Humira Emotional Side Effects (Page 3)
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My boyfriend is on Humira and has just had his second jab, the instant he took it he has been a different person. The kind, gentle, sweet man I knew seems to be gone. He's constantly angry, he has no desire for me in any way, he's emotionally distant. In a rare normal moment he told me he feels empty, unmotivated and angry and hates himself because of it. What can I do? I hate seeing him like this. What can we do?

48 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: Brett (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Can you tell us more about your experience with Humira?

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It is the Humeria, trooper for staying with him . Get him off Humeria , Humeria stole 15 years of my life and destroyed my family.

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My husband has been on Humira for 5 years. His personality changed drastically. It wasn't until a year ago when i became desperate for answers that I discovered that others are having the same issues. Quite simply my husband has turned into a nightmare to live with. His temper is explosive, he obsesses about things that are ridiculous, he seems unable to regulate his emotions at all, either overly happy or overly mad. My kids and I are constantly walking on egg shells. He was not like this before Humira and he is worse the week after taking a shot. We typically have a 'good week' before he takes it again. He has mentioned it to his rheumatologist and of course it was dismissed. He has tried coming off it but was unsuccessful as it is very effective in treating his psoriatic arthritis, he was immediately in agony and was covered in psoriasis which he hadn't experienced in the 5 years taking the medication. His behavior has got worse as the years have progressed. I predict in the future there will be legal cases linked to Humira. It has ruined 5 years of my marriage and my kids have been affected, we will never get this time back! There is simply not enough known about the long term effects of this drug.

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I most certainly have seen emotional side effects in my daughter. However, it's best described as RAGE. Her Dr wants to attribute it to hormones and anxiety, but when we skip treatments, she returns to her loving self. We are currently investigating medical marijuana. Because if the Crohns doesn't kill her, this medicating will.

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I've been on Humira for 3 months now and over the past month I'm angry all the time. I'm irritable and not like my usual self, positive approachable self. I'm struggling in my marriage and at work since the end of August and my rheumatologist says it's not the Humira and she prescribed me antidepressants. I think I need to reconsider this medication.

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Thank you Dan and Verwon, for your replies. Thankfully after a trial period the drug had no good affects on him and the treatment has been cancelled. He is slowly getting back to his old self and what a relief it is, there are no sudden and unwarranted bursts of anger or annoyance.
Another one of his side effects was that his pain level was increased by double, so now he is off it he takes less pain medication and has less days at home in bed for no reason.
I am convinced that Humira has serious emotional and mental side effects and this shouldn't be taken lightly. Apologies my reply is so late.

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I started humira about 2.5 months ago, I have been having a lot of similar feelings. I am also a male. I contacted my doctor and he insists it is something else. I am sorry but all I can suggest is to get in touch with his primary doctor. Good luck and my prayers are with you guys.

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It would be best if he consulted his doctor as they may need to conduct some medical exams. While they are very rare, this medication has been known to cause some cerebrovascular accidents, which may cause permanent damage, if left untreated, according to the U.S. FDA.

These medications can be unpredictable, so it is always better to err on the side of caution.

Has there been any change, or is he still the same?

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