Orange Subutex 153 Half Moon Better Than Strips (Page 2)


Yes, they are Subutex 153 half moon and the are shaped like a surf board. They work way better then Suboxone strips. People keep saying they cut the strips into millions of pieces, if that is the case you don't need them in the first place. This new one orange Subutex 153 half moon surf board shape ones last way longer, and work great (oh my god they work so great!) I recommend them to anyone using the white ones or the strips, they both suck compared to the new ones. Take it of leave it but it's the truth. If you take just a half it will last you two days...unreal.

105 Replies (6 Pages)

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Your both wrong, the half life of bupe is 36.5 hrs. NOT 2, days and certainly not 3!!

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I recently picked up a new prescription of subutex at Walgreens and it was the half moon 153's I've heard mixed reviews on. When it started to dissolve ugh I literally spit it back out assuming the pharmacist had made a mistake and gave me the wrong medication! They taste HORRIBLE!!! I read somewhere that they are being made to taste bad to keep people from abusing? Idk if that is true but all I know is that they gag me. Does anyone else have the same issue? I will say that even though I spit most of it out I felt pretty damn good ;)

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cmon ! suck it up... Its just taste.. If u seriously cant handle the taste then you can plug your nose the entire time and leave your mouth open obviously while it dissolves. Once you swallow it, take a few swigs of water, swish and swallow. just remember, TASTE is literally a sense, a signal to the brain. It's even a real thing! just like pain.
Be well.


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Well all! I am now 11 days doing them and I'm feeling better each day...Thank you all for this page is great to know that all are going through this together. I take it one day at a time....proud to more perks! I will continue on these, i just need to cut down a little at a time......It is hard but, it is better than where I was 2 weeks ago....Keep believing and stay strong all!

love this page! thanks again for your posts....keep em coming...I know together, we can do this! Stay blessed!

hope you are all doing well!


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Brendinnix - Oh no, you're totally right. That was just my initial experience, I still don't love the taste - but it definitely beats the alternative;)

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Medman, where do you live that they are prescribing those for pain? My husband got off the pain meds 5 months ago and has since been waiting to find a place that will prescribe them for pain!

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Sorry, I was lucky to get them.I am a veteran. so disabled in my back.

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its great to keep checking on this thread. Keep tapering everyone :) I know those with chronic pain it can be very hard to taper beyond a certain level. I agree with the poster who mentioned the 'cutting with razors into tiny little pieces' or some crap with the strips. The naloxone was awful. These are the best Sub I've ever had. Now that I'm on such small levels. (about a third of one a day) my Rx's last forever.

But as we all know, that final step, its pretty scary... But its an amazing feeling when you forget to take it for a day and you aren't sweating and tearing up the floormats of your car.

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So, I'm trying to cut down on these. Is it hard to? Will I ever stop depending on these? I want to so badly. I've come a long way in 2 weeks. I am proud...i just wonder about the withdrawing period when I try to stop. I'm down to 3/4 a day now. please reply and help me to ween off these and not want to go back to the perks like before. How long do you expect to get off these subs? I feel I can do it. Plus I may not be able to fill my script. share with me your experience....has anyone came off these and not felt the urge to go back? I'm hoping to cut to a half a day now. will i need to be on these forever? please share your thoughts for support?
Stay strong...these are the antidote! A miracle drug! Will I withdraw from these?

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Get off as soon as possible if you want to experience the least amount of withdrawal. The halflife of buprenorphine is 36.5 hrs - there is not even enough hrs in a f***ing day for the crap to get out of your system. That is why it builds up and that is why withdrawal is so bad. Early on you can nip this in the butt man! Especially if no chronic pain. If you are at 3/4 a day now I would go:

Starting now,
day 1-10 take 1/2 a day
day 11-20 take 1/4 a day
day 21-30 take the smallest piece you possibly can.
JUMP after day 30 (meaning no more opiates)

You will need multivitamins, immodium and some sleeping aids. I prefer to get some xanax and take 5 days off of work.. You have only been dependent for a short while... you need to get that dose down to practically nothing for at least 10 days and jump from there.

