Lo Loestrin Early Period

28 Topics Found

Hi I I'm a little concerned about my early period. I still have one white pill left and the two brown ones should I be concerned in any way thank you this is my 2 month last month I got my period the 26 and today is the 23 . ## Hello, Carmen! How are you? It can be normal for your periods to be irregular for the first 3 months, or so, of taking an oral contraceptive. It's generally nothing to worry about, unless your doctor sees some reason to be concerned. The FDA lists the other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes and PMS-like symptoms. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Birth Control / Contraceptive

Hi guys! I have been taking Lo loestrin Fe for four months now. I have had a normal period in these months. They usually come 2-3 days early and are light. But this month I did not get a period and I am now 6 days almost seven days late. I have however, had spotting for the last couple of days but only in the morning for an hour and at night for around 30 minutes. I asked my mom about it and she's scared I might be pregnant. I have missed a pill or two and don't take them the same hour every day. It varies. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else or should I be taking an at home pregnancy test? ## Hello Addy! How are you? Yes, if you've missed a couple of pills, then a pregnancy test would be a good idea. However, changes to your period, such as it just being spo...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I am currently on Lo Loestrin Fe and I want to delay my period (in anticipation of going on a religious pilgrimage). My doctor started me on the pills 2 months early so that my body can adjust to them and I experienced spotting during the 2nd week of my first pack for 8 days and then everything seemed normal. However, when it came to the end of the pack, my doctor instructed my to take the white pills and skip only the brown pills and on the second day of the white pill (before starting on a new pack), I had light bleeding. When I travel for the pilgrimage in a month, I want to make sure NO bleeding happens whatsoever - does this mean that for the next pack, I should skip all the 4 white AND brown pills and start a new pack? ## Yes, you'd have to completely skip all the inactive tab...

7 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I missed two pills and will take two pills tomorrow to get back on schedule, I was wondering when to expect my period and how bad it would be this month? Last time I missed one pill and it caused my period to come a week early, just wondering how how its going to affect me. ## Hi, Nicole! I'm sorry, but there's really no way for anyone to know how your body will react to missing them. These contain synthetic hormones and everyone's body is different, so missing a tablet or two may cause major issues for some people, but others may not encounter any problems, at all. It's actually a withdrawal bleed from not taking active tablets for a day or two that induces your menstrual cycle, so if missing one tablet caused it to start early before, then that is most likely what will...


I am 22 years old and on my second pack of Loestrin (week 2). I've never missed a period on any birth control, including the IUD Mirena... I always have very regular 7 day heavy periods, so you would think I'd be happy about not having one now. NOT the case. I am now 11 days late on my period. (First day of last period was 11/25/13). So far I have taken 3 early detection pregnancy tests (First Response Gold). I took one the day after my missed period (evening), one 5 days later (morning urine) and one again today (11 days late, morning) -- ALL NEGATIVE. I never intended to get pregnant (obviously, as I'm only 1.5 months into my birth control), but I actually started to get my hopes up after being so late on my period and now I'm a little disappointed to be experiencing a...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I have been on this pill for 11 months now... since September 2014. My periods were irregular at first but started to become more regular. In the middle of June I missed 2 pills in a row. I took them both the next day however. I then started my period a week early right after I took those 2 pills late (I was camping with girls who were on their period, so I figured that's why I started early). Once I got off of my period, I had unprotected intercourse with my boyfriend. I have not missed a pill since those 2 in June but it is now time that I should be having my period if it is a normal 26-32 day cycle. I usually wouldn't start until the end of the month but last month I started in the middle. I am worried because I have been experiencing what could be pregnancy symptoms. I notic...

5 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I quit taking my pills in March and should have started my period April 6th and it hasn't come yet. Before I started taking the pills my periods were extremely irregular and almost never occured. I started the pills and they were right on every month and never late or early. I was just wondering that since i quit them mid march (at the end of a pack... with my drs permission) if it was normal to have my period be late? ## Did you have a menstrual cycle when you stopped taking them, or shortly after you stopped? If so, then your next cycle should be approximately 28 days later. However yes, since they are a hormonal based contraceptive, you may experience irregularities in your cycle for awhile, due to the fact that your body has to re-regulate itself without them, now. Have you talk...

