Can You Take Benzos While You're On Suboxone? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I've been seeing a lot of posts regarding taking benzos while on Suboxone. It is ok to take a benzo w/ suboxone - as long as you're taking the prescribed dosages you'll be fine. Now if you're taking 3 or 4 8mgs of Suboxone and say 5 or 6 Xanax that's not good, that's where the reported deaths have come from. I've been on Subs for 5 yrs. I've also been subscribed klonopin and am currently taking valium w/ it and it's fine. I'm on a low dose and only take what I am prescribed.

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304 Replies (16 Pages)

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Lol, Suboxone and Xanax or any type of benzo and Suboxone is very dangerous. I will say this though, if you don't take mass quantities of both then you honestly should be fine. I take 8mg of Suboxone and 0.5 mg of Xanax daily and I am still here. Although, each individual is different.. Also it depends on what if any health problems he/she may have.
As an addict I know we all have addictive personalities as well or we wouldn't all be in this situation asking these questions. Come on people we all know when you over do pretty much anything the results can be crucial just keep to a minimum or a prescribed dose and stick with it and believe me you'll be fine.

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Just to make it clear I was on pain meds for over ten years I wanted off meds so I was put on suboxone I was already on xanax I have been on them longer then the pain meds I still have major pain so suboxone is what I need for right now. I plan on going off them but the xanax I need I don't feel like having another nervous breakdown I live in Ohio and looking for a doc who will do both if anyone knows of a doc please let me know.

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I, too am taking 3 strips daily with 2 klonopin. I have been on this combination for three years. Yesterday, i went to fill my two rx's and the pharmacist refused to fill the suboxone. He told me the two meds are not to be prescribed together. I phoned my doctor and was told that very soon the DEA will make it illegal for doctors to prescribe a benzo with suboxone. I was able to get my prescription filled BUT as soon as my Dr gets the official notice from the DEA, I and many others will be forced to abandon the combination legally. Will be be forced to aquire one or the other illegally or just stop one or the other which, at this time, is not an option for me. The combination has been beneficial andva Godsend for this anxiety ridden ex-addict. I am now worried that I will have to go to Detox again for withdrawal fron klonopin. I know after being on benzos for 20+ years via a dr that this will probably be a horrible experience. I hope the DEA will foot the bill for it. Just because some people abuse the two and are dying is not reason enough for the DEA to make prescribing the two against the law. Do they even fathom how many legit users will be adversely affected? I bet that was not even an issue. This is a sad situation in the works.

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I have been on Suboxone for 8 yrs and have been on low dose Klonipin 0.5 mg, for Tuerettes Syndrome of which i take mainly in the evening hours and I've been just fine. I don't know the legal point of how long a person should be on Suboxone but now i feel I'm definitely dependant on them now, so my doctor has kept me on them. He says its better to take 2 to 3 suboxone a day than to be bk on pain meds of which i was taking 8 to 10 a day. I hope my message has helped someone.

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Suboxone saved my life 5 years clean now I will not get off my Suboxone I still take 8mg because I handle drugs every day at work I go to meetings and sponsor and I also have a panic disorder I take one half milligram of Xanax as needed. I'm fine and I go to an addiction doctor I've had 3 of them because I've had to move good luck to you all

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Nurse Jamie, you are speaking from an " addictions Nurse" point of view,I was on heroin for 14 years,now I've been on suboxone for 4 years, I lost my son at two months old, and i have the worst anxiety. Some Drs will give a low dose of xanax for the anxiety, but every patient is different. Do not speak bad of the Dr that is trying to help us that WANT and need the help. We that have screwed up our tolerances towards medications means I can take an 8 milk of suboxone and xanax a half milagram at night or when I have an episode. And that might kill you with a lower tolerance, So unless you've been through what we have keep your thoughts to yourself. Maybe you have studied the books and statistics but you don't know the things we've been through and we know what our bodies need, NO BOOK Can tell you what I should or should not be taking. Until you've been addicted and know our suffering keep it shut!!! Thank you!!!

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dont do drugs? haha should take my own advice, but thats the best i can give anyone. as for benzos and suboxone.... im alive....thats all i can say too. just dont over do it. peace 28 hour into withdrawl from heroin did 4mg of suboxone and i only have RLS gonna try to sleep.

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klonopin is very very weak in my DR. put me on them for 1 month and then he swittched me to xanax...they work WAY better!!

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Lol "subscribed"? You are obviously no med expert due to your lack of correct vocabulary. I just read a post from you on another site asking about the valiume script you got from your doc by "forgetting" to mention to him that you being "subscribed" subs from another doc. I hate reading posts from people who are basicly asking "is it safe to get high on these drugs combined". You didnt forget to tell your doc about the subs dude you just wanted a benzo script to boost your subs. By the way most patients get thier anxiety meds and subs from the same doc, which in most cases low mg seraquel or high mg buspar is prescribed. You are one of those looking for a loophole in my program type of people. I see people in groups all the time nodding off on thier prescribed klonopin and subs valiume and subs ativan and subs they all do the same thing, get you high. Might as well stop fooling yourself.

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Um you wouldnt need fn suboxon if it wasnt for docters..they dont know s*** but how miuch money there getting..look at it this way..the Drs that go to a specail class to write subs are told its only for 4-6 months no more..but u cant make money if your patients leave after 4-6 months liek this guy..5 years on a 4-6 month treatment..look online and see what people taking these meds say..Drs suck and dont giva sheet..

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Suboxone truly helped me overcome my addiction to opiates. For financial reasons, I only used the suboxone short term, but so far, I am doing great. I think you have to want to be done with opiate use. I felt great after starting suboxone. However, it caused me to vomit frequently. I am not currently on anything and feeling wonderful. I do not ever want to go down that path again. Opiate addiction can and will ruin your life if you do not use them properly. I commend anyone who takes the step to help themselves. Keep up the good work.

