Fill Oxycodone Prescription (Page 3)
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Cannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.

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In Daytona ran out of meds
Need help finding some, feeling sick:(

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percet10/325 QID is better than hydrocodone. my spine has a compression Fx at L2. Extremely excruciating. pain at Lumbar 2. I'm probably theraputically addicted.Thats because severe pain in my low back. I am never taken Oxy before. I can do with taking Soma,350 BID , 10 mg.qid and of diazepam,and 10/325 percocet. The pain is horrendous.Soma and a theraputic temporarty MU agonic Tylox 10/235 QID

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Your reply was absolutely on the mark! I live in RI and have a multitude of conditions. I need a doctor who prescribes, also.
Thank you for what you're doing to help...Mpathia

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I find it completely insane that someone would need to move to her old state in order to have pain relief. I have researched all over the place to see if there is anything that we chronic pain sufferers can do. It seems not. The powers that be have made their decisions and they will not change their minds. I subscribe to a site named Clinical Pain Advisor and you wouldn't believe the stupidity of the writers and 'researchers'. There are articles that state chronic pain pt.'s should be given anti-inflammatories and some type of 'other' intervention and be sent on their way. Not one article even discussed the differing diseases or injuries that may precipitate chronic pain-It would be laughable but it's been some time since I laughed-at anything. We are being ignored or treated as if we're all trying to feel high and that is that. I have severe financial difficulties and cannot afford three different 'treatment modalities' even though I had tried before and nothing worked. Unfortunately too many kids who tried opioids to feel high, became hooked and overdosed. I totally understand the agencies getting involved in this; however we as I keep saying are the collateral damage stemming from this problem. And it appears that petitions, complaints to alleged representatives who are supposed to be representing 'all' their constituents go into a circular file. I would rather die than live the rest of my time here in severe pain. If it came to that I would write every news shows-social media and the like so perhaps someone would wake up somewhere and see the misery they have created. Guess what? Drugs flow into this country like water and the kids or those who wish to just feel high still will. Those of us with broken lives with pain we find intolerable are meaningless to these powers that be. My only source of venting my feelings are on sites like this. Doesn't help the pain however.

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I moved to Florida last year and was on 30 milligrams of oxycodone when I moved there. I was taking 270, 30 mill. And the Dr. reluctantly wrote me a script for 40 oxy and 30 methodone. My daughter and I went to 15 different pharmacies and got nothing. I had been on my oxy for 8 years and was starting to have withdrawals. My pain management doctor put me on Suboxone. I finally gave up and moved back to Kansas so I could get better relief. There needs to be something we can do to get the meds we need. Not all of us want them just to feel high. The DEA has to realize that. I'd love to see them be in severe pain and not be able to get anything to help them. I hope you find a way to get something to help but I'm afraid it won't be in Florida.

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Rather strident-however all too true. I've been told by an ortho who has no idea how to heal my bones and broken hardware to try "something like a rhizotomy" which I mentioned when he started nerve block discussion-I nearly had one in my face after nerve damage-then the anesthesiologist "mentioned" possible side effects-paralyzed face-increased pain-or a type of facial palsy-a very pretty woman in her early thirties? I deferred. Now at 63-this same block being offered for my leg. Pain meds or paralysis? Hmmm. Now I won't have a choice. I am Christian but I wish a year or more of the pain we go through on every fool who is in the DEA, CDC etc. I really do. No quality of life at all. To post #959

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It no longer matters what you want. If you are in pain and poor they will force you to have invasive treatments and surgery NOT APPROVED BY THE FDA. You will get no pain meds. As human beings, according to the constitution, we have the right to live our lives equally but that right has been taken away by the USA government. No one cares enough to fight back, so the only choice is to buy or grow your pain meds or you can be paralyzed by one of the blood sucking anesthesiologists who will give you nerve blocks or nerve removal or back surgery etc. Easy way for Supremists to rid themselves of the weaker people. We are being targeted and eliminated from society.

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There are some pharmacies here in MD that can fill it. Do you have medical history? Some proof of your injury?

