Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 93)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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Some compassion would b nice from a doctor... Is it just me or them.when u wake up @ home & are afraid something is goin wrong & call the doctor on call early on a Saturday morn.what did I wake u up from a late nite out ? G I'm so so sorry. It would b nice if I could b healthy again

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Karen of Ohio
There seems to be very few respectful people anywhere, any longer. I was at the grocery Thursday and car pulling out from spot next to me, hit my grocery cart, cause I wasn't moving fast enough. Lucky the cart didn't bounce into me or my van. Same guy blocks the aisles inside the store and we all wait to go around him. He didn't check to see if he hurt me or any property.
People drive like they've never been shown the correct way. On and on, I see rude and dangerous behavior, disrespectful, every place I go. Watch out if you use a walker or a cane, instead of helping you, people hurry to knock you out of the way, so they can get in line before you. I guess because I walk slower, my brain must not work either, so I'll hold up the line.
I was always skinny. In 1988 something weird happened with my body, and I gained over 70 pounds within six weeks and kept gaining. Tried diet doctors, nutria system, etc etc etc. Have fought weight every since. I've been insulted in almost every aspect of my life because of extra weight. Oh I wasn't aware that fat equals stupid and slow. Health care folks are even worse, which is funny, cause they should be aware that there are many problems with the extra weight.
If you are stupid or slow, it's ok that people treat you awful. That's the way you are suppose to treat stupid or slow people.
I held doors and helped people with canes, wheel chairs, walkers, No longer, they just slow up progress, get out of the way.

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So cool Karen I didn't know you were a police officer so awesome.... I agree about war on drugs and supposedly serious drugs are at an all time high so are we really helping? Something in the.middle thats fair..
however a Dr should be allowed to make a judgement without being so scared they won't help us know ya know...uggg im at the point whatever so much pain and suffering but nothings worth being made feel bad ... tired of it all..and being judged and believe people do and most of the ones that judge do worst things hypocrites at least.we.r. truly sick.just trying to survive..I was at family last night pain was so bad ..fever 101..eating caused pain ..what does it feel like to feel healthy? Lololol gotta laugh or crack up

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iv'e had three ruptured discs, two damaged nerves, four surgeries on my feet, one on my hand, a torn rotator cuff, and loads of arthritis. i need a pain manager for all of this. the alternative is crying myself to sleep! i live in greenville, s c . can i get help from someone????? please help me!

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2 Charfel ... & the many other people who I've met on here. Watch out... 4 Tramadol ... & Savella. I can only speak from what I've been through.,Went 2 the ER...finally a doctor who understood what's been happening 2 me & way 2 many others. YES we all need help sometimes & we go 2 find HELP...The doctors the pharmacies & these so called PAIN MANAGEMENT center. I worked so hard 2 stay healthy & they slipped up BIG time. & I let my Gaurd down. I should have realized long ago that they don't much when it comes our boddies. Even the SQUADE Medics have heard so much just of these last few yr. All the problems from this Tramadol. It's worse 2 get off of & realy does more harm than good. & the Savella will send u out of the realm. Talk about bad withdrawal !! Wow this one has manifested itself & can barely move any more. I should have been better told. I'm mad as heck ! I hope u can find the RIGHT help. But make sure ur not being POISONED !!

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Do NOT YELL @ TALK DOWN 2 OR BELITTLE someone who NEEDS turns people like me & 2 many others 2 stay away... & not find the HELP we need. It's shameful the way anyone who needs the Help can't feel comfortable 2 seek & find it !! I've been 2 the BRINK & BACK again now just as we've heard from NJ. ,CO. MARIANNE & so many others IT AINT THE WAY 2 BEHAVE as a human being. •••My inner core has almost melted away.xo

