Big Pharma's Lockdown On Legitimate Chronic Pain Patients (Page 36)


Is narcotic pain medicine becoming a thing of the past?

Why are doctors across America phasing out the practice of prescribing effective pain medication?

Will big pharmaceutical companies ever truly understand what it's like to face the other side of the coin?

Lately there's been a musty scent in the air surrounding the use of prescribed narcotic pain medication. Many doctors appear to be running scared as the DEA scours through fields of medical records, inspecting prescribing pads like a mouse scavenges for food in a dimly lit cellar.

Should the day come when doctors recommend Ibuprofen to a feeble man who's been involved in a terrible car accident (breaking several bones / requiring extensive surgery), is this doctor at risk of malpractice when there are more effective options available that they choose not to pick, out of fear? Fear of what? Doing the right thing? No, I don't think this is the reason... Somewhere along the line, in the not too distant past, doctors were loosely prescribing narcotic pain medication as if it would never go out of style. Nowadays, the harsh penalty of potentially losing their license for writing any unknown number of opiate prescriptions over so many calendar days or some other form of strict criteria, has been enough to prevent many physicians from taking even subtle "risks" with patients who are expressing obvious signs of pain and discomfort.

The unfortunately unique problem with pain is that it's not a physical object and in order for others to detect it, they'd have to rely solely on the backbone of our body language using their intuition - something that's gone missing in western practice. If more doctors took the time and really got to know their patients front to back, then they will be their own best judge of deciding what the right thing to do is, regardless of what the DEA thinks about their decision or what their drug representative wants out of the deal. Sadly, until patients are put before profits, the foundation of America's healthcare system remains in jeopardy like an iceberg affected by global warming.

While I believe that the vast majority of human beings in their right mind would choose to do the right thing, we must all work together to become the change we wish to see within every aspect of our lives; and knowing that by doing so, it will shine light on those crossing our path that need it most.

In the meantime, some patients may have to find another way to manage their pain without putting their life or health at risk. Others are turning to natural alternatives such as kratom, cannabis, turmeric and/or implementing various lifestyle changes into their daily regime... But the key is to never give up hope.

What will you do?

Warm regards to all who face life's challenges head on.

1547 Replies (78 Pages)

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Mare (# 698) --

Thanks so much for taking the time to share. I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. I'm glad they're letting us make comments on the government website to hear our side but I'm not going to hold my breath that it'll make much of a difference because all they care about is what the media has been saying demonizing opiate use making it seem like it's a demon drug and that anybody and everybody who takes it will fall prey to its cursive addictive effects. Sick a load of crap. I've been on my pain meds since 2008. If it weren't for them I would not be able to cook any meals or do my laundry or vacuum. As it is I'm able to only do that once a month. My freezer is stocked with frozen foods because it hurts so much to stand for any length of time. Now we have to be in fear of them taking away the only thing that gives us relief? This isn't right!

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Re: Dee (# 701) Expand Referenced Message

I’m right with you. Standing just for a few minutes I’m in tears. I’m under Workers Comp and all they do is deny everything. I don’t want to take pills. I want them to fix my back. Physical therapy is a joke because if I move the wrong way, I’m down for a few weeks. Thank god my husband sees & understands the pain I’m constantly in. The government want to take away the pain pills but doesn’t want to do anything to fix it. This just leaves me with more anxiety that causes more pain. They stop my pain pills & now I’m on just a muscle relaxer. I’m sure if they had this pain or a family member, they would be singing a different tune. I’ve been living like this since 2003. It’s about time we take our healthcare back

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I think it boils down too outright Greed. There letting Big Pharm over ride anything Doctors prescribe. ITs Dangerous and I hope the Doctors have the Balls to fight back. There in between a Rock and a Hard-place,,, That leaves patients at Risk and could cause Malpractice to go up.......DO THE RIGHT THING

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I think it boils down too outright Greed. There letting Big Pharm over ride anything Doctors prescribe. Its Dangerous and I hope the Doctors have the Balls to fight back. There in between a Rock and a Hard-place,,, That leaves patients at Risk and could cause Malpractice to go up.......DO THE RIGHT THING ? No Questions. Lets get Back to solutions......

