Oxycontin 80 Mg Op Abuse Deterrent (Page 6) (Top voted first)


Oxycontin 80 mg op, will this new formula deter intravenous usage?

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its almost hard to believe wha some of you retards are saying. im remembering what my mom told me when i was a little boy. before you say somthing, stop take 5 seconds and think about what your about to ay. you know kinda filter it. now to me its quite obvious some f you people ave not been using this filter. like you mr war on drugs is bad do you seriously expect me to believe that bexcause they changed the formula the pharmacutical companies are gonna go broke lol. they are right up there with the tobbaco industry and arms manufactures. believe me they are not going broke just because your junkie ass cant snort your pills anymore. im not sure if your aware either but this horrible heroin you speak of was inventd by a comany called bayer you know those people who make birth control and asprin. either way i sem o be straying from my point. i feel most of you here arnt thinkig logically your more thinking about how your gonna get your next fix and thats why these companies are doing this. you cant seriously sit here and tell me the country is gonna come to an end and these companies will go bankrupt and every one will die. mr war on drugs i must say you have to be one of the most uneducated imbred retarted americans ive ever ran across and i think you need to set ur mind ight n stop letting the drugs do your thinking for you because as far as i can see you sound hoplessly retarted

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to grandpappy joe as im sure we all appreciate your opinion on this site as you judge people and label them, which i do agree with your point of that purdue will most definately not go broke, you should probably not call people retarded, you think there are people out there who have retarted sons , sisters ,brothers and friends not really a good comparison term and as you are entitled to form opinions on others and again i agree i read some very stupid remarks on here and folks do so stray from subject matter at time, i noticed you had to opinion related to any type of medication or medication issue,you just spouted negativity, be nice dont use retarted as a comparison and please brush up on your spelling its terrible. have a great evening!! madashell (that my meds dont give me the pain relief as they used to) but what can we do, just be glad for what we have and thank god for each new day!!!!!

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its nasty but it gets the rush on about 3 pulls from a 40. vinegar breaks it down mix with half distilled water and add a lil heat woohoo again friends, the white will disipate and leave a clerish glob of gluey booger that is the waste from the extend release go me

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I agree with naughtynurse who cares what color or what the pill says on it as long as it help us people in real pain if you have to chase a pill because you can't shoot it r u kidding me there not ment to be shot up I been on 12 80 mgs of oxycontin and am only at such a high dose because it has been three years started slow and just became in a worse. Condition over the years I don't want to be on this except for pharmicies that know me I get looked at like I abuse meds With proof mris disc o grams it just continuing to get worse and who cares what the f in pill looks like or says as long as it helps you lead a normal life without being in a coma cause of the dose everyone has. Different tolerences and u junkies r messing it up for us Patients who really need the relief to live a normal life I wouldent even be able to walk without meds but now because of people abusing these some people who really need it can't get it cause insurance will only cover generic now I feel bad I was in that situation but got it straitened out by my doctors help and if I was just a junkie at that dose I wouldent still be on my meds after three years pill counts is all it takes and if your doc thinks your abusing selling tradeing or whatever the he'll yo abusers do It is there job doctors aren't stupid they dident go to school so many years to be taking advantage of that's all I have to say I hope all you people that r having hard times because of insurance or just can't afford brand or can't get insured because of existing problems I wish you the best and people who are abusing get help or do something else and stop makeing it so hard for us that really do need it to live a normal life god bless I wish you all the best.

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grind w/ hoseclamp not pedegg to big spread it out evenly&thin microwave till golden brown put in freezer 4 10min it wont gum up if people want i can tell how 2 boot

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put op in oven at about250 and wait untiljust about brown pull out ,scrape, snort or put in spoon, the polomer is broke down more so its tolerable,to inject or snort, or crush heat the spoon for like 5 mins and the poly will go to the bottom, use a good filter or you will draw slime, heat two times and draw up and walla

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Why don't they just go back to the original oc and make the doctors do there job and do pill counts this will weed out people abusing , selling , trading , or whatever they do I've been on 360 80 mg oxycontin a month foe the past three years and these new ops are not as strong and something with the gue in the pill gives me a headache abdominal pains and coughing up goo bAlls it's nasty plus the originL oc was only 2100 for 180 my INS covered the other 180 and now the ops are 3000 $ for 180 and insurance dosent want to cover it cause it costs too much WTF

