How Long Does Oxycodone Stay In Your System? (Page 6)
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Including that you drink water NON-STOP for 24 hours, I took a pill around 4 PM and I've got a test tomorrow around 6 PM. Should I be clean if I drink LOTS AND LOTS of water?

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I'm on home confinement and can only have benzodiazepines in my system and I get drug tested tomorrow I messed up today and took 15 mg oxycodone, what can I do to get it out of my system...someone please HELP ME !!!

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TO: ANY 1 OUT THERE: Thats great that you know theres a problem and you want to get help for yourself. I was too dependant upon oxycodone for a few yrs. I have arthritis in my spine so I got a legal script with MRI showing my results. I went to a pain management doc and told them I take way more of my script than directed and run out and have terrible WDs and they put me on Suboxone and it has worked miracles for me. There Is info online to find a subs doc in your area. Also Go talk to a counselor somewhere about your addiction. That will be part of your treatment plan anyways. Sorry if this came too late. Good luck. And please Keep updating your progress as nobody else ever does.

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To JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE: you passed after 24 hrs? But was that a 5 panel test or higher? BC 5 panel doesn't test for pills.

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look up some rehab programs or contact the ppl that host Intervention- the show. They are out to help ppl and mainly they get called by family. My husband was in the military and If you confine in the VA and be honest and tell them what you are going through they will probably help you. A lot of ppl are haunted by what they saw my husband included. He went to an 8 week in patient stay at PTSD clinic in FT. Thomas, KY


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look up some rehab programs or contact the ppl that host Intervention- the show. They are out to help ppl and mainly they get called by family. My husband was in the military and If you confine in the VA and be honest and tell them what you are going through they will probably help you. A lot of ppl are haunted by what they saw my husband included. He went to an 8 week in patient stay at PTSD clinic in FT. Thomas, KY

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I need to pass a drug test in 24hrs for probation. I'm a chronic user about 2-3 30mg Oxys a day, everyday. What is the best way to flush your system?! If I drink 2 gallons of water and cranberry juice should I be okay?!

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Hi jenna.. just going to be honest with you.. im going to say you have a 99% chance of failing for pot unless you use somebody elses urine or spend the cash on a flush kit that i hear pro and cons about.

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First off, thank you so much for your service. I dont think you should be ashamed at all of your addiction. I think it is very honorable of you to be willing to ask for help. That is definately the first step to making a full recovery. I definately agree that an inpatient program would probably be the most successful. If you are wanting it to be more private then i would consider a program out of your area so you can focus on yourself and not having to worry about anybody finding out. You should be very proud of yourself for wanting help. Best of luck to you!

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It`s great that you are asking for help. You can find a drug treatment program in your area. Also start going to narcotics anonymous meetings. Go on the NA website to find a list of meetings in your area. It sounds like you definately need rehab that the drug treatment program can help you find. If you cant find a drug treatment center on your own just go to an NA meeting and someone there can help you find a place. Good luck!

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Hi Please help me. I have a UA at 1:00 tom. I have to have Oxycodone in my system. I took my last one at 4:00pm today. Will it still show up in a UA? I am supposed to take 4 15s a day. I ran out early because someone stole about 10 from me so I have been only taking 2 a day for the last few days. I am 5'9 and weigh 104lbs. Thank You!

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Hi, no you misunderstand me. I HAVE to have the drug in my system as it's prescribed to me. I have a device surgically implanted in my back that gives me fentanyl into my spine due to pain in my abdomen from other surgeries. I also have to take oxycodone for breakthru pain and for all pain relating to my back. It's not fun. I randomly have to do drug testing to ensure I'm not doing anything additional and also to make sure I'm not selling my pills, that I am taking them and really need them. So now I'm on probation to ensure tests come back positive. The urine tests are better for this than the swab tests. So that was what my problem was. I am physically addicted because I've been on these for years but mentally I wish I could live without. I just can't because of the pain. I also have curvature of the the neck...scoliosis. NOT FUN!!!! But I'm alive...and I'll be okay. But no, you have me all rwrong.