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Re: Mare (# 702) Expand Referenced Message

Amen. I wonder who's getting all the pain meds if no chronic pain patients???

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Re: Humbucker (# 704) Expand Referenced Message

"Big Pharma" has absolutely no motive to put restrictions on the Doctors unless it would be under pressure from this so called "opioid crisis". Remember the more they sell the more money they make. I know the manufacturers are under great pressure to come up with different formulations that are not "addictive". In attempting to do this they have come up with formulations that are ineffective and worthless. It appears when they attempt to remove the properties of the pills that cause the addiction they also remove the properties of the pill that reduces the pain. We are now left with pills that have no more effect than off the shelf Tylenol or Advil. The Doctors are mostly running scared because they do not want to lose their lively hood. There are many Medical Practices now that refuse to carry malpractice insurance because of the overwhelming expense of this insurance. Doctors are not required to carry malpractice insurance and many no longer carry it. They form LLC's or Corporations to hide behind and will protect their personal assets. One of the Offices that my father used to go to had a sign on the check in desk advising all of their patients that their Office does not carry any malpractice insurance. In today's litigious society many of the medical offices refuse to carry malpractice insurance any longer.

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Re: Elle (# 697) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Elle, Yes I agree regarding the alcohol situation. I myself have resorted to the herbal CBD and turmeric spray which costs more than a prescription also Tequila and CBD is my new emergency pain plan. I only do this when I can't stand the pain. Bit I find myself watching the calendar to see which day I had a drink.
What a shame!

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Dixie (# 706) --

That IS truly a shame!.. have you found that the CBD helps?

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HOUSE (# 707) --

I'm seeing a lot of people saying that it helps them. A friend of mine who swears by it gave me a bottle of drops. I don't think I really given them a chance because the first couple of times I took it gave me bad gas. Does it go bad I wonder? I've had it in the fridge for about 4 months now.

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Re: Dee (# 709) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Dee. No, I keep CBD drops in my fridge for a longer period of time than 4 months. I order six bottles at a time so I won't ever run out. Yes sometimes I have heard people complain of gas but I really think it might be whatever they have taken in at the time they take the drops. Please give the drops a chance, I found I had to use them for a few days to gauge how much is effective.

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I got kicked out of my doctors office because my husband was dying and i took a valium to calm me down. Naturally it should up in my urine and he kicked me to the curb without letting me explain what happened. After being his patient for over 10 years and never failing a drug case. My husband's is on hospice now and i am his care giver. I have ataxia and it involes alot of pain and muscle weakness and now i have no pain medication because of this. What has happened to human decency. To actuality care about their patients. They took an oath not to do harm. Well this has harmed me. Not only do i have to watch my husband die but i will be in severe pain trying to take care of him

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Re: Diane (# 711) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I am so,So sorry to hear about this happening in your life. When I read about things like this happening to people such as yourself I get so angry and frustrated, as I imagine you are.. not to mention your husband's situation. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry..

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Re: Diane (# 711) Expand Referenced Message

Please accept my deepest sympathies. I am so very sorry to hear of what your going through and also what your doctor is now putting you through. It truly does seem to me and I hear story after story about people being indiscriminately yanked off their pain meds that they so desperately need each and every day that these doctors don't care about their patients need but only about themselves. So worried about getting in trouble. I read a few weeks ago about a doctor who is standing up for his patients and standing against these new guidelines that have been put in place to our detriment. I hope that you will find soon some way way around what your doctor has done. If there's a way to appeal it I would also do that if I were you. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I agree when you say that your doctor is doing you harm. Going against the Hippocratic Oath. I've heard it over and over again that very same wording that people's Dr are going against their oath to do no harm.

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Re: Diane (# 711) Expand Referenced Message

You need to call the FDA... And your Congress and Senate Rep. Along with your Governor..this needs to be documented

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Re: jainnpain (# 705) Expand Referenced Message

I read that the DEA is actually controlling the amount of narcotics produced. We sure need help since they make these life decisions about us.