4 REPLIES Filed under Loestrin 24 Fe

I am 33 and started lo loestrin fe as my first contraceptive pill. I was very happy for first three weeks, then I missed my period and started having severe headache and body ache/discomfort. I stopped sleeping...only 2-3 hrs a day at the most. All this while I never missed a pill, had a ph reminder set for early morning. I was concerned about missed period so consulted my gyn who asked me to continue the same. For the next cycle I did get very light period but the pain never stopped and by the end of second month I started having radiating pain in my back, shoulders and head. Finally the pain started radiating to my left arm..that's when my gyn asked me to stop the pill although the sleeplessness continued for almost two weeks after stopping the pill. In the mean time, I was tested...

4 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I am getting ready to start a pack of Lo Loestrin FE, I am not due to have a cycle in about 2 weeks. If I start the pack on Sunday as directed will I start my period early? I noticed some have experienced spotting when first starting or it brought on a period. I thought the blue pills is whats stops your period. Thanks :-) ## These are hormonal based contraceptives, so it is possible to experience some breakthrough bleeding, when you start taking them. It's just a side effect of your body adjusting to the hormones. Breakthrough bleeding can include light spotting or a full flow similar to a period. This can happen for as long as the first 3 months. If you start them on the first day of your next period, they would prevent ovulation and you'll be immediately protected from pregna...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

After I had my tubes tied I had problems with my periods. My doctor put me on lo loestrin and I took it with no problems for years. Almost 3 months ago at 48 years old, I decided to stop taking them. Since then, I have had very tender breasts, mild hot flashes and some cramping but no period. I realize these could be typical side effects from stopping those hormones but with no period for 3 months at 48, could this be perimenopause? ## Hello, Deb! How are you? Yes, it could be either, or, perhaps even both. Perimenopause can start as early as 35, according to the NIH. I started dealing with issues from it at 42, so the past few years have been rather adventurous. The hot flashes cause me to lean towards it being peri, but only your doctor could say for sure. If that is the case, other s...


I just started Loestrin24 and I have been taking it all month. I've been bleeding lightly most days (I've taken it almost 4 weeks now). Is this normal? Also, my period is supposed to come during the time I am taking the brown pills... right? So why did it come three days before even starting the brown pills. I'm really nervous... is any of this a reason to call the doctor? ## By all means, if you have concerns, call your doctor. However, this is a hormonal based contraceptive, so the types of symptoms you're experiencing are normal and can continue for the first 3 months that you're taking them. Learn more:

1 REPLY Filed under Loestrin 24 Fe

I had been taking lo loestrin Fe pills for almost 2 and a half months. During the third month of taking the pills I received my period 2 weeks early. I then had protected intercourse the following week and expected my period the next week and it never came. I then followed through with the pills and ended up missing my period for te month of April. I've taken 4 tests and took one this Wednesday at 7 weeks and they have all come out to be negative. For some reason I can't shake this feeling of being pregnant. My breasts are sore at certain times of the day and some days I have to pee like crazy then other days I do not. I also have a slight fever of 99 that I've had for the past week. I randomly get slight pains in my side and uterus area. Do you think I'm pregnant or is ...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I have a festival to attend so I want to schedule my menstrual cycle asap. I just have week for that. Is that why people take hormonal contraceptives? ## Hi, I have planned a tour on 10/10/14 and my date of menses is 9/10/14. So I want to be finished with my period before the journey. Plz, tell me the name of medicine should I take? I'm 30 yrs female. ## Hello everyone, I'm not familiar with all brands of contraceptives, but the two that I hear about being used most often when it comes to altering the timing of your period are Sprintec and Lo Loestrin Fe. Apparently taking the inactive tablets is what would normally induce your menstrual cycle by causing breakthrough bleeding... So my understanding is if you change the date that you would normally take these particular pills, yo...