If anybody ever wants to talk about bupe I am for it!! I seriously love the idea of having somebody else who knows exactly what im going through.

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I can give you my opinion and share my experience with you. From talking with several doctors on this subject, I found that half of them feel like since addiction is a disease it should medically treated like any other disease same as heart disease, kidney disease etc...and stopping meds would be deadly. The other half feel like if a person wants to be totally free of subs they should only do so very slowly and a very small amount at a time in order to lower chances of relapse. I agree with both but I think it should be the patients choice...I don't think everyone is capable of coming off subs with no relapse. I think it depends on the person and how they feel. When I weaned off suboxone, (and i did NOT do this under my doctor's supervision)I started on 4mgs a day, I went down to 2mgs for 3or 4 dys, which was uncomfortable for a few days, then down to 1 and 1/2mg for 3 dys, then 1mg for a few dys, then 1/2mg...I was on 1/2mg for maybe 4 dys, it kept me from being sick but that was about it. The day after my last dose I honestly didn't have bad physical withdraw, maybe a little diarrhea for a few dys, not much at all but the depression kicked in and wouldn't let up. I was not on an antidepressant or anything so I was back taking suboxone within 2 wks. Looking back I think if my depression had been under control I might have kicked subs for good. The doctor I was seeing at the time told me it was "safer" to be on a small dose for the rest of my life.... I found out recently that I'm pregnant, a total surprise/shock for my husband and me, so for now I'm back on subutex (in my state, TN only pregnant women can get subutex) they will not detox pregnant women off of suboxone/subutex... but the good thing is after the baby is born they will work with women to taper off slowly it's my understanding this particular process takes 6 months. I didn't mean to write a book, just make sure this is something you really want and feel you're at a place mentally/emotionally to taper off and be successful. I send you all the positive/happy thoughts in the world ;)

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You'll do fine. Keep tapering, slowly. Week or week and a half at a level. Unfortunately you cannot get the 4mg, never ever tell a dr you want to go down or they'll just cut your RX in half.

Take what you've got now and keep cutting it, leave it where its at for a week, go down another 1/3rd or so next week, try that, itll be painful at the end, there is no escaping the mental portion. But the physical aspects can be minimized with OTC stuff. Restless leg, Achey bones, etc. You have to stay focused on the fact that you have come this far, you KNOW you wont die, and that you've positioned your mind and body in place that you have never been better to go ahead and quit! For good! Stay strong!

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I agree Catdog, you and I had a very similar plan for the taper. 7-10 days at a level is something I completely agree with especially with where this specific person is at. They can make the transition now! Keep this thread up guys! Just for reference, I just filled Roxanne Labs subutex again in South Florida. So were still good down here...

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I read your post again and I would like to revise my last post.
I must have missed the part where you said you are already down to 3/4mg a day, that is really awsome - something to be very proud of. it sounds like you really want to be off of subs. If you have enough to continue to taper(getting down to 1/2mg, a 1/4mg would be even better) your withdrawal with be minimal if any at all.... in my experience the depression is the hardest, but that was only my experience, hopefully you will be fine:)

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You are all so beautiful! Thanks for the words of encouragement! I am doing it! That is what I am proud of! Thank you God! I believe! I will continue slowly and soon I hope to be back on here saying...I've done it ! Bless you all! Hope all is well with you also!
Stay strong and safe!

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The Surfboards are alive and well in Durham, NC - I've been stockpiling. Its becoming a mental temptation actually. *tries not to think about it*.

Down to about a half or a 1/3rd a day, and have been steadily cruising there. Need to bring it down some more, but it gets uncomfortable - at work I'll be sweaty and immediately subordinates and the userbase start to notice 'Why are you so sweaty?' etc. Very difficult. Many guides online point out what you did Bri which was to take off a week if possible, When I first quit cold turkey (few years ago, before first getting onto suboxone strips) I did it this way, after doing 80-120mg oxy a day. Was some rough times. For those who feel like there really isnt a way out and you'll always be hooked (the mental part) Suboxone really does break the chains in your head and let you feel like you did before you were ever addicted. That for me is what was the inspiration.