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To everybody who uses the term "abuse Oxycontin," who are you to determine what is an acceptable use of the medication and what is not? A hypothetical man/woman named Cory has a semi-major medical problem, maybe they were in an auto accident, maybe they were walking to the bus stop to take food to their grandmother and were hit by a drunk driver, maybe they have a genetic deformity of some sort, maybe they are seriously depressed and hate the fake smiley face feeling of traditional anti-depressants. Do these people deserve Oxycontin? Would it be "abuse" if they took the medication? With perhaps the exception of the depression, the vast majority of you naysayers would say "no that would not be 'abuse' because this person is using it to fight their crippling agony." However, if this person is not fortunate enough to have health insurance and resorts to buying them off the street, in that instant in society's eyes this person is nothing but a dirty junkie. Why? The medication is still being used for the same purpose after all, the source is the only variation to the doctor, prescription, pharmacy method. Now lets say its 5 years after Cory's accident, whatever it may have been, and he even has health insurance so he was never perceived as a junkie, but now he is because he was taking the medication at the exact correct dosage as prescribed by his physician in order to help with his/her agony, and is currently addicted to the medication. The original purpose of taking OCs in the first place was to eliminate agony to retain some semblance of a normal life, and as everybody with a single neuron in their head knows that quitting opiates of any kind with OCs being the most harsh of all, is the definition of pure agony. Quitting would make Cory feel the very same agony from his accident, but it also afflicts not only his physical sensation of pain, but also plunges him into a depression so intense that most who have committed suicide, if alive (I know, they're dead, hence the suicide part) and if they experienced a single hour of withdrawls from OC, they would gain a new perspective on mental agony. You may think this is not the best argument, but consider this: would you consider Cory a junkie if he developed a habit from taking his medication as directed and was then cut off by his doctor who says his injury has healed, but Cory struggles with staying off of this wonder pill? Where do you draw the line? Does a doctor's recommendation to take it constitute proper use of the drug? I know what you're thinking, "he's about to say any person who has a prescription is free and clear, but no no no! there are crooked doctors!" and you're absolutely right there are crooked doctors. Crooked doctors who will refuse to prescribe Oxycontin to anybody except those patients with spinal injuries, cancer, or some other affliction that is considered to be the absolute worst pain imaginable for the only reason that they have read the reports that it is being abused. A little psychology lesson for those of you who are narrow minded VICKY AND MATT, people are often aware that different people experience things differently; men are supposedly more sensitive to pain than women, even eye witness testimony is not reliable because each person's brain function causes differences between reality and perception. So what if Cory has had a mediocre injury but because of the way their brain is wired, he/she actually experienced excruciating agony. This is very possible in that a brain can receive a pain message from the body's nervous system (as in nerves, not being nervous as in experiencing anxiety) and where a normal brain would simply receive the pain signal and turn that into the perception of pain so that you can consciously "feel" the pain, some peoples' brains actually receive the pain message from the nervous system, that message becomes amplified in these peoples' brains which means the perception of a mild to mediocre pain by a normal person is perceived as an excruciating to impossibly agonizing pain due to the amplification of the pain signal. If I lost you, it is exactly like turning up the volume on a stereo, at low volume it is quiet and hardly perceivable but when you crank it up it becomes very loud and impossible to ignore. Does this person not deserve Oxycontin simply because of their brain function? Of course not, people with different brain function receive medication all the time. Just because a macho person would say "that pussy doesn't need Oxycontin!" doesn't give ANYBODY the right to say what another person feels. For example, if you are a woman this question is for you: when you become upset at something that happened to you, if your boyfriend/husband feels that you are overly upset does he tell you to shut up and get a life? NO! He says "aw baby everything will be alright, here let me help fix this and make you feel better *muah.*" Lastly, abuse means misusing something, duh, abuse of Oxycontin would be using it to play marbles, or as a fertilizer for plants. Oxycontin is supposed to be taken to make people feel better, and all these people who are "abusing" it are doing exactly that. "Minor problems in their life," like I said who are you to say how a person feels, who are you to say what is a bad life versus a good life, who are you to say what problem in life is bad enough to take medication? We aren't getting in your business and dictating what you should or should not do, and that's exactly what you are trying to do, be a dictator. Especially if you are not taking Oxycontin for pain and YOU are the loser taking time out of your day to seek out people you can dump on, this is literally NONE of your business. It is OUR business because it is OUR lives. Philosophy fans on here? Like Descartes? He postulates that he is the only truly real entity in existence and everybody else is merely a figment of his imagination of sorts. Following that logic, from your point of view nobody else exists so you are wasting your life whining about figments of your imagination. Sounds to me that YOU are the loser moron, OH! that reminds me, IT'S MORON! NOT MORAN YOU MORON! And furthermore you seriously think only loser morons with no life do Oxycontin? Seriously?!?!?!?!? Soooooooo many people do OCs that literally tell NOBODY so I can pretty much guarantee you that at least one of your friends does it. There is not one single type of person who does OCs, there are doctors, lawyers, judges, accountants, professors, students, minimum wage employees, people in urban settings, people in remote settings, grandmas, fathers, police officers, business owners, unemployed, world class professional athletes, politicians, nurses, musicians, artists of all kinds, therapists, preschool teachers, bus drivers, commercial airline pilots, construction workers, etc etc etc...... on and on for ever and ever. I am not guessing at that, I personally know for a fact because I like spending time with like minded people to avoid running into people who will nag, bitch, and moan like you. Every single occupation I just listed was from recalling individuals I have personally done Oxycontin with. If you knew how high up that judge I spoke of is, you would probably cry. I am a graduate of Yale with a double degree in Neuroscience and Cognitive Sciences, I am attending NYU School of Law, I hold 2 jobs, and I support my mother and father. I do Oxycontin, I LOVE oxycontin because it helps me accomplish everything I do on a daily basis. "Losers, morons, low lives????" perhaps this situation of insulting people is similar to schizophrenic patients in that a "crazy" person will never say "I am crazy" because they truly believe they are the normal one and everybody else is "crazy." You run around saying "if you do Oxycontin you are a bad person and/or are a waste of life/ lowlife moron," whereas we can admit our faults and shortcomings, but doing Oxycontin is not one of these faults, shortcomings, vices, or problems.

