Contrave And Alcohol Consumption (Top voted first)


I have filled my prescription of Contrive but have not yet started taking it. I read all the possible side effects and am weary about taking in and wanting to continue to socially drink (glass of wine, socially drink on weekends)

55 Replies (3 Pages)

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OK, I read the notice about alcohol and contrave too, but I drink almost every day and I'm fine. Just saying.

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I will admit. I love my bottle of wine. That is probably 80% of my weight gain recently. I am hoping the Contrave will kill 2 birds with one stone. I lost 6 lbs in 10 days and I feel like my wine love is slightening. Honestly if the drug killed my booze habit I would drop 30 lbs quite quick!

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It is not an uncommon thing to have this happen when people start taking Contrave, or naltrexone.... its co-component.

That is because naltrexone reduces or eliminates the "buzz" caused by alcohol. Therefore some people drink more to get a buzz. The hangovers from being on naltrexone are often more pronounced.

Over time though, most people will end up drinking less or none.

A similar thing happens with Wellbutrin and smoking. Wellbutrin does not allow nicotine to bind with endorphins. Hence no nicotine buzz. Same thing happens. People may initially smoke more until they just give up. It is used as a smoking cessation agent in many countries and off label for that purpose here in the USA.

While I am not a doctor, I have had the personal experience from naltrexone and my girlfriend quit smoking using Wellbutrin.

What many people (including doctors) don't understand is that neither naltrexone nor Wellbutrin (combined is Contrave) will reduce urges to eat, drink or smoke in a direct fashion.

What does happen is that the endorphins that receive pleasure from these actions don't get stimulated, so initially the behaviors may increase short-term eventually for most of those that continue, the trend will reverse itself as less pleasure is received.... the pleasure may not even be noticed..... but the endorphins notice.

Hope this helps.... sorry for the long answer.

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Buproprion aside, the naltrexone is more of a concern with Contrave. Naltrexone is used as a way for many people to quit or reduce alcohol intake.

It is important for people (especially heavy drinkers) to take Contrave at least an hour before drinking, and to avoid drinking if they have forgotten to take Contrave.

I am very familar with both drugs and have taken both.... I do agree with most here, as it relates to bupropion and risks.... it is a little overdone.

The issue with naltrexone is that when not taking Contrave is...dopamine and opiod receptors are very sensitive to alcohol. If someone takes Contrave fairly regularly, these receptors are dulled (naltrexone binds with them thus not allowing as much of a buzz from alcohol)... but if one misses a dose, the receptors are extra sensitive and alcohol pleasure in the brain is increased thus increasing the chances of overindulging and developing, or increasing a drinking problem.

Look up THE SINCLAIR METHOD for more information.

I have experience with both bupropion and naltrexone. I WAS (yes it is possible to greatly recover with naltrexone) a full blown alcoholic drinking well over 15 drinks a day. Now, in the presence of naltrexone my drinking has reduced to an average of 4 drinks per day and is still dropping. I have gotten my life back... but I would not want to see someone go the wrong direction because their doctor is not as familiar with naltrexone as they should be when prescribing it.... especially when prescribing to heavy drinkers.

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Unless you plan on drinking A LOT (more than a bottle of wine) don't be concerned. I drink regularly (intermitntly because I am trying to lose weight) and the only time I 've had any effect was after drinking too much, and even then it was fuzziness and a hang over the next day) --- so light or moderate drinking is fine and heavy drinking --- not so much but not good for any one!!!???

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Just started second week of Contrave, so taking one pill in AM & one in PM. During this second week, I've noticed GAS as a side effect. Anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions?

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Re: Jimmy (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

I drink (drank) more than a bottle of wine a night. Usually 2. I have been on Contrave for 5 days, didn't intend to quit drinking but the medicine has really curved my craving. I had 1 glass of wine last night & 2 in 3 hours on Friday with no desire to have any more. It's kinda bizarre because no diet has ever made me quit drinking. I've had zero side effects from Contrave and I love it!

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The first day I took a contrave I had a glass of wine in the evening, no problems. On day 4 of taking contrave I drank a six pack of beer the evening after taking contrave in the morning. The next day I had a severe hangover. I do not normally drink a six pack, usually 3-4. I do not usually get severe hangovers, haven't had one in a decade or more. Everyone is an individual, so I expect everyone may have a unique response. Mine was not pleasant. Nausea, Headache, fatigue, confusion-mental slowness. I basically lost a morning to recover. I weigh 185 also.

