Orange Subutex 153 Half Moon Better Than Strips (Top voted first)


Yes, they are Subutex 153 half moon and the are shaped like a surf board. They work way better then Suboxone strips. People keep saying they cut the strips into millions of pieces, if that is the case you don't need them in the first place. This new one orange Subutex 153 half moon surf board shape ones last way longer, and work great (oh my god they work so great!) I recommend them to anyone using the white ones or the strips, they both suck compared to the new ones. Take it of leave it but it's the truth. If you take just a half it will last you two days...unreal.

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SO, I leave Walgreens today and notice my bottle looked a bit different for my (120) 8mg buprenorphine. Subutex. I cracked this big guy open and noticed some orange oblong's with a fresh zesty smell. I have been on bupe for 5 yrs, 3 yrs with suboxone (tablets and film), and the past 2 yrs I have been on subutex. about 6 months with the big round white ones (roxanne) and the last 1.5 yrs on the small white round ones with arrow on them (Hi-Tec)

ANYWAYS... Today is day 2, and I can only tell you that they do seem to last not only longer but they kick in quicker and kinda give me that ol' bupe kick pep in my step for the first hour or so after dosing. Needless to say I did experience a pretty bad headache this evening but I Do not believe it is from the bupe, as i have stated mine are just str8 bupe and DO NOT have naloxone in them.

SO FAR, SO GOOD. I truly hope i stay liking them. For the record, I take 4 mg at 8am every morning and 4mg at 4pm everyday.

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Hey do these taste like the strips. I hate the tase of naloxone my body rejects it I get headaches an im hypersensitive an throw up. An would like to find a physician in south east alaska that would help me an find something that would make me throw up an help me with withdrawl. Are these 153 subutex really as good as people say?

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Omg. U said u r pregnant? Well congrats. But i worry about u using suboxone while pregnant. If ur dr is prescribing them to u while preg u need to find a new dr. Suboxone is not safe for an unborn child. Something about the Nalaxone (I think that's how it's spelled lol) being in suboxone that makes it unsafe. That's y dr's prescribe subutex to preg women. I just had my daughter 5 months ago n before pregnancy I was not prescribed any meds. I told my dr about my addiction I've struggled with n he placed me on subutex that day. I had my daughter full term and she was healthy as could be n to this day is a beautiful healthy normal baby girl. I will warn you tho. If you take subutex thru ur whole pregnancy there is a 50/50 chance them being born dependent but plz do not b discouraged. I was so worried about my baby being dependent n having to stay in the nicu for wks but praise God! My daughter was born just fine. She came home from the hospital n had very minimal signs of withdrawl. She was happy, ate alot, and so forth. I tried to decrease my dose at the end of my preg so that my baby as well could only b subjected to a low dose n I believe that is y she was fine. I started at 3 8mg tablets a day n by 30 wks I was taking about 2-4mg a day. I had a friend who took subutex the whole pregnancy n equaled out to about 3 8mg tablets daily n her baby was born with withdrawl symptoms n was immediately placed in the nicu n stayed there for 2 months. I personally believe the reason our sito was so different was because I decreased my dosage. I can say from research that I found baby's only get about 20 or so percent of what we intake. I'm sure u can do the math. If at the end u take a low dose like 2-4 mgs then that means ur baby will ingest a very small amount. I hope this helps n if u have anymore questions plz feel free to ask.

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I was doing 5 perks a day 30mg. I tries these 153 subs and I am feeling great. still have lots of back pain. I take some tramadols to help. It is 5 days now and I am trying to get clean. I do one a day. so far so good. Wish me luck and praying for a better life!
Be safe and God Bless you all!

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Thanks so much for the encouragement! I CAN DO IT! Pray for everyone who has this disease! It is just a day at a time! I do feel better! Keep on the straight and narrow path and everything will be alright! Stay strong all! and Believe in yourselves!
Thanks and take care!

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medMAN, I Will be thinking of you during this time! I KNOW exactly what you are going through and I Want you to know - that YOU CAN DO This! No matter how hard it may seem at times, just trudge on because once you get on the other side of this thing you will wake up every morning with the first thought on your mind being how worth it it was!

Hang in there, the transition was the hardest part so thats behind you. Now pray for a better live and listen to your body! Your body wants to be free, clean and as healthy as possible. I am on subutex but it is so much better than where I was!

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This is month two for me, I've made 90 last over 60 days, still have maybe 20 left, I am trying to 'half, half moon' from one of the suggestions on here. Before my doc switched me to subtext I was down to probably 2MG a day and stupid started taking entire subtex's after I was prescribed. Need to keep whittling down, one day will be free of this ball and chain, I hope we all are!

Haven't had the effectiveness falloff like the white/arrow ones. It felt like those didn't keep W/D symptoms away as long.

