Contrave And Alcohol Consumption
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I have filled my prescription of Contrive but have not yet started taking it. I read all the possible side effects and am weary about taking in and wanting to continue to socially drink (glass of wine, socially drink on weekends)

55 Replies (3 Pages)

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You’ll be totally fine with a glass of wine, but know that your one glass of wine will most likely turn to no glass of wine. I used to be a heavy wine drinker, and now having taken it for the past 5 months, the thought of wine most days makes me nauseous. Drinks don’t taste the same, and neither do sweets. So I know it’s doing what it’s meant to. Curbing my craving. I’m down 24lbs

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Is alcohol completely off the table when taking Contrave? I want to have a few drinks this weekend and now I am worried. I’m just wrapping up my first week so I’m only taking one pill right now. But what happens when I’m on 2 pills a day? Then 4? Can I never drink when taking these? Do I just not take for 1 day?

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Hi... I have been on contrave for almost a year, abstaining from alcohol for the most part. I have been drinking more lately and have had emotional breakdowns/crying for no reason... I know that contrave and alcohol do not mix well, but has anyone else experienced this?

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All I've noticed is I feel full after a few drinks so I'm not drinking as much when I go out. No other side effects. I've been on full dosage for 2 months now.

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Re: Biggus (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

Congrats on your weight loss! You mentioned that you went on vacation and ate and drank everything you wanted (I plan to do the same!). Were you still taking Contrave while on vacation? Just wondering if you had any adverse reactions to suddenly drinking a lot.

I'm only on week 2, but I had the same reaction to alcohol as some others. A few nights ago, I drank quite a bit (probably 5 or 6 mixed drinks). When I went to bed, I was relatively sober. The alcohol definitely did not affect me as much as it normally does. But when I got up the next morning, I felt HORRIBLE. Disoriented, headache, nausea, etc. It finally came to a head with a visit to the Porcelain God. I didn't feel "good" until late that afternoon. I haven't had a hangover that bad in years.

Hubby and I are going on a 25th anniversay cruise in Sept. We're already booked and got the unlimited drink package as one of our perks. With the way I felt after a night of drinking while on Contrave, I'm thinking I should probably go off of it before our trip. Either that or I'll waste the unlimited drink pkg. LOL

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Re: Anita (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

Good luck! I am taking a break but plan to start back up after the holidays... after about 6 months I found it wasn’t working as well anyway so hopefully this strategy will help me reach my goal. I can’t even tell you how much better I feel plus it was fun shopping for new clothes several sizes smaller !

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Re: Biggus (# 46) Expand Referenced Message
that's great. hope i have as good results

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Just started taking contrave, not sure how im supposed to feel. But lost 5 pounds in 7 days i will take it

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Re: Jefb (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Yes. I’m on week six. Stay on it. The side effects improve and the desire for alcohol remains low. That’s great as far as I’m concerned. More weight loss and improved health.

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Re: Jefb (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Hmmm nope, never had that. I am slowly weaning myself off having nearly met my target down 75 pounds. Congratulations to everyone else who is working so hard to lose weight. It’s tough but it’s worth it.

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I just started my fourth week of Contrave and take 4 pills per day. I’ve had zero side effects prior to my last dose. But I now have some gas pains with the 4 pills per day. Hope it goes away. No nausea, just gas. And my lower back hurts. Going to continue as I’ve lost 10 pounds. Maybe it’s premenstrual symptoms? Not sure. I was not experiencing any constipation prior to increasing the dose and I take miralax everyday. Anyone else experiencing this? Does it eventually go away?

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Take it! It’s awesome. I personally have not had any side effects... been on it 6 weeks, down 14 pounds. I was a big drinker.. the medicine literally makes you not want to drink. Zero cravings and no desire. It’s kind of insane. I do usually still have some wine on the weekends but after my 2nd or 3rd glass i’m satisfied

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Re: Brenda (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

Congratulations, that’s off to a great start. I have lost 70 pounds in nine months and I am weaning myself off contrave now. I am confident that I can return to it if I need to in the future, but hopefully I can continue to lose some more weight without feeling like I have to change my habits. Hoping to lose about 15 more pounds.

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Re: Ange (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Ange,
I have 100 pounds to lose. Tomorrow will be 6 weeks on Contrave and i’m down 19 pounds

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Re: Kathleen (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

I just started Contrave 3 days ago I, too, need to lose 40 lbs. 5’1” female. How did you do?

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Re: Jimmy (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

I drink (drank) more than a bottle of wine a night. Usually 2. I have been on Contrave for 5 days, didn't intend to quit drinking but the medicine has really curved my craving. I had 1 glass of wine last night & 2 in 3 hours on Friday with no desire to have any more. It's kinda bizarre because no diet has ever made me quit drinking. I've had zero side effects from Contrave and I love it!

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I have been searching the web for answers to this question and this forum definitely helped out a lot.

I have been drinking about 14 units per night for ages, like 12 months (with the occasional week or so off booze). That is just over a bottle of wine, half a bottle of whiskey or vodka or 6/7 pints. I know that this accounts for a lot of calories, but that is not the point of my post.

I was concerned with taking Contrave / Mysimba after reading the leaflet talking about fits and not to suddenly stop drinking.

On the Sunday night, I only had one drink and on Monday, I did not drink at all, then I started taking Contrave / Mysimba on Tuesday. It has been a week now and the only side effect I have had is slight dizziness once on two days and that is all.

This is just my story, I am not advising anyone to stop drinking and take this medication without speaking to their doctor, but this is what I did and I feel great.

I also think the medication helps with my alcohol cravings, so its a double bonus!

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Re: Brenda (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

The medicine doesn't magically make you lose weight but it does reduce your cravings for food and alcohol. I just got back from vacation where I ate and drank everything I wanted and of course I gained a little bit of weight but now I am putting the pedal to the metal in order to lose 20 pounds by mid October and I think I can do it. I typically have one light meal per day supplemented with some protein shakes and fiber. Down 65...20 more to go... I have been really lazy about my dieting for about a month and a half . Time to get back to work !

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Re: Ginny (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Have you lost weight while taking contrave and drinking?

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Absolutely! Double benefit, 62 lbs. down and a Lot less drinking! Keep it up, both will add to longer life!

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