3 REPLIES Filed under Sprintec

So I took my Loestrin inactive pills early to not have my period on the weekend. The last inactive pill I had was Wednesday, and it is now Sunday and I'm still bleeding. I have been taking my pill on time everyday. Any idea what the problem is? ## Hi Jacque, From what I've been told, bleeding on these pills is very common; and may just require an adjustment period for your body to get used to the medication. It will stop eventually (but some users report the abnormal bleeding lasting as long as a few months). One product review I came across, states the following: "I'm on the generic for Loestrin, I'm nearly finished with my second pack, and halfway into it I began bleeding and did so for about a week at varying degrees of severity." I hope this info helps! ## Th...

2 REPLIES Filed under Loestrin 24 Fe

I've been on lo loestrin for almost 4 months now. I just finished a period early part of last week, missed a blue pill on Monday, I took two blue pills Tuesday morning and by lunch another period started. This doesn't seem right to me. The flow has been light to moderate the whole time. Would skipping one blue pill actually make me start again? ## Hello, Tootie! How are you? When you're taking oral contraceptives, you don't have a real period, what you experience is a withdrawal bleed, because there are no hormones in the period week tablets, thus, anytime you miss a pill you could start bleeding, again. It is perfectly normal, it can also be compounded by the fact that you doubled up, which then gave a higher dose of hormones for that day. Other side effects, as listed ...

1 REPLY Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

Hi there. I've been on these for years. I take the pill when I brush my teeth in the morning. I went back to bed yesterday and when I woke up , I accidentally took another pill! So I'm on day 3 but have no blue pill in the package for today to take. Skip it altogether and take blue pill, tomorrow back on schedule? Or do I need to take one blue pillows from end of month and skip it then? I've never accidentally taken 2 in one morning, summer time schedule has me sleeping weird. Thanks! ## Hello, Suz! How are you? Usually, you should just skip one at the end of the month, you'll just start your period week a day early, unless your doctor advises otherwise. The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, spott...

1 REPLY Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

Hey I've never been on birth control before, this is my first time. I started lo loestrin fe the first day of my period and it seems lighter than usual which my Gyno said is normal but tomorrow would be my third day on it. Could the birth control have taken effect by now to prevent me from getting pregnant, or is it too early because its only my 3rd day tomorrow? ## Hello, Jacklyn! How are you? Unless your doctor instructs otherwise, you should be immediately protected, if you started it the first or second day of your period. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes and spotting. If you want to be completely safe, you could wait a full 7 days, to be sure. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

Hi. so, i took two blue pills by accident today. Not really sure what i was thinking.I was distracted and took both saturday ans sunday. my question is what do i do? should i worry about overdosing? I only weigh 95 pounds. does that matter? should i not take a pill tomorrow? or continue like normal, taking a pill on sunday? ## Hello, Nat! How are you? You're not going to overdose on 2 pills, unless your doctor sees some reason to be concerned. But as an emergency contraceptive, women can actually take multiples, at once, to prevent pregnancy. As to what to do, unless your doctor instructs otherwise, it would probably be easiest to just continue taking one a day and just start your period a day early. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Birth Control / Contraceptive

I started my first pack of pills and I'm on the third week. My period started more than a week ago, and I have been bleeding irregularly and heavily for the past 9 days. The wierd thing is that I don't bleed all afternoon and evening. But when I take the pill at night, I start to bleed heavily a couple of hours after taking the pill, all the way until early morning. Is this break through bleeding or my period? I also can't get any sleep because of the very heavy nightly bleeding. Besides that, it has kept me off my moodswings, headaches, bloating, and cramping. (I am also thirteen years old, and have been going through very heavy, but regular periods for a year.) Thank You for looking at this question! :) ## Hello, Arisa! I'm sorry I didn't see your question sooner, ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I just started taking Lo Loestrin Fe (still in the first week of my first pack). I took the first pill when I started spotting about a week before I expected my period. I wasn't too surprised by this due to my heavy and irregular periods, which are half the reason I'm taking this birth control. However, the spotting lasted less than a day. I've continued taking the pills since then and have been experiencing side effects such as nausea, tender breasts, moodiness, and fatigue. Since I just started, I'm wondering if it's too early for the pill to be affecting me like this already and if these are from PMS, or possibly signs of pregnancy since they all have similar symptoms. I had unprotected intercourse roughly a week to a week and a half before the spotting occurred, ...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

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