Cilift Withdrawal Symptoms And What To Do (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I feel i am going mad! The only way I can explain how I feel is to say that it feels like vertigo - when you go over a very high bridge or look down from a very tall building. This wave comes from nowhere causing a momentary blackness, my arms go numb from my elbows to my hands and my feet do the same, I then get this awful feeling of butterflies in my chest and stomach. After a while it passes but it certainly doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast. How long will this go on? I am on Homeopathic treatment at moment.

113 Replies (6 Pages)

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Just take it at night time. Don't stop using it.

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Ek sou dit aanhou gebruik. Dit het my lewe verander. Ek gebruik dit al baie jare en geen dokter het my al ooit afgeraai nie. Mense gebruik drank, rook, granpa's en allerhande skadelike goed net om te kan cope. Ander gebruik bloeddruk, skildklier, suiker of ander medikasie, anders is die gevolge aaklig. Jou brein is 'n orgaan wat 'n tekort het aan chemiese stowwe. Cilift vul dit aan en verander jou lewe. Gebruik dit!

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Why do you want to stop? Because of the stigma? Your brain needs it - don't torture yourself!

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Ek voel beslis ook soos jy. Ek het geen emosionele gevoelens teenoor enige iets nie. Niks maak my gelukkig, hartseer, kwaad ens nie. My kop voel die hele tyd 'dronk' dit voel of my brein beweeg in my skedel. Ek is altyd moeg, my arms en bene is lood swaar en ek het alle belangstelling verloor in dinge wat ek van gehou het. Ek eet my dood. Ek moet met moeite opstaan in die oggend en hard probeer om net daagliks deur my normale roetine te kom. Ek het nou opgehou om die pille te drink, dis nou 4 dae en die funny gevoel in my kop is nog steeds nie beter nie. O ja en ek kry die verskriklikste nagmerries elke aand.

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I have been on Cilift for the past 3 weeks. in the beginning I felt exhausted so decided to take them mid afternoon. works like a charm. I have immense amounts of energy during the day until late at night. 5hrs of sleep seems to work well for me. I feel it has helped with my anxiety and metabolism. I feel happier and have been advised to take them for a 3 month period. I hope I don't get the side affects that are mentioned in most the messages here. I don't get any headaches and maintain my weight in fact loosing more because of Cilift. There is one thing I'm worried about and that is certainly causes one to have no libido at all. this worries me but will get advice form a gp.

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Hi, I have been on cilift 1 tab a day for about 9. Months now and have decided to go cold turkey. I am on day 4 now and have not seen any withdrawal symptoms that I am aware of except imsomnia. Shall I just carry on or can withdrawals still come. Thanks.

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my doc prescribed cilift to me... i was on it for 4 months then just stopped taking them because it made me feel really sick. My doc told me it might make me feel horrible the first few weeks but id get back into my sleeping pattern and feel better there after... the first month was horrible, felt nauseous , dizzy, terrible headaches, and actually my anxiety felt worse. i remained on it because my doc said the first few weeks would be horrible so i prepared myself for the worst... the second month i felt no emotion... third month i cried easily out of the blue for no reason... i just finished my fourth month... and completely stopped taking it because i never felt like i was getting any better... now i feel like my head wants to explode most of the time, i throw up because of this nausea, im extremely dizzy and i get black out and numbness in my body... i have cut myself off medication completely hoping that the meds will work through my system really fast because i feel terrible.

I dont sleep... i suffer from insomnia, i still feel depressed... even more than before...

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I have been on the meds for 4months now for Anxiety Panic Disorder. At first it gave me no problems but recently I noticed that I'm loosing my hair and if I skipped a day or two I get hactic headaches. Is there anything else that I can use besides this Cilift? My moods have changes drastically and I get angry very easily that is just not me. I find myself crying non stop over simple and small matters. Please help I feel like I'm loosing myself

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can some one just tel me if i can take the urbanol and cylift together for the rest of my live? please

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stem saam!!!!!!!!!!

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I have gone off Cilift 2 months ago. Besides the mood swings, I don't have any side effects save for the weight gain around my midriff. Will my weight stabilize or do I need to take other steps to reduce this tyre I've put on!

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I was on cilift for about 8months. Igained so much weight. I'm still using tripeline at night to help with the anxiety attacks. I stopped using the cilift about a week ago and I'm really feeling sick. My head dizzy I'm moody my blood pressure is low. Is it dangerous just to go of cilift? Anything else that I can use that will not make me gain weight?

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that's exactly what i've been doing, now on half every second day but towards the end of the second day, i have this very weird physical sensation, like dizziness. I don't feel like I need it psychologically anymore, but physically my body seems to have become used to it because I have this crazy dizziness if I don't have it.

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Was on half a day for 4 years. just stopped last Friday( today is Wed). Dizzy, cannot walk straight, but have put on 3 kgs, which I need.. Will stick it out.

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Any advice feel like leaning to one side
Been off Lipitor for 5 days swaying side to side weird

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I have been on Cilifit (20mg daily) and I just stopped suddenly.I am feeling awful.Nauseos,dizziness ,headaches,irritate ,suicidal.Should I go back on and then wean myself,Can't go to the Gp,he had said am need to be on it for life as this is the 2nd time ai have stopped taking it,Does anyone know how long this symptoms will last

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I'm currently trying to wean myself off cilift. My doctor said I must take a whole tablet every second day for 2 weeks. Then every 3rd day for 2 weeks and so on till I'm completely off. The head ache's is bearable. And they come and go. Sometimes i take a nap when they are too bad but when they are mild I go and work. Do something positive then it passes after a while.

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Cilift is good for you. I used it for almost 2 years now. The moment I stopped using it, is when I realised why I started using it in the first place. Aside from the weening symptoms, I again became irritated and very emotional. Cilift just helps to keep a balance.

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Don't go off Cilift without assistance from your GP. I've been on it for over 10 yrs and this month, due to a financial disaster (soon to be over, just a couple more days I keep telling myself, lol) I was forced to go without my meds. I'm on day 23 and tonight I'm sure I'm capable of murder. Deep breaths, keep busy... I get these electric-type shocks through my body from tome-to-time, almost like my adrenaline trying to kick in. Horribly off-balance. I try to avoid anything that could irritate me. My poor, poor family. Just a few more days...

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