How To Break Down Oxycontin Op (Page 5)
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word on the street is that you {edited for safety} i haven't tried this nor will i but i sure sounds smart using the citric acid to totally take away the gummy substance;}.

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Jean, I take two medications both carry heavy restrictions. I had gone to 4 different DRs when I moved to another state. I was treated like a junkie to all but one. There is a national data base Drs check with when they get a new patient asking for any drugs that might or can be addictive. But call around, if you have done any DR shopping or pharmacy shopping, then the Dr will understand, as long as u are totally honest.

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our country is going to hell and its sad to say the only people who r staying above water are selling there pills.and there are people like me that cant work because of a disablely.and have to take medicine to function.and the doctor i go to will not write nothing else.i was thinking of changing doctors.but im afraid that the doctor i choose. will b raided by the police.then ill b out of a doctor.

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For the first time in six years I am experiencing sobriety from oxycodone/oxycontin. Although we started to write a book so many setbacks have occured, a recent suicide attempt, but after the help that made me find hold the prescribed meds had on me, being high 24/7 for 6 years plus and having no competency. I am sure anyone using the oxy for long term, and amounts of 400mgs a day knows what I am talking about, Sending a 80mg pill to WI Crime Lab, the new formula pill results came back as morphine, and although I hold Purdue Pharma so much responsible one needs to look at King Pharma who got rich over their formula. It is wonderful to see what Florida is trying to do but buying politicians will probably halt or limit what can be done, oxy has killed more than 911 and the current war and has ruined many families, support is needed to rid us of the oxy, the FDA doesn't have a clue to damaging effects after long time use and thats what is needed to rid the problem, but everything is about money, exposing Purdue will bring out many political figures infact a presidential candidate for 2012, I am closing but all input appreciated especially positive.

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Yes OJ thats pretty much what I say, the fact that a vet cannot get the proper care they need is bloody ridicules.
And if we want toss blame around it should go to the proper place. Dont tell me that a drug company didnt realize how potentially dangerous this drug was but pushed it through anyway.

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I get op's I loved oc's but op's work just as well asoc's your wrong Marine It wasn't junkies it was Politix.. Bush b4 he left office gave parma exclusive rights to make oc's O'bama changed that law so other's can produce generic versions of oc's .. Get the story str8 dawg.

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you shouldn't blame the "junkies" you should blame the goverment, every one should complain about them changing these pills, they dont work as well as the orignal ones

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im reading all of these people bitching about there meds our country has a drugs problem and our doctors arent helping.People that need the medicine cant get them and the doctors treat us like we are the drug addicts.when i wake up everyday i have to roll out of bed.Its not fun and gets every triring having to depended on a drug in order to walk or fuction daily.So i wish their was someone out there with enough balls to stand together and wipe out these people who doesnt need them.theres got to b away to help those who are in pain and stop these people who take them to get high.this is whats giving us a bad name

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I think this whole thread is missing one MASSIVE factor. The drug company that created this, new it stranger than heroin or morphine and the pushed it. I remember an EMT I know getting 120mg SAMPLES by the dozen. It was everywhere. A man I know whos wife was a drug rep said that the company couldnt wait to get the OC out and then when everyone has the dependence then they have a stranglehold on the economy. You can junkies or SICK people that need help and you can be the angry individual with chronic pain pointing the finger of the 'other guy' but if you have any anger, it belongs to the drug company, or in the words, the legal dealers. THEY ARE SCREWING IT UP FOR EVERYBODY.

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I totally agree with you these kids shooting and mixing zanax together shooting at the same time end up dead and were taking the blunt for it not fair

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There is a post from Private 1 very cryptic! In the event this individual was speaking with me, I read a post about a vet experiencing pain from an injury and the change in formula to OP from OC in the oxyconton made the vets life more difficult, all due to the abuse of the drug by people that used it recreationally. My post was a reply to that. I have done a lot of volunteer work trying to get people with REAL PHYSICAL pain and core emotional pain, volunteered to find alternatives and if there were no alternatives then to keep them safe. I hope the vet got my reply. My little sister spent her 20's in Baghdad. It pains me to think we cannot care for our veterans. Why? We are a super power, why are our veterans not given top notch healthcare. Sorry if I said something in an open forum that offended you, I read it in an open forum.

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i meant this for private

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what are you to who?
what exactly do you mean by what you said
and who were you saying it to?

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im with you i started having back problems since i was 26 now that im 51 and many back surgurys later i to suffer i see young kids going in to these pill mills and those doctors dont care about you only money. its so hard to find a doctor that cares and to help us with are pain

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i can only imagine what you must be going through and I have worked at needle exchanges all over the US I am not going to compare what you are going thru and a chemical dependency. I would not insult you. May I suggest That either you ask your pain specialist for a trans-dermal patch of fentanyl (sp?) OR they can still rx the the OC just in smaller doses and perhaps that is a better way. A high level of methadone is also an amazing pain killer with a half life.
Your country put your somewhere and now your in serious pain, now your home and I don"t for a min that what your going through is hell I know at least five other methods less addicting. And if you have access to my email, I am a good ear. I am truly saddened by your situation.