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Well spoken Dante! Couldnt have said it better myself!

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the most powerful pill is the DILAUDID8 I no this for sure 100 percent /the opana 40 mg suck big time I can snort the whole opana 40 mg and take a 40 mg at the same time and it sucks the big 1 I would take the 80 mg oxy over opana anyday of the week

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I was one who got presribed RX for LONG time, after a while the lil ones were not doing the trick for my pain and my doc put me on Oxycontin, 10's at first then 20's pretty quickly after, within 6 months time i was going through my script in half the time. I was on vic's and percs for years and years and never once took more then i was supposed to. But I dont blame me i blame OC, i never abused a drug this drug was made to be abused there si no way any one of you that are on this could say you could stop tomorrow regardless of how much more you take a day or not, this drug makes you want more, so dont blame people for coming on here and being honesgt about abusing them, hey do cause they were on them at one time and got addicted how can you blame someone for something they had no control over. do you think they woke up and said i want to be an iv user today. NO so yeah you are on the pain med and you are in pain, me too.. you think cause your prescribed this medicine you are better then anyone else on here. someday mark my words you are going to lose your RX or mess up or take one more then you were supposed to and you will get caught and then what? I will tell you you will be like all these peps you are putting down on here out buying abusing and looking for ways to get messed up to, cause you are going to hate the system that got you addicted to these pills and then left you to be sick with nothing..

