Can I Take Hydrocodone When Taking Contrave (Top voted first)


I accidentally took on contrace yesterday by mistake and I am on Vicodin it made me sick and I couldn't sleep last night so how long after the contrave can I take a Vicodin and how long does contrave take to leave my system it was a 90 mg

4 Replies

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Yes, the Naloxone in it can throw you into dangerous precipitated withdrawals. You'll need to give it about 3 days, before you can take the Vicodin, again, unless your doctor instructs otherwise.

The FDA warns that Vicodin carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Your body will go into participated withdrawal bad. Since it had naltrexone with any morphine, codeine, opioids etc.. they give that to people that are overdosing on opiates/opioids. I warned my sister cause I live with chronic pain and take quite a bit of pain meds: Fentanyl, Dilaudid, and Hydrocodone without the other junk. Tylenol that can kill your liver. Hydrocodone I recommend that, it's called Zohydro. Almost every medication has side effects, but not as bad as Contrave. So to answer your question you would have to stop every pain pill possible, even Tramadol. This stuff is in Suboxone which is for people to help their opiate or opioid cravings. Plus it is horrible for your liver! Hope this helps. That's sad the way they are treating people. DO NOT TAKE THIS MED!

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I have been taking contrave for almost 3 months. I am having some laser therspy done and told I could take a valium before the laser treatment. Is it OK to take the valium while on contrave?

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I have been taking hydrocodone 10/325 for years. My thyroid doctor just prescribed me Contrave! Can I take them together. If not what else will help me with my chronic pain?? Thanks!!

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