Big Pharma's Lockdown On Legitimate Chronic Pain Patients (Page 18)


Is narcotic pain medicine becoming a thing of the past?

Why are doctors across America phasing out the practice of prescribing effective pain medication?

Will big pharmaceutical companies ever truly understand what it's like to face the other side of the coin?

Lately there's been a musty scent in the air surrounding the use of prescribed narcotic pain medication. Many doctors appear to be running scared as the DEA scours through fields of medical records, inspecting prescribing pads like a mouse scavenges for food in a dimly lit cellar.

Should the day come when doctors recommend Ibuprofen to a feeble man who's been involved in a terrible car accident (breaking several bones / requiring extensive surgery), is this doctor at risk of malpractice when there are more effective options available that they choose not to pick, out of fear? Fear of what? Doing the right thing? No, I don't think this is the reason... Somewhere along the line, in the not too distant past, doctors were loosely prescribing narcotic pain medication as if it would never go out of style. Nowadays, the harsh penalty of potentially losing their license for writing any unknown number of opiate prescriptions over so many calendar days or some other form of strict criteria, has been enough to prevent many physicians from taking even subtle "risks" with patients who are expressing obvious signs of pain and discomfort.

The unfortunately unique problem with pain is that it's not a physical object and in order for others to detect it, they'd have to rely solely on the backbone of our body language using their intuition - something that's gone missing in western practice. If more doctors took the time and really got to know their patients front to back, then they will be their own best judge of deciding what the right thing to do is, regardless of what the DEA thinks about their decision or what their drug representative wants out of the deal. Sadly, until patients are put before profits, the foundation of America's healthcare system remains in jeopardy like an iceberg affected by global warming.

While I believe that the vast majority of human beings in their right mind would choose to do the right thing, we must all work together to become the change we wish to see within every aspect of our lives; and knowing that by doing so, it will shine light on those crossing our path that need it most.

In the meantime, some patients may have to find another way to manage their pain without putting their life or health at risk. Others are turning to natural alternatives such as kratom, cannabis, turmeric and/or implementing various lifestyle changes into their daily regime... But the key is to never give up hope.

What will you do?

Warm regards to all who face life's challenges head on.

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Re: Claude (# 334) Expand Referenced Message

I should have clarified in my posts that I live in Little Rock, Arkansas. This state has been the hardest hit with all the new "guidelines".

When I first moved here, there were 23 pain mgmt. practices. They started closing their doors and dropping thousands of chronic pain patients with no notice. There are now 10 pain mgmt. practices and EVERY ONE of them are injections, spinal stimulator or pain pump ONLY. If you have already been through all of their are out of luck! If any one of them prescribe opiods, it's Hydrocodone ONLY....and your lucky to get that.

My family physician has looked at every clinic and none of them will take me as a patient because I have had all the injections several times and they don't work for my pain. I had a spinal stimulator at Duke University and had 8 surgeries because they couldn't keep the leads in place. I've had four pain pumps. The last two pumps almost KILLED me. They had to take the last pump out because it got infected and they left it in while it was infected for 8 weeks until it gave me Bacterial Spinal MENINGITIS!

After 23 years of trying every alternative therapy out there (physical therapy, biofeedback, acupuncture, aquatherapy, injections, rhizotomy where they burn nerves, spinal stimulator and pain pumps) im at the point that no doctor wants to take me because everything else has been tried and failed. The only thing that helps ease my pain is medications and none of them want to touch me with a ten foot pole!!

I did EVERYTHING I was asked to do. I NEVER failed any U/A's, used one doctor and one pharmacy, never missed an appointment and took my medications EXACTLY as prescribed. I was dropped from my pain mgmt. because I went into respiratory failure and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. The ER doctor tried to say I had overdosed on my meds which he found out was B'S when they ran a toxicology test on me. It was NOT an overdose...i had double pneumonia with puss in both lower lobes of my lungs!! When I regained consciousness, I explained to them that I had been battling bronchitis for a month. I had to demand that they take a chest xray!! They kept trying to say I took too much meds until they got the test results back which PROVED they were wrong and the x ray showed the double pneumonia! I was treated like a DOG! They even told all my family members at the hospital that I overdosed....but they NEVER apologized when the test results proved otherwise.