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Re: HOUSE (# 708) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I have actually found CBD to stimulate the Pineal gland in order for me to help people with my intuition. CBD DOESN'T take all pain away, but

neither do opiates. Life is all about adjustments and a little pain is what I have learned to tolerate it means I am alive.

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Re: Dixie (# 716) Expand Referenced Message

I have found the exact opposite. I was on the way to developing many psychic abilities including intuition, contacting spirit guides, lucid dreaming, all connected with the pineal gland. Since introducing CBD oil all of these exciting events have stopped completely. I have minimal pain relief and feel drowsy as well.

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Re: madashell (# 715) Expand Referenced Message

Yes. I was told this by my pharmacist that also informed me that there is a cap on the amount of opiates that each pharmacy can order monthly. My small pharmacy closed and all customers were transferred to a large chain pharmacy. This pharmacy is having difficulty procuring all the prescriptions needed for customers due to the cap.

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I thought I would update my "pain" after weaning myself off the generic percocets about a month ago. I was on the 10/325 and at last doctor appointment I asked to be lowered to the 5/325. I let my body adjust to the lowered dose and then started halving the 5/325 until I finally just stopped taking them completely about a month ago. The first week or two was pretty miserable and many days I felt I would be better off dead than in pain, but now I find that my pain is about the same with/without the narcotic pain medication, so I see no personal need to go back on the narcotic pain medication at this point in time. I bought a bottle of OTC extra strength Tylenol and they basically do nothing except maybe make a small dent in a headache if I have a headache, but they don't touch the pain in my back at all (degenerative disc disease and arthritis in all three areas of the spine, plus bilateral carpal tunnel and arthritis in both shoulders, maybe in knees as well but not sure about that as no knee arthritis has been confirmed via x-rays). I drink a couple of stiff drinks in the evening when I am in for the day and don't plan on having to drive anywhere if I am really miserable, and the alcohol does kill the pain better than the OTC Tylenol. I still plan to look into medical marijuana once I finish gathering my medical evidence of chronic pain.

On the plus side, my sleep has improved and I now sleep 6 - 8 hours and up to 10 hours on some evenings if I am really exhausted. Opiates seemed to interfere with my sleep and I was lucky to get 5 - 6 hours of sleep each night. And I no longer have to deal with the constipation that comes with using opiates. So I am happy to be off the opiates and hope to not need them in my future, but I do feel they were helpful in managing pain for the approximate 10 years I took them to help with pain. And it is nice to be able to drink alcohol if I choose to do so because I did not want to drink alcohol while on RX pain medication. So for some of you, there may be a life without opiates that is not as bad as you expect it to be. And for others, well I hope this opiate war does not send you to hell and back each day. I do firmly believe they are necessary and beneficial for many people in need of pain relief, but I personally just got tired of the hoops and stigma involved in using opiates for pain control. And I think it will only get worse for everyone as the war increases. I fully expect the powers that be to only allow them for those who are terminally ill, so that is why I got off now instead of waiting until I am forced to do so.

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Re: James (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

Imo,. I'm sure the Politicians and bureaucrats are exempt and receive all the opioids they need. I'm positive that Senator Scalise is now a chronic pain patient. He went back to Congress awfully fast and never looks like he feels pain. I'm sure Rand Paul had taken opioids for those broken ribs. When ribs are broken, you need to breathe deeply to prevent getting pneumonia. We know they're never drug tested like all the rest of America who is employed. They're special, they make the laws for us. Not them. All for those in power and nothing for the peon citizens. We've seen there's two sets of laws. One for them and the rest for us. The Prohibition of everything created the Illicit Drug market. The gov wants to control the masses. Eliminate the weakest link and save the money for the healthy because they've squandered all the funds for Medicare, Medicaid for the baby boomer generation, the generation who paid in the most into this system. US citizens need to FIGHT BACK and NEVER give up or give in to their lies and false information. We've seen them outright lie to our faces. A ton of corruption, they can't be trusted. Again just my opinion.

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