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First of all, do you drink? An occasional beer, cocktail, glass of wine to relax and unwind at the end of the day? Smoke a cigarette after holding your f****ing best friend in the world in your arms while they are dying and telling you every single death bed secret they have ever had? Telling you everybody in their phone to call personally and tell them that they love them more than they could ever possibly imagine and they are infinitely appreciative for everything they have done? Have you looked into their eyes and seen those f***ing pupils grow until there is no Iris at all anymore? I F****ING HAVE! YESTERDAY! AND IT WASN'T A F***ING PILL THAT DID THAT! IT WAS A F***ING DRUNK DRIVER WHO TOOK THE TURN TOO FAST AND SMASHED MY BEST FRIEND OF 20 YEARS INTO A TREE!!! Who gives a flying f*** if somebody does pills sometimes to unwind. They aren't getting in cars and murdering people. Scratch that, WE aren't doing that. WE relax and unwind after our ungodly horrible days like yesterday so we don't have to shoot ourselves in the face to end the agony of people who think pills are horrible and go to the bar and slam a dozen drinks. BTW every medical professional I have spoken with, over a dozen, ALL say that alcohol is much more harmful to your system than OCs. You don't want to do it, then don't. You don't want to dance when your favorite song comes on the radio then don't. You don't want to wear green because it doesn't match your eye color then don't. ALSO don't you dare tell ANYBODY how to live their own life. And by the way, while Casey was laying across my lap screaming as if a SUV had literally ripped his right side of his body apart (HAHA GET IT!! IT DID!!!) it was Oxycontin that I had in my pocket that I crushed and gave to him that helped him choke out his goodbyes to this world. So maybe you are right you closed minded piece of...... OC is the problem. People getting a little mental vacation from this s**t and listening to their favorite album laying on a couch or watching their favorite movie and falling asleep is the real problem. Let me tell you about Casey, since he is an evil son of a beach for doing OC occasionally. He WAS a third year veterinary student, he supported his mother who struggles to make rent and bills and food every month because there is no father to help, he was the captain of his lacrosse team (just like me, and when you get hit so hard it breaks 6 ribs, you finish the game because your team needs you and you score the winning goal like I did you need something to kill some pain), every sunday he volunteered at the local homeless outreach kitchen, and most of all he was the one everybody went to with problems in life because he could sooth them. His last words were telling me that he was the luckiest man on earth to have a friend like me to take care of him in his dying moments and I should be proud, not sad. But I am sad, because I did NOT want to know what intestines look like, or how big a pool, and I mean a pool and not a puddle of blood is in a human body. The point is, some people exercise as a release, some people drink, some people dance at a club, and some people do OC. And for the record, I did quit, no it wasn't overnight because the withdrawls last 3 days. OH! AND my roommate still does them and I sit next to him watching TV while he does some and I do not. If you really really want to be one of those people who groups everybody together who has a similarity go right ahead, it's a free country. But it's also a free country, so we will go right ahead and do what we do. And since you seem to want nothing more than to get into everybody's business, today for breakfast I ate oatmeal with a cup of coffee, had one nice bowl movement, urinated 3 or 4 times throughout the day, my parents are teetering on a divorce, tomorrow is my grandfather's 80th birthday, my room smells vaguely like sex (i have a girlfriend), speaking of which her bra size is 38 C, she gets all gooey when she sees a cute puppy, my room is a little cluttered because I don't have a lot of free time but I try, my favorite type of music is House, Rock, Hip hop, well anything but country really, ummm what else is none of your business? O well, I'm sick of you. I have a prisoner to go visit and explain that although it must have been a great night at the bar, he killed somebody so close to me his own mother and mine called him and I brothers, and that I am quite displeased at his decisions. I apologize if I swapped from past to present tense throughout this, I'm still struggling to wrap my head around the fact that the one person I would have done literally anything for is now gone. poof. but thank god we can blame OC for his death. BTW in case you are curious, every single death from OC you hear about, it's really because they mixed it with xanax, or any other benzo. Everybody with a single active neuron in their head knows that is an extremely lethal combination. Heath Ledger for example. Lastly, I still haven't done any OC since Casey died, so it is possible to get off and stay off. To everybody who is hooked, I ABSOLUTELY feel you, I am not belittling your struggles in ANY WAY. They really are the "perfect" formula to get you addicted. stronger than heroin. If you are addicted and want to get off, take my advice and get either Suboxone or Subutex. I haven't used Subutex personally, but from personal experience Suboxone is a miracle. Get 4 of the 8 mg ones, break them into quarters, 4 quarters to each pill obviously, and when you feel like you are getting withdrawls take a quarter and put it under your tongue and let it dissolve. it tastes like vitamin C tablets with a little bitterness. WARNING!! DO NOT TAKE SUBOXONE LONGER THAN 5 DAYS MAX!!! If you take it longer than that, you run a strong risk of getting addicted to the suboxone which has MONTH long withdrawls that are worse than straight OC withdrawls. The 3-5 day Suboxone routine I just outlined will eliminate 98% of the withdrawl symptoms, however after those 5 days you need to use willpower not to go get more OC. I know it is a rough psychological battle for a week or so after the suboxone, but keep focused on your goal to stay off OCs. Notice I am not telling anybody what choice to make or judging either way, just offering my own expertise for those who wish to decide for themselves to quit or not. Either way it is up to you. Want to do OC, go ahead. Want to quit, now you know the magic path to take. It is YOUR business, not mine so do as you wish just please please please do NOT drink and drive. if you live in or near San Francisco I will personally drive to pick you up and drive you home if you are drunk. I love Casey, we don't need any more tragedies.

