How Long Do Opiates Stay In Your System For (Page 3)
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I tried one of my friend's 5 mg Oxycodone pills for pain. How long will that stay in my urine? I drink lots of water.

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2 days follow my above post and you will be fine!

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It's taken me 2 days to get Opiates out of me system and I have passed both drug tests using this system: Take multi vitamins, B-12 (1000mg) x2, take super complex vitamin B, Take CoQ10 pills, and drink vitamin water with niacin in it, it also contains all the above vitamins. I am on probation and this has worked for every U.A. I have had to take. I last used Sunday 1:30pm, today is Tuesday 1:30pm, I am clean of all opiates. I hope this helps!!! Don't waste your money on those DETOX DRINKS, they don't work, and plus you do not want a false positive to show up. By taking these vitamins and drinking VITAMIN WATER your urine will not be diluted, it will ur urine will not look like pure water! GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS!

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Im supposed to take a drug test n start my vivitral pill on Monday n my shot on thursday will I b ok if I did herion on friday night

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So agree with you.Its peoe like this abusing the system that makes it so hard for people like us who are truely in pain to get the narcotics we need just to help us through the day.

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One single dose of oxycodone how long to get out of Urine

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I agree. If you're in a suboxone program like I am and have been for a a little over year. You should be kicked out of your program. You are waisting their time and getting medication and selling it I'm sure and buying pain pills when there is someone else that would give their left nut to be admitted into a suboxone program. Right now at my doctor, the waiting list has over 150 people on it so you should start taking your suboxone or be kicked out. But to answer your question: I have heard if you do that it can work but I have also heard that the urine sample can come back tampered with which means you'll fail. So you can try it but I hope you get kicked out for abusing a doctor to get medication that thousands of people need right now.

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putting suboxone in urine, are you insane. people like you do not deserve help from anyone, and that includes the doctors that try to help you. come to think of it.

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I need to know how long will hydrocodone 10/325 and tramadol stay in my system? How long before a UA will come back clean?

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I just took a test for a new job and passed.. I took 4 30mlg perks over the weekend and had my last one on Sunday night and by Wednesday I had my UA and I passed.. I drank nothing but 1 32oz juice on Monday,but then I got the call for the job Tuesday morning and drank water all day Tuesday, cranberry juice mixed with water and the real green tea (BAGS) I put 2 bags in a mug with hot water and had 3 cups on Wednesday morning then more water and 2 hours before I had my test I used a store bought drug test just to see if it worked. Wanted to make sure I didn't look like an ass when it came back .lol. Well I passed that one too.. So if you can stand drinking a lot of fluid for like 2 days you'll be just fine.. I had a bone fusion on my neck 8 yrs ago and started having problems with it again so I had injection in it on Friday and was in a lot of pain afterwards so I got a few from my sister inlaw and by that Wednesday I had an Interview and knew I would be tested.. I'm not sure if one who uses everyday and for many months how long it takes,but from what I here from friends who do and have to see PO's well they say they can flush out in 48 hours so If they can do it so can you.. Just depends on how much water, juice and ext.. you can drink if you ask me.. Pee, pee and pee all you can in the time you have till its do.. Best of luck to you all

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suboxone..some one told me to drink sure-jell with water 1 hour before urine test

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Have appointment at pain management doctor at 9:40 tomorrow. I have 1 15 mg. oxy and 1 5 mg. percocet left. Just in case of ua, when should I take to show positive?

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Im not 100% but i think they test for the chemical that's past through you not the subby's themselves, i was on methadone and that was the case

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if im on suboxin but not taking them and have a urine screen for the program that perscribes the suboxins for me. i must have the suboxin in my system otherwise i may be into trouble with the clinic. My question is could i just give the urine sample and throw a pinch of suboxin pill that i grind up into powder into the actual urine sample test cup with my urine so as to hopefully get a posative line on the actual test for BUP. Will this possibly work?

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I take 4 80mg oxycontin daily yet my blood level showed neg for usage, prior to the blood test I did a body cleanse, would that affect my test results?

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I'm freaking out. I have been on the methodone program and because I have been clean from everything for so long I have my once a week privledges. I worked so hard to get them I don't want to lose them. I wasn't thinking and did something so stupid. I have been having great pain in my tooth so without thinking my friend gave me one oxycodone 5 mil. I have been drinking wayer non stop and peeing nonstop I even drank some vinegar because the next day I had to give a urine for the program.Is it possible because i drank and peed for 24 hours I could have flushed it out of my system? It was just one pill I had no build up in me?

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Oxycodone can reportedly be detected in your urine for up to 3-4 days after your last dose. Although, I have heard of some patients getting it out of there urinary system in 2 days time for a drug test, by drinking plenty of water (as oxycodone is excreted through urine).

I hope this info helps!

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