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How many times did u do this and are u sure if I drink a gallon of water I will pass let me know ASAP !

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Hey April how are you my name is Christopher I'm sorry about the other day about your appointment with your doctor That's why I swabs sorry I'm probably the hardest to get by if you are using I'm not saying you are but I'm just saying swabs I recently found out that I'm having heart problems remember 27 years old I was in. the Marine Corps I never thought that a. drug could ever control my life the way it did. I would have. renounce my religion to Jesus. Christ. It was like I was signing. while. I'll see life and soul over to the devil I'm so. I just wanted to say I was a big drug addicts. the devil had my hands &mind I bound behind my back I get medication because.of. all the damage I've done to my body im. gladd. that I didn't and that I got away Way. from the devil the fallen angel. Is ice talking with you April reply back to me and God bless all of you either and I hope you all get better with the your addictions.

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First off, thank you for your service. I can certainly understand your need to escape the mental and emotional and I'm sure physical pain of those tours. Where do you live? Are you able to go into a facility for at least 30 days? 90 days is best but that isn't always possible, I know. If you can't do that...there are many suboxone programs around and you should look into those. I live in an area where we have many pain clinics with suboxone clinics attached. I wish I could help you. I was researching something else and saw your post and felt badly that no one had replied so I just had to reach out. I am on meds for issues I've had and took my pain pill the day before a test and then i had a migraine and was really sick, dehydrated, vomiting, etc. my blood pressure was 176/99 when I had my office visit. I was so dehydrated i couldn't urinate for the first time in forever and they did the swab test under my tongue and they said i had no oxycodone in my system and put me on 'probation' for four weeks. So i just wanted to find out how accurate the swab test is. I am wondering if my dehydration was at saliva on the was pretty dry, and i very well may have vomited up my last pill the day before so i don't know what happened. I'm going to make sure i do the urine test from now on even if i have to sit there for hours till i pee but I'm scared that I will get a bad test or whatever and he won't prescribe my medicine anymore. i have a pump so i'll get some meds but no longer my oral meds :( I felt like a criminal...they had the med asst come in the room when he told me that i was on i was going to freak out...I felt badly that they felt they needed to do tht to me but maybe it's just procedures. So that's why i was here and just got curious and read the rest of the thread and saw If you need to "talk" feel free to email me xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}. best regards, april

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Also thank you to those who have and will reply.

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I've been doing opiates, herion&meth(/ -G is meth if you didnt know.ha.) those two together is a bulushy and is done interveieniously a needle. way different high a better high I thought at the time, also crack&, and pot. but I just moved and I have stopped messing around with most of those except the opiates and G thats meth- I didnt know thats what it ment when I moved to Phoenix AZ. I never got arrested busted by anybody no fines, felony's, i thank god everyday for that. im 27 now and it gets easier but im affraid to ask for help. I dont make excuses for my actions I am a UNITED STATES MARINE. Two tours in afghanistan. injured many times, ive seen things that still haunt me. i retired in 2008. i started drugs again. but i know it will kill me so i am going to ask for help this time where can I get help with my issues not excuses i know that i am an addict who can help me in a private comfortable way?

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It should but possiablynsincenu have/had only one on Monday. Then maybe not...I was tested today and I took last one Saturday today is Wednesday n it didn't show up...I maybe getting discharged...hopeing for the best 4 us both...leeler

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I am a very small person about ninety pounds I have been doing oxycodone 30 mg twice a day for a while I haven't smoked pot in along time but the other day I took about six hits off joint I may have to pass a urine test tomorrow morning if I drink vinegar and lots of water will I be safe I can't piss dirty this test could really destroy everything if I fail

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I have been taking for 3 year. For the 1st time I ran out early. Took my last one today Monday at 6pm. I have a Dr apt Thursday at 330. Will it show up?

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i get tested to make sure oxycodone is IN my system if i take a 15 mg oxycodone the morning of my test and i havent taken any in a week will it show up in my test?

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