T 194 Yellow Pill (Page 8)


I have a T 194 yellow pill that says it's a percocet 10mg, but when taking it, it made me feel super weird and my chest hurt. Is this a possible side effect?

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Re: JMJ (# 140) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sorry that you have so many problems and that you can't take Ibuprofen. I know all about looking like an abused woman because I bruise very easily myself, which is probably because of the ibuprofen itself LOL but I have to do something because the Percocet alone is not enough for the pain and at this point I'm not ready to increase my dosage or even asked them to do so. I refuse to admit that I have to do that at this point in my life. It frustrates me to know what my age is and to see that there are people who are a lot older than me that can get around better than me and also embarrasses me to the point that I don't want to be seen in public a lot of times. I wish there was a cure-all pill for us so that we would not be in all the pain and Agony that we are all in. Unfortunately for me my pain doctor told me not to even get out of bed before I take a pain pill. What makes me feel like crap most days is that I feel like I can't survive without them. So in turn, for a few days out of the month I will go without my pain medication just so that I can prove to myself that I can. It proves to me in my mind that I'm not addicted to it. You're very welcome for responding to you and I wish there was some more advice that I can give you if nothing more than just a piece of advice in the future possibly. I would love to stay in contact with you so I will watch this thread and make sure that I keep in contact with you if that's alright.

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Re: Poohsy (# 141) Expand Referenced Message

Poohsy, I agree, honesty when relating with my doctor (actually, my doctor retired, but this is a small office and i saw the PA as often as the doctor) always, is the best policy. When I speak, I do pars my words very carefully. My PA , as of now, believes me and after 13 years of same primary care team, she actually cares about me. I can tell just as I can tell when an acquaintance enjoys or merely tolerates me. But still, I'm careful. My last appointment, I seriously needed to address the issue of chronic pain. The use of oxycodone. During this conversation I flat out asked her if she believed my use of oxy was warranted and if she has any reluctance treating my chronic pain. I needed to KNOW if she had any plans to turn me over to PM. For my peace of mind. More and more are being referred to PM, and I have no interest in yet another doctor. Another specialist. She assured me that she will continue to treat me, though she will need an UA and an appointment every 3 months, not too much to ask. I was so nervous about that visit, and so stinkin relieved afterwards. To know I can tell her a certain brand such as the kind discussed in this thread and she will work with me, is a great consolation. Honestly, this should not be so nervewracking. But, that's the climate we are living in. You have to be prepared to have these meds taken away. Prepare the mind so you are not shocked and dazed. This Camber 194 is like taking your med away. Worse, because you get sick besides withdrawl. I am married to a Marine, who believes in being prepared. I don't want to be taken by surprise and have my world crash and burn. I wish I had a good plan in place, but I dont! :(

Poohsy, I will try to pop in and look around for you to say hi and find out how you're doing. God bless.

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Hello all my fellow chronic pain sufferers. I wish I was posting a good day indeed, but unfortunately it's a day of tears and suffering. I have to get my Rx filled today. Walgreens WAS my pharmacy. I need to find a different one as the pharmacist there said, "you are the only one that has complained about the Camber". REALLY, I hate being lied to! I didn't say that to him, just an ok 'have a nice day, a**hole. Well, I guess I didn't say that out loud, but wanted to. Anyway, I do not want to get another script for Camber, POISON. Soooo, Walmart said that they have one by Malinkroft (sp) - is this one as bad as the Camber? I don't know where to go, there aren't any small mom and pop pharmacies around here. I would have to go into the big city and don't want to do that. This sucks. I hate what the government has done to us for the sake of controlling the opioid epidemic. It doesn't make any sense and from what I've learned, when something doesn't make any sense, it's usually a lie. My heartfelt prayers to all.

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Re: Big red balloon (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

hello I myself I've had good luck with those. to me there is just as good if not better than what Walgreens used to have. if you're not satisfied with those and you have a CVS in your area you might want to try those as well as they have Rhodes Pharmacy. good luck with your Endeavor on finding one that works for you keep us posted as to which one you use and which one works for you the best

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Re: Jeff (# 121) Expand Referenced Message

Dear Jeff, they always tell you NO complaints, so that YOUR complaint will make you wonder if this could possibly be in your head. Make you search your concience and discover...tadaaaa, i must be a drug seeker, an addict. Look at how i am groveling for better, stronger meds! Your nausea, continued pain, headaches are just an opportunity to possibly get a drug with a high. And then THEY can utilize the feared red flag. They can put you in the box of deplorables and wreck your credibility with all Pharmacies, databases, doctors, etc. They look like they are just trying to help your drug addled self, doing their part for the war on drugs. Their war on chronic pain patients. Their tactics somehow are going to turn chronic pain into just a nuisance, a character defect, a weakness doctors, legislators, pharmacies et al, can bully out of you.

