Message

What do the colors represent?

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Re: Kaypen (# 221) Expand Referenced Message

I believe it's a self-pay option only. No insurance accepted, but I'm not 100% sure about that. I'm from Louisiana and the system allowed me to complete the entire scheduling & payment process and even received a confirmation email. I started reading more details after completing the process for Doctor visit and that is when I learned they do not accept Louisiana patients. Also, I had to contact them for a refund. They did not contact me or even automatically refund my payment. I thought it was very strange that the system allowed me to complete the entire registration and ultimately payment process when they don't serve Louisiana.

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Re: Kaypen (# 227) Expand Referenced Message

May I ask which state do you live in?

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Re: Kf3355705 (# 228) Expand Referenced Message

I live in Texas

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Re: sherry (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I see this message is old but this is my question also. Doctors that accept Medicaid and prescribe Suboxone in Louisiana. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Kaypen (# 229) Expand Referenced Message

I'm not quite sure or familiar with Texas Suboxone Programs. Only Louisiana. Although, I'm sure it's similar.

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Re: Kf3355705 (# 213) Expand Referenced Message

Where are those locations?

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Re: Anitra (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Can you please tell me what Dr in Shreveport?

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Search for suboxone doctors in (your area) who takes medicaid. It'll give you a list of drs. But they are getting few and far between. They don't care about the patient's, they are all out for the money.

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Re: Kimberly123 (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

My son just pointed out that you're from the states so your already messed up and I would kick a human that’s down before I would kick a dog, in fact this world makes me sick and I care more for animals than humans! Humans have destroyed this world and you are brain washed to believe that your supposed to just accept this inappropriate behaviour and sweetie you are talking to me about made up stories of gods? I hate this world and the people in this world that allow and accept that kind of behavior as totally normal. People like you! I know for a fact that you are or used to be an addict, that’s the only reason you're trying to protect her!! The only good place on this earth is Canada and you guys are freaks that accept drug use as a disease and go oh that poor girl!! Give me a flipping break! Why do you guys make excuses for these druggies and yes she was a druggy if she took that dose for 8 flipping years without looking for other alternatives than drugs!! And maybe you are getting defensive and not agreeing with me because you are still on drugs or were on them on a dose a doctor didn’t prescribe! It’s people like you that make people think it’s fine to take drugs! People like you from the states need to stay there. You're sick minded people!!! We are trying to stop people from needing these drugs and all you guys are doing is telling her where to get more!! Sick! I’m done with you guys! Sick sick world!!

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Does anyone know of any tele-med or online doctors in Louisiana that accept Medicaid as online visit payment for Suboxone treatment?

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Re: Sherish (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

1st you have the limited view of someone who stereotypes due to geography which clearly states you've never been anywhere. 2nd you don't have the comprehension skills to realize this forum is about Suboxone and Medicaid. And lastly here's valuable advice: It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.

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Ok, so do you mean to tell me that you were taking suboxone while you were pregnant?? Do you realize how sick a person must be in the head to be taking that drug while pregnant or even caring for a child? I Hope that your child is taken away from you! I don’t care how much pain or anxiety you're in once you find out you're pregnant, it’s not about you anymore! If you feel like your dying then you are obviously not caring for that child because your online chatting about your pain? Seriously?? Get real and get that child a proper home! The instant I found out I was pregnant I stopped taking my oxycodone and stopped smoking and I was on 120mgs of oxycodone daily as I have rods supporting my spine! So don’t give me any crap about not knowing what pain is because you couldn’t handle the pain I’m in!

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Re: Kimberly123 (# 146) Expand Referenced Message

Sweetie I have every right to judge her as I am a child care specialist and I was never a addict as I could and did stop my oxycodone instantly without going around saying I feel like I’m going to die! If she feels that way then the authorities have every right to take that child out of her care until she is evaluated! And I did take a good look at my life and realized I didn’t want to be like her and people like her! And I have been in a wheelchair for 4 years!!! So you watch your mouth!! If I’m so bad that I’m crippled and couldn’t even have my child naturally or I would have died because of all the rods and screws in my body if I can handle it then she needs to take a good look at her life and go to rehab and obviously you were a addict or still are or you wouldn’t be protecting someone who has a little baby and is talking about wanting to die!? Because she doesn’t have harsh drugs!!? Go to rehab and grow up!!! Because there is no way that child is getting the appropriate care if she is saying she feels that bad! You need to stop trying to protect people that are addicts and stop trying to make excuses for them to be taking those drugs. Did she anywhere on there ask if anyone had anything to do for pain besides different pain medications? NO!!! SHE NEEDS REHAB! HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! I don’t feel sorry for her I feel sorry for any children she has!! Oh ya even my 18 year old son just told me to tell you ADDICTS PROTECT ADDICTS!! So the lady who commented mom must be taking pain medications to! Bahaha he is right isn’t he???

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Hello, Jen! How are you?

Were you taking it for addiction treatment or pain?

I'm not sure from your post and that determines what type of doctor you'll need.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

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