Suboxone Abuse (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My son has been on suboxone for over 1 year now. He was a herion addict for over 12 years. Been clean off and on during that time. I have seen a personality change in him which is almost intolerable. It is like he is fine one minute and then goes off the wall the next. Has anyone who has been on suboxon or knows someone who has been seen a personality change.

211 Replies (11 Pages)

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I'm with Debey. My sons dad was never on haroin and he just went right to methadone then subs. He was on subs the whole time we dated, now my son is two and I've been a single mom drug testing his dad with him coming up with a big fat red POSITIVE on everyone. He is so dark, and depressed, and doesn't give a s*** about anyone or anything and acts high and mighty...(mostly high...if you know what I mean) ppl I'm sure use this to get clean, but it is also SO so addictive.

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The First time you went off suboxone, why wasn't that the last time as well?? It may very well work for pain and you may be one of the few who actually use it for that, although I seriously doubt it, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you are a firefighter and in the health care field. I have not seen nor heard of any success stories. Suboxone does get addicts off of oxy's, and other related drugs without going into withdrawal, but the problem is once off the sub. the majority start using their drug of choice again. Most of these clinics hand out the script and say see you next week, month whatever. There isn't any therapy or counseling involved to rehabilitate the addicts mind, to reteach these people how to react to unpleasant situations in an acceptable manor. Drug addiction doesn't just affect the body it also changes the way people think and behave. They have spent many years focused on only one thing themselves and getting their pills to stop the withdrawals. They have become master manipulators, liars, cheats,and thieves. Many have lost touch with reality, their families, friends and jobs and they don't even realize how far they have fallen. They think they are functioning at a mainstream level, but the truth is they aren't even close, everyone around them can see this and some try to talk to the addict and offer help but the addict becomes angry, aggressive and very defensive pushing the few people who still care about them away... There is so much more to recovery then just getting off the drug, yes withdrawals are a b**** but picking up the pieces of a broken life and mending all the broken relationships and dealing with the reality of everything that addict did to their family and friends to maintain their addiction is a million times harder then getting off the drug. Suboxone can't heal that!! I researched suboxone and spent some time talking with someone I know with the F.D.A. and this is waht I learned. Suboxone was created by a French company, it was intended for pain but was found to helpful with relieving withdrawals from opiates. The use of sub. for addiction was supposed to be for no more than 3 weeks to get the patient off of the stronger opiates without the painful w.d's period. The rest of the recovery is dealing with the depression and psychological aspects of addiction, which involves therapy by a psychiatrist and psychologist one to help the patient with the depression and lack of endorphin's due to the damage the opiates have done to the receptors in the brain and one to counsel the patient and help them rebuild their
self-esteem their lives and possibly some broken relationships. What an addict doesn't need is a G.P. who attended a weekend course on addiction and how to prescribe suboxone! Another thing I learned and you can look in the PDR one of the compounds in suboxone is made by the same company that makes oxycontin how convenient, they make money either way. Then you have the clinic who prescribe suboxone and also dispense it right out of their office. Now tell me there isn't an ulterior motive for all these doc's to open sub. clinics, especially in this economy. People can't afford to get check ups but an addict can always afford suboxone!!!!