Yes, this is a rant, but a rant many filling their scripts with ineffective meds, can relate with. Reading about this Camber T194, the complaints from ordinary people, not druggies, is a RED FLAG for ME. A sure sign of collusion within Walgreen pharmicies, and beyond. No, I don't trust, but neither do I see conspiracies at every turn. Common sense tells me all is not right in the pharmaceutical world!!!! JMJ

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Re: Big red balloon (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

Some hospitals have pharmacies that you can go to and tell them that certain brands have fillers that you react badly to and will work with you since there are no mom and pop shops.

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Re: JMJ (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

Forgot this part of my rant ;) We can go into our local Walmart and raise holy @#$/ about their defective TV, Computers, clothing, even foods, and they respond with courtesy, including bending over backwards to make things right. But, by golly, show irritation about defective generics, which may affect the quality of our lives and our productivity and yes, they will respond....with an escort to the door, because 1. You are peeved and 2. They are no longer comfortable filling your legit perscriptions. How dare we be irritated, or missing a tooth, or look like death warmed over, or simply ask for a different generic???? Or heaven forbid....have no insurance? Of course, they can turn you away for NONE of the above. It's up to them and how comfortable THEY feel. Wow, just wow. What a world we live in. :(

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Re: FibroFighter2 (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Your Right Fibro, not as effective. Didn't like them at all.

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I posted a few weeks ago (#68) about my experience w/ the Camber "Percocets." It was not good. Just to update, I went for my 3-month nurse visit at my doctor's office yesterday, part of the contract w/ my doctor to prescribe a 30-day supply at a time. I was chatting w/ the receptionist/office manager on the way out & commented that (1) my pharmacy of choice ("R"), which was recently bought out by "W", had dispensed this Camber "generic brand" last month & how ineffective they've been, and that (2) if this refill wasn't effective I would be talking w/ the doctor about compounding something similar. She said, "You wouldn't believe how many patients have said the same thing the past couple of months, and the one thing in common in most cases is 'W'." Of course, "R" is now "W," but I've had a relationship w/ the two staff pharmacists at "R" for nearly 10 years. I know them by name & they me, even the two pharmacy techs. Those folks couldn't have been nicer over the years. Never have I felt "judged" by any of them for having an opiate script filled.

Flash forward to yesterday afternoon when I simply dropped off my script (that isn't due to be filled until Monday). I had already called & asked a couple weeks ago if they could order (and actually get) something besides Camber. The lead pharmacist said they'd received some Rhodes "generic brand" which, while it wasn't the most effective I've ever tried, beat the heck out of Camber which didn't seem to make a dent in the pain. So they confirmed yesterday they have the Rhodes & will fill it w/ that "brand" Monday. We shall see.

On the way out, after being told last month that "this" "R" location would remain & just be rebranded "W", long-faced workers were putting up big posters near the front of the store that said this location would close on 3-27. I marched back to the pharmacy & asked if this is really true! Yes, they said, and they don't even know where they're being transferred. The posters (and the pharmacist confirmed) all their scripts are being transferred to the 24-hour "W" up the street. I absolutely HATE that store! It's like a zoo all the time, and the staff there is SO rude!

I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but for a few months this past summer & fall, I was literally STUCK after being referred to a PM "specialist" back in June for the treatment of RSD that developed in my right hand/arm after a severe fracture & surgery to repair it. My PCP was uncomfortable prescribing while I was under the care of a surgeon, and I'm completely open & honest w/ ALL doctors concerning what I receive & who prescribes it. My PCP backed out of prescribing pain meds until the PM "specialist" released me... which he finally did in late November. (The surgeon was done after one week.)