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Ginny - glad to hear this.

I have twice had alcohol with NO reaction what so ever. Two beers on one occaision and two glasses on wine on the other.

I took Zyban several years ago to help stop smoking and drank while taking it and had NO ill effects..... so I think this is over done.....

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Soo how is the drinking? Wanting to start the medicine and I am a beer drinker. Just curious on your progress.

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I was a fairly heavy drinker before taking Contrave and since starting it I have had almost no desire for alcohol. When I did have even one glass of wine recently I didn't enjoy it like I used to and the next day I felt terrible. I will be taking a few months off from drinking. Oh and I lost 20 lbs. in just under a month.

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My doctor said it's ok to have my wine. I had a few glasses last night with jo side effects.

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Specifically what concerns do you have? I've been taking the active ingredients in Contravention for a couple not years now.... The only "negative" side effect is certain alcohol no longer tastes pleasant....Such as beer. But that is why I started taking it.... Drank too much...Now my drinking is very much in control and I have no other side effects.

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I am a heavy drinker. When my doctor prescribed Contrave I asked about the bit on the website that said something like "do not suddenly stop drinking if you are a heavy drinker". The doctor said that I should have no more than two drinks in a day while taking Contrave.

One of the effects that I've noticed, however, is that Contrave makes me not want to drink. The craving for alcohol seems to be greatly decreased, and when I do drink, it doesn't satisfy like it used to.

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GG.... I started Feb 12 so I am 6 weeks in and have lost 25lbs. I was a daily drinker but now I find I cannot have any alcohol. Twice now I have tested the waters and both times it made me terribly sick for days. ( imagine the worst hangover of your life lasting for two days after only having two alcoholic beverages not worth it !) also I felt pretty poorly for about a week when I first started taking it because I stopped drinking immediately when I started the medication. The good news is I really experience any urge to drink it all . I have to go shopping now for new clothes! Best of luck to you and everybody else taking this medication

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Woo woo down 32! No side effects at all.. no drinking either

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Down 60 now and have gone back to drinking a little without side effects. Staying away from the empty calories of beer and wine sure helps the weight come off. I am trying to lose 20 more (80 total) by October!

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I have been searching the web for answers to this question and this forum definitely helped out a lot.

I have been drinking about 14 units per night for ages, like 12 months (with the occasional week or so off booze). That is just over a bottle of wine, half a bottle of whiskey or vodka or 6/7 pints. I know that this accounts for a lot of calories, but that is not the point of my post.

I was concerned with taking Contrave / Mysimba after reading the leaflet talking about fits and not to suddenly stop drinking.

On the Sunday night, I only had one drink and on Monday, I did not drink at all, then I started taking Contrave / Mysimba on Tuesday. It has been a week now and the only side effect I have had is slight dizziness once on two days and that is all.

This is just my story, I am not advising anyone to stop drinking and take this medication without speaking to their doctor, but this is what I did and I feel great.

I also think the medication helps with my alcohol cravings, so its a double bonus!

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Usually a full dose of naltrexone (50mg) lasts 24 hours or more. I often get by with 25 mg of it per day.

I have now continued to take naltrexone and buproprion for 13 months and my drinking remains very controlled.... Though my weight has not dropped much.

I wish more people knew of the benefits of naltrexone and lower alcohol intake.... It is one of very few drugs approved as a first line defense for alcohol disorders.... And very affordable.

Good luck with the Contrave. ;)

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Hey's how it went for me the first week or so I only slowed down my eating a little bit but after that I pretty much got to where I was having a protein shake in the morning, a vegetable drink of some sort ( with fiber, lots of fiber) in the afternoon and then most of the time one meal a day and I'm just fine with that. Yes I am counting calories in a general way and I think I average about 1200 to 1500 a day tops . I think a big part for me was cutting out alcohol which I was not enjoying while I was taking the medication anyway and I think that accounted for about 4000 cal a week . I'm 6 foot four and I was up to 312 pounds and now I'm beginning to think 250 is a reasonable target. Good luck!

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