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ur completely right dude. my dad started that to quit vicodin.. and i told him the info about it and he stopped it immediately.. went back to vicodins and is now taking 1-2 a day from what used to be at least 15. everyone that says it's great it's great.. all of those people have been ON IT for literally years. it's a major scam and people say it's easy to kick? the ONLY WAY it's possible to be easy to kick is to use it as a treatment for 2-3 weeks max. which is EXTREMELY difficult to do. the half life of the stuff is 36 hours.. so if you take 1mg a day even every day.. the amount in your system skyrockets ten times faster than vicodin whose half life is a mere 4 hours. if anyone is on something like vicodin or percocets.. just decrease what you take by a few mg a day until you're down to 5 or so mg. then just shut the hell up and TOUGH IT OUT and quit cold turkey. it's NEVER going to be a 100% withdrawal free process.. but if u decrease your dose down to that then stop.. all you'll face is a few sneezes and cold sweats for a few days and youll be good .. anyone that is not willing to handle that to quit.. their claim that they WANT to quit is nothing but BULLS*** whether they accept it or not. the reality is that they waste money and they are hurting themselves.. and they prefer that over sneezing and being pissed off for a week? NO ONE that doesn't quit can say they want to.. bc i used to take over 10 pills of vics a day and i quit. it's all about if you really WANT to or not. but i guarantee suboxone isn't worth it.. i can't speak for heroine users or people who are taking 100's of mgs of things.. idk about that kind of level. but if your issue is under 20 or so of these pills a day - suboxone will destroy you trying to quit. NO PAIN NO GAIN.. only a person that truly wants to quit will quit. i wake up in the morning and can do 150 squats 25 a rep - and i feel better ALL DAY than i ever felt in my life with a vicodin - i have the same euphoria - with the added benefit of a CLEAR HEAD. just QUIT. your brain is clouded and you can't know true happiness until you actually quit. MOST PEOPLE DON'T QUIT - because truly they have nothing else in their lives besides that.. so they quit and end up as couch potatoes and get depressed and want it again in a month. YOU WILL ALWAYS NEED DRUGS IF YOU DON'T CONTROL YOUR LIFE RIGHT. i guarantee if you do a vigorous workout every day after quitting - at that point - you won't feel like going back a month later bc your body will finally be creating the endorphins it needs to make you happy. OF COURSE YOU WONT BE HAPPY IF YOU QUIT AND DO NOTHING PHYSICALLY - YOUR BODY IS NOT BEING USED AT ALL - SO IT'S NOT EXCRETING NATURAL CHEMICALS THAT WOULD PREVENT YOU FROM FEELING UNHAPPY! take my advice people please

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2mg of Suboxone is equal to 5mg of Methadone. The ratios you have described are wrong. I have just switched medication from methadone to suboxone. I was on 18mg of methadone (worked my way down from 120 mg of methadone. When I started on methadone I was using .8 of a gram of heroin a day.) and have been prescribed 4-6 mg of Suboxone. (I start on 6mg and can go down to 4mg at my request.)
I hate when people say maintainence programs don't work. Sure you are trading one habit for another but at least there is stability. I ran a habit for 25 years. Worked all day and stole all night. I had nothing to show for 25 years of work. In the past 2.5 years since I have been on the program I have kept the same job, bought tons of musical equipment and kept it and saved up for an overseas holiday. (now I just gotta persuade them to give me a visa. ) I'm in Australia in it usually cost $5.00 per dose. We are usually only granted a limited amount of take-away doses per week and in most cases still have to take at least one dose per week in front of the pharmacist. People complain about the cost but in my mind there is no case to be made. $1600 a year for methadone/Suboxone/Subutex or $120 000 on dope. I know which I would prefer.

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Debbie, I am discouraged by how difficult it is to get patients off of suboxone. I do think it is an improvement over methadone, but some of my fellow addiction doctors will just allow this med to go higher & higher over 3 years instead of tapering off. The longer duration became the norm, & how can you get patients to give this up??

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Thank you for your encouragement. I always thought the ideal use of suboxone would be to give to the client who has decided to go away to Teen Challenge or another faith based program and often has a few days 'in the street' before they can get the bed in the destination program where they are headed. Cleaning up & clearing out....

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Good Luck James.... How sad you'll be when you get high again and realize all your suffering was for nothing and you'll have to do it again to quit. "I am an addict". I'm an addict too. 40 years. Heroin. Cold turkey withdrawal from Heroin is not too bad. Only lasts 24 hours or so and calm sets in. Only problem is you can't get enough energy to get out of bed for a month. Suboxone is a miracle drug. A single 2mg a day will give you energy to function normally. Depends how much money you want to spend. If you want to get seriously addicted to bandaids (Sub films), you can use 24mg a day too. My first suboxone clinic charged $21 for a 8/2 pill or film. I could get by on 2mg. Now, my shrink gives me a script for 35 8/2s every 2 weeks and they cost about $4 each at the pharmacy. When I'm not in the donut hole they're about $1.50 each.
I went online searching for a way to abuse suboxone. I was hoping to find something akin to mixing the bandaids with alcohol in a test tube and putting it into a centrifuge separating the bupe and the naloxone. So far only found na crap talk. Suboxone is wonderful. It allows you to go off and on Heroin without getting sick, but 2 of my 3 dealers are out of the picture and I can't get Heroin (100 year old brand name for a pain reliever marketed by Bayer) right now. Wish I could get high from oranges. Anybody???

