My Story To All (Top voted first)


I have had several major Orthopedic sugeries over the last 15 years. I also went through Chemotherapy treatments. I have severe debilitating both Ostea-Rhematoid athritis, because of all the surgeries. When I was younger I was very healthy. Over the years my heath has declined dramatically. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be in this condition. Unfortunately, I now read all the stories of abuse, and needless fatalities. I find that good honest doctors are very concerned about this (with good cause), and are very cautious in providing the necessary pain treatment needed for their patients because of the abuse.It has come to the point that a patient in moderate to severe chronic pain has to spend 1 to 2 years minimum in acquiring the trust to even begin a good Doctor patient relationship.Then and only then can chronic pain patients get the right treatment regiment that improves their quality of life. I say all this because I feel so sad that it has come down to this, because there are many people suffering for months, and even years that absolutely need immediate relief. I hope in the future that everyone in need of immediate treatment from ANY Chronic Disease can get diagnosed in a timely matter without falling into the bottomless pit of hopelessness and NOT have the meds that are desperately needed taken away. From patients of addiction that need Suboxone, and Methadone to the severe chronic pain patients that need both strong and long acting meds. With honesty, and good communication to our Doctors, may they all get the help they need, and not have to suffer anymore for not even a day, and be able to ethically, clinically get the Meds they need, and be a function-able, respected, productive person no matter the severity of the case.I wish the best of health for us all in this New Year. Sincerely,Paingot2go

3 Replies

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I understand where you are coming from, kinda. I've been suffering for 6 years, since I was 15 with a lot of pain. I finally got some doctors to actually figure out whats wrong with me, but they havent figured out everything yet though, but the only thing my doctor will give me is tramadol and naproxen and neurontin for the pain and i def. need something more. Im about to have surgery on my spine, so hopefully that will help. my surgen (sp? lol) finally gave me some lortabs to hold me over until the surgery, but they are only lortab 5s so they dont help much, but its better than nothing. but they day after i got them they got stolen and im pretty sure my sister was the one who stole them. Sad when someone would steal someone's who bottle of pain pills from someone who desperatly needs them to be functional. some people are just awful, but its even worse when its your own family. Ive got 11 days left until i can get them. im going to ask my mom to buy me a small lock box to keep them in. Ive got to be smarter about it this time....

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I would like to thank you xstrangerx111 for your reply to my story.I am so very sorry about you having to get spine surgery.When anyone young,or older has to get any type of surgical procedure on the back area it can be serious.I realize some of the people out in this community are somewhat younger than I,and are having pain,and are wondering why their Dr.s Don't want to write out anything strong to you.I don't fully know everyones situation,but I'll try to give you,an opinion,so please bear with me,and try to keep an opened mind,ok.When Dr.s go to Medical School one of the things their taught is that a persons brain is not 100% formed untill the age of 25 years old.Now,with that said there are other important facts you should take into concideration.Our brain has 50 Neurotransmitters,and billions of nerve cells.Without confusing us let me say it like this.The brain has recepters that are connected with the neurotransmitters,that send important signals throughout the spinalcord,and body.Three important ones,are Dopamine,Serotonin,and Norepinephrine.These simply let us do things we take for granted like,-sexual arousal,stress,anxiety,mood,aggression,learning,memory,joy,laughter,and alot more,but getting to what painkillers do is (they bond to our natual recepters,and block pain signals.)But why people get dependant on them so easily is that they mimmic our dopamine recepters that natually produce morphine,and adds hundreds of times the amount normally produced,by the brain,and when a person takes a strong opiod they get an (extreame euforia effect)Its nothing personal ment towards any of us.Its just the way all opiods work.98% of us are natuarly born from a baby to want to feel good.Sorta like remember when we would cry if we could not have candy?Also keep in mind that our Dopamine in our brain naturally produces moderate amounts of Morphine.For instance,remember your first boy,or girl friend?or your first car?Or the feeling of making alot of money.How about winning the lotto for 100 million if their was a way to measure the amount of natuaral morphine put out of the brainat the exact time you (aledgally) won the lotto for 100Mill.It would be an enormous amount.Now you kinda get what I'm trying to say.The problem is the Dr.s have the daughnting task of properly diagnosing people,both young,and old,trying ethically to do the right thing,but not get you dependent while they are treating you,and,also they have people comming in not really in bad pain,but feel bad,and want to feel better.So you can imagine on one hand it should be no big deal,but on the other hand its a very complex job to try to treat everyone fairly,plus not counting the people who abuse them for reasons that make no sense to even talk about. My situation was fairly easily treatable 15 years ago,but now its a wonder my Dr,has any hair left on his head.I have had so many operations he has to switch up my medications every 6 months,because my osteo/rhematoid arthritis,chemotharapy,and RSD is proggressing to the point that the meds don't work that well all the time,and thats my next,and final point.Once I started taking these meds.I had no idea my health would debilitate,and Unfortunately be on them for the rest of my life.I never thought it would be like this.I thought my health would get better,and just the oposite has accured.I do not use illeagle drugs,and I take my meds as prescribed,also I am not here to glorify the use of any meds,but what I am trying to say to you is that I would do anything to have my health back,and I mean just about anything! Yes I can funtion,and stuff,but I hate being controlled by anything.I do not look forward to going to the Dr.Every month. When I go I tear up because sometimes I think about how I used to be,and think how my life has slowly declined.I used to bench press 405lbs when I was 28 years old,and run 2.5 miles a day.I had a beautiful girl friend.,and some stupid drunk driver ended all that.I am blessed though to be alive,so I am thankful for that.I write this letter to you because I care about all of you guys out there.Young,and old,alike you only get one chance to go through life so make it count..Try to make the best judgements you can,I really wish all of you out there,where ever you are the very best in life,I can relate to you more than you will ever know.If you have to be on medication try to take the least amount that helps your situation.(Remember less is best), because it keeps your recepters,and neurons in check,I'm no DR.,but once your recepters,and neurons get out of wack, its not very pleasant,and if I help just one person out their make a good choice to improve there health in the future than that makes my life worth it.Also remember this is just my opinion,but later on you might thank yourself.The only thing I ask is let the Dr.make the decisions,let him know your history.He will try to do his best to help you if you give him enough time to get to know you.Be patient ,and give your Dr,at least a year to fully know you,and you health.If you do this you will gain trust with him,and he will eventually be like an old friend to you.If you forget most of what I said just try to remember this(Time& patiants+no drugs)= good quality heath care 90% of the time.I wish you all the best health always.Sincerely,Paingot2go