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Can u help me? I only half a hand for God sakes both legs where lost, so will u help or not? I'm in CT can keep reading other peoples stuff cause they're hurting too.

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Andy , you explained it well. Thanks !

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Will attempt to be faster than usual-Laughing at Ignorance-I believe what BL meant re:allergies was not meant as you inferred. As a prior R.N. in psych I know that pt.'s who didn't want certain drugs-usually the older anti-psychotics they would immediately give you a list of every one of those drugs in that category and claimed an "allergy" so they could be given what they wanted. Also worked detox-same thing-'I can't take anti-inflammatories-they make me sick' or 'they give me ulcers'-these are pt.'s who want what they are dependent on or in psych they don't want the side effects. Upon questioning (nicely) you usually found out as I said they are drug seeking for their drug of choice or other reasons. Often an honest pt. doesn't understand the difference between a side effect and an allergy. A true allergy of course must be respected. Twice when I was hospitalized I was on IV morphine and in agony-it was stopped and I took a p.o. 5mg. Percocet and was fine. The good old days before my tolerance. My second was traumatic helicoptered surgery and I grabbed med bottles to prove I wasn't an addict in the sense of the word taking drugs recreationally but to let the staff know I had legitimate prior severe pain or I might have gotten Tylenol3 post-op. However they did give me IV morphine and I screamed like a baby until I went out in O.R. My true allergy is a drug that has nothing to do with tolerance so of course never raises an eyebrow. A true allergy as I believe you knew can kill you by swelling the throat as to make breathing impossible and of course may result in death. Sorry - long winded even when I try to keep it short.

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Laughing At Ignorance, drs from foreign countires don't have the same level of training and education that U. S, drs do. Although they do to pass an exam to be able to practice in the U.S.

Unfortunately, it isn't written anywhere that a patient has a right to be without pain. Some laws and rights are comprehended by some to say that, but in reality they don't say it. There is also the point where your rights end and another persons begins.

Those with the best medical insurance are the ones that can choose the drs they like and don't like. Others have to keep on searching. I often have problems understanding foreign drs. If I can't understand them or I don't feel that they can't treat me in the manner that I am accustomed to, I find another dr.

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First, this is our life. We have the right to be out of pain and the alternatives you speak of are high risk and often painful. They are not FDA approved as well. Its unethical to force surgery or barbaric treatments of other cultures on people in chronic pain.

As far as allergies go, any exposure to something you are allergic is damaging your immune system. It is extremely ignorant and uneducated to suggest that ONLY severe allergies be observed. As far as my allergy goes, I can die and I have said many times here I had Doctors letters.

I have a child with the same allergy that CAN NEVER ATTEND SCHOOL because of this allergy. I am serious when I say that I have been teaching the Doctors here because they are not having the education they should have over such a long course of study. They make frequent and dangerous mistakes. They do not listen even when you provide them with educational materials.

Even a High school drop out can understand "patient has a severe anaphylactic reaction which could result in death within minutes". Dr. Chowderhead should be deported back to his own country to kill his patients there.

I went to the Hospital because my kid ingested a piece of plastic due to the HMOs negligence. They put on the Hospital report that my kid ingested more than 3 feet section of his crib. The first Doctor I took my child to see here had ants ALL over the waiting room floor. He was another Chowderhead. My kid has a heart murmur so loud you can hear it 3 feet away without a stethoscope. This Chowderhead said "there is nothing wrong with your child." "I don't hear any murmur."

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Laughing At Ignorance , I understand what you're saying about some of the drs. But, it is still up to them to prescribe. Medical schools in the U.S. are beginning to add more about pain management, but it isn't going to be if much, if any help to those that need opiates for chronic pain because they aren't teaching what chronic pain patients want them to. They are teaching other methods of managing chronic pain.

Andy, our pocket book usually determines who we settle for. The better the dr, the more expensive it usually is to see them.

It is commono for patients to say they are allergice to certain meds when they just don't want to take them. If someone is allergic to a med and it can't be prescribed for medical resasons, that means that the allergy is life threatening. Or in other words, in order for a dr to take it seriously, it hs to be life threatening with proof that the patient had to be treated at the er or by a dr which means that there is medical proof.

