How Long Does Opana Stay In Your Urine (Page 3)
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how long will a 40 mg opana stay in your urine?

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I took half of an opana Wednesday and have to have a urine drug screen. How long will it be in my system?

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I'm a nurse. Opana shows up as opana. I know, I do drug tests all day long and I try to help people from losing their medication.

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Opana is not morphine or oxycodone . Oxymorphone(Opana) is is own drug. It's is neither one . Nor is it a mixture of two drugs. It is its own drug. Who ever told you that it wrong. YOU need to do your research . I know because I work in a pharmacy . Just letting you know , that you are giving false information.

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Well I would like to know what balanced here because I'm in the same persistent

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Did you pass the drug test I'm in the same situation

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I took 1 opana on Monday around 5 and I have to take a urine test sometime today before the lab closes. It is now Friday at 2:00. Do you think I will be ok?

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I have taken opana for two weeks. I have a drug test one week after words will they be out of my system by then that's 8 days

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You shouldn't quit cold turkey it's the worst, wein yourself off and if u can take vicodin or lower dose of opiates do that or you'll be begging to just end your life. Your gonna sweat it's gonna be terrible it's gonna feel terrible but aftwr 3 days you'll be fine. I would ask a doctor to prescribe u some xanax to help u through if

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I am taking a 15 mg opana on march 15. Will it be out of my system by april 1

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I have ran out of my medication which now I take Percocet 5/325 I have an Opana ER 5 miligram left over if I take it how long will it stay in my urine? I am tested monthly before I get my next prescription and the next test will be 3/22/16

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Opana is not morphine mixed with oxycodone. Where are people getting this BS?? Opana is oxymorphone, a semi-synthetic opiod. It is much more potent than morphine or oxycodone. Please, people, do research before posting (mis) information.

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It is oxycodone and morphine mixed so it will show up both drugs. If you want to pass your tests stop taking the drugs you're not supposed to be taking.

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Ha you just said percs show as (oxycodone) which is true my friend but then said its not an opiate??? What are you talking about oxycotin is an opiate genius and on a 5 panel that checks just for opiates oxy percs opana heorin and so on all show up as opiates

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Ha thats bs if you believe that need to stay away from all pain meds bud

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Did you fail for the opana? I'm kinda going through the same thing myself

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I go to the suboxone doctor. You need to be dirty if your clean and don't fail the test. They will probably not take you as a patient bc they think you want to sell them.

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So seriously how long does it take to get opanas out of your system so that the lab won't even know you done it?????? I took a 20mg just a lil bit ago and i need to take a drug test next week so any help would be nice!!!!

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Hello I been read and keep wonder want how long the opana er will be leave my system before get urine test cuz I am not rx from doctor and not that addict too and I have a bad pain on my lower back and left liver so I visit my dr every months so I want know how long this will be gone?

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3 opana 30's showed up 3 weeks later. I had a bad break through pain and took a few so i could get out of bed. They have new tests if sent to a lab, the urinalysis can detect anything you took for that month. It showed everything i had taken that month. I am positive of when my back went out and the severe pain i was in. I couldn't move or go to the bathroom. Sorry they are getting smarter with their testing. If not prescribed it don't take it. I was informed that they would be gone in 3 days. What bulls***. I know my doctor knows my chronic pain is pretty bad so he forgave it this time, but no more chances. I am not happy about it but i have learned my lesson, next time they can call an ambulance.

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