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I am using 20 mg Lexamil in the morning I also is om Eltroxin and Estropause 2 mg I got sideaffects such as naussea running stomach sweat a lot headaches cold and hot flushes shivering Please help I sometimes cannot get out of bed. ## I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through there with all those side effects. If I may suggest anything that could be of help, it would be that you consider looking into alternative or natural medicine to treat whatever it is you're taking those prescriptions for. As far as taking Lexamil (Escitalopram) goes, in my honest opinion, your best bet it usually to see a psychiatrist, rather than a regular medical doctor. They are better trained in the types of medications that handle these problems and can also help you treat the underlying ca...

1 REPLY Filed under Escitalopram

is anyone having lung problems with exubera ## AGREED ## Here's the site with information on Exubera: Exubera Click Here They also post a serious warning on the site about possible lung problems: EXUBERA may lower your lung function, so you will need to take a breathing test before you start treatment and, from time to time, as you keep taking EXUBERA. You should not take EXUBERA if you have an unstable or poorly controlled lung disease (such as unstable or poorly controlled asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or if you smoke, start smoking, or quit smoking less than 6 months ago. You should not take EXUBERA if you are under 18 years of age or if you are allergic to insulin or any of the inactive ingredients in EXUBERA.

2 REPLIES Filed under Exubera

Last yr from 25th Agust till the 14th December I waswas hospitalised 4 times. A Bulding Disc. From Jan to May 2017 I had no pain. June the pain came back saw the GP and he gave pain killer's. Been back several times to GP TABLETS NOT WORKING 3 weeks ago ended in hospital I have a tear between 2-3. 3-4. 4-5.The Surgeon did a nerve Block which did not take. Am in real pain

Filed under Pain Relief

I'm getting minor acne on my face and my skin glow is almost lost. The quality of my skin is getting weird. Can u kindly recommend me a multivitamin supplement or suggest a diet that I should follow to overcome these problems? I'm concerned dat if I take multivitamin supplements, I might have weight gain and the acne on my face would increase.. Plz help. What should I do? ## I am a 22 year old girl. I am looking for a solution for my skin problem and would like to know how to brighten my face using nturl or a vitamin supplement? My skin is very sensitive and it's becoming dull day by day. Please suggest the healthiest way to get rid of all skin problems. Thanks. ## I'm from Tamil Nadu, India. I have been using skin lite cream for 1 year, but when i try to stop using it m...

3 REPLIES Filed under Skin Care

I have been told that I have Dry Mouth. I am having many problems with my teeth. Lyrica has been a life saver for the problems that I have. Does anyone know if there any help out there? ## I don't quite understand what type of help you're asking about. Are you looking for a solution for the dry mouth, or for help with the dental issues? Learn more Lyrica details here. If you're looking for help with the dry mouth issue, it's simply going to be a matter of extra diligence on your part. Carry water with you to keep your mouth moist, brush and floss more often to help remove plaque and bacteria and cut down on sugary and acidic foods or beverages that can cause dental damage and decay.

1 REPLY Filed under Lyrica

I've been on coreg 4 days. Side effects are so bad, I'm so tired I can hardly move and just feel s****y. I stopped for 2 days for a stress evaluation and had no problem at that time. Then I took one 3.125 last night. I don't want to take anymore. Is there any problem stopping treatment? My blood pressure wasn't that high to begin with, maybe around 140 over 80. ## Hello, Ralph! How are you? Those side effects can be normal for the first few weeks after starting such a medication. As reported by the FDA, you may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache and increased urination. However, they are usually transient and should go away, once your body gets used to the medication. The danger to not taking it is that your blood pressure could keep going higher. It's actua...

4 REPLIES Filed under Coreg

medicine for sinus excess thick post nasal drainage drainage. I have to swallow continuously. I have bad breath also for last 20 years ## Without knowing your complete medical history, including any other medications you may be on, no one can guess at a possible solution. Have you seen a doctor for this? What other medications have you tried? Such a thing can be very tricky, since you have to get to the root of the problem, whether it is caused by allergies or an infection and each of those requires a specific treatment to help resolve the issue.

1 REPLY Filed under Allergies, Cough & Cold

My 8yo son has been issued Intuniv for his ADHD. He is on 4mg. He has been getting this pill at 7pm. I know that one of the side affects is sleeplessness. He is calming down at 3 or 4 am every day. He gets up at 7 for school. I know that this is a time release drug that extends for about 12 hours or so. Not sure why they recommend this for night time. Any one else have problems giving at night and getting to bed reasonably? Anyone switched times to see if it changes during the day time when they are active? ## @JJ, There's actually another thread here with over 40 replies that has more information on user's personal experiences with Intuniv. You can have a look by following the link below: Discuss/Intuniv-ER-and-sleepy-201455.htm It looks like the person who started that thread ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Intuniv

I am a heart patient. My cholesterol is under controlled by taking one tab of above in the evening after food/fruits. I am also under treatment for diabetis (two tabs of 30mg Diamicron MR in the morning}. I still suffer from pins and needles in my lower legs especially when I walk or do light exercise/swim. I am also on Casprin 100mg and high blood pressure pill (Atenolol 100mg daily). Is the combined "mix" OK? ## I'm sorry, what medication did you mean by one tab of the above? You posted this under the Atenolol forums. Without knowing what medication you are talking about for cholesterol, I can't check any information on that one, for you. Casprin contains the active ingredient Aspirin, for patients with heart and blood pressure problems, it is used as a blood thinner. ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Atenolol

I went to the clinic and was told I have an sti I was given fixime ,docytet and meteonidazole but this medication is not working I have been suffering from this problem for over a year now and have been taking the medication...what is the problem ? ## Hello, Muntu! How are you? What problem are you experiencing? What are the symptoms? I'm sorry, but I need more information to be able to try and help you. Can you please post back and be more specific? Thanks! The FDA lists the typical side effects of these antibiotics as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, diarrhea and stomach pain.

1 REPLY Filed under Antibiotics

I am new to the patch i have been on the 25 mcg for a month and two weeks now the first brqnd i used was mallickrodt and i thought they didnt work so i told my doc and she suggested trying a different pharmacy, so i did and they gave me par and sandoz. Well the par is gell filled and sandoz is matrix and about to expire in may so now i am feeling withdrawl while wearing a fresh fentanyl patch does this mean got some duds I tried one of each and I am getting absolutely nothing :-( ## Hello, Starshadow! How are you? I'm very sorry that you're in pain. What other pain medications have you taken? It sounds like this might be too low of a dose to help you. There are higher doses available. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit...

2 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

It seems like I've tried so much and I can't get it off ...any recommendations please help me ## Hello, Vane! How are you? What have you tried? What type of foods do you eat? How much exercise do you get each day? Are you on any medications that might cause weight gain? Have you tried any of the weight loss medications that your doctor can prescribe?

1 REPLY Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

My husband was put on keppra about two months ago. He slept day and night for about a week and a half. He's awake alot more now but when he's up he's in a bad mood or just indifferent. He's been on seroquel for years to treat bipolar disorder. He was in a bad mood alot before the seroquel and then he was great. Now that he's on keppra he's in a bad mood alot, like its reversing the seroquel positive effects. The Dr said he'd wean him off so I'm hoping for the best. He didn't mention prescribing anything else for seizures so I am worried he will start having them again. Any comments or advice? ## Hello, Sunshine! How are you? Keppra is actually well known to cause such personality changes, I'm surprised the doctor didn't warn him about it. My h...

1 REPLY Filed under Keppra

I have been taking Livalo since March 2013. It is now September 2013, and I am having the following problems from it: 1. General muscle weakness 2. pain in hips, knees, ankles and feet 3. Memory loss/mood changes 4. stomach problems (tightness, gas) for which the doctors can find no other physical cause. These symptoms took a while, after I started taking Livalo, to manifest. But in the last four weeks have showed up like gangbusters. I had told my cardiologist when he prescribed them that statins have always caused me problems and that I had not taken any for 2-3 year because of that. He was insistent that I take it, saying the Livalo didn't cause as many problems as other statins. Well, after being through most of the statins over the last 10 year (and finding problems with all of...

2 REPLIES Filed under Livalo

I have been taking invega 3mg for about a year, and have started feeling like my heart is fluttering. I also got to the point where I felt like doing absolutely nothing, and gained 16 lbs. So I stopped taking it. I am feeling more like myself, but am having some anxiety. I also take 1mg xanax er twice a day, and that does help. I'm also on wellbutrin and lamictal. I don't know why my pdoc put me on it. I hate that it is going to take so long to get this drug out of my system. But I believe that it will be worth it in the long run. ## Hello, Monica! How are you feeling? Have things gotten any better, yet? Invega is most commonly used to treat schizophrenia, but it may also be useful for other mental health issues, as well, since it is an antipsychotic. The issues you've liste...

6 REPLIES Filed under Invega

On 11/6/12 I received a 60 mg dose of Prolia intravenously . Shortly afterwards ( a couple of days) I had severe diarrhea and flu like symptoms which cleared up in a week or so. THEN the jaw pain took over my life----- It was excruciating. I went for a scan of my jaw and was told that I have osteonecrosis of the jaw. Today, 11/1/13 some of the pain has eased but it is still difficult for me to eat chewy foods and to get a good night's sleep. To cough, sneeze or yawn causes severe pain. I get sharp pain in my ear mostly at night. My family doctor prescribed Alleve twice a day and a narcotic pain killer in between when the pain gets unbearable. I contacted the company (Amgen) and was told they were sorry for my problems but had nothing to reverse the symptoms. It has been nearly a yea...

1 REPLY Filed under Prolia

I have been on Ranexa for two days. Today while sitting at my computer I had a dizzy spell. I have no angina. My doctor is giving me Ranexa to increase my use of oxygen. I also have an anxious feeling (the only way I can describe it) and what seems to be a flutter of my heart. Does the body get used to the medication or should I just call the doctor and stop. ## Those can be normal side effects of this medication, according to the FDA, you may also experience nausea, headache, and shakiness. Such issues are usually transient and should go away, once your body gets used to the medication, but that may take 4 to 5 weeks. If they get too severe, or continue past that, you should consult your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I did contact my doctor as my heart would contin...

2 REPLIES Filed under Ranexa

I've been on 1mg Ativan for at least 15 years that I take at night before bed. I tried to quit a couple of years ago and ended up in the doctors office 2 days later only to learn I can't just stop taking it. I'm just thankful I didn't take 3 a day as prescribed. What is the best way to stop taking this medication? ## Check out the Ashton manual. Unfortunately benzodiazepines surprise patients with how difficult they can be to withdraw and most prescribers don't give informed consent. Good luck. ## Usually you have to do a very gradual taper to safely stop taking this class of medications. Your doctor should be able to help you set up a safe tapering schedule for you. But do not try stopping it cold turkey, again, as that can create the risk of dangerous seizures, acc...

3 REPLIES Filed under Ativan

i'm married age 26 . my periods is between 23 and 25 of every month . but this month september my periods didnt came. what must i do. can i take pineapple 2 occur bleeding. i heard like that. tell me 2 make my periods as before. now not thinking of a baby. what are the precautions for this? ## im 1 and a half months delays now. i took pregnancy test 2x but same negative. i last intercourse was May 28, 2011. May last period was June 28-july 1, 2011. My bf did withdrawal. But im just wondering why im not still having my period until now? pls. help... i dont know if im pregnant or not???


When I diagnosed with food poisoning my doctor prescribed Purbac DS for me forgetting that Im allergic to Sulphur. I was on day 3 of taking the tablets when I realized that I was consuming Sulphur. My stomach is constantly heavy and bloated like I consumed cement. I sometimes take Chinese tea to relieve the constipation but it doesn't seem to be helping because one day I had bloody diarrhea. I need to kow how can I make this bloated ness and heavy feeling in my stomach go away? ## How are you doing now? It's usually just a matter of time to let the effects wear off. Learn more Purbac details here. I had a bad reaction to this same antibiotic earlier this year and it took several weeks for all of the annoying effects to wear off. However, if you've have blood stool, you shoul...

2 REPLIES Filed under Purbac

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