If you go to the ER with ANY symptoms and they see you take pain meds, you are automatically labeled either a drug seeker or possible overdose!! It's absolutely insane here.

My PM doc said I was terminated from the practice because I didn't call their office and ask permission before I went to the ER. It's impossible to do that when you are UNCONSCIOUS!! And in full blown respiratory arrest. Then he said "the ER docs are talking about me". Come to find out he is currently under investigation by the DEA for over prescribing pain meds. At least 600 of his patients were dropped cold turkey, with NO TAPERING whatsoever! The local ER's were flooded with his patients who were in withdrawal. Almost all of them were sent home with nothing to HELP their withdrawal, and told to find another doc, that there was nothing they could do to help them.

I'm in the process of contacting the local media about all of this. I'm also trying to find which local representative in my state is head of the health subcommittee. I'm going to find SOMEONE to hear us!! One way or another.

When I find a representative or congressman who is sympathetic to pain patients, I will post the information here.

Right now, each state is different in how they are handling the "opiods epidemic". In Arkansas, we are seeing the most EXTREME crackdown. Every other state will eventually see the same thing. My advice for CP patients is to prepare yourself and have a plan to deal with withdrawal. If they haven't cut your meds dramatically yet, your lucky....but you need to prepare yourself because the day IS COMING.

God help us all.

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Sandie (# 328) --

Sandie...please keep in mind we are on the same side! (Trying to help CP patients).

We are in different states; I'm in Arkansas and you're in Arizona. My info and posts are EXACTLY what is happening in Arkansas. From what I can infer in your posts, these things are not happening as much in Arizona...YET.

Also please keep in mind that when you CALL the CDC or DEA, what they tell you on the phone and what they would put in writing, are two different things. They are going to tell you what they think you want to hear just to get you off the phone. Next time, ask for them to put a summary of your conversation into an email to you....and watch what happens. They will either hang up or agree to put it in writing and you will NEVER SEE that email.....i would bet on it. It has happened to me when I have tried to file formal complaints. But I WILL NOT give up!

Everyone needs to unite because even if you are in a state that has not yet cracked down...believe me they will pretty soon. I'm just trying to get true experiences out there so everyone can prepare themself. I didn't get that chance and I don't want ANYONE to have to go through what I have for the last 6 months.

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Ktb (# 327) --

Please see my post to Sandy Veasey (#323). In that post I lay out the circle of B'S going on in Arkansas right now. I think the disagreements you are seeing on this forum is because each state is implementing the crackdown at a different rate.

Each person in any state can call the CDC and the DEA, or the State Board of Pharmacy, and they are all getting different answers. However, what these agencies are NOT telling anyone, is that what is going on in Arkansas right now is coming to a state nearby you at ANY MINUTE.

All I'm trying to do is WARN everyone on this forum to prepare yourself. If it hasn't happened to you yet....get ready because it is COMING to your state VERY SOON.

God bless you, and I pray you find the relief we are all looking for.

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Ktb (# 327) --

I forgot to address your last question. Sorry. What's going on (in Arkansas) could very well be considered mass malpractice. There is an illegal form of malpractice called "Patient Abandonement". If a pain mgmt. doctor terminates a patient from his practice he is required by law to: 1) give the patient an "appropriate" and reasonable amount of time to find another dr. to assume their treatment; and 2) continue to treat the patient UNTIL they find another dr.; 3) properly taper each patient who is terminated off any currently prescribed medications.

The only problem WILL NOT find an attorney in Arkansas that will take your case. I have absolute irrefutable proof that I was illegally dropped cold turkey!!! But I can't find an attorney who wants to get involved because of society's prejudice that all CP patients are addicts looking for meds. The deck is stacked heavily against ALL OF US.

Is there malpractice going on?....You bet!! Will anyone do anything about it? Not that I have found yet. I hope I have answered your question. If not, or you want what info I have....respond again on the forum.

Best of luck to you in finding or keeping what relief you can.

