Switched From Oxycodone 10mg Pink K56 Pills To Norco (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Does norco 5/325 have the same ingredients as the little pink pill k56 which is oxycodone 10mg? My doctor switched me due to the strength. The k56 pills are stronger he said and i needed a weaker pill to be able to work. So he prescribed me the norco. What i'm saying here is that are they the same, but different doses?

97 Replies (5 Pages)

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You absolutely right! At ne time, I suffered from very severe headaches — take Valium 5, 2 x Percocet 10/325 and 25mg of Thorazine and turn off all the lights bad. I found myself with MO Perocet, sl I called a colleague. I called the pharmacy first to make sure they had it (or maybe plain generic Roxy) and was reassured. The Rx gets delivered and the i**** pharmacist filled in with Hydro 10h/APAP 650. I sent him back, called my friend and he said, "Didn't I just phone in a script for oxycodone for you?" "You did. They filled it with Hydrocodone 10/APA 650. I know we can't return it, but I don't think he'll be cooperative if we don't offer him a hard copy for the mistake. He did, we did and the pharmacist said since Dr. Glenn doesn't mind, he'll take back the Hydrocodone! And these people have licenses to practice?

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I found the lady's posts to be clear and straightforward. If you'e complaining about my posts, consider that I type faster than most keyboards can process . I know my spelling is better than your because Cornell University's School of Medicine, et al, doesn't accept doctoral dissertations from illiterates. What you are seeing are TYPOS and this you will note there is NO EDITING OPTION.

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Dr. Joey so am I let's say we have a few 295.7's on here do you agree?

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Dr. Joey just read your post on the mistake for fill of HC for Oxy that is insanity. Doesn't NY still have those heinous triplicates? Years ago before intractable pain when I lived in Jersey I used to go to Columbia for my migraine's am sure that neuro is not alive these days he was awesome.

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Dr. Joey well sounds like benefit either way triplicate or not. It's been awhile since I've been seen up there as you can now tell.

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Lately, there's been an epidemic of docs NOT permitted their DEA Reg #s to appear. They list their NPI numbers instead. Like I need to memorize another 180-dgibit number!? I lefy me DEA # where it belonged. WE do have seem EXCEPTIONS to the strict opioid rules for patients in chronic pain nmOT expected to be transitory. I'll look up those particulars I learned Pain Control from my buddy, Dr. Bill a dentist (the BEST)-turned-anaesthesiolgist. I helped him complete his assignments because he enrolled in an off-shore program designed for healthcare professionals who are licensed to write for narcotics [i.e., full CS registration] and licensed to cut into people. He might have an idea or two. Wish you were closer. Unofficially, I could have more than a few of my buds look into possible remedies or taking advanateh of our loopholes from Chronic P

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Dr. Joey since my injury in 90's I have referred over 10,000 suicidal intractable pain clients; now yes the NIP number is Odumma's socialist hold on PM specialists; many used to do straight cash pay for overt reasons, did not have hospital affiliations due to their high malpractice costs sending if a patient needed inpatient help to a referral doc in house for example the neurosurgeon or ortho that does surgery anyhow.

I was with Dr. F. Tennant out in California the past 5 years prior 10 years with now deceased pain specialist I am high risk as stated and am ultra rapid opioid metabolizer--meaning I have DNA to show it. Whether or not its the comp carrier that has to pay my medical award 100% for life and who could have settled me with medication annuity a few years back (and warned them the cost of my one brand medication would go sky high with Odumma he has ruined healthcare only in America do we give the BEST due to for profit medicine) etc.

Now due to this situation I am losing my SSDI and cannot work and the high level of medication is not only gone but the insurer chased the big famous guy away in my opinion. Excuse is new California regulations no I believe the insurer did this to kill me I am cheaper DEAD but I am not dying I am going to get over both the SSDI screw up and their screw up (comp) for my life is worth more then theirs after all I could not face our Creator when my time comes if I made a living killing those injured at work living in intractable pain.