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I understand what you are staying. I have studied a lot of those things. i am very interested in how drugs and medications affect someone's body and brain. I understand completely why doctors don't want to prescribe me anything strong. esp. at such a young age.

Its just hard because since i was 15 everything has gotten progressively worse, so i can relate to that. I, too, remember what my life was like before i got this bad and it makes me sad too. It makes me even more sad that I am only 21 and I can't do most of the things other 21 year olds can do. I have a hard time even being able to do the basic things that i need to do like, showering, doing laundry, cooking, doing dishes, cleaning my room. It's funny how all the things everyone normally hates to do are the things you miss when you are no longer able to do them. Those are the things you desperately wish you could still do. Sometimes on good days I can get a little done and thats usually an accomplishment for me, lol.

I really don't want really strong pain killers. I can live with some pain. Most people want to be completely pain free, but I've accepted the fact that I'll probably never be pain-free. so I am okay with just enough meds to make it tolerable. Even the lortabs I don't take every day even though i am suffering quite a bit everyday. I try to only take them when i am really flared up. To the point where I cant really get out of bed unless that starts making me hurt more. My general practitioner has already made it clear that he absolutely WILL NOT prescribe me any narcotics. Its sad because most doctors look at people like me (i look quite a bit different than most people with the way i look and dress) and assume we are just hunting for drugs. Yes, I have taken opiates off the street before, but only because i was desperate for some relief. I just wanted a few hours or a day of relief. I feel like i deserve to at least have one day once in a while where I get good relief. Since the doctors dont want to treat me with meds that will help. I understand why people get addicted, but I never really have. Of course Ive never really done it often enough to become addicted. I don't really get a high off of them though. It just takes away my pain and makes me functional. If i take a pain pill from the street (which im ALWAYS exactly sure what it is) I basically get house work done that i otherwise wouldnt be able to do. The only reason I really like them is because obviously the pain relief, but also they make me functional. I'm able to do a lot more. Another reason I want to be prescribed narcotics is i am hoping that if i get prescribed something that works and i can get my mental health in good order then maybe i can work because i guarantee that i would have to struggle for quite a while to get disability and i really dont want to live with my mom for years. I want to be back out on my own, supporting myself successfully and being functional. I know pain pills wont solve all my problems, but it would definitely make life easier. I realize its a process though. i mean it has to be obvious that im not just looking for pills because I am going for surgery to try and fix some of the problem because they dont want to give me medicine. I really wish they would do some more testing to figure out what is wrong with me. I have i pain specialist now who is testing me for inflammatory diseases like RA and things like that. I hope they figure it out so they can properly treat me for what is wrong. I'm pretty sure i at least have fibromyalgia, but im pretty sure thats not the only thing, but its not diagnosed. well, fibro on top of everything else thats wrong.

if you are curious i have arthritis, neuropathy, and spondyolisthesis in my back along with some degenerated disks that are also bulging. which are on top and around where i have the spondyo. thats what they have so far. but we havent covered the wide spread pain. Its so hard that I am in this condition at 21. I miss having a life and i miss not having every little thing i do take so much out of me. Like if i go hang with my friends and we do a lot or i do a lot of driving for them (which they usually have me drive because im the driver they trust and i dont like to drink much so im usually the sober one) I def. pay for it the next day and maybe even the next two days. I will be in bed mostly. I just want to be a normal 21 year old!!!!

Oh! and I dont know if you have heard of the spoon theory, but if you havent you should def. check it out. I think you would like it. Its written by a girl who has lupus, but its a great story to explain how it is to live with any chronic illness or disability. especially ones that are invisible, like chronic pain. its at check it out! =)

I appreciate your reply and i understand the opinion you gave. thanks!

take care and i am sending you good thoughts =)


ps. if you want my email or any instant messengers you might have let me know. I'd be happy to talk to you and listen if you need someone to talk to. =)

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