Clonotril Withdrawl Plan From 0.25 Mg Daily (Top voted first)


I was having anxiety problem (when TSH detected 44 in March this year, now ok with eltroxin) due to which I developed insomnia. I tried restil, valliuim etc which when taken gave good results (good sleep) but on leaving the pill sleepless ness was limping back. In July this year my Doctor prescribed me Chonotril 0.5 mg, half tab daily at night. I am ok with this at least most of the weak . I tried to go without the pill sometimes without success. Please suggest me the time bound withdrawl plan. Anxiety part is now ok.

13 Replies

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I hv anxiety problem b4 5y so I take clonotril 025mg tablets b4 2 month so how long I take this tablets please tell me

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I take clonotril-0.25 tab before sleep..
However if i stop the dosage psychosomatic pains in the body starts..
And if i take this medicine the pains stop but i feel quite a lot lazy in the morning...please suggest

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Iam using tables (clonotril 0.25mg(morning +night)+depram 10g onlynight)three months, this table continue any problem( side effects)iam avery think ok.

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Clonotril contains the active ingredient Clonazepam, so it's also a Benzodiazepine just like the Valium you tried.

That said, however, if you've only been taking half of a 0.5mg tablet at night, then stopping it shouldn't be a major issue, though you may have one or two sleepless nights.

There are more risks for people stopping it at higher doses that they've been taking for a long time, such as possible seizures if they stop abruptly.

Learn more Clonotril details here.

You may want to try lowering your dose even more to do a more gradual taper.

Have you talked to your doctor to get their advice and discuss the safety of stopping it?

If you've been taking high amounts, or taking it all day every day, then there it is much more risky.

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Don't worried

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I am taking Clonotril 0.5 mg for the last two years or so. Now I am not getting satisfacorily goo sleep. Will changing to Trika 0.5 mg help? Clonotril is giving repeated dreams.

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I am taking Tegritol CR 200 -- 4 nos & Dilantin 100 - 3 nos at night daily . My Last seizure was in 2003 . But there was no seizures in last 10 years . I was suffering from Eliplepsy since 1982 . I Fear decrease of dosage of the said drug may start siezure like before . Please advise me.

Thanks & Regards ,
Indranil Majumdar

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How can i besure that it is enxiety & not physical illness

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My wife is taking this tablet regularly. What problems could happen if we have intercourse?

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I take clonotril.25mg tablet last 3years. Now I feel laziness & depressed whole day how I reduce my dose.

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I take clonotril.25mg every day .now i feel I can reduce the dose. I'm

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Worries, anxiety, restless, psycogenic vomiting, were my problems in 2013. It was cured after having Rexipra 10 and melzap md 0.25 for about 2 months. Now problem starts again after management rejected my transfer posting to my hometown. For the last 4 days I have been trying to control myself by listening and practicing stress and anxiety management audio sessions that are available at:, but all in vain. Pls suggest, should I continue with rexipra 10 and melzap md 0.25?

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how long should i take tab clonotril0.25mg i am taking from 2 month does it gain my wieght or any side effect

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