Xtampza Er Users Effectiveness (Page 3)
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I need ppl who have tried the new Xtampza er med to tell me if it works the same as oxycontin? I need to switch so I wanted to know the strength of the new med in comparison.

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Re: Pete (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

He gave me an Rx for 5 mg-30 count for a month for breakthrough as needed. I've only used 1. Got the Rx about a week ago. I'm used to giving myself permission to take Tylenol but not the oxy yet. I really appreciate the way my pain management group takes care of me. They do what's best for me. And while we don't necessarily agree (sometimes I suggest something) they might give me an alternative and explain why. I'm in good hands with them. In a way, I'm lucky. I don't have a job (too old) finally do if I'm having a bad time, it makes no difference. If it gets bad enough, I just go to bed, turn on tv and go to sleep. I'm pathetic, really. I should at least move around. Did you read the part where I'm spoiled? I keep telling myself that it could be worse. So true. The things others have to deal with - I know I couldn't deal with it. Anyway, good to connect with you. Sounds like you're doing pretty well. Take care.

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Re: Lou (# 141) Expand Referenced Message

God bless u for being able to get threw the day with only one 5 mg oxy a day with the Xtampza ER! My doctor gives me 2 38 mg Xtampza with 5 15 mg roxys for break trew pain, I used to get 20's sure miss them??

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Re: MR RYAN (# 138) Expand Referenced Message

Well, my dilemma got a little more complicated. I got an e-mail from the pharmacy Dept. of my insurance company. I still have questions for them. When I get it all sorted in my little pea brain, I'll fill you in. It's really interesting. Not hitting panic button cause I have a couple of weeks of Rx left. Have a good one!

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Re: Thatguy (# 140) Expand Referenced Message

It's really too bad that you had to change to Xtampza when the morphine was working. The last time I went to pm group, I talked to him about upping my Rx from 18 to 27 He didn't want to do that but he did agree to give me ONE 5mg oxy ir per day. I'm really spoiled so I would have liked to get Rx for 27 Xtampza AND another for maybe 3 a day for break thru. Did I say I am spoiled??. My idea was to have lots options for how I'm feeling from one minute to another. I can imagine everyone thinking, boy, that sounds like a drug addict. I'm not. I generally struggle with how much pain I can tolerate without taking more drugs. My pain management group keeps me grounded which I am very grateful for. I can see how things could get really out of hand if you combine a patient who is really persuasive and a doctor who gives in too easily. Since I only have one break thru a day to spend, the night time one you take isn't really an option for me. I'd rather save the oxy ir for daytime pain. If I'm having a bad night I just grab a Tylenol. I can guarantee I'm gonna have a bad day after I've been to grocery store, try to cook a little something, try to do dishes or if someone in my house stresses me. Might I add that my husband retired over 10 years ago! YUCK. Married almost 42 years. Working for him-not me so much. I digress. Sounds like taking your second dose of Xtampza a little earlier and then an IR around 9 pm works for you, I might try moving last one a little earlier and hope for the best. Maybe if I take all of posters' suggestions and try them all, I could possibly get the right combination. That would be awesome! One challenge I have to conquer is making sure pharmacy fills my Rx when I need it. That's turning out to be a little more complicated than I thought (shout out to Mr. Ryan, I'll post soon). Have you noticed I tend to write a book? Sorry it's one of my many flaws. You've given me more to consider. Thanks and sorry for the book.

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Re: Lou (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

So i get break through medication that i take at 9pm before I go to bed (10mg oxycodone). I have rough nights like most people some times. I used to sleep through the night with no prob with the 3 morphine ER i was on. Also I have noticed that even though i may not think its working the full 12 hrs. I am absolutely not in the same kind of pain i am in say if i where to run out, which i did when i first got put on them in January, because my brain had not healed and it wasnt working as the morphine did for me. But they do work, and i can work a full time job and function for the most part.

