What Is Ridaq Pills Used For

21 Topics Found

i was discharged from hospital 2 days for hypertension, physician put me on ridag 12,5 mg and amloc 10mg and hypotone 250mg, only use the all three togethere once a day, hypotone, three times a day, feeling very drowzy, is the pills too much for me, im only hypertensive and 35 years old. ## According to NIH reports, drowsiness and fatigue can be normal side effects of this medication, you may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, and increased urination. It is also normal to feel a but awful, for awhile, due to being used to your body running at a higher blood pressure level and heart rate, so your body has to get used to the changes. However, if it becomes too severe, you should consult your doctor. Has there been any change, yet? ## Thank you very much Verwon, ive noticed im be...

2 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

Ridaq information on uses, side effects, etc... ## Hi, Peter! How are you? Ridaq is listed as containing the active ingredient Hydrochlorothiazide, which is a diuretic that helps remove excess fluid from the body to treat conditions such as hypertension/high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and edema. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dehydration and headache. Learn more Ridaq details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I am on Ridaq once a day and my feet hurt too much. Can this be the cause of my medication?

2 REPLIES Filed under Diuretic

I am 30 years old and always feeling dizzy with headaches. Do you think I could take Ridaq for relief? Please help because I don't know if I have high blood pressure. ## This medication is listed as containing Hydrochlorothiazide, which is a diuretic that is used to remove excess fluid from the body. The NIH warns that it could actually cause dizziness, and headaches, as side effects, along with nausea, increased urination, and hypotension. Are you on any other medications? Have you consulted a doctor to see what might be causing your symptoms? ## I take ridag tablets been t my bp is 116/67 can I continue taking them even if I suffer from dizziness

2 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

I am male 63 and am taking 1 per day for high bp. My weight is dropping and I have had no libido for 5 years. What can i use? ## Hello, Andy! How are you? How much fluid do you take in each day? This medication contains Hydrochlorothiazide, which removes fluid from the body. Given the weight loss, it may be removing too much and causing dehydration. The lack of libido is also a common side effect of it, as reported by the FDA, you may also experience nausea, dizziness and headache. You might be better off trying a different medication. Have you discussed these problems with your doctor? ## I am a 67 years old woman I am on ridaq 25mg since I was 50 years old. I have a problem with my left arm, I struggling to sleep on my left side, even my left buttock its affected. What can be the cause?

2 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

My mother will be 90 years old in August 2019. She was prescribed Furosemide 40mg, 2 tablets in the morning and 1 tablet at 2pm. (prescribed after cardiac failure) She also drinks 1x Ridaq 12.5mg each morning after breakfast. Other medication is Isosorbide Dinitrate 10, 1 tablet 3x per day. She drinks +- 1.5lt water pd. She's complaining of having to get to the toilet 4/5x during night +- once every 30-45 during the day. Could the Furosemide and Ridaq dosages too much for her. Thank you ## That is a normal side effect of both Furosemide and the Hydrochlorothiazide in the Ridaq, they are both intended to remove excess fluid from her body to help prevent future congestive heart failure, they can also help to lower high blood pressure. She should make sure her doctor is aware of how of...

1 REPLY Filed under Furosemide

What is the purpose of ridaq 12.5 what are the side effects when you drink the pills and how long can you drink them ## The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and dehydration. You should take them as long as your doctor instructs you to do so. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Goodmorning I am drinking Ridaq an d perindorpril for high blood presure, will it let for me loose little bit weight for I am overweight. ## My blood pressure is too high .this is now second time when i check.so i was offered ridaq pills to use. since i finish them i stopped use them.and now my blood pressure is too high

3 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

What is the difference between Prexum and Prexum Plus at the moment I am using Prexum Plus can i change to Prexum.Regards Janowell. ## i use prexum and ridaq together the pharmacist gave me prexum plus and said it will be fine i just want to make sure before i drink it that it wont be to strong ## What is the difference between Prexum and Prexum Plus? I am on Prexum Plus and have been told to switch to Prexum in order to loose excess water. Is that correct? ## I was first on Prexum which did not bring down blood pressure. Then switched to Prexum Plus which has a diuretic ingredient and this helped. ## Prexum Plus contains the diuretic Indapamide and Perindopril to help lower blood pressure, treat certain cardiac conditions, and remove excess fluid from the body. The NIH lists the typica...

4 REPLIES Filed under Indapamide

I was placed on coveram 10/10, but can't always afford it, can I use phaemapress 10 my in the meantime, until I can afford it again, , couple off years ago, I used a different high blood pressure tablet, with ridaq and something to prevent gout ( can't remember those names), what is your suggestion, for me to do ## I would suggest speaking to your doctor to ask them about prescribing a more affordable option. They shouldn't have a problem doing so, especially since having you on one medication consistently is better than having you switching regularly due to high prices. Typical side effects of medications for high blood pressure may include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Filed under Perindopril

I was diagnosed high blood pressure a few years ago, and started taking ridaq 12.5mg ciplavasc 5. since then I have developed flu that doesn't go away. I have used so many medication without help. Because of this flu and allergic to dust and aspirin_ not sure about aspirin, but I have developed polyps 3 years ago and my doctor gave me prednisone 5mg for treatment and they go away, but immediately when the medication get finished, the polyps start to develop again in my nasal. I cannot go for operation because once I use prednisone they disappear. My doctor told me that prednisone are not repeat because they can be very harmful. Please help!!! I am unable to sleep at night, and if I do I have to breathe through my mouth, and my mouth gets very dry as a result. My wife has started com...

