What Makes False Positve Show As Methadone (Top voted first)


can opana er 10mg and oxycodone10mg come up false positive on drug test at drs office

2 Replies

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Since all three of the drugs you mentioned are closely related opiates, any one of them could cause a false positive for the others. It has been known to happen on the less expensive, non-certified tests anywhere from 4 to 50% of the time.

Learn more Opana details here.

Learn more Oxycodone details here.

Learn more Methadone details here.

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Verwon, so by what I have read it can be a false negative for methadone by either medication AND even show positive for opiate and methadone?

Can Xanax cause a false positive &/or methamphetamine?

My story: ( it asks you to be detailed as possible, so I apologize in advance:

I went to my pains mgmt doctor. I tested positive for methadone. I have not taken methadone. I am not sure what happens next. This is what I do know. I take 30 mg Oxycodone. I went there the week before but elected to reschedule because I had not met this dr, huge turnover recently, and he (the dr) was yelling at the staff. He was not having a good day. I have seen 3 different dr's in 3 months. I hsve no relationships with these dr's.. They don't know me to know I don't break the rules normally. This is what I do know 100 % truth.. Bc I am new to all of this pain mgmt stuff. I have been a patient for 8 months. I went & 2 months in I see a new dr. I have seen 5 drs in 8 months. 2 months ago, the dr changes my meds and takes me off of opana 30 mg, soma AND 1 mg klonopin; and puts me skelaztin and keeps me on the roxicodibe. She also reduces it from 30 day to 28 days I was without medicine & for the first time experienced a sickness I had never known before. This month same thing I could not fill my prescriptions but this time it was because I did not want to see the dr that day. To avoid being sick I did use suboxone last dose 11 days prior to appt. I did do a Xanax 2 days prior to appt that I happened to find from a over a yr ago when prescribed. I was around others partying but not my style. I know it sounds fishy but honestly but my style. Alm I know is I did not touch anything but the suboxone that wasn't "appropriate." I go and my urine detects methadone. Lost!!! I even bought another instant test (2 actually) one is negative & the other is a possibility. So it's not an error on their part. They are sending to lab for testing. I am at a loss.

What does the lab determine besides proof that it is or is not in my system... But how does it determine the precise medication that would have caused false negative? Could it be suboxone? How long does that stay in your system? The Xanax was a rx given over a year maybe even 2 yrs ago. Will they still accept that it was prescribed to me that long ago? Now the other truthfully, not my style.. I like my teeth and smile to much to even go down that road... Can it be detected just because it was "airborne"

If I can't provide legitimate proof, what happens to me? Do I get arrested, and discharged? Not sure what to expect when I return. All I know is that they've had serious difficulty keeping the same dr in their office. I Know I need to switch dr's until I make the decision of surgery. Not even sure how to do that legally without knowing i am picking another dr that has the problem or appear like I'm "dr shopping."

Any insight ???? Any info that u can provide I would be grateful.. Thank you do much!!

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