Use Of Happi L

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Pl. suggest if there are side effects of using happy d tablet from 6 years it may be continued for more years or not? to get rid off it. ## I have been using it for 4 years now and have the same question :( Any thoughts please or have you heard anything from other people/forums ? ## Long-term use of this medication has been found by the U.S. FDA to increase the risk of hip fractures. It can also cause malabsorption of some vital nutrients. The typical side effects with regular use may include nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and flatulence. You should only continue taking it, as long as your doctor deems it safe for you to do so.

2 REPLIES Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

What is it used for and what kind of medicine is it? ## Happi-D contains the active ingredients Rabeprazole and Domperidone, it is used to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach to treat conditions such as heartburn, ulcers, GERD and gastritis. Common side effects may include: drowsiness, stomach pain and flatulence. Learn more: Are there any questions or comments? ## I am untertreatment of chest physician since May 2011, Since last one month I have lost weight about 3.75 kg.Now a days , I do not have desire of eating, I am also suffering from type 1 , diabetes.Today doctor advised me happi d for increase of appetite. ## using happi d for life long what will be the side effects ## using happi d for life long what will happen to me ## Been using happi-D for almost 4 years now....

8 REPLIES Filed under Rabeprazole

doctor advised me to take happi 20mg for having hi heart beat after taking it right ## No, Happi tablets are not used to treat anything cardiac related. They contain the active ingredient Rabeprazole, which is a proton pump inhibitor, it used to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach to treat or prevent conditions, such as heartburn, GERD, ulcers and gastritis. Did you doctor say that's what he was prescribing it for? This medication may cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and flatulence. ## HEART BEAT INCREASE WHEN TAKING 30 ml OF ALCAHOLE. WHAT IS THE PRPBLEM AND WHAT MEDECINE IS NEEDED ## Jacob, I'm not your doctor, so I can't tell you what the problem is, nor can I tell you what medication you should use to treat it. Everyt...

6 REPLIES Filed under Rabeprazole

What is Happi-XT medicine prescribed for? I have light upper abdominal pain in my right side and am wondering if this can help? ## I am a gastric patient and my doc prescribed me Happi-XT tablets alongside Clebopro. However, after taking these medications I now feel drowsy. Is this normal? ## What is the mechanism of action of zinc carcosine found in Happi-XT? ## Where can I find a Happi 20 mg tablets for reflux? It is the only pills that work for me and the pharmacy that I normally buy from doesn't have it. Thank you so much!

3 REPLIES Filed under Gastrointestinal

what is use and features of happi 20mg tablet ## Happi contains the active ingredient Rabeprazole, which is a proton pump inhibitor that's used to help prevent or treat heartburn, GERD and ulcers. Learn more Happi details here. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Rabeprazole

Hi, i am suffering from epigastric pain and these are the tablets which are given by the doctor for 6 weeks; and even though i am taking this tablets, sometimes i use to get sounds in my small intestine and i can observe that some bubbles are formed in my small intestine. My age is 25 years. ## Normaxin contains 5mgs of Chlordiazepoxide, 2.5mgs of Clidinium and 10mgs of Dicyclomine, it is used as an antispasmodic and is sometimes given to help with the pain and discomfort caused by intestinal spasms. Happi contains the active ingredient Rabeprazole, which is a proton pump inhibitor that is used to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. Both of these can cause gas as a side effect and regardless of what you are taking, your intestines do still have to work, so you will get so...

13 REPLIES Filed under Chlordiazepoxide

I have been experiencing gastric problems after eating food each and every day. Because of it I had an Endoscopy per my doctor's suggestion. After that my doctor said there has no complications, but he prescribed Happi-D capsule every morning before food for three months and Happi 20 mg every night before food for one month. I continued those tabs for one month, but after that I have started noticing stomach pain. My question is, may I stop those medications without my doctor's advice? ## Hello, Jossy! How are you? That can be a side effects of these medications, according to the U.S. FDA, along with nausea, dizziness, and flatulence. You could stop them, if you wish, no one can force you to continue them, however, you're initial gastric issues will most likely return, if yo...

