What Iz It For

52 Topics Found

Want a refillable subscription for substitute of above. Being told I have to have a hard copy every month. ## Hello, Izzy! How are you? Yes, that is correct, this medication was changed to a schedule 2 drug at the beginning of October 2014, so you can no longer have refills on it. The closest you might be able to get that can have refills is Tramadol, though it doesn't work well for everyone that tries it. Some people find that it doesn't provide pain relief for them. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Tylenol #4

2 REPLIES Filed under Tramadol
Izba Travoprost

Travoprost, sold under the brand name Travatan among others, is a medication used to treat high pressure inside the eye including glaucoma.[3] Specifically it is used for open angle glaucoma when other agents are not sufficient.[4][3] It is used as an eye drop.[3] Effects generally occur within two hours.[3] Common side effects include red eyes, blurry vision, eye pain, dry eyes, and change in color of the eyes.&a...

White, tiny and round. Was with adderall pills as well. Was hidden in a smallish black bag. What is this pill? Had IZ (or maybe ZI) on one side, P (or maybe a half circle with line) on the other. ## Hello, Willow! How are you? I'm sorry, but so far, I can't find anything that matches this description. However, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this tablet? ## I found the exact pill you described in a sealed bottle of aleve! I have no clue what it is ## I believe this is a birth control pill (part of the placebo week) ## They are bc pills. The last week. ## My inactive pills for the last 7 days of my birth control have those symbols and are small and white. ## Placebo bc ragweek.

6 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Was not agreeing with prozac panic attacks. Yesterday seen my doctor and said zoloft work much better for anxiety and panic. Been on prozac 20mg for 10 days. His plan is to take zoloft 50 every morning and prozac every other day for three more times and quit. That would mean on three days I would take zoloft in the morning and prozac in the afternoon. Would that be a problem or would it be better just to stop the prozac cold turkey, ## Hello, Izzy! How are you? How long have you been taking the Prozac? They are very similar medications, according to the FDA, both are SSRI antidepressants that may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes, plus both treat the same conditions. Thus, a switch should be pretty smooth going from one to the other, b...

3 REPLIES Filed under Prozac

Took 1/4 soma three times a day (FIRST TIME)also 5-325 3×day and 1 ambien 10mg at night. Since taking small amount of soma I had a couple anxitey attack with blood pressure and BP up. Could this be due to the soma, I hope so and nothing else ## What was this 5-325 medicine? Was this under the supervision of a Doctor or just medicine you have collected from others? Yes mixing assorted medicine can make your condition(s) worse ## Hello, Izzy! How are you? I'm sorry about what happened. How high was your blood pressure? According to the FDA, Ambien has been known to cause the symptoms you've described, along with funny taste in mouth, hallucinations and sleep actions. But, as Eddy stated, the mixing could also have caused it. And, as he also asked, what 5/325 medication did yo...

6 REPLIES Filed under Soma
Izervay Avacincaptad Pegol Sodium

Im having a hard time finding out what kind of pill this is, Printed IZ or ZI on one side and a 5 on the other side. ## This tablet is manufactured by Mint Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 5mgs of Zopiclone, which is used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, vivid dreaming, sleep actions and funny taste in mouth. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

I have a bottle of tylenol pm instant release and after some stuff that i heard of that has been going on in my town and also because a friend gave me the bottle i didn't buy it. So i decided to open the capsules up and it some had a powder in it and a few hard beads in them. So not sure what's going on? ## Hello, Izzy! How are you? I've never opened one to look. However, you may be able to call and ask the manufacturer, they list a contact number on their website, it's 877-TYLENOL. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and headache. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Tylenol

If i take 3pcs of nitrosun 10 at a time, what will it do to my body? ## The abuse of any medication carries serious consequences, including potential fatal reactions. ## I take this N-10. since from 3 yrs ago. Now I can't give up. So plz give some remedy to withdraw this thing ## I am habituated of having nitrosun 10 tabs and spasmo as well together everyday. Tried to quit it however couldn't rather its hard to do so. Suggest. ## HEY .....N-10 YEAH.......TI TOO take ie sme.... time bt ocasionally.........izz ok sme tme only bt i am nt addicted................... i kno izz nt easy to quit ne drug o wateva easily............. wat i suggest iz dat............... k u divert your mind towards any othr thin...like boozin, .......... nt jab bhi u feel like takin dat .....dont go to.......

52 REPLIES Filed under Nitrosun

only pizotifen ## Pizotifen is a Benzocycloheptane based drug that is mainly used to treat migraines and cluster headaches. The most common side effects can include: drowsiness, weight gain, increased appetite and sedation. I am afraid, that my information, however, is limited, because it is not approved for use in the U.S. The little information we have on it is available here:


I need to know what this iz asap life/death on the line! ## Hi smokey, The closest match I could find is a white oblong shaped pill marked with "547" on the front and "W" on the back. I can only speculate here, but perhaps the moon logo you're describing is simply a W? This is identified as Levofloxacin 750 mg; a broad spectrum antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone drug class. Learn More: Levofloxacin Details Please post back if you think this sounds like it could be a possible match.