Having to chase down things, constantly in fear of running out, etc - it consumes your whole life it feels like! I bet everyone here has driven some ridiculous distance to go get something because they were sick.

Stay strong, and I'll keep checking back, good luck to everyone and always remember that there are so many people who are refusing to try to live a different life, but would rather keep going down the dark path, so be proud of yourself for what you've already accomplished.

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You're very wrong. That outdated cold turkey routine does not work for everyone or even many. I have been thru 3 rehabs, er's and prison. Always pushing abstinence and 12 steps with a heavy handed religious theme. It took 30 years of addiction and no solutions. Constant relapses. That was until I discovered Suboxone/subutex. It saved my life. I owe my life, job, my happy children and all of life I have recovered. I am not a MD in addiction and neither are you. That cold turkey/weaning is dangerous. That type of recovery isn't even safe outside a hospital. Give all sides. If I could help one person I am successful.

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Hi. I was pregnant on subutex and was stressing the whole time worrying about the health of my baby. I swore after I had the baby, I would share my experience. (A little history- I injured my back as a varsity gymnast in high school on the balance beam. I was prescribed WAY to many oxys and naturally became physically dependent. Because of lack of knowledge, and some weird fear of going to treatment, I went on methadone for a year. After realizing how this was still controlling my life, I went into treatment and was put on suboxone. Originally my plan was to just take them to get through the withdrawals, but for the first time in years, I felt normal and stable on subutex. So I decided to stay on them. And I'm happy with my decision. It's just a normal script, I don't have to go to a clinic everyday, and it doesn't make me feel weird or out of it like full agonist opiods. I was taking 8 ms a day..4 in the am and 4 at night) when I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks along, I decided to wean myself as low as possible and to even attempt to get off them completely. I realized around 30 weeks that getting off them completely was simply too hard for me. I felt like I was weak, a failure, and letting my unborn child down, and I was so scared. I got down to 1 MG a day around 32 weeks..if I was having a good day, I would only take .5 MG (I would break the 2 MG in half or in quarters) I was induced at 41 weeks because I had a stubborn baby who apparently was very comfortable! Lol he was born perfectly healthy 7lbs 111oz 21 in with absolutely NO withdrawals or negative symptoms whatsoever. I was beyond reliebed and overjoyed. I prayed a lot, and ate super healthy and was very active while pregnant, but I believe getting on the lowest dose possible will give you the best chance for a healthy little one! Sorry this is so long, but I want to explain everything. Also sorry for the typos and grammatical errors, I'm currently breastfeeding my little man as I type this. I got my last script of 30 2mg tablets at 38 weeks (because I knew that it would last me 2 months since I was only taking 1 MG a day) so that way, when they asked if I was still taking it, I said I stopped a month prior. Now I'm sure some people might jump down my throat for not being *totally* honest with the doctors, but I know for a fact (because my mother in law is a RN) that when nurses or docs know that mothers are on bupe, they see things that aren't there. If my babe had shown any signs of NAS or discomfort, I would have told them how I made my last script stretch. I just wanted a fair assessment of is health, ya know? Anyway, he is perfectly healthy and I'm breastfeeding as I type this, with the support of my doctor and le leche league while continuing on my subutex. I should also add that everyone's body is different, and there is no sure fire way to know what will happen, but I just wanted to share my positive experience and give you hope. Also, I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress. Stress is worse for the baby than any medication ! Get your dose as low as you can and good luck mama! I know You're doing the best you can! And congrats on the pregnancy- stay positive!

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Since I wrote last, I'm proud to say I am perk free sinese ce...I was able to stop these also. I went through 2 months of depression, lost 20 pounds and felt like all was lost. I hung in there and my mental health is strong once again. I feel great and gained 10 pounds back. Life is good and I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season. If I could do it, so can you. Stay strong and stay blessed!


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I just started taking these. But why is it that I'm having trouble falling asleep. Can someone help me out with this question???

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