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I was on the brand and the generic, I had a bad headaches with the generic and I just feel sick all over and they are not as strong, I got the new OP's and the headaches are worse as well the sick feeling, I hope they fix this because it's the only pills I can take.

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@DJ dALLAN you are mistaken in your second statement. OPs are a FORM of Oxycodone, yes ... but Vicodin and other pain meds are simply relatives of this drug. For instance, Vicodin contains Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone as the active ingredients, whereas Oxycontin is a brand of Oxycodone. Two completely different drugs, but both part of the opiates family of medications. So YOU get it straight before acting arrogant.

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The new oxycontin op are not oxycontin but a new drug. Causing much suffering from ineffectiveness to creating new illnesses. The reason purdue changed their oxycontin was parent's sued purdue after their child died of an overdose. We are living in the season of unaccountibility. What this is telling our kid's is 'i know your going to take/try drug's so lets change whatever you experiment with and make it so bad it will make everyone very sick Everyone who need's these for bad pain are being punished.So in effect parents whose kid died from oxycontin are punishing us the legit ccp.Deception lead's to more deception. When will ppl. wake up? When will ppl. learn accountibility? Take the speed limit..if you drive 100 miles an hour around a dangerous corner you will crash..do we take away cars because someone didn't heed their God given common sense? Now because parent's did not hold their child accountable i have to live not only with dreadful pain but must go through another trial and error period finding something that doesn't feel like i am in twilight zone.

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grandpoppy..you have a serious malady sir. It's serious and life changing. It can cause cancer and other illnesses. You have a severe case of bitterness and anger. The problem with bitterness is that once it takes root in your heart it rises up and defiles everyone around you..your grandchildren..your wife. It is abusive. And can rob you of your reason..your appetite..your sleep your family. It can keep you from the one who can help the most..GOD. I will pray for you.

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The only difference is they will not breakdown no matter what you do to them. If I can compare em to anything, it would be like try'n to crush up a mentos mint candy to powder. it physically impossible.

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Whats the deal with everyone just worring about getting high,I have a life threatening illness witch requires me to get a transplant....I live day in day out in pain. I dont care about the high i just want to be able to function. Im young and have 3 great kids,i used to be very active and i was never lazy,now i cant get out of bed. If people wouldnt abuse them and use them right,maybe they would work for you.I take the ops 80 and they work,maybe not as good as the oc but i dont abuse them or get high. I would do anything to just to be pain free.I promise you, keep down the wrong track bcause someday you will be a dead beat junky who is detoxen. I tell you whats not fair and it not cause they changed the pill but the fact the doctors are less likey to give you the pills and more likly you will have more pain and a more s***ty life cause people are out there abuseing them and only worrying about how fast they can get high while people like me suffer. In the end my kids suffer to cause they dont have there dad cause im in to much pain cause my doctor is to affaid to give me meds thinking im only drying to get f****d up. Grow up people....If people had pain like me then they have something to complain about instead of the fact they changed the pill.

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is there any way you can help me with finding a doctor for oxycontin 80 mg op...I'm a chronic pain sufferer and have tried everything under the sun...this is the only thing that works and I don't know where to begin to look. thanks

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