How Long Does It Take For Your System To Clear Methadone (Page 3) (Top voted first)


if i've been taking 50 mg methadone qd for 3 yrs and wonder how many days will it take to have a clean ua? what about occasional use of xanax klonopin ativan or valium? i read on this site that it only takes 2-4 days to be clean for ativan and klonopin???

76 Replies (4 Pages)

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I was on methadone 7 yrs and took 4 1/2 weeks to be undetectable. It saturate your fat.cells and muscle.

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I've been in five Methadone clinics. The most recent the longest. In August (2015-this year) will be my 4 year anniversary. I planned on being there for 18 months. I HAVE kicked, by reducing my dose little by little, then surviving on ONE 10mg methadone oil every OTHER day, then switched to Ultram (before they decided to make tramadol a narcotic, which, btw, I find pathetic and hilarious all at the same time!) Unfortunately for me, some stressful life situations, along with some sad losses of friends and family members that all seemed to happen at once, I started taking updates again, but this time, I'm sticking with it & NOT going back once I dose out of here. I'm in school to make my negatives in life a little positive: I'm going to be a drug counselor. MY CURRENT counselor is in recovery-she had 15 years in Jan. The head counselor there will have 12 years in June. I personally felt better talking to someone who KNEW what I'd been through them someone who THINKS they know because they learned it in a book. Jmho. ANYWAYS, is I were to put MY 2 cents in, I'd stay AWAY from the met clinic, & find a suboxone dr, or (if you're pregnant) a subutex doctor. I worked in a pharmacy, & sub's DO WORK. The problem is, you have to WANT TO STOP. At the clinic, you've got incentive and motivation. When it's just a script, it's all up to you, so do yourself a favor, and SEE a therapist, be HONEST, and it'll be SOO much easier!! If you have any questions I'll answer ANY & EVERY question 100% honestly--no bs dance around. Hope I can help! I'm in school to counsel at a drug rehab.

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You need to be down to at least 30mg methadone, or you will get sick still even after skipping three days before your appointment.BTW do NOT let a Dr. say that Suboxone is okay to take first. It will put you in precipitated withdrawals that are very nasty!! Naloxone in them causes this... Subutex or generic name is Bupenorphine should be used for the first week. I did this from 48 mg Methadone waited only two days instead of three without dosing, and only started with the Bupe 8 mg day and got sick... Notice I wasn't far from the three days or the 30 mg but I regretted it for three days of terror and will start subs on day 7 and am still scared. My dr gave me 16mg day but only took half. Same with the suboxone I'm getting 16mg (2 -8mg strips) and only will take half, unless I feel I need more to start out on, but it is depending upon how I will feel. They give way to much and it makes it very hard to taper off at a high rate and are a b**** to get off of, I mean you need to get to a .012 of a SINGLE 8mg strip... Then skip every other day (then 2, then 3) before taking it at that tiny sliver of a level to let the half life catch up and wear off of you before stopping without w/d... Be warned.

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Most Drug tests for new jobs only do a simple drug test. They don't test for methadone. Methadone does not show up in a regular test. They have to do a 10 or 12 point test and actually test for methadone. Now if you are working some where and get injured or have some type of accident and they send you to the hospital for a drug test then they will test for methadone.

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I'm also curious about the methadone and how long will it stay in my system. I took my last 4 last Wednesday but I learned the hard way that s*** (pills) will stay in and messed me up. I'm hating myself for even taking again within 2 wks of drs appt...also any advice for not just one f*** up but 3. I'm going to the Dr next Monday in like 5 days and today I'm taking my last generic op 20mg. I've had them for 3days in a row now Tbh and I was trying out a New for me New a d d pill which is for sleep disorders. How long will nuvigil 250mg stay in my system? I know I sound like a junkie but honestly I'm starting to panic like the differences between urine drug screens and if it is sent off? I just wonder about when they send it off, is that a typical thing that is done?? Thank you I'm new here btw I always use this to verify pills etc.