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I also agree about not giving advice unless you are a medical professional. People have other varying conditions, and what is good for some may not be good for all. I was STRICTLY advised no benZos while on suboxone.
Also while searching this subject, your post "its ok to take benzos" popped in Google!! Not very reassuring.

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i've been on suboxone for about a year and the instant you take it your w/d symptoms go away. and i take a half twice a day. it really does work. good luck :)

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I have to agree,people really do not realize the affects these can have on the human body.As I myself have been on Methadone for almost 5 yrs and and also on xanax and then now that Im not on the methadone I do not have panic attacks no more so now I am trying to ween off the xanax and now am on Norco.These can be very dangerous and I have actually heard of a guy waking up in the middle of the knight I guess you could say almost in a catotonic state and took all his meds and OD.You must take these meds as prescribed,I am no doctor but I have seen what the effects can do.I actually stepped on here because I do not want to be on norcos or the xanax and realize this will not be an overnite fix as I was thinking about trying the suboxone,so I just wanted to see what others folks are going through and see if it is at all possible for me to do this and call my doctor because I feel that now these norcos and the xanax are just a cruch for me and my back hurts so bad what good are taking these pain pills if Im still in pain?But I hope all the best for everyone and I prey for all of us as I can say for myself at this time in my life its not easy being me.

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Go to website & they have an area on that page to help you find a dr that prescribes subs.

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HI everyone, Im new to this. I started taking soboxone today. I have 11 months clean. Unfortunately the cravings for opiates has been getting stronger and stronger. After talking it over with my husband we decided to take the soboxone instead of what I think would be a relaps in just a matter of time. I have worked so hard to get to where I am. He started me on 8mg 2 times a day. I cant believe how normal I feel again. Its amazing. Honestly, I don't care if I get addicted to this. Its prescribed by a doctor. Im not (in my sick head) trying to find a way to get pills. The looking, searching, spending money you don't have....ect... If this will help make my life "normal" again im ok with that. Im 41 years old. Im done with rehabs and putting my family through hell. Actually worse than hell. My hope is that this will be a place I can come to talk about my feelings. Get feed back from like minded people. The disease of addiction is cunning and powerful. I want control again. Thanks for listening...look forward to reading more posts.

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Yes indeed my friend, You and I are in the same boat. All of those opiates are lies from Hell and Satan laughed every time we would take one! SOB!!! God at the years wasted!!?? I is time now though for you and me to stop beating ourselves up. The pills did enough of that. I am on Suboxone and will stay on it for however long it takes to put that s@#$ behind me. WD's and ALL!! Others on this page were talking about, "Is it okay to take Valium while on Suboxone" They are just praying for ANYONE to say "sure, you will be fine" instead of the raw truth from their Drs.. That is nothing but a crutch and down deep, they know it. They are just in need of "justification". Valerian Root is great for anxiety and it is non addictive, plus it is OTC herbal medication. For the record, I (was) on 15 mg of Valium for 9 years. Take care my friend and may God give you with every tool to regain your life! The same applies to all!

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I'm on suboxone two years now, not for addiction but for spinal disease to help with pain. I was on both for a while. Is your doctor not wanting you on both because xanax is severly addicting medicine? Usually people who are on suboxone for addiction aren't allowed to be on other addicting medication. Or did he try to say it won't work while being on suboxone. If you can't find a solution, maybe a diff doctor who doesn't know your on subs, then I would try a different anxiety medication. There are many out there that will work. Will he let you on valium? It helps me with my anxiety. I switched from xanax to valium because xanax gave me headaches after a while. Hopefully you can find a primary who will prescribe xanax or your sub doctor can help you get on an anxiety med that he will allow with the subs. If he has you take drug test every month to make sure your not on stuff I don't know if xanax will show up and if he will get mad you went somewhere else. I absolutely wouldn't choose the xanax over subs. Before subs I wasnt able to walk from pain and I had no drive. Now I am back getting ready for graduate school and I'm able to live my life. Its great for addiction as well. Only problem is subs are addicting, very hard to get off. So its a win lose lol. But it really is a miracle drug. Not worth stopping just for xanax. I hope everything works out. I'm sorry your in this situation. I know how you feel. I have intense anxiety as well. It drives me crazy and keeps me up.

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I know this is an old thread but there is a lot of disinformation that needs to be clarified.

It is absolutely fine to take benzodiazapines with Suboxone. Be sure to provide your physician ( preferably an addiction specialist) with a full list of prescription and non-prescription medications and their doses so your physician can prescribe the proper dosage to avoid any complications such as potentially fatal respitory depression.

If you are at a proper addiction clinic (Methadone and Suboxone clinic), they will carefully monitor you the first day you are given buprenorphine while they adjust your dose.

If you are misusing your anxiety medication(s), it is absolutely CRUCIAL that you inform your doctor. Suboxone and any other CNS depressant, especially when misused can result in death.

Remember your physician is there to help you. If you have a valid prescription for benzos they will work around it.

Source: Physician specializing in a addiction with OATC (Ontario Addiction Treatment Centers)

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I agree with you. I'm a pharmacist. It all depends on a) the person. Some people react differently. B) dosage. I suggest taking them apart. & truthfully, most of the rx I got in for suboxone. (Buprenorphine/Naloxone come with something for depression and/or anxiety/insomnia issues. Use it only when needed & only your prescribed dose. Avoid alcohol if possible. Remember, benzodiazapines are highly addictive & can have some nasty side-affects on some people. Use caution,.

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