2 REPLIES Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

Lost my job and my insurance, im looking for an affordable Dr. or Psychiatrist in the Buford, Ga area to prescribe alprazolam, clonezapam etc. for at least 90 days till new ins. kicks in since Viewpoint Health the local health org. was bought out by Genoa Health and quit presc. narcotics. Thank you ## Hello, David! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem that you're having. Klonopin is not a narcotic, the FDA classifies it as a benzodiazepine that is most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability and dry mouth. It is, however, a controlled substance, so most general practice clinics will not prescribe it, because it carries the risk of being habit forming and is frequently abused. Thus, ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Klonopin

Sir My brother taking Dizon tablet last for one month but now he is suffering from seizure please tell me why this happing ## Hello, Kuldip! How is your brother? Dizone contains the active ingredient Disulfiram, which is used to treat alcohol abuse. Seizures aren't a normal side effect of it, it's most common ones include nausea, headache and a metallic taste. However, if he took too much, that could have caused them. There are also risks associated with trying to drink, while taking it. Has he been given a diagnosis? Was he still drinking while taking it? ## Dear sir , i m not a heavy Drinker but i m a reguar user of whisky or beer also like 180 ml. Whiskey added on bear . And i Some times i feel after taking whisky oe beer , like my eyes become chanege full of redness ,or redn...

2 REPLIES Filed under Disulfiram

I am a 69 year old male who experienced upper gastric pain and was prescribed Mucosta t.i.d. times 7 days. After the very first dose of 1 tablet I began serious side effects: hypertension, constipation, inability to concentrate and panic attacks related to my inability to stop the effect of the drug. Depression and inability to experience happiness, or pleasure. I suspect my hypersensitivity may be related to the fact that I have genetically evolved essential tremor for which I have taken Corgard/Nadalol 40 mg for the past 20 years. WHAT IS THE HALF LIFE of Mucosta? I was given a 40 mg dose of Pantoloc which I also stopped taking after the first pill. I switched back to Omeprazole 20 mg which I took before with no problems and it seems to have ended the gastric pain.

Filed under Corgard

I am regularly using HAPPI L (Rabeprazole and Levlosulpiride COmbination). is this safe to take regularly. Some doctor says reboprozole may weakne our bones.. is it correct. ## Yes, long-term use of proton pump inhibitors, such as Rabeprazole can cause bone weakening, it primarily manifests as hip fractures. Learn more Rabeprazole details here. Thus, they are only recommended for short-term use. Have you consulted your doctor? If you need a medication that you can take for a long period of time, they should be able to suggest one that would be safer. ## it's safe during pregnancy levosulpiride 75 mg and rabeparazole.

2 REPLIES Filed under Rabeprazole

A user was using for months, tried quitting cold turkey with violent, terrible, horrible withdrawal symptoms that finally tapered off, but left with depression. So user went back to using, tried quitting again but this time administered small doses to ward off the withdrawal symptoms, which worked wonderfully. User was very happy about this, though endorphin deficiency sydrome haunted still. A full dependancy on Almighty Creator Father, St. Johns Wort extract along with exercise remedied this and user is a balanced happy person and free of drugs now. ## Hello, Thank you for sharing this! I'm glad the "user" was able to successfully wean off the opiates and find a way to incorporate exercise and herbal supplements for health and happiness. :) I just thought I'd ask, was h...

2 REPLIES Filed under Antidepressant

"First do no harm." The starting line in the Hippocratic Oath. I have been a chronic pain patient off and on for 20 years. Should have been ON for the duration, but idiot overdosers and Congress got involved. Drs. are not fulfilling their path. Legitimate pain patients like myself live a miserable existence. We are not seeking drugs to get high or to sell, but to at least dull our pain. I contemplate suicide daily as a way to not feel the constant pain. There is no joy, no happiness and nothing to look forward to when even the smallest task brings tears to your eyes. Physicians are afraid to prescribe meds they know will alleviate pain because a bunch of bureaucrats, far removed from reality, dictate what they can prescribe. How unreasonable is that? Congress doesn't know me...