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Maalox is still OTC in NYS as fair and I know, although my local RPh might just sell it to me OTC because I am a dc and its not a CS. In NYS, under Medicaid, I have to write scripts for plain APAP, OTC multiple vitamins and mineral supplements. I know bleach is available at any grocery store. We can't play with a Sig on the scripts, now, can we? WE can't write husband and wife scripts for oxycodone or Dilaudid as we used to, either. Believe me, I'm NOT Dr. Feelgood, but I wouldn't be much of a shrink (one sub-pec is Psychosomatic Psychiatry). I have a few buddies I can trust to write another script for my patient, but that's now doctor-shopping. My own mentor and shrink received a letter suggesting I might be "exposed" to multiple CSs written by multiple prescribers. He saved it for me and we saw that EVERY script was HIS; it only was Restoril (temazepam) 22.5mg and the deaths were about 30 days apart!

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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Joey NOW latest research shows that phenergan and other neuroleptics decrease pain relief when combined with opioids.

They used to do combined piggybacks IVP thinking it would reduce nausea and many physicians still so order. Does not work at least for pain.

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I'm usually pretty tolerant, but I had two bad days in a row and I posted my (almost) whole pedigree, emphasis on Columbia University and Yale University. There i either OCD going on or a tremendous compulsion to be totally correct. There's a difference between leaving out a comma and mistaking Valium for Vibramycin on a script. I strive for accuracy, but I'm only human, as are we all. {PS: I went to the contact page and sent a brief message with my permission and my actual email address. Haven't heard anything. I'll look around again.]

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I was a 4.0 student in the Honors Program in English and American Literature and The Pedagogy of Composition (BA/MA) a Brown University. I DON"T NEED NO F-ing muse! I express myself just fine on my own. If I need something explained to me, I'LL ask (and that goes for classes where I'M THE PROF, TOO!)

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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Joey well (applause) since I now admit to being female back in the day I was on the waiting list at Yale (first women admitted) and accepted to Union (all male) in upstate NY. I got a good scholarship to Smith (no further need to talk on that one) well back to my morning issues and paperwork and legal renderings.

Interesting since my injury was accepted to medical and law school but became too ill to even consider.

Yes we now have contact information thanks for listening if anything.

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Welcome Donna it's an old post :)

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Can you tell me name of your dr.?

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I was given that script in 2002 and I swear it was best stuff for pain.

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No you could work better with the stronger pill....its a lot like gasoline .....the stronger pill will be longer better enhanced pain and nuralgia control....just use caution TILL you become familiar with the pills effects... The oxycodone pill is about equal to three or four norco 5/325/s

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Both are narcotics, both are analgesics. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is not a narcotic, nor does it help with inflammation. It does harm the liver. Hydrocodone and oxycodone are different drugs...oxycodone is much stronger. Both can be addictive, both can cause dependency. Which are not the same thing, btw.

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Of course I Know Oxycodone and hydrocodone are different drugs...barely, these are first cousin drugs... Challenge you to find a patient who is strongly allergic to hydrocodone but not oxycodone... And is sincerely not just trying to get the preferred more CONTROLLED, till recently oxycodone . Actually in the case of hydrocodone resin complex bitratrate ,I..E.tussionex suspension syrup...drug effective in saving those little air Saks which line the inside of our lungs from permanent or temporary damage caused by an old fashioned whooping, dry, cough, thick neutral in taste, tussionex ,will save a patients life potentially,anyway,there are those who would judge five mg.S ,five ccs of tussionex hydrocodone resin complex as a near equal or slightly even stronger dose then a five mg percodan ,percocet,or tylox pain pills containing 4.56 mg or 5.0 mg.S oxycodone, mamn

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Of course, one could always just read the labels on their medications and determine what the components are...and Google seems to have a lot of info available as well...no need to rely on anecdotal evidence when there are many valid sources of information...and, of course, last resort there are physicians who will also explain the differences in medications, though some are more helpful than others.

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PS: I specifically said "reaction" not "strongly allergic." Again, very different scenarios.

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