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Sissy (# 338) --

I understand, and thanks, there is a law starting here in AZ on the 26th for what the board of pharmacy told me is for new naive patients (what ever that means??) And they will only get a 7 day prescription, wow huh. Our pain drs here keep saying we have to get everyone of our patients down to 90 mg equivalent to morphine. I am so sick of being treated like child, a drug addict and a criminal. Our governor sent me a email telling me that these new rules are not for cp patients already being treated with opiates, but our drs are telling us different. It's so hard to figure out who is lying to us.

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Re: Sissy (# 341) Expand Referenced Message

For the stated reasons you will never find an Attorney that will represent you. In MOST cases where there are many potential defendants there are "class action" Attorneys and/or firms that just cannot wait to bring an action. But not for this type of claim. When you have an issue that is actionable but yet not ONE Attorney will represent you, that should speak volumes.

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Sandie (# 343) --

Sandie....they are ALL lying to us. That's the main point of all my posts. It's a purposely set up circle of B'S that allows our government to deny an entire demographic any form of pain relief with meds. It is set up this way so that those that complain are run around in circles (while in agony) and they all can point fingers at everyone else (therefore, NO ONE is held accountable for us CP patients literally being tortured!!).

It has to end...but it's hard to figure out WHO might possibly help us (cause, you know, we are just addicts looking for meds!!!).

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w john (# 345) --

Believe me John, I was a Paralegal for 15 years, and I understand the attorneys very well. There are enough people impacted in Arkansas to start a class action. But, like I said in my post, attorneys won't touch even a class action over this issue because of society's prejudice that we are all addicts!!

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Sissy (# 346) --

This is really sad, what the hell are we all going to do?? I changed pain Drs back in Dec because the Dr I was seeing was becoming in my opinion mentally unstable. I asked him 10 months ago what these government agency's were going to do when cp patients that are suffering from being taken down so far or taken off their meds when they start committing suicide or overdose n die from street drugs and this sob said the government won't care or do anything, it will just save them a lot of money. I was in shock.

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Sissy (# 338) --

This is not really addressed to only you, Sissy, though I do enjoy your well spoken posts.

Since this is such an anonymous forum, and prideful as I am, that's important to me.....I want to confess something that is my own fault, I acknowlege, but is contributed to by the reduced efficacy of my pain meds. Reduced, I suppose, to reduce misuse. Though I do not misuse the meds, up to this point I have been prescribed by my GP, and PA, I wanted to say if we are not properly treated, others, like myself, will look for comfort in other ways.

My old meds were stronger, though not by stated mg, and I KNEW they were working. Now, it seems, they are so weak, that I can hardly tell if they are or not. Truly, they are still containing the oxycodone, but the potency is neglegible. The only thing they are really good for is extending the dependence my body has for this drug. They probably prohibit withdrawl, I freely admit. But effectiveness is sorely diminished. And yet, each month I hope for relief, so I continue on.

Now...for my CONFESSION!!!! I know ya'll are hooked and dying to know what I could possibly have to confess, lol! VODKA!!!! There, I've said it! VODKA!!!! I've said it again. Yes, having gone through 39 years married to a man later determined to be 100% disabled PTSD, after a Rollercoaster life, a life of stress for breakfast, lunch and dinner, having no desire to assuage my sufferings with alcohol, I am now using alcohol to anesthetize me from the betralys of my now broke down body. I have to say, in all truth and sincerity, I would not have turned in this direction for the last 10 months, had my meds worked properly.

Go ahead, bring it on...of course I know better. I am a well educated person. I know way too much to fall to such a low. But...I may have never visited Svedka, had my meds worked for me. Thank you Big Pharma for contributing to the delinquency of this handicapper. Again, I say, if I had had at the very least, the expected comfort for this sorry body of mine, I believe I would have never gotten to know my new nemesis and friend. JMJ : ( Yep, feet of clay, I have.

PS Hubby was 62, 11 years older than me, before diagnosed by VA. He is finally functioning as my best friend and advocate. At least my golden years are spent with a lovely, loving companion, despite brother ass (my body). Thank God for that. Sincerely.

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JMJ (# 348) --

I am so sorry you are having to go through this!! If nothing else, ALL the posts on this forum should let you know YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!