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I would think that you should be straight froward with any doctor about wanting to know if he/she is willing to prescribe a particular manufacturer's version of Subutex that you've heard works better than what you've been used to taking. Honesty is the best policy with doctors, as they can tell if a patient has less than legitimate intentions just based on body language and how they convey their message or request. If the strips you take now taste absolutely disgusting producing gag reflexes, I'd go on to mention how that discourages you from taking them as well. The worst they can say is no, but then again, every doctor has different policies they stand by, and there is no one-size fits all doc that will be guaranteed to prescribe what it is you want. So as far as finding help is concerned, getting in touch with the right doctor may just be a game of trial and error.

Sorry I don't have any specific details pertaining to your other question. Hopefully someone else with prior experience can shed some light on how the new one's taste in comparison.

~Wishing you good health always!

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Just picked up the new peach surfboards subs. I've been on the white 8mg so i will report back. Happy sailings

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That's great to know! I'm currently taking 2 mg Subutex a day and I am 28 weeks pregnant. I'm starting to ween myself down so by the end of my pregnancy I'm hopefully not taking anything! I'm glad to hear your baby was healthy and perfect!!

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Your post does not make any sense and you look ignorant! Are you a doctor? No. Did you know that if a woman quits cold turkey while pregnant the baby may die! No you didn't!! Now, stfu!!!

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The new Orange ones seems to work better than the tiny white ones with the arrow. Just picked up my RX and let two dissolve just to see if they were the same quality as the white, definitely better.

I agree with another poster on here, if you are lucky enough to get subtex w/o the naloxone, make them last, cut them in half, and only take when you start to feel w/d. Dont just take because it says "take three a day!" it willl only make the addicition stronger. Weening is THE only way to get off of suboxone, that or go back to percocet or somtehing until the sub is out of your system then quit cold turkey.

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Still doing pretty good on the orange 153 subutex by activas. I am finding that they last longer, 100 percent - no doubt. But The initial energy kick isn't quite as strong and doesn't last as long.

Overall - im diggin em, I have better relief in my lower back and legs than any BUPE HAS EVER DONE FOR ME. Thats the most surprising thing...

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Well all! I am now 11 days doing them and I'm feeling better each day...Thank you all for this page is great to know that all are going through this together. I take it one day at a time....proud to more perks! I will continue on these, i just need to cut down a little at a time......It is hard but, it is better than where I was 2 weeks ago....Keep believing and stay strong all!

love this page! thanks again for your posts....keep em coming...I know together, we can do this! Stay blessed!

hope you are all doing well!


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cmon ! suck it up... Its just taste.. If u seriously cant handle the taste then you can plug your nose the entire time and leave your mouth open obviously while it dissolves. Once you swallow it, take a few swigs of water, swish and swallow. just remember, TASTE is literally a sense, a signal to the brain. It's even a real thing! just like pain.
Be well.


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its great to keep checking on this thread. Keep tapering everyone :) I know those with chronic pain it can be very hard to taper beyond a certain level. I agree with the poster who mentioned the 'cutting with razors into tiny little pieces' or some crap with the strips. The naloxone was awful. These are the best Sub I've ever had. Now that I'm on such small levels. (about a third of one a day) my Rx's last forever.

But as we all know, that final step, its pretty scary... But its an amazing feeling when you forget to take it for a day and you aren't sweating and tearing up the floormats of your car.

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You'll do fine. Keep tapering, slowly. Week or week and a half at a level. Unfortunately you cannot get the 4mg, never ever tell a dr you want to go down or they'll just cut your RX in half.

Take what you've got now and keep cutting it, leave it where its at for a week, go down another 1/3rd or so next week, try that, itll be painful at the end, there is no escaping the mental portion. But the physical aspects can be minimized with OTC stuff. Restless leg, Achey bones, etc. You have to stay focused on the fact that you have come this far, you KNOW you wont die, and that you've positioned your mind and body in place that you have never been better to go ahead and quit! For good! Stay strong!

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I just started taking these. But why is it that I'm having trouble falling asleep. Can someone help me out with this question???

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Hi, im new to this writing stuff. Anyway 4 years ago i was in a fatal car accident, i was driving, & killed my passenger, & was seriously on deaths doorstep myself with my injury's. Anyway its hard to talk about, Doctors just gave me tons of Norcos, percs, oxys, xanax bars by the boat load. At my worst i was taking 30 or more yellow 10-325 norcos. yes i know my liver, 7 bars a day, pecrs, oxy i took it all. Finally one day i prayed to god, sobbing holding my 3 month old daughter, as she wipes the tears from daddy's face, i wanted to live for her, she needed me, i needed her, i was so afraid of withdraws. I experienced it one time, it was hell, so it was get clean or die. So i got some suboxone strips and let me tell u it saved my life. i havent touched opiates in 14 months. I refuse to give up. I dont have all the answers, but i just live day by day.. God Bless u all...

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This is a first for me..since being prescribed buprenorphine since 2005, I have never heard of anyone say they like the orange half, they are probably one of the worst generics we have to choose from..most everyone, would agree to this...if you want the best try Rhodes or hikma, brand..I still am in shock of reading so many people who actually like one of the weakest products out there..seriously orange half moon??.....

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