Drinking On Lexapro (Page 8)
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I was just wondering if anyone has drank with this med and were there any side effects? I've been on lexapro 10 mg for a month and am feeling great but I am petrified to even attempt to drink alcohol, but would like to try. So if anyone could help that would be great.

166 Replies (9 Pages)

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It's obvious you care about your wife. Let her know how much you love her and show her that you will support her. I've been on Lexapro for 3 years. I have a stressful job as well. We sometime lash out at the ones closes to us. I pray your marriage will be restored.

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My wife is on lexapro and has been for 3.5 yrs. and she drinks about a six a day. I think it was good for her in the beginning, but the stress of her new job I have noticed her drinking more . For 5 yrs we've been married and 5 years we dated before that was unbelievable, then two weeks ago she told me she wanted a divorce! Said the only reason was she's got to much stress, he'll before this I thought r marriage was the only thing not stressful!!!!! I love her and don't want to loose her

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I was yawning all the time the first few days taking them. I was on lexapro for 2 years and got off of it 8 months ago. This medication definitely helped me with my anxiety. Give it a week or so and the yawning should stop. :)

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I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND IT! I am on lexapro for 2 and a half weeks now I drank at the weekend my normal amount ..even less and I woke up not remembering anything from the night before I was found by a friend luckily who brought me home.. I did awful things on it was agressive I got carried out of the night club and the list goes on.. my anxiety and depression worsened after this! Dont do it!

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Drinking alcohol does not "undo" the medication. i already asked my doctor along with others about this because i drink once in awhile and i am prescribed Lexapro, the only thing is that it MAY increase your side effects IF you drink too much and that you shouldn't drink until you find out how Lexapro affects you feel. If you don't have side effect then you're fine to drink but again don't drink too excessively.

The few side effects i have are slight nausea and yawning a lot..i've only been it it for 2 days so hopefully it goes away soon or else i'm getting off while i still can. i already have bad anxiety so any bad news about this antidepressant will definitely make me stop taking it.

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I drink almost everyday. not heavy, but a drink or 2 a night. I was on Prozac for a year and I've been switched to this for about 3 weeks now. when I drank on Prozac I didn't notice a difference and was never hungover. on this I notice after 1 drink I feel like I've had two. and have been hungover a few times. just stick to a small drink and you should be okay.

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On my fourth day of taking 5 mg of lexapro I had a few drinks with friends. I felt ok unil later that night, my heart started racing, my stomach hurt and I felt faint. I drank a lot of water and took a hot bath which helped me fall asleep. I'm now rethinking taking this medication.

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I am a heavy social drinker and noticed that i was much more aggressive and angry while drinking on lexapro. I was fine drinking on prozac which i was taking for seceral months but then my doc added lexapro to my perscription. one night I pissed myself, lost my phone, and showed up with no shirt on while drinking on it. probably not the best idea to drink on it.

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I notice if I have a wine, I feel okay. If I have cocktails, I really feel moody and irritable the next day. I'm glad that I found this page. I feel like I'm losing it sometimes.

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I would try only 3 drinks at first and see how you feel! When I was on lexapro I nearly had all the side effects blood in my stool pupils wide head pains shocks passing coffee grounds type some type of delirium mild tired anxiety muscle pain could not sleep ! And more effects I just got off them god bless !

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The horrors of taken lexapro, look its a joke being on this drug. Your going to have bad days and good days! The same if you where never on it!

It's a dangerous drug! wenough hell when I was taken it 2 months for it 2 work I was feeling horrible I had a swoi

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I was lexapro for over two years and has been off for 5 months. I do drink occasionally but keep in mind that drinking one drink is like drinking 3 on lexapro. No doctor will tell you it is ok to drink while being on any medication. Just drink with caution. :)

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yeah, that has been happening to me as well. i had a panic attack this morning and all i have had to drink was one shot, i felt faint last night and it was really scary.

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I've been on Lexopro for 2 wks now and I drink socially and I fainted at the bottom of my stairway, so I wouldn't drink.......hell I'm scared to drink now.

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I forgot and ordered a drink, and spent the next few hours vomiting, with a splitting migraine. So clearly I am one of those who cannot drink while on Lexapro.

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I am on 10mg. I drink every other day. And I have noticed sometimes my anxiety and panic attacks are pretty bad. But I sometimes have this weird feeling in my head. Anyone else get that? = (

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I was on 10-20mg of lexapro for almost three years, and I drank A LOT. Over time, I started to become angry, wanting to fight everyone when I was drunk, and I wasn't like that before. The combination probably isn't the best, unless you can drink a minimal amount of alcohol.

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I have been on Lexapro for about 3 years and drink socially most weekends and have not had any problems. If anything it has given me the confidence to drink again without the worry of having a panic attack whilst out and about with my friends.
I do however try and stay away from having all night benders as I do seem to pull up VERY hungover and the medication seems to loose its effect which in some people cases may be dangerous.
My advice is to play it safe and whilst enjoying a social drink try and limit the intake of alcohol and you will give yourself the best chance of feeling 'normal' again.
Lexapro has also enabled me to get back into things like playing sport and camping in remote locations which was hard for me before taking the medication.

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pills take at least a month to kick in and make a difference.

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I have only been on Lexapro for a couple weeks, and am very interested in this topic. The first few days on it, I felt GREAT! Then I started drinking not realizing it was a no-no. Now, I am feeling more blue.

The only problem is that I am not sure if it is psychosomatic or not. I think that I am going to try my best not to drink on it, just because I was so happy at first and I don't really the calories----beach wedding soon :-)

Honestly, your best bet is to just try it, don't like? Stop.

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