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MR RYAN (# 136) --

Good to hear from you, Ryan. You've always been my 'go-to' dude whenever I had questions. Thanks. When I finally settled on my Rx for the Xtampza I did like you said, letting him know that I'd be needing this monthly. All went okay for about 6 months. Then this last time, all that could go wrong did go wrong. I was down to my last pill (took it that morning), appt. was on Friday. Took Rx to pharmacy to fill (I always did that). They said they only had 46 pills. I went home to check on other pharmacies. No one had any. Too late to call dr office for advice. They're about 45 minutes to get hard copy of Rx (if they would even give it to me). So I ended up doing without pills until Monday when I finally decided to take what I could get. I've sent my dr to see what to do but haven't heard back. Xtampza is the only Rx they'll approve. It's nuts. What are we supposed to do? So right now, I'm scared to death wondering what I'll do if I run out before a new supply comes in. Guess I'll be popping otc's until it gets straightened out. The Xtampza site says to call them to see availability in our area. I'm a nervous Nelly under normal circumstances and this just sends me right over the edge. I'll call my dr tomorrow like you said and get the ball rolling as best I can. I hope that the pharmacies and manufacturer get their act together soon. Don't want to deal with this every month. If they can't keep up with demand, why don't they just hire more people!? On the lighter side. On my way home from picking up the partial Rx of 46, it had gotten dark. I discovered I didn't have any headlights so I put my flashers on and drove about 10 mph depending on others' lights well enough to see. Do you pity me yet? Anyway, I'll take your advice. You've never steered me wrong yet. I don't vent too much. Sorry. But I feel better. Thank you for everything.

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Re: Lou (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Lou,
Its been a while since our last post. My advice in regards to your partial med refil. Tomorrow call your doctor and let them know that you had to accept a partial fill of your presciption due to pharmacy medication shortage. Your doctor will most likely write you a script for the ballance of medication that is owed to you. Personally what i have experienced is that not many pharmacies carry Xtampza. What I did was spoke with my pharmacy technician and let them know that this will be a regularly filled prescription every month and that they need to start keeping it in stock. Also do not wait until you are almost out of your xtampza and then take your script to the pharmacy. What I personally do is after I see my pain managment doctor on my way home I stop at my pharmacy and drop off my script regardless of how long until I need it. The reason I do it this way is because the xtampza almost always needs to be ordered, this gives them time to order it and have it ready for when I need it.believe me I have suffered withdrawls because I made the mistake of waiting to fill it, I learned that lesson the hard way.

Take care, I hope all works out for you.

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Re: Lou (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

Aloha, I can't even find a pharmacy that carries it. This Xtampza is not any cheaper than oxycodone ER, so why the change with ins companies? I took myself down in 6 weeks to half of my doses, to a 25mcg Fentanyl patch and to 15mg Oxycontin. I have used essential oils and CBD oils to keep me somewhat relaxed and to deal with the withdrawal pain. Is everyone else's Drs taking them to 90mg per morphine dose? Is that where it ends? I heard physicians are suing for their patients' right to be out of pain. I think maybe everyone was on too much, but there doesn't seem to be a plan of how to treat people individually based on their pain and injuries or is it standard 90mg Morphine equivalency?

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Kaila (# 132) --

A problem I'm having currently is finding any pharmacy in my area that carry it. My insurance company will only approve Xtampza so I'm stuck. I had an Rx to fill on a Friday. Had taken my last dose that morning. When I went to fill it at my pharmacy they only had 46 pills so I had to forfeight the rest of the Rx. They said their supply has been on backorder for 3 weeks. So I don't know what I'm gonna do when my 46 runs out. That's a guaranteed deterrent if you ask me. But like you said, people will tend to hit the streets for illegal. The whole situation keeps me in a state of anxiety with a few panic attacks thrown in. Yikes! I wish everyone the best.

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Re: Thatguy (# 132) Expand Referenced Message

Please forgive my question but my math skills are non-existent. You say it lasts probably 8 hours. You take it in the morning and again at 3 pm. That means second dose lasts til about 11 pm? So does that mean that from 11 pm until your morning dose, the Rx has petered out? So the pain isn't bad enough to wake you up? If that's right, I might rethink my current plan. Glad yours is working out. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Kaila (# 133) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Kaila. That was a really good post with great questions. My opinion as to why this medication is being pushed by doctors so hard is because of the Anti-Abuse Preventative the Xtampza has, with so much attention on Opiates right now due to drug abuse and overdoses. There are a lot of eyes on the doctors in regards to prescriptions and also over prescribing pill mills etc. Which has made life very very tough for us "ACTUAL VICTIMS OF CHRONIC PAIN" who do not abuse but rely on it for daily life & quality of life. My opinion I don't think the insurance companies want us to taking it. Xtampza is very hard to get covered and insured by insurance companies. It is a very expensive drug that there is No Generic for. I have Blue Cross Insurance and thankfully with additional prescription coverage cards offered by my Pain Management i finally after months got my prescription cost down to $35 per month. I just checked yesterday at a Local RITE-AIDE Pharmacy and to Purchase Out of Pocket with no insurance a 30 day supply of 36mg Xtampza taken twice per day (Every 12hrs) Cost $989.00. My opinion just like any drug people will find ways to abuse the drug just like fentanyl, which is now the leading opiate causing overdoses. What sucks is I will forever be reliant on pain medication fir the rest of my life. My pain issues will only worsen as I age, I have had multiple spinal fusion surgeries and I'm only in my mid thirties. I have many pain staking years ahead of me. With our current world opiate issues I definitely worries me as to my future of pain management. Its very scary. With so many people overdosing and deaths I fear it will extremely effect us and our long term pain management needs in the future. Thanks.