There is only so much pain a person can bear! I am right there with you. I have also been left with no options for pain relief. I can't stomach alcohol because of severe GERD and Barrets esophagus.

However, here is MY confession and the haters can sit and spin: I have turned to (let's just say "natural plants" for my relief. I DID NOT WANT to do this either, but 6 months of pure AGONY was about to do me in. I will confess... thoughts of ending it all crossed my mind every day! However, as a Christian, I believe suicide is a cardinal sin not forgiven. Besides that, I couldn't bear to bring my family such pain. My children lost their father to sudden cardiac death (I performed CPR on him for 25 minutes) when they were 13. So, I continue on in my broken body EVERY day, praying every night for relief.

I'm sorry I don't have any answers for you. I wish to God I did. I REALLY worry about all the CP patients out there who lose all hope!! People are being FORCED to do whatever they can to get their own relief WITHOUT medical treatment and it's pure genocide!

I will bet my LIFE suicide rates this year MAY be the wake up call to our government that they have gone too far. Suicide and new heroin users and overdoses are gonna go up!! I wonder how they will spin the fact that suicides and overdoses this year will be much higher than the supposed 33,000 overdoses they were trying to stop to begin with!!

I feel like the government has declared war on us CP patients. If we commit suicide or turn to heroin and overdose...we are doing the job of wiping out how many (?) from collecting disability benefits! Like another poster stated "we CP patients ARE the budget cut this year". We are the collateral, expendable damage in this "War on Drugs"...period.

I pray you keep hope alive, do whatever you have to to get relief, and NEVER GIVE UP!!

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Sandie Veazey (# 348) -- doesn't surprise me one bit that that SOB said that to you.

The government is waging war on us and it's all about MONEY!!! They want to reduce health care costs, Medicare and Social Security costs at OUR EXPENSE. We are paying with our suffering and sometimes our very lives.

Keep in mind 76 Million....yes Million people in the USA suffer from some form of chronic pain!!

There are so many issues wrapped up in this, that it's almost impossible to figure out what and where to start to be heard.

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Sissy (# 350) --

Sissy big hugs to you ! You do what it takes to live a better quality of life!!!

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Sissy (# 350) --

Dear Sissy,

Your kindness has opened floodgates I've refused for all my adult life. My adult life has been so very marred by physical pain and total lack of understanding by physicians throughout. My husband always believed in me because I've never given him reason to doubt. I've raised, homeschooled, 6 children and spent my life's energy on them, my family. I've tried ever so hard to walk the walk I've talked. I've never sunk so low as to use alcohol or any other chemical for much wanted relief. But here I am. Using a crutch, because I am so very tired.

Tired of brother ass. Tired of being confronted at EVERY turn with the limits of my endurance. Oh, if I could only rely on the efficacy of my med I would not need Svedka. How did I make it to this point in my life? I am no longer young, vibrant and Beautiful. I am mother, wife, and grandmother. Hardly noticed anymore for beauty and vitality. Most would just walk on by, and I hold no grudge. It is what it is. But....I have much to pass on. Much that I've learned, and so little energy to do so. Yep. I'm tired. Tired of hurting, tired of wanting to do more, just plain tired. Started with fibro, enhanced by rheumatoid, with the finishing touches of trigeminal neuralgia and other who cares ailments. Never asked to be visited by such nefarious do no gooders. I will NEVER do an act against the ten commandments, NEVER. At least, not on purpose. Too much respect for the higher authority in my life. But for those that do not know my God, I hope they do nothing in contradiction to His most sacred edicts. Never been one to proseletize, I will say no more.

So, Sissy, just know, you have touched the nerve to my heart. If I could find solace in your most natural treatment for chronic pain, I would take advantage, but the effects of a large stroke prohibit that. Sad to say. JMJ, Thank you.

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JMJ (# 339) --

Rant all you want !!! And nothing you say is useless!! It just helps me remember I'm not alone !!! And everyone else !!!??