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Hey search google with iv subs if you want. You'll find a what you're looking for, but just to let you know it's not even close to a dope high no matter what you do. I'm prescribed 2 8/2 sub films a day and alprazolam, but it still doesn't come close to a shot of dope. Subs have yet to prove that it's a "miracle drug". More like miracle money for drug companies.

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His just using you and the programs he is in to stay high. taking any benzodiazepine with soboxone has the same effect as doing herion and addicts know this. Soboxone is sold by drug dealers and its not to get clean with.

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I do see how that Debbie character feels about how Subs are jst another high or addiction for people but this girl with the sis who are on Subs hit the nail on the head!!!Girl u couldnt hve said it better. YES I am on Subs and YES they are just another drug to struggle to get off of. I think people defend it so much because they WANT 2 be on them as well. Dont get me wrong, my life has changed considerably 4 the good but since Ive been on Subs, but lets keep it real here people!U all knw good and well that when we attempt 2 get completley off this medicine, its gonna b just like kicking the pill or heroin addiction we're trying to beat from the start with.How do I know?Because my black ass has already tried it after being on it for far 2 long.

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Catherine, yes it is completley normal to be depressed when you're not usin suboxone...

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Yes all suboxone is for Is for addicts who are either trying to please someone else or wanting to get a legal form of there drug of choice! If they really wanted to be clean they would detox in an in-house rehab treatment center.... Addicts manipulate there way out of every situation that Involves them being without there drugs! It is sickening that our own children's teachers are on this crap and methadone and are allowed to keep there jobs! Unbelievable.........

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no its not how you act on subs. In fact the subs take away every single symptom that you're describing she has

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now why in the hell wud u wanna know that?!?dam!what are u tryin to do,kill urself?Go ahead and try it and then you'll know for sure....

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that was a helluva thing to say to someone who has at the very least attempted to, and succeeded @ quitting his habit cold turkey.I dont give a d*mn if he quit for just one day!The fact of the matter is that he quit so who are you to hate on that man and tell him that he's going to b wantin it again in a month & that what he did was in vain. Dont even try to give me that BS that I don't know what im talking abt bc i havnt gone thru addiction. Ive been addicted to opiates for 12 long years and am now on subs(2 8/2 a day,sometimes 1) & im soo lookin for a way to get off or taper or something.if that man did his cold turkey, then thats him and i commend him for it. You need to be worried abt how you're gonna kick this sub habit when its time for ur ass to wein off just like ive gotta do. But whatever you do, don't sit up here and knock that man for doing his the TRUE way just bc your *ss cant handle doing it that way..DONT HATE...THAT SH*T IS FOR THE BIRDS!!

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My daughter has just started this suboxone, she is under the care of a doctor. BUT, I have seen the personality changes and they are horrible. I don't think this is any better than being on any opiate, except it is supervised by a physician.

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They do use suboxone to treat chronic pain now days. They use methadone also. It does have opiate in it, but also naloxone that blocks regular opiates.

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Suboxone is NOT a scam. I have used it to get off opiates. It is NOT intended to replace another drug but only to lesson the severity of withdrawals. THEN it is to be tapered off and stopped. IT WORKS. I know. If one follows the prodical properly then it works. Anyone can abuse practically anything, but if one follows directions and uses it only as a life boat to get across that terrible, raging river called withdrawals THEN one can taper off and stop. EVERYTHING. must make the choice to stay clean. No medicine or program can replace one's choices. There's no majic bullets. It's ALL about the choices we make. Does one choose to use it correctly? Or incorrectly?

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Can Suboxone be used for alcohol abuse? I have been a drinker for several years and have relapsed time to time. I have three small children and relay would like to sober up. It’s hard to be committed to AA meetings 100% with a full time job & kids to take care of. Your advice would be helpful.

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Rachel Z:
Am I naive and/or is my case unique? I've been on a suboxone program in Wisconsin and it's been a life saver. I've not abused it and have reduced my dosage to where I'm only taking .5mg a day, have avoided relapse and feel as healthy as I've ever felt.

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