1 REPLY Filed under Levofloxacin

capsule ## cuanto puede durar el efecto de la oxicodone p204, oblonga, ya que tengo stenosis lumbar y el dolor es muy fuerte , el mismo comienza en la cadera izquierda y baja por toda la pierna y da una hincada en el tobillo, me afecta ambas piernas , pero mayormente es la izq. ## This tablet contains Levetiracetam 500mgs (NDC 49884-0204). This tablet has been discontinued. Levetiracetam is most commonly used to help prevent seizures. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, weight changes, and mood changes. Ref: Levetiracetam Information marilu, Esta tableta no contiene oxicodona y no ayudará con el dolor. Contiene 500 mg de levetiracetam, que se usa para ayudar a prevenir las convulsiones. Is there anything I can help wi...

2 REPLIES Filed under Levetiracetam

Can this medication be used for fluid in the stomach for a 99 year old? It was given to this patient. ## Hello, Izzy! How are you? What exactly do you mean by 'fluid in the stomach'? This medication is usually used to reduce secretion in several body areas, including the stomach. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, confusion, altered mood, and anxiety.

1 REPLY Filed under Glycopyrrolate

Helo I have been on nur-istarete for 3months now ma period iz nt stoping. Since I started on 1 January now its 25 January it is still going on. The first 5 days waz normal the rest iz just coming out bit by bit until to day. I went to the pharmacy they gave m some pills to stop it bt its nt stopping wat should I do Coz am worried am tired of seeing blood every day ## Hello, Mane! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem you're having. That can be a side effect of this contraceptive, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, headache and mood swings. If it concerns you, you may want to look into trying a different contraceptive. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Birth Control / Contraceptive

I was given Bactrim 400mg but with no directions! How often should I take this? ## Hello, Izzy! How are you? What type of infection is being treated? The dosage can vary, depending on that detail. Can you please post back and let me know? Thanks!

1 REPLY Filed under Bactrim

is thioact 8 a painkiller or it has some other effect too ## why is thioact d8 used ## It iz a muscle relaxant ... and can also b used as an analgesic .... should be taken with a suitable rabeprazol composition to avoid side effects caused by diclofenac component of this drug .... ## Can we use thioact d4 instead of d8. Doc prescribed it for bak pain. D4 only is available in the shop pls reply

3 REPLIES Filed under Diclofenac

HII CAN ANY1 TELMEE DA ANSWER OF MY QUESTION MY HUSBAND TKE CONCOR TWICE A DAY 1 TABLET IN MORNING AND 1 IN NIGHT IZ IT OK OR ANY SIDEEFFECT???????? ## All medications carry the risk of side effects, even over the counter products, however, what you have to keep in mind is that if he has high blood pressure, it is far more risky to let his condition get out of control. Concor contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol, which is a beta blocker that is used to treat hypertension and some cardiac conditions. Side effects may include: nausea, headache, weight changes and stomach pain. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Bisoprolol

Will this help a face piercing that just started to swell out of nowhere and I noticed a little puss starting? ## Hello, Izzy! How are you? Yes, it can be prescribed for that, it is just a broad spectrum antibiotic. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Have you been cleaning the piercing as instructed? How old is the piercing? ## It is over 6 months. I never had any issues with it until just 2 days ago. 2 weeks ago I had the top part changed from the original piercing because the starter is huge and now is about half that size. Could it be from changing it? They are very careful with cleanliness where I had it done. They wear gloves and clean it right away. I cleaned it a couple things a day and th...

3 REPLIES Filed under Antibiotics

I got this prescribed for a tooth abscess. I took two in desperation but i feel my pain has increased since taking it... wtf seriously this is confusing. I was hoping to get some sleep but instead i am in major pain... I don't have time to go to the dr during the day bc of work. ## Hello, Iza! How are you? I'm sorry that you're in so much pain. It just might not be the right medication to alleviate your pain, not every medication works for every person that tries it. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Are you also on an antibiotic? ## Yes penicillin, i noticed that the pain med takes about 5 hours and then my mout...

9 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

why after 2 yrs with the same dr. using maybe 3 reg. pharmacies here in warner robins ga/ forsyth ga, and centerville ga. they now rufuse to fill out of town dr script my dr is in tucker ga. he is a family care dr. many people need this medication to fuction everyday, SOON...many like myself will be unable to fuction. then wat? maybe then the dea will cut off the cancer patients meds as they have done to many people like MYSELF.who has had major back sugery and has severe cronic back pain. punish the bad dr's who pushes the pen . letz get real here. you dont arrest the bank teller when the bank gets robber. HELLO AMERICA. WAT THE F#%* IZ REALLY GOIN ON.. holla ## I honestly wish I had an answer for you, but I don't. The same thing has been happening all over Florida, as well, th...

3 REPLIES Filed under Cancer

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