5 REPLIES Filed under Pain Relief

Today my doctor changed my Medication. The doctor informed me my level is still low even on 100mg, but too high on 125mg so he advised me to take 100mg one day and 125mg the next and continue like this for the next 3 months. Trying to fall pregnant but it's not happing due to this reason. So fingers crossed in 3 months my levels will be back to normal. ## Yes, it is sometimes prescribed that way, if someone is having trouble hitting normal levels, and getting it under control is vital to your being able to conceive. The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, hair loss, mood swings, and weight changes. How long have you been taking this new dosage regimen?

1 REPLY Filed under Levothyroxine

I am so afraid of the dentist. I am 73 and every time i go to the dentist my blood pressure goes up so high. Please help. I need my mouth fixed as my teeth are really bad. Thank you. Any help is appreciated. ## Hello, Jackie! I am so very sorry! I had similar issues due to dental problems. Finally ended up getting dentures and I can't be happier, I know they are aren't right for everyone, but they do work great for some of us. Have you considered trying a sedative, before having any dental work, done? The NIH lists them as being commonly used to help people relax, before dental procedures.

1 REPLY Filed under Blood Pressure

Hi, I was given Invega Sustenna at 100mg a month for 10 months since Dec 5th. My last shot was on August 29th 2013. The medication gave me severe anhedonia and I have lost the motivation and willpower to do anything. I can no longer experience joy, happiness, or pleasure from anything I do and I have no interest in doing anything. I constantly feel restless and uneasy and I just can't shake this feeling away no matter what. All of these started about a week after my first IV. I have been off this medication for almost 3 months now and I have yet to feel any improvements. I have read that it has a long half life of 25-49 days and that it can stay in your body for 300 days. So does that mean I will have to wait a year to start feeling better? Any info on someone who has been off this ...

358 REPLIES Filed under Invega

I just wanted to tell all of you trying to get off pristiq, its possible. I was on pristiq for severe panic attacks for 6 months. It saved my life. It gave me a chance to slow down my career, gave me a huge wakeup call. This drug put a cloud over my brain. I was not my happy, fun loving self. I was like a step ford wife. You can't wean off this pill. I was on 50 mg. I did every other day for a month. Every third day for two weeks then cold turkey. It really was not so bad. I layer on my couch for three days, cried a bit and watched movies. I'm happily on all holistic medications, no longer a slave to Pristiq. If I can beat anxiety, anyone can. My biggest advice.. Exercise. Next, surround yourself with positive people. Three, talk out your problems. Good luck. ## Fantastic advice...

437 REPLIES Filed under Pristiq

Hi, Im a 23yr old female, have been taking Seroquel for about 2 months now. I had anxiety, racing thoughts, overthink, and couldnt sleep some nights, so my doctor prescribed me this. After a breakup and miscarraige it helped me get my life back together, I can think so clearly now and am so much happier within myself. It has stabilzed my moods! I want to get off it because the side effects I have read scare me - diabetes, insomnia etc + the groggy mornings are hard but do-able. Soo last night I didnt take it, had an OK sleep, waking up every couple of hours but this morning I have anxiety back and dont know what to think. Is it possible you can get psychologically addicted to it? I dont want to stop taking it because its worked wonders in my life, but I know its not good for me and the ...

21 REPLIES Filed under Seroquel

in relation to menopausal symptoms. ## hi there, when you say Cyclamen are you talking about a prescription medicine, or of a natural herbal treatment? There is a plant called Cyclamen thought to be used to make one happier. I know, sounds silly, but here is one page you might be able to read about it. If this is a prescription med please reply and maybe somebody can find a common misspelling. joyce


I HAVE ACIDITY PROBLEM . CAN I TAKE ABOVE 5 ## From the information I can find, it appears this contains Rabeprazole, which is a proton pump inhibitor that reduces the amount of acid produced by the stomach. So yes, it can help with an acidity problem, however, you may want to check with a doctor or pharmacist before using it, if you are on any other medications. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, stomach pain and flatulence. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments? ## Whether above 5 D & happi D are similar medicines

2 REPLIES Filed under Rabeprazole

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