This PM "specialist" seemed to be using me as a "science experiment" of sorts. He wanted to rx gabapentin or other types of drugs. I've had serotonin syndrome three times. I cannot take anything (SSRIs, gabapentin, tramadol) which greatly increases serotonin. So he prescribed about 1/3 of the dose of the regular short-acting pain med my PCP was giving for the "almost daily" pain (from several sources, but chronic, w/ the fractured arm & RSD on top of all that) & even convinced me to try something called "Butrans patch" (the lowest dose made). I tried it. I had to go to three different "W" pharmacies w/i a few miles of each other to actually find one that had it. NONE were willing to order it. Rather they just referred me to "the location up the street." After all, there's a "W" about every three blocks around here! Little did I know the stupid state (TN) "flagged" me for using more than 3 pharmacies. They were all "W" locations! Their records are all connected. I'm not trying to hide anything, but that's how the state of TN (and apparently many other states) now "think." IOW, they don't THINK! And all the Butrans patch did was break me out in a rash. It didn't help w/ pain at all. (My PCP told me, after hearing about that, that the PM "specialist" was trying to "force" me into withdrawals. Apparently Butrans does that if you're dependent? Well, it didn't work, if that was his intent. My PCP says HE knows I'm not dependent, and *I* know I'm not dependent, so WTH?

Anyway, "R" filled a script w/ Rhodes about 3 months ago, and the first month it was fairly effective. The next time, maybe 2, that they filled it w/ Rhodes, it didn't seem as effective. This isn't a tolerance issue. I've ALWAYS been HIGHLY tolerant to any type of opioid or sedative. They find it difficult to even knock me out for surgery or "procedures," much less simply "sedate" me. I can take doses that would knock many people cold & not realize I've received anything. That's apparently just some recessive gene b/c neither of my parents was like that. A tiny dose of anything would knock my mom cold! I've never abused any type of drug... never tried any type of street drug, including marijuana, and I don't drink. It just is what it is, and I have no explanation nor can I help it. When I told the PM "specialist" that last summer he commented I shouldn't say that b/c it just tells him "I'm abusing drugs." Uh, no. It's just telling the truth, and I do NOT abuse drugs. I actually have a pretty high tolerance to pain... undergone nerve blocks w/ nothing which amazed the doctor & nurses, but at least I was allowed to drive afterwards which I would not have been had they "sedated" me. Opioids do not make me "feel good" or "feel" anything. They either take the edge off pain or they don't. Period. I work full-time, 6-7 days a week, and on the bad days the medication just allows me to function & be productive.

I shall see how this next refill w/ Rhodes works. If it doesn't, and now w/ my friendly "R" store closing & my two pharmacists w/ whom I've had a relationship for the past 9-10 years are gone... I may be looking more seriously into having something compounded if my doctor is agreeable.

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Re: JMJ (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, even after my experience w/ "R" pharmacy the past 9-10 years, when I told one of the two pharmacists who's been there forever yesterday that I was getting no pain relief from the Camber "brand," he kind of shrugged & seemed baffled. He didn't say in so many words that *I* was the only person who has complained, but I'm sure I'm not. After all, "R" is now "W"!

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Re: joe (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Yes - I am the wife of a disabled veteran(since 1971) he has had severe(Or worse as he has aged) pain for several years. (Due to several falls from head injuries-he also has chronic pain from spinal injuries-he had a stroke in 2015) The hospital who did surgery in 2015 had him on percoset (oral -plus injection). Later in 2016 they moved him to hydrocodone/then ox ycodone w/acetyminophen. I think now they have changed him to the generic's. I am so upset to see (after all his suffering) that the doctor's have the ability to do this for a Veteran. (the Veteran's of our country deserv e what they exceptionally require for their pain and suffering if it is the best for them daily!

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Re: joe (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

You're looking to feel high then.. Those Actavis A333 garbage got me away from walgreens, my pharmacy was out. Had to go. Walgreens did not give me Actavis thank God. I received the T 194 yellow endo. And let me tell you I have not felt this good in years. Pain was gone, I was more focused, had energy I have not had in years. Listen, if you wanna get stoned, consume marijuana. Tired of taking a pill to feel stoned and like non motivated and still have pain. There is nothing wrong with these ends if you are taking it for the right reasons.

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I received these and I have not felt better. You all are looking to get that euphoric effect, the hell with pain relief. Once you admit that move on. I've been on all of them high as a damn bat (forget that s***) and I have some major issue like Cancer. These pills are fine. Why? They work and I don't feel any pain. I'm super focused, no itching. Hell, I feel sober and it's great without pain and being high. You all need to be honest here with yourselves. You're looking for that Ahhhhhhh euphoric feeling bull crap. These pills are just fine.