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Well good luck to ANYONE who lives in Illinois! The DEA has shut down any/practically all doctors in the state who were giving out "narcotics/Schedule 2 (II) drugs. Then they try pushing off Tramadol & other worthless meds that do not work like the above Schedule 2 (II) drugs! How dare anybody including DEA or doctors judge the patient's pain level. I am an RN with my Bachelors degree in nursing. We were always taught to believe the patient & keep them as comfortable as possible. Yes, there are some who may misuse them but that doesn't mean everyone is. So, why does everyone else have to suffer because of the others? I can't find a doctor (mine retired), & as soon as they find out that I was on Norco's 10 mg. & Oxycodone 30 mgs. they don't even want me as a patient. Now I am trying to get into a pain clinic 90 miles away in Chicago & it looks like they are not going to accept me. I even went as far as to tell them "then help me by weaning me down if you think I am on too much." They refuse to even help me. The DEA has all the doctors scared to give out anything in this lousy state. Why don't the DEA go after the drug dealers on the streets & leave the doctors alone. Who is the DEA to judge a patient's pain or even judge a doctor's diagnosis. I am absolutely disgusted with the doctors, DEA, etc. in Illinois. I guess I will have to move to Mexico if I need anything. I hope the DEA realizes that all they are doing is pushing people to go out on the streets to get their "fix." In fact, after they shut down one of the doctors my friend & I were going to. She turned to the streets to get some drugs & ended up OD...dying. It never would have happened if the DEA would mind their own business, go get the ones selling on the streets, & leave the doctors alone! It's my body & I know how I feel not them! What I choose to do to my body is my business. It's not any different then people smoking or drinking (who I know people who have died from both). The only difference is the government is making money off of the cigarettes/liquor being sold! Really "ticked" off because I can't even sleep at night thanks to the DEA!

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Karen...mary.. co...etc etc all my partners need to say my daily love u guys! I want your opinions! So let me on the meds not just pain stuff but the meds for my disease ... anyway went to see my crohns specialist in nyc..he said after all my surgeries im in bad shape bone marrows messed up that why can't make iron / blood..narrowing in colon is bad n 2 fistula at the astamosis etc.... infection on face might b crohns or staph local Dr thought it was cold sore but specialist says no! Bacterial he thinks n i need to see skin dr under my nose thought it was from blowing my nosey joint pain is def ra...that's a few things...he said more to try the remacaid with methotrexaite (tell me what guys think i should do) it could kill me..tons of side affects...or throw me into bowel surgery due to stricture or loose my hair and no immune system.. cancer etc and if i have any side affects never can take again and then no more meds to try...if it helps I would be on for life increasing as my body learned how to trick it and won't cure but maybe help if I'm a lucky 1 and it helps it could help my daily but not cure just help..weekly or few times a week u go for intervenes drip regarding the pain meds..he said I needed them and even if the remacaid helps the damage is done he doesn't want me off also said any withdrawal can really mess up my crohn...and I was thrown into very low meds becaz of today's problems and I'm so sick from it and of course I DID tell him about the pain dr saying just get all yr intestines out and when's is your end end date..uggggg.i wish my crohns had an end date ..thats when I gave back my pain scripts...thank god my dr will help while im looking but id rather die literally then be treated so rather get sick...I won't compromise my principals even though I need so.bad and I won't take something from a Dr that really doesn't want to give me...Karen are rolling for me yet? Love u girl...... pls guys see what u think about remacaid w methotrexaite.... I'd kill for one day just to feel ok.... well my friends let's pray for peeps like us that the system get a little more u guys xoxoxoxoxox ps sorry so long but thanks for letting me write this much ..I promised to lessen length just wanted 2 update u guys on nyc visit

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I'm looking for a doctor who will prescribe oxycodone for my back pain here in NYC.

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Our medications are at risk from the government. Please go back and read Marianne's post 1766, the petition website is just a click and easy to join us in this fight for our rights as chronically ill people.

Gin, I didn't put my story when I signed but lots of people have shared. It's really important.

Post 1766

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Pre happy thanksgiving to my friends... somehow it will all work out! We have to have faith ...I try to believe everything happens for a reason... anything is possible if you really try hard... on this holiday to come I wanted to talk about the positives. at least we have each other and hope...hope that maybe one day we will be cured ..maybe one day they will. come.up w a new meds that our pain and no one gives us a hard times on whatever we need to survive... in the interim..whatever you believe in together lets have faith and work to change the world. ..lots love.happy holidays your friend new jersey...