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Re: chody (# 128) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for that update on headaches and nausea...I uave enough stomach issues without that nightmare also. Everyone seems so complacent to be put on alternative meds and no real explanation of WHY? Is this all FDA,CDC etc or insurance? The cost is the same, expensive like the Oxy ER. So is anyone questioning our ins companies? I am on United health care secondary, is this all insurance carriers? I think this will cause more people to go to the streets for relief, more deaths. Or is that the plan? I am sick of being PRACTICED ON and then live in pain because of it. I know its hard to find motivation to fight back when were struggling with pain every dam day but is anyone investigating any of this?

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Re: BethB (# 130) Expand Referenced Message

I was on 3, 30mg Extended release Morphine, and it took about a month... What is weird is that Xtampza is 1.5x stronger than morphine (percocet is stronger). I am well adjusted now. It however does NOT last 12 hrs. I take it in the morning with a small meal. then i take it at 3pm and it doesnt overlap, it seems to last 8hrs. Ohwell its better then being horribly in pain!!!

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Re: BethB (# 130) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Beth,
Its been a while. I just wantes to drop you a line and say hi and see how you have been. I hope that after our many discussions that my advice and experiences were able to help you in your transition. Xtampza can ve a very tricky and also stubborn medication. As most people are finding out that if you do not eat a fatty food when taking your dose its like you might as well be taking a baby Aspirin LOL! I hope you are doing well and your pain is manageable. As you know transitioning from a heavy hitter med Fentanyl to Xtampza can be very very difficult if the dosage is not correct. My transition was very rough going from 75mcg Fentanyl and starting on way way too low if a dose of Xtampza. Major withdrawls that was like getting hit by a truck. Now taking 36mg ER Xtampza 2x day and an additional break thru med 2x day as needed I'm doing pretty good, with occasional "BAD" days here and there all & all I'm leading a pretty functional life. As I have said in my many many posts fatty food is the "KEY" tobthis med. Yes It sucks because in the past I didn't eat breakfast or lunch. And basically having to change my hole life regement was a culture shock. But I would rather do this any day of the week than live in pain. With a full on spinal fusion, hip bone graph and 3 rounds of extensive back surgery and a sever case of Mursa/Staf Infection under my belt and more. I will take having to each a piece of cheese and drink a little milk with a dose of Xtampza any day over living living in the nightmare if excruciating pain that I was. It was a living hell literally. Well stay in touch, I look forward to hearing from you.

To all on this post.... my sympathy goes out to everyone and hope you all find some relief from pain some how. I truely have lived with it for years and know what it is like to beg for just 5 minutes of relief. I would not wish it on my worst enemy.
Thanks for listening.

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Re: Thatguy (# 127) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, may I ask were you on ER Morphine or was it instant release? Also it took a little bit but I have adjusted very well to Xtampza, very important to eat a small fatty meal with it. I was previously on 75 Fentanyl patch so it was quite an adjustment initially.

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Re: Db (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I hear that. I am so sick of Drs having to comply with the CDC and then what ever Insurance company covers. Its causing more stress and pain for the patients who suffer. I think maybe they need to get hit by a semi at 70 miles an hour and be a total spinal cord nightmare 2 broken titanium necks and rods up your spine to keep you together and then you get a new knee and heel surgeries to go with it. I am over it and if i wasn't depressed, I am now!

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Re: Thatguy (# 127) Expand Referenced Message

I have had a serious headache since my insurance changed me to this med.I don't like it. My head feels like I have a band on my head gripping my skull

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Re: Lbell (# 126) Expand Referenced Message

Same here. Just today i feel like i have electric charley horses going down both my legs and i ache severely, and that's with meds. Hopefully this med plus my breakthrough will eventually work better. I think my brain is still healing from the higher dose of morphine i was on for over 4 years. Good luck! You are for sure not alone in this!

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Re: MrRyan (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

Your post is exactly how I feel about the situation. Thanks, I don't feel so isolated now. I wish I could go through life without the meds, but I wouldn't be able to do anything.

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Re: Feeling Overwhelmed (# 112) Expand Referenced Message

My insurance would not cover 3 a day. Only 2 because its still a brand new drug and it has not been released for generics. I just got switched to 2 36mg, they did give me a script previously for 3, 27mg but insurance would not cover and it was going to be 1k for it. It doesnt last but 8 hours, but within that 8 hours it works, its just hard to figure out what to eat with it. I eat almond butter granola bars and sandwiches, those help.

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