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It's the war on drugs people. We are on the bottom of the agenda, anyone with cancer or serious pain. Why? Cause of those folks selling them and abusing them. Game Over!!!! Go to medical Mary Jane (420). If you are serious about managing your pain get a card, a doc, & vape your pain away. It works. The T194 work. Ahhhhhhh what's wrong, you ain't getting that euphoric rush. Game Over. That's what causing the issue of addiction. It has nothing to do with your pain. Now these companies like the tobacco folks are getting sued. Yup, attorneys need to get paid too and they find any loop hole to do so. I feel your pain, however this is the way it will be from here on out. You wanna fight back, boycott the damn pills and go to medical 420. It works... No more pills, no more worrying about your liver. God bless you all and I wish everyone good health and pain free. Don't complain, fight back. Throw them pills away and go holistic with medical 420...

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The truth sounds like it was taken off its mommy's t*tty to soon and the only pain it ever felt was mommy slapping it's behind when it was 16 still trying to nurse.

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Re: LaLa (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Same same for me. I have been taking Percocet and other generic versions of it for about 11 years. I just picked up the new YELLOW pills and have had what appears to be allergic reactions twice. I get all sweaty, feel week and tired, and like I have a huge gas bubble right where my heart is. Thing is, having been taking these several times a day for years now, I have little choice but keep taking them. Not sure what to do about it.

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Maybe you should go back and read these posts that we've posted. We're genuinely getting sick from the t194. Nausea, headaches, chest pains, etc. There are more, I could go on but I won't. I will let you go back and read these posts as you should if you want to be in the conversation. These things are making people sick. It's not that we're looking for euphoria, they're not helping with pain. We are not looking for a high. We are in genuine pain. That's why we are in pain management. I myself have been in pain management for 10 years. I know there are people who look down upon us because we have to take pain medication daily. People who think we are addicts. The difference between us and those on the street is that we get ours legally, we know what we're doing and we don't abuse them. As far as getting mary jane as you put it for help with pain, believe it or not there are some people who are allergic to that. He can't go to that for help. There are some people who are not interested in going to that for help. But then there are people who are addicted to that also. Perhaps you are. Perhaps you go to that for that euphoric high? Maybe you shouldn't call the kettle black before you look at yourself. Please read all of the other posts and you'll see that these are making other people sick. Thank you.

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Re: Bert (# 156) Expand Referenced Message

Bert that sounds like the same thing we've all been going through unfortunately there's nothing you can do until you get your new script and go to another Pharmacy. my suggestion is to try and take maybe a Benadryl with them and see if that helps or at least calms it down just a little bit. I hope you get some relief. Good luck and remember when you go to get your new scripts to go somewhere else. I don't know where you live or if there's a CVS around but that's where I went. I hope this helps.

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Re: Bert (# 156) Expand Referenced Message

Ewwww, not good. :( I would take your new yellows back to your dr. and surrender them for a new script, obviously tell your dr about your negative symptoms, and hopefully he'll write you a new prescription, if that is a bit too scary, inform your pharmacist and ask them to order you the script from the original company. If they aren't willing, go to a different pharmacy. I hope that you get through this month and your nasty side effects subside. It's scary and downright unethical, what is happening to people who require and depend on pain pills to function and live a semblance of a normal life. My hopes and prayers for all. Fight for your rights as a human!!!

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Re: Poohsy (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Poohsy, good advice. If their is something in the ingredients that he is allergic to, the benadryl should offset that. Plus it would help if he could ask around to find out what brand is carried at different pharmacies, then he could make a choice. The pharmacies are reluctant to answer questions as to the brand of generic opioids. Usually have to ask in person, explaining that you have an upcoming script and need to avoid the Camber pills, due to upset stomach, headaches, etc. Being matter of fact, pleasant, well groomed is a must. Do not complain about lack of potency. Stick to possible allergy to fillers.

What I don't understand is how is it that people can just change up their pharmacy. Is it because it is a new script every month? I thought changing pharmacies is a big no no. That to change or shop for a better one, with a better generic is pharmacy shopping and not allowed. Is there a way to do this without being flagged as a seeker?

Of course, in my view we should be able to seek better generics and better service, if we are not satisfied with our experience at the one we have stated as our primary pharm.

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