Pain Doctor Bergen County J

4 Topics Found

looking for a dr. in bergen county nj who is willing to perscribe vicodin. i have various issues and need some help immed. I am not a drug addict ## Hi tony, I may not have a doctor I can refer you to, but I can provide you with a couple links that may be of service to you in so far as finding pain management doctors within your general area... Just input your city or zip code for narrowed results: {link removed because site no longer exists} I'd consider calling up a number of them to see if they are accepting new patients; as some aren't, but most usually are. I hope this helps and wish you good luck on finding the right doctor!

1 REPLY Filed under Vicodin

I have been on pain meds for over 4 years, I had a dr but can not afford to see him, have Medicaid HMO, I live in north new jersey. I went to my primary care dr who wouldn't even refer me anywhere , told me I need to talk to insurance company, who refers me back to the dr. ## Hi Dani, I'm sorry to hear about your troubles with finding a new doctor, nearby. In regards to that, I have listed below a couple websites specific to locating pain management doctors in a given area. All you have to do is input your city or zip code for narrowed results: {link removed because site no longer exists} You can give this other page a try too if you come up with different results for some reason or another: Many of the results you find (in one or...

2 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I have severe spinal stenosis and herniated disks with the MRI to prove it. I had a doctors prescribe me heavy opiods for 4 years before disappearing without notice. Every pain management doctor I've called or gone to will not write any scripts. They want to do injections, which I'm all for, but I have to wait two weeks for insurance approval and I'm in a ton of pain now. I cannot find a doctor to help me. I'm in Bergen County which is North Jersey. Can anyone please help?

Filed under Pain Relief

I moved from chicago after 2 major back surgeries to bergen county,nj. I cannot find ANY DOCTOR who prescribes this and terrified of going cold turkey! ## New oxycontin got stuck in the back of my throat. I drank water many times and hot milk. Still stuck. What do I do? ## I need a good pain management doctor in new jersey or new york who is not afraid to prescribe narcotics. I just moved here after a botched back surgery and have been taking narcotics for the past year. I would travel to new york, at this point im just afraid of ending up cold turkey. ## When I was visiting my sister in New Jersey, I threw out my back and panicked because I didn't know what to do! Then she told me about pain management new jersey and I was saved. If it wasn’t for them I would...

9 REPLIES Filed under OxyContin

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