2 REPLIES Filed under Aspirin

Is there any disprin or aspirin in ciplavasc or pharmapress or ridaq as I am going for an op & must stop taking tablets if there is ## hai po bakit d pa ako nag regla until n0w pag PT ko p0 negative an0ng gaM0t ang inumin k0...? tnx ## Hello, Cheryl! How are you? No, none of those medications contain Aspirin. They are all used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. The typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, dehydration and hypotension. However, please make sure that your doctor knows you are taking them, before the surgery occurs. Is there anything else I can help with?

2 REPLIES Filed under Aspirin

ridiq is a small white pill , but what is it used for? ## Actually I spelt the word wrongly, it is Ridaq, and depending on the mg prescribed it can either be white or pink. ## Based on my research Ridaq contains the active ingredient Hydrochlorothiazide; which is a diuretic, used alone or together with other medications to treat high blood pressure and fluid retention (edema). You can learn more about this drug on the page for Hydrochlorothiazide Details I hope this info helps! Any thoughts on how well this medication works compared to the generic?

2 REPLIES Filed under Diuretic

I am using half of a Ridaq tablet, one Pharmapress tablet and one Vitamin B tablet. I have high blood pressure and my problem is weight loss. I am getting thinner and sweat at night and my feet are getting swollen. What needs to be done to stop weight loss and feet swelling? ## Hi. I was takimg Ridaq. My doc has now put me on purbloka 40mgs. I dont have headaches or urinate as often as i used to. My bp is now normal & i feel really good

1 REPLY Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

I am a 67 year old female and I have been prescribed Ciplavasc5. I have been diagnosed with COPD and am on Oxygen. Since taking Ciplavasc I have been suffering with swollen feet. Can this medication be the cause of this. I also take various pumps to open my lungs. I also take a water pill and 2 Ciplavasc 5 and 1 cardiovascular Disprin. The swelling occurs if I have been on my feet for a while. It is also very painful. Please advise. Thank you ## I've been given this medicine Bt I don't really know what they help on ## My mother is using Ciplavasc 5 & Ridaq - 12.5mg both every morning, my consern is her feet is swelling and she is getting thinner and thinner every day, she is 68 years old, do she need to use both that pills for high blood pressure. and she has ASMA as well. #...

10 REPLIES Filed under Amlodipine

I had heart failure in July, am 73 years old and had porfiria & asthma for which my Dr prescribed Losaar plus (50/12.5), Carloc and Purgoxin. I'm now experiencing permanent nausea and dizziness. Can you help please? ## Hi I just want to know if Purgoxin does the same job as Ridaq 12.5mg. My husband is using purgoxin for heart failure. Can he use the Ridaq witch the clinic gave me, untill I can get him n new script fir Purgoxin. The meds he is useing is; Purgoxin 1 Plenish k 2 Flirisemide 40mg 2 Asprin solubl 300mg 1/2 Bio-Atenolol 50 1 Furosemide 40mg 1 Can you please came back to me asap. I run out of Purgoxin. Regards Mari ## Minnie, those medications are used to treat high blood pressure, and heart function, they will not help with asthma. The NIH lists the typical side effec...

2 REPLIES Filed under Atenolol

Can I use Jadelle whilst I am on BP medications Enalapril 20 mg and Ridaq 12.5mg once a day? ## Has your doctor approved your using it? Since it contains only a form of Progesterone and it does not usually cause blood pressure issues in most women. It's usually the ones that contain estrogen that cause blood pressure and heart rate elevations, according to FDA reports. However, the final decision is always up to you and your doctor as to its safety for you. Is your blood pressure under control taking these medications? ## Yes my blood pressure is controlled and I once it for 5 years but that is before I was diagnosed with hypertension. Thank you very much for your assistance and advice I really appreciate it.

2 REPLIES Filed under Jadelle

My mom is 60 years old. Is there a drug equivalent to Amlodac 5 in the US that I can get over the counter or so. She needs it only for 5 days.She had the meds for 6 months and fgt to get her prescriptions. Now she has run out of it and will be returning India in 5 days. ## No, I'm sorry, but these types of medications are only available by prescription here. However, if she can get or already has a prescription, you can just purchase 5 days worth of tablets at the pharmacy, you just have to tell them that's all you want. You can always purchase less of a prescription in the U.S., just not more of it than it is written for. Learn more Amlodac details here. ## I am a 34 year old lady with high blood pressure, I am using ridaq {white) once a day and my bp is controlable , but my pu...

2 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

I would like to know if I replace ciplavasc5 with furosemide40mg will it help me with the lowering of blood pressure, I am also on warfarin half dose of 5mg every alternate day, i have just recently been in hospital with a DVT and double pnemonuia i was vomiting up bloody pieces, i had bad pains in my lungs, struggled to breath was on oxygen, i have since been home and finding that my swelling of my legs with water retention is bad, i also was put on ridaqu 5mg one a day, plus i take half a disprin daily, surely this is to many blood pressure pills for the condition the blood clots in my leg have since gone, i still have pain in my veins thou, which a hard and sore but not enflamed or anything like that. PLEASE HELP IF ANYONE CAN REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE. TO DAY ## Maybe you need to go bac...

2 REPLIES Filed under Furosemide

I am very concerned about the present shortage of Pur Bloka which was originally prescribed to assist the tremors in 2014, and this has been part of my chronic medication ever since. Dasage 20mg twice daily. This is now the second time that I have experienced a shortage in supply. My concern is that I tend to commence suffering from quite severe angina which usually occurs when I go to bed at night. Could this develop into something serious? Suffered Myocardial infarction in 1993. Other chronic medicines prescribed for hypertention are Ridaq 12.5mg daily and Enap 10mg twice daily. Please adivise when Purbloka will be available again?

Filed under Propranolol

Is there anything better than ridaq to lower my bp. Ridaq does not lower my bp low enuf

What time of day should be taken

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