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I am VERY interested in reading and or talking about the book you have mentioned. You are one of the few people that see the real monsters aparently. Well, I may not be able to wield the proverbial sword that will cut the machines cord, but I feel that knowledge is powerful, ignorance is bliss to people with knowledge & power, power corrupts, and my god, I live in the most ignorant country that is run by the most powerful Monsters... You know what? They don't want you to.

But, what do I know? I am just a junkie, lookin for a thought. They can keep their pills. I dont want to be a slave anymore.

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im sorry to say my friend....but you too are now a junky...who im sure would resort to what the "other" junkies on the street have had to resort to....they hurt too...i doubt you realize it...but most of the pain your feeling is from withdrawl.....youve been just lucky enough to have a prescription....but in reality you are one of the same... just another opiate addict...

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im not sure crushing oxy's is a good thing. as for rowdy the guy who fell from the helicopter you cnt blame all the other 'junkies' your words not mine for you not getting the right meds for your pain. you need to go back to your doctor and tell him your problems if you get nowhere get a second opinion. alot of people addicted to pain meds started out just like you in pain because of an accident or incident got prescribed strong pain killers and then ended up addicted to the pain meds you want so badly. your just pissed off at life and came on here having a go at people who are addicts alot of addicts self medicate themselves because they have been through s**t in their life you may never understand..... shame on you. you need to do your research it is not the addicts fault why you cnt get the pain relief you need and want. take a look at pharmacutical companies its all about the money. personally i cnt see how you cnt get what you want? i have watched documentry after documentry about addiction and in the usa ppl can go from doctor to doctor at private clinics and get prescritpion after prescrition for oxy's. the only time i have had pain meds is when i had my son and last year when i had a tumour removed from behind my eye but i was presribed codeine for 2 weeks and since then i have been fine but here in the uk its alot different alot of pain meds that you can get in the us are banned in the uk. you need to stand up for what you want and are entitled to doctors are just human beings and sometimes we do need to stand up and say 'hang on its my body i know what i am going through when i went to have my surgery i had been to see 2 different specialists i had to ask for a second opinion as the first surgen/specialist wanted to just inject me 9 times around my eye and whilst i would be awake he would then take my eyeball out and do the surgery now i can be a walk over when it comes to ppl in authority positions this specialist didnt even know what i had he hadnt done an operation like mine before, he actually 'googled' what he thought i had and gave me the wrong diagnosis thankfully my mother was with me and said no way we want a second opinion 2 weeks later i met the surgen who done the surgery he took one look at the tumor which was starting to grow over the front of my eyeball it had completely covered the back of my eyeball, he said i need a general anasthetic not local it would be too painfull and uncomfertable for me and the surgen and his team he had never seen the kind of tumor i had and asked if i would go in the medical journal and i agreed. so i signed my pre-op and waited for the date, the date came my mother took time off work as she lives 300 miles away. we got to the hospital 8am i was beside myself so frightened a nurse took my blood pressure and then told me i had came on the wrong day i gave them the letter and said no my surgery is today she looked confused got my file and said oh yes your having a local anasthetic i said no general iv signed the pre-op she then told me to sit with my mother and she would sort it out. the surgeon came back and said he was so sorry but his secutary had forgot to book the anesthatist there wasnt one available and he wasnt going to do it with a local so the next available date was 3 months later, we walked away gutted i was appolagising to my mum she rang my stepdad and he said no get back in there and demand that i get my surgery done. so my mum did she complained and put her foot down and 4 hours later the head matron and the surgery director came to see us and said be here for 8am tomorrow and you can have it done the matron was lovely very appolagetic but the surgery director looked fuming arms crossed started telling me nothing to eat etc i said i know i have read the information while i was waiting. they made the mistake not us but made us feel helpless untill my mum stepped in she was my hero that day i would of went home and waited whilst suffering with excrutiating headaches and pressure. so just remember doctors are just humans if your not happy with the treatment your getting say something.

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I used to kick u chicken hearted kids out the door of my Huey cause u were too scared to jump! Lol... Did you folks know there are more people overdosing on Tylenol than all OP's, and heroin together? I take 'Opie' 30's twice a day, since they changed the formula they are not nearly as effective. I called Purdue and took a confidential quiz I guess to let them know what I thought of the new mixture. The Purdue tech I talked too said that yes 'junkies' were in their thoughts for the change, primarily it was for idiots like you that chewed your meds causing OD's etc! NOT the junkies!!! Call Purdue University and talk with them if you don't believe me! The number is right on their website & they eager to say the least to speak to me!!!

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You yourself are also the cause of this from happening. You were still misusing the drug, just as a "junkie" was. Don't come on here and talk down to people with other problems! I realize that you are in pain, but you can just go and get a prescription that is right for you! Certainly, Roxy 30 for breakthrough pain while taking opana should help.

Taking your misery out on others with addiction problems only makes you look like a jack ass.. Bitch at you doc, not everyone else!

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I am in an awful city Rockford IL and other than what I can get from friends I am in suffering the majority of the time. I have a doctor who will write for Norcos but they are not worth filling. I take 100mg morphine and I am good to go but they are costly. I was wondering if anyone know of a good pain clinic to go to as I want these for legitimate reasons and have no insurance. Please advise if you know of a good place to go; I would go to Chicago if I knew where I would be able to find a doctor who does not feel like he will be in trouble with the DEA as all the physicians here are underprescibing and the people who get the good medicine are selling them-go figure!

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