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JMJ (# 353) --

I wish some of us lived near each other to go somewhere & remind ourselves we are worth everything. You need a girls night pain free! Heck we all need a night pain free! You are beautiful and still young. I can tell by your posts you have a lot to offer. Sadly enough I get you. Family ignores or friends do until they walk in your shoes. Trust me, at some point they will get a taste of how this feels if they get cancer, have a car wreck, lupus, endo, ect... you hang in there and rant here everyday! Big hugs to you from Ga!!!

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Re: Ktb (# 355) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you ktb, very kind, and consoling. Would be nice to meet up, but probably won't happen. In truth, there are those all around us with need for encouragement. Mi. is just one of many states with people bereft of hope and encouragement. Just keep doing what you do. Keep calling us on and reiterate the fact that we are people of value, just like anyone else. If we breathe and have life, we still have value. At least in THIS life ; ) And maybe the next....who knows?

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JMJ (# 353) --

Our stories are very similar. I too am a Mother of 4 (3 girls and 1 boy), and Maw Maw to my precious granddaughter Isabel. When my husband died at 39 of sudden cardiac death, I finished raising our teens pain both physical and mental. My children were too young to remember what I was like pain free. Oh the energy and joy I felt before the accident!

Then, on 2/10/1995 at 7:30 a.m., on my way to work, an older man hit me from behind doing 60 mph. They had to cut me out of the car.

I didn't ask for that.... I was doing nothing wrong. My life changed forever. My children only remember me writhing in pain.

15 years at Duke and 8 years here in Arkansas, I have been on opioid pain meds. My life was as productive as it could be while I had the meds.

Now, like many others I'm confined to the recliner and the house. I've sat on a heating pad, desperate for relief, until I have burned the soft tissue to the bone.

After being abruptly dropped from pain mgmt., I went cold turkey off of Fentanyl Patches, hydromorphone and 2400 mg. of Gabapentin. No help, NO support, NO medications to ease the withdrawal. I did NOT deserve that!!

So I took matters into my own hands and much happier for it. I, Me, and no one else get to control how much relief I get!! No more dealing with Drs., staff or pharmacists. No condescending looks or abuse.

My hope still remains that we find a way to fix this before others lose hope and give up.

I'm so glad my post brought you at least a little hope and understanding. You made my day. Thank you.

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Re: JMJ (# 318) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. We must all speak up. Start a foundation or movement. I think this forum is a excellent way to get as many voices together to possibly come to a consensus. Every little bit helps towards the end goal. I wish you luck as well as everyone else that is being targeted by these insane laws and/or regulations...or guidelines?

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The thing that really upset the s*** out of me is that it is totally fine that over 1.5 million people dye from alcohol and that's not a problem. Did the system get out of control with opiates? Yes, but still to this day alcohol is still by far the number 1 killer of all drugs, and it's everywhere u go there is alcohol. Why is that ok? U never ever hear about this in the news, why? We all know why, cause our great government has and gets a lot money from these big alcohol companies. Man this pisses me off.

I fell 30 feet through a skylight at a job site. I have had 38 operations n I have another one coming up cause the f*****g *****s that made the plastic cup where the ball fits into made it out of some kind of chemicals that should never go into a human body. So now I have this disease called "Lysis" which is what happens your body is trying to fight off the plastic partials that fall off. Instead it can't fight it off and does a reverse and still is eating my bones away. U should see my leg bone, it's so eaten up. They have to take the whole hip out including the anchor, the stem, the hammer in my leg. Do u know what kind of pain I'm in? Omg, and I fall all the time cause my hip is so lose. It took me 7 different drs until I found one to agree to do it. Cause that's not enough I also got a staph mrsa infection a long time ago and everytime they open me up it comes back. Last time it almost killed me but so far my pain specialist has taken care of me.

I just went on disability 2 years ago. They kept trying to get me to go on it but I kept refusing until I just could not handle the pain and I put too much stress on my artificial hips. They both are filled with a stress fracture so it was either stop working or be in a wheelchair and my family dr. Just got busted by the dea. Now wtf am I supposed to do for my librium and all my other meds? I never been to a dr that got in trouble, thank god. He wasn't giving me my pain meds please tell me why it's ok for all the alcoholics in this world but god forbid if u take a pill and have chronic pain. If I don't get my meds I'm going to drink again. Hugs and kisses.

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