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After sitting here in pain reading some person's sad story after another I become more and more amazed at the apparent oblivious attitude combined with lack of knowledge that 'our' legislators have on the subject of opiate abuse vs. need for some quality of life for pain sufferers. I'm leaving out adjectives I usually use simply because I'm tired of delineating between 'true' pain pts'. vs. addicts vs. recreational users. Why should I need to? Pretty sure people using pain meds to feel high are just calling their dealers not writing on this site. I've had severe pain issues on and off unfortunately since the early 80's. My medication tolerance is unbelievable meaning even a high dose of a narcotic barely takes the edge off for me. Several times it's been so bad I said okay I've got to take them now-then realizing I just took the meds an hour ago-just had no relief. Sad-but true. My ortho just informed me he is out of ideas to help me-surgeries have too many downsides. As so many other's I am near the end of my rope and sick-(as was predicted) that the gov't. has so much over-reach into our lives-of course our reps have to respond to the abuse and overdose issues especially pressure coming from parents who have lost a child (horrible suffering) yet now we are horribly suffering-sorry-off course-I was saying suicide or illegal procurement are beginning to appear to myself as options. Just tried a religious healer; no miraculous results but trying to have faith I may have slow results. I'm open to anything. My med cutdown from my doc put me over the edge-he's a primary and MUCH cheaper than pain management-also knows my panic problems and prescribes a benzo in lieu of my seeing a shrink for 3 minutes; getting charged $150. (I've timed several). I'm really lost-no supports-just above poverty level-don't qualify for programs that would allow me to see more expensive specialists. The rock and a hard place situation as usual. I had a question here somewhere for B.L. or Laughing at Ignorance-one of you spoke of 'not settling for uneducated DR.s' or some such. Exactly whom does one settle for-or not-in this atmosphere? By the by I am in L.I. not Florida but was thinking of living there to be near relatives but as bad as things are for us all over-Florida has the worst rep. now for reasons we already know. Enuf Thanks.

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You don't get it. The Doctor's here are uneducated. Many are Indian that DO NOT UNDERSTAND basic Medicine. You tell them you are allergic to certain meds and they prescribe them. If you have an allergy to some Brands and tell them what brands you can't have they "flag" you as having "drug seeking" behavior. My toe jam has more brain cells than 3 Florida Doctors put together.

As well MOST painful conditions vary depending on the patient as well as condition. There IS NO WAY to determine someone's actual pain other than asking them and taking their word. Everyone's pain tolerance is different and some people have things like Autism. People with Autism can be in EXTREME PAIN without displaying normal symptoms. Doctors here think unless you are screaming and crying you don't have pain. If you have cash, they are more than happy to believe you though.

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Laughing At Ignorance, it is up to a dr what the do and don't prescribe. Although if a patient doesn't like what theri dr prescribes, they are free to try and find another dr. You must have medical records to prove that you have a medical reason that can cause pain severe enough for the pain meds a dr writes.

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To Shorty: Morphine is more addictive than Oxycodone and both Morphine and dilaudid not only work differently for pain but they have side affects that make it much more difficult and usually impossible to function in a job or in life.

It IS NOT someone else's choice of whatever meds they want to prescribe. It is also the choice of the patient. Oxycodone has the least side affects of any other drug especially for chronic pain.

If you are over 18 and you need treatment, there are a lot of other sources besides proving a medical condition to an uneducated loser Florida Doctor. I don't want to save lives of addicts by taking the lives of responsible working and functioning people away.

You don't even know how to write properly and you judge someone else? Chronic pain users are often guinea pigs of Demi God Doctors and through a chance miracle, they finally get prescribed something that allows them to have hope to achieve something besides disability and their Doctor dies or moves, so some Schmuck decides they want to prescribe whatever new bs meds they feel empowered to.

Our Constitution gave us a choice and our freedom. I****s like you take that away.

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Anyone you call will say they are out or don't carry. Mostly are afraid of getting robbed. You have to actually go to the pharmacy to get it filled. Not sure if you called it went in.

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