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I took 2 10 milligrams of metadine 10 days ago will it be out if my system by now? Thank you in advance

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on the methadone when i quit it it took 15 days to get out of my system but i was on 90 mgs. a day for over 2 yrs

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Good luck, hope you can try again! If NOT you NEED someone else's urine. There is ABSOLUTELY no other way to pass. NEXT time you decide to party... THINK first! I love to party as much as the next guy, put your PRIORITIES FIRST! Job! Roof! Food! Bill's ... JOB TO PAY BILL'S! Maybe you'll pass ... I hope so! Why'd you tk drug's when you knew you had a urine test for a "VERY IMPORTANT" job?!!?? Wait' til AFTER YOU GET THE JOB to celebrate NEXT time hon ;-) :-) Take care!

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I have been on a morphing pump, OxyContin, Duragesic, oxicodone and methadone. I have taken methadone for over ten years. It has a half life of 36 hours. So my Dr. Said. I was never able to reach that goal. I stepped down from 60 mg a day to 40 then 20 and I quit taking it. I really miss the pain control I got from it. But to take Lyrica I could not do both. I would rather take methadone.

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Methadone is a synthetic opiates and don't show up on a normal drug test they have to be specifically looking for it so I don't think a job would test for it but good luck

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So if I were to take say 10 mg pill just once and the half-fill is reportedly 72 hours it will take 250 hour to be clear? Does that also mean I would fail a drug test that entire time?
I have had major depression for 35+ years causing fibromyalgia for over 20 year. It's the only thing that works and gave me back my life. But I am having difficulty getting into a pain clinic because my family practitioners are reticent To I've a referral and won't bother to speak with my psychiatrist. I have tried Lyrica Savella etc. Those turn me into a zombie. Methadone helped me loose 40lbs in a short time because I was able to go to the gym 5-6 times a week. Do you have advice? Lastly, I have never lied to any of my doctors, but the truth seems to be counterproductive.
Thank you

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how long did the methadone cold turkey last???

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Methadone absolutely has a half life. So if you take 30 mg, the next day you still have 15 mg in you but if you take another 30 mg the next day you have 45 mg in your system. That's why it takes so long for methadone to get out of your system

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I was on 150mgs for little over five years then detoxed at two milligrams a day until 60mgs when I switched to 1 mg a day. I was at 7 mgs on a Friday and took nothing sat or sun. Monday morning early I was tested to start Suboxone and was clean from methadone. I also felt the 4mgs of subs alot.

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I am a tad late to respond. But I relate to ur situation. Which is hard to find. I was on methadone for 3 years got up over a hundred, went down, up and down. You know taper down to 20 and just quit all done so over it. I plan to switch to suboxone but I wanted to wait as long as possible because I did not believe the b******* that it takes two to four days after three years. No way. It's been a little over 30 days now and when I take the suboxone that does absolutely nothing. In fact I think it makes the withdrawals even worse. And yes I am still in withdrawal from methadone. I have not used heroin and years and years methadone ruined my life more. Can you tell me when you finally started to feel that the methadone was out and when the box finally started working? If I don't have normalcy soon I will f****** kill myself. I do what they tell me. I do everything the right way but it seems like every time I take a suboxone that there's a small bit of methadone still inside me. How long did it actually take you? I'm curious on an update, that would be fantastic. Thank you.

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How long after coming off the methadone did u have withdrawal symptoms or did u have any?

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Can someone help me someone put methadone in my drink at a party sat but I've never took this kind of med how can I get it out before my drug test tomorrow I've been drinking a lot of water for two days now please someone help e

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Does methadone have to completely be out of your system to have help with detoxing with suboxone?
Have so many questions!

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You can take a suboxne next day after methadone. You don't have to wait so many hrs. I have anyway and felt no withdrawal.

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Well I've heard methadone can stay in your system up to 21 days safer last dose most everything else 3 to 5 but Valium are a pain so people test positive for it up to 30 days later

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