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Thank u NJSHORE & all my other friends from the ER. For this HOLIDAY. I've been talked down 2 so much lately. I was looking into web address 4 u NJSHORE. They didn't let it go through. I will try again when I can. I WOULD ALSO LIKE 2 THANK THE DEA 4 a lovely HOLIDAY. Xoxo. Please stay safe 2 all. & may u all get the help u truly need. Co, Marianne & all the others who have become like Family. Write letters 2 the FDA. Let as many contacts 2 let them all b more awhere. I've even made copies & sent many copies I'm not going 2 b ignored. Let em all no. Please. B CAREFUL & don't let them keep us down & feel like their POISONING US. It's bad enough we already are suffering. We all want are lives back 2 help others & Family. & friends. :~).

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please, if anyone knows of a pain mnge. clinic in greenville s c who will take you without a referral, please let me know.

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hey where did you say you were at vera?

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2 Vera Try methadone clinic located . Med help.

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Vera ment LOCATER sorry bout that it's crowded being in the ER.

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You see.....I NEVER see anybody post any information up here about the state of Illinois? Because there just isn't anybody around or available. I have asked, gone through the computer for doctors, made calls, did everything....get NOTHING! Don't move to Illinois u will be doctors up here unless I just haven't talked to the "right" person yet! The other places mentioned are just too far away! I live 90 miles southwest of Chicago! Stupid DEA!!!!

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Can anybody tell me about a US doctor who would be willing to prescribe and dispense, then SEND BY MAIL TO UK? Meds required US-only analgesics:

Hydrocodone bitartrate
Hydrocodone bitartrate plus apap max 300mg per 10/15mg
Hydromorphone hydrochloride IR tablet form (Dilaudid 2/4/8mg oor generic)
Oxymorphone hydrochloride IR tablets (Endo OPANA and generics)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
From Canada METHAQUALONE salt for combining with diphenhydramine for University Research; original finished tablet formulation previously sold as QUAALUDE by Wm h Rorer Pharmaceuticals and coded '714', withdrawn USA 1985, according to Martindale available (Schedule 3 sedative/hypnotic) still in Canada, perhaps by only SOME doctors but available nonetheless since the withdrawal from European market of the last such tablet, Medichémie TOQUILONE (Methaqualone salt) and TOQUILONE COMPOSITUM (Methaqualone 250mg/diphenhydramine 25mg) - assayed powder 99.5%+ suitable as such a low potency drug may be easily formulated by tablet or capsule without the need for wet granulation homogeneity. However, the Hydrocodone (dihydrocodeineone) bitartrate salt is most important for research, being the only analgesic we can find which 'plugs the analgesic gap' between its parent dihydrocodeine tartrate and morphine sulphate - exceptions being the combined partial antagonists and dual analgesic/SNRIs TRAMADOL HCl and TAPENTADOL HCl, which are unsuitable for such a study due to the clinically HUGE amount of patients who display intolerance to SNRIs and certainly are unable to use partial antagonists at mu-receptors if, as most are, they are using full agonist MR analgesics, principally OXYCONTIN, MST CONTINUS, & PALLADONE SR, last-named now only available up to 24mg, the 32mg capsule having been withdrawn some years ago. Was banned in USA due to spurious reason of 'danger of deaths when mixed with alcohol', as if the others were recommended to be used whilst actively drinking the amount required to cause such a terminal effect! (We here in the UK can not understand many of the provisions of the FDA and CSA legislation or scheduling, particularly as two absolutely ESSENTIAL opioid analgesics, dipipanone and diacetylmorphine, are said to have 'no clinical use' when in fact they have probably some of the most important indications of ANY analgesics in clinical use, especially diamorphine HCl in Myocardial Infarction and RTAs.

Any doctor or anyone knowing of such a doctor (we are exempt from all licensing and other regulatory requirements re procurement of these drugs because of University Research status) PLEASE REPLY AND FIND A WAY OF LETTING US KNOW A METHOD OF COMMUNICATION. Minoguesque is a Director of HKK Services Ltd, Irastas Farma Ltd, and Principal Therapist at HKK.

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Still in ER. What a nice holiday. Thanks again 2 the dea